𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨�...

By hwa_opinions

10.9K 533 93

ahn mi-rae stared out the window. she was returning from the states. her icy blue eyes glazed with a sense of... More



2.2K 121 9
By hwa_opinions

italics ♪ thoughts

♪ lowercase intended


♪ chunyoung p.o.v.

a single text illuminated the screen of my phone. my eyes widened and i could feel my heartbeat accelerate in speed.

"she's back..." i murmured, the words flowing out of my mouth unconsciously. i was at eunhyung's house the day before our graduation trip, i had been playing games like always, until i received the news that i was least expecting. she was back.


a confused eunhyung peaked through the doorway. he stared at me with a confused expression. i hold up my phone causing his eyes to widen.

"didn't she leave for the states to study?"

"yeah...she did, but now she's back."

eunhyung looked up and down trying to think of what to say. he ended up walking to me and ruffled my hair before suddenly saying,

"let's have fun tomorrow, ok?"


♪ dan-i p.o.v.


a voice made me exit the state of recalling the last three years of middle school. i had been recalling the memories of our friend group and how i adjusted to this world when the voice of yeoryeong made me exit my train of thoughts. my reality was met with the same familiar, yet so unfamiliar world that felt like a dream.

"what were you thinking so deeply about?" yeoryeong asked, she smiled as she turned towards my direction. "the ocean looks so pretty ~"


i let a flabbergasted 'ah' out of my mouth as i scowled at the gray water and sky.

why does the ocean look like a monster could pop out of it at any time?

a guest of wind serenaded the air around us. it was chilly but somehow nice...just like how this world felt so real, but somehow not real.

currently, three years had passed...with no major incidents occurring within my life in this world. but, i had formed an unbreakable bond between yeoryeong and the four heavenly kings.

isn't this time skip too extreme?

my thoughts had again been interrupted by the sound of yeoryeong's sweet voice.

"dan-i, looking at the ocean together is fun isn't it?"

my eyes scanned her beautiful and excited expression.


i flashed a smile upon starting to enjoy the time we were having together by the sea. i was about to say something else, when another deeper voice interrupted.

"...are we just invisible to you guys?"

eun ji-ho with hands crossed stood there with a smirk. the other guys displaying each of their personalities perfectly through one panel.

"oh eun ji-ho, when have you been standing there?" yeoryeong replied with a flat tone.

"i know right." i echoed behind her.


the interrupter was then attacked by a joyful woo ju-in. ju-in had said something about cup ramen, before dragging the other guys away to the nearest convenience store.

my eyes stared off into the distance feeling the numbness of the breeze as yeoryeong told them to buy ours too. this world couldn't possibly real right? why did i out of all people get transferred into this world?


a light sneeze made me turn towards the friend that stood next to me. 

"are you cold?" i asked, surprised by the sudden loud sound within the premise of the calm ocean.

"hmm? i guess...just a little." yeoryeong answered.

i took off my scarf and wrapped it gently around yeoryeong's own scarf.

"here!" i smiled, "it's less cold now, right?"

instead of answering with words, she wrapped her arms around me.

the truth is that i started to think ban yeoryeong as a friend sincerely, not too long ago. i can't do anything about it, because i can't forget that this is still the world of a webnovel. 

"yeoryeong, if you ever feel like you're going to forget me, tell me okay?"


i wondered why i said those words, turning my head towards the sidewalk near the beach. a blast of vibrant colors caught my eye. a girl stood there. she had salmon-colored hair that seemed too vibrant to fit in the gloominess of the setting. she seemed to be holding onto a suitcase. 

she must've came from the incheon airport

i recalled that we were just a little ways from the incheon airport. it took me a while to see that she was shivering. she had her back turned towards us and seemed to be talking with someone on the phone. 

"hey you, over there!"

a voice caused yeoryeong and i to turn around. a group of guys had gathered in front of us.

"your pretty, do you wanna come and hang out with us?" the guy in the middle asked with a smirk.

ugh...it's here. the typical bad guy character...! i should've seen this one coming when it's just us alone...

"dan-i, do you know them?" yeoryeong asked innocently.

INSO'S LAW NO.4 ♪ the female lead isn't aware of her beauty. 

sometimes when i look at her in the eyes. she looks so naive and innocent, but they can hold pure contentment. i have to say something before yeoryeong does.

"sorry, we're busy now." i answered after clearing my throat.

"huh? i wasn't talking to you." the middle guy made a scowling face, "we were talking to the girl with long hair." 

he seemed to ignore my existence completely. he pointed at yeoryeong.

"how about it? do you wanna come with us?"

yeoryeong looked at me and pointed at herself as if to say "really? me?", in which i nodded. yeoryeong then proceeded to give the group a hard and menacing glare before dragging me away.

"let's go dan-i!"

as we left i heard a "wait" before i felt myself choking a little. 

"are you okay, dan-i?" yeoryeong asked with a face full of worry.

i answered promptly with a few coughs. that guy had tried to grab onto yeoryeong when he choked me on accident. yeoryeong then furthered her menacing glare upon the middle guy, in which he responded with a simp blush.

"what is your name!"

his finger was pointed at me.

this bastard didn't even apologize.

"me...?" i answered sheepishly.

"yes, you!" he replied hastily.

"it's ham dan-i"

almost immediately after i finished saying my name, he started to laugh. 

"hey did you hear her? she said her name was 'hyang dan-i'! 'hyang dan-i'!"

he started to choke on his own saliva as he laughed.

"it suits her!"

"who's hyang dan-i?" one of his lackies asked.

"you idiot! it's chunhyungjeon's maid! in the classical books she was promiscuous!" the leader of the group answered still laughing.

"you know all the classics." his other lacky commented. 

i was used to that insult, but i felt a strange aura next to me.

"those littl-"

"hold it yeoryeong!" 

i try to calm yeoryeong down, as the group of boys laugh out their asses.

hurry up and come, four heavenly kings...


♪ storytelling p.o.v.

"which one should eat?"

a cheerful ju-in seemed to radