The Death Of Us

By Night-ed

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Two girls fighting for survival, in a destroyed world. A world where people eat each other and are beyond rec... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Aesthetic pt 2.
Chapter 10
Face reveal
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Aesthetic Pt. 3
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Face Reveal Pt. 2
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Face Reveal Pt. 3
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Thank you for reading!

Chapter 19

45 7 0
By Night-ed

Katie's P.O.V.

Location; Maple Grove Hospital

The hall is dark, the only light sorce there is, is from the light flickering and sunlight from the windows shining through the doors into the hallway.

Levi and I move with cautious, one foot in front the other, I have my ice axe in my hand and the gun is reachable, I look at Levi only to notice that he has his gun, ready to fire.

"if you use that thing in here, we have that whole hospital after us" I snap at him. "what am I supposed to use then" he says, throwing his arms up. Has this idiot used his gun this whole time? I thought that he at least had some common sense.

"here use this" I shove my knife up to his chest. He takes it while touching my hand. "why so moody sunshine?".

I glare at him continuing walking, down the hall. There must be a station with medicine, I try to look out for the signs that shows us at what department we are in.

"we are at the cancer station" Levi breaks the silence; how did he know what I was thinking. What the fuck are we supposed to do at a cancer station.

"we need to move to the next 2 departments in order to reach for the Labor section" he says, great we need to move through a hospital full of dead.

"let's hope we don't meet any Z's" he nods at my response, but we both know that this won't be the case, we still move in silent.

"isn't there some sort of hospital pharmacy here?" I ask, he is shaking his head "there isn't only one, each station has a small pharmacy, but not all the medicine we could use is in only one, we need to move to more in order to get supplies for a long time" I nod at his response, it's the first time he spoke more than 5 seconds.

I started to think that I saw hallucinations, because he talked that much at once.

"where is the hospital pharmacy here?" I ask, he points the knife down the hall, and we are back to not talking that much again, gosh its boring. When you have been with Mariah for so long, u are used to hear stupid talk 24/7, not that I mind anymore, in the beginning I really prayed that some wolves will come and eat her, or my ears.

At some point she didn't sleep at night and talked so fucking much that day, so I decided to take a sock and put it in her mouth, I had my peace for the night.

We reached a point in the hall where it meets another hall, so it's formed like a cross, I was about to go through, but I felt a hand pull me back and another hand closing my mouth, it was Levi's. My back is against his stomach and chest, and I can feel his muscle through his shirt and even my leather jacket. What the fuck is he doing.

I pull myself back and was about to scold him, but he takes his index finger against his lips, and then points through the other hall, so I follow his finger, just to see Z's.

"please tell me the pharmacy is not there" I whisper, he nods. the fuck are we supposed to do now. Levi thinks the same, and looks around, to his right is the hall with the zombies and to his left is the hall we came from.

He opens the door to his lefts, first making sure that nothing is there, and then pushes me in, and closed the door, he just left me behind, like I am some sort of dog.

I was about to go to the door, but he storms in.

"we need to wait a little to make sure they all left in front of the pharmacy" he says, while closing the door.

"what did you do" I ask silently.

"a little noise plus blood, will be a great bait" he answers, and I can think of different scenarios of what he did. so, we waited for like 5 minutes, until Levi looked out with the door half open, and goes out, I take it as the coast is clear.

Levi disappears behind the corner that was at his right earlier, I think we can go to the pharmacy now. I follow, Levi reached the pharmacy it appears to have glass doors and windows, so it's easy to look in.

I move closer to notice that a boy is in there.

"this motherfucker won't open the door" he says aggressively. "calm down it's a child" I say. I move closer to the glass door.

"hey, what's your name?" I ask him, he seems to move closer, to get a better look at me. He considers if he should answer or not.


"thats a nice name, mine is Katie and this smelly guy is Levi" I say, and Noah laughs a little, while pinching my nose, Levi stands behind me anxiously, he knows as much as I do that, we don't have much time until the Z's are back, but if we rush the boy, he will be scared.

He must be 12 years old, maybe even younger.

"listen here Noah, could you please open the door" I say smiling at him, it breaks my heart to see this boy alone. The boy goes to the door and unlocks while Levi pushes us in and locks it behind us again.

While Levi packs all the medicine, I talk with Noah to calm him down, and Levi really throws every single medicine everything he can get in his backpack, we took a few extra bags so we can get everything we need.

We also had the choice to go to the pharmacy in the shopping mall, but we thought that the chance is higher to get everything from here, and sooner or later we would have been forced to go in the hospital.

"so, Noah how old are you?" I look at his greyish eyes.

"9" younger than I had expected, he truly is a child that needs to grow up faster than you would think and even hope.

"I am 17," I say with a smile.

"do you want to come with us" I can feel Black staring through me, he won't like this idea, but he should know that I won't leave this boy behind.

Noah nods, and looks at Levi.

"can you smell how much he stinks" I ask, and he returns a nod with a smile.

"we need to go, they are back soon" Levi takes his backpack back on and goes out of the room, while I follow him.

Noah comes from behind and holds my hand.

I know that we first will get home tomorrow, so we need to sleep here. I look to the front where Levi is standing, he walks 1-2 steps ahead of us.

"Black shouldn't we find a place to spend the night."

He looks back over his shoulder, first at me and then down.

"we will walk to the next pharmacy and thereafter we'll stop."

I don't try discussing with him, it would be a bad idea because it would scare Noah and attract more Z's than necessary. I know that we won't be able to run fast with Noah at our side, now we need to be silent, more than before.

The next 40 minutes is spent by my palm sweating because of the heat of Noah's hand, and following Levi. I am starting to get tired by now, more that my body is exhausted of focusing to be silent, my mind is getting exhausted of being cautious all the time.

Levi stands still, and turns around to face us.

"hey boy, what section is this?"

Noah looks up at me searching for something, maybe approval or confident, I just nod.

"I- I think emergency department."

"where is the childbirth section?"

"in the next building across the exit from this building, but I won't go there. There are a lot of monsters there."

"we can handle it boy" Black goes to the boy and pats his head, maybe because he noticed how afraid the boy was of him.

How long has he been in the hospital? He must have run around, hiding each night in a new pharmacy or patient room.

"i have the keys for every room" Noah says while taking the keys out, without realizing how much noise it makes, Levi reacted faster than me and pulls it out of his hand.

"we need to be silent, or the monsters will come, okay?" Levi says calmly to not scare Noah again.

"can you show me the way to the next pharmacy?" I question. As response Noah pulls both me and Levi with each of his hands and starts running. I know it's a bad Idea, but I don't mind doing it, and neither does Levi.

"we are here, you need to use the keys" Noah says, how did he get the keys in the first place, he must have taken them form a nurse or doctor.

We are at the pharmacy, and this time I fill my backpack, with whatever these pills are, while Levi checks out the desk, and also puts something in his backpack, I just didn't notice what it was. I honestly don't even care.

"we cant sleep in this room, there are too many windows. we move to the a room in the next door" he says. And so we move in there.


I sit on the ground, Levi beside me, Noah fell asleep with his head on my lap.

"I don't give a fuck" Levi says.


"my neck tattoo, it's says, I don't give a fuck."

"oh, you must feel really badass" I show him a smirk.

"you say it as shiru ka in Japanese."

"are you from Japan?" I ask, and he nods.

"I am also half Korean."

The silence is back, and Levi breaks it again, he must hate it as much as I began to hate it too since I met Mariah.

"it's because I had cancer" he says while looking down, my heartbeat gets a little faster, I am not good at emotional talk, but as much as I get nervous, I also get warm, he trusts me, and I appreciate that.

"and I don't give a fuck if cancer tried to kill me, I just won't let it" he ends his sentenced, and I find it cool how he basically just said no to cancer and also a little funny, I hate to admit it.

"were you with Xiomara at the time?" I ask.

"yeah, it was around last year, and honestly I think it was when our marriage started to fall apart."

"so you two don't want to be married anymore" now I am confused, why would they stay married and also get a child, that shit happened before the apocalypse.

"when I started to want a divorce was a few months before the apocalypse, but we talked through it and it got better but afterwards worse."

Wow, he is honest, I would kill my husband if he talked like that about me. Before I could remember what happened I fell asleep.

I woke up, by Levi making some uncomfortable noise, what the fuck is happening is a zombie laying on top of him, but then I realized that my head is resting on his shoulder and my body is leaning up against his.

I am the zombie laying on top of him. Gosh how embarrassing.

I move to sit straight again. "I am sorry".

Noah's head is still resting on my lap, and I wake him up.

"we need to be home, before it gets dark" Levi exclaims, its only now that I notice that it isnt even morning yet.

"you want to go around in a hospital at night, are you crazy?" I snap at him.

"it's better that way, come let's move" and again I knew it won't do any good to discuss with him now, I will punch him when we are at home again, if I even can call a shopping mall a home.

I follow him, this time Noah holds Levi's hand, probably because he needs to show the way, but also if we need to run that Levi can carry Noah.

It doesn't take as long as before to get into the next building, I shouldn't be happy about it yet, we are still at the exit of this department, Levi wants to make sure that no Z's will follow us into the building.

"we can go" Levi's says, and takes a hold of Noah and carry him, just because its loud when Noah walks.

We run across a somewhat street and enter the next building, the department for newborn and labor. It wasn't hard to move around, and it was the easiest out of the 3 to find the pharmacy with Noah with us. The pharmacy was on the 2nd floor, so we needed to go up of a few stairs.

This time we filled the little backpack of Noah, he already had it before we met him at the cancer department. We stuff the rest of the medicine in both mine and Levi's backpack. We end up emptying the closets with baby bottles, formulas, diapers and other thing I didn't know the names of, and we stuffed all of that in one fitness bag.

"okay lets get home now, I don't like it here" I exclaim, and I am sure that Levi agrees. This hospital is scary, and too silent. We go out in the hallway and enter the staircase. There they all are, all the Z's have been waiting for us, it was way too many, and we were lucky that they still had to run up one level, Levi is reacting pretty quickly.

He noticed them and pulled me out of the staircase, and blocked the door. We both knew that it wont be enough, to hold them back. Levi began carrying Noah and ran away, I followed. I heard that the Z's opened the door to the stairs, as we reached the wall from the hallway we are in now.

"fuck" Levi exclaims.

He looks everywhere, and in the end, it starts looking like he accepted us dying, but not on my watch. I open the door to get into a patient's room, and pull Levi and Noah with me, locking the door behind them.

I go to the window, our only way out.

"we need to jump out" I say.

"are you stupid, do you want to break your legs?" Levi snaps at me. I hear banking at the door, the Z's could come in any seconds

"rather my legs than my life, now fucking jump" I tell him, he needs to go down first, he needs to catch Noah and need to get to his wife and baby. The growls from the door gets way to loud, how many are there.

I open the window; Levi looks down hesitantly. He nods while taking his backpack, and then he jumps down. He plays it of perfectly, so I doubt that he got hurt.

"the monsters will kill us" I hear Noah say.

"no, they won't get you, I promise, come Levi will catch you" I get him to the window, he looks scared, but I think that he trusts Levi because in the end it was easy for him. Levi catches him perfectly, and puts him down again.

"hurry up, Katie, there are some down here" Levi says looking up at the window.

The door with all of those growling zombies opened, and I hurried throwing the backpacks with medicine and the other with baby stuff out while jumping down on my own.

For a second, I thought that I landed unharmed, but a sharp pain came from my ankle. Levi notices, the Z's doesn't seem to jump after me from the window, and that doesn't seem right.

I look down at my ankle and back up, just to see Levi pointing the gun at me.


Writers; Kaynad M. & Maryam S.

Word count; 2720 

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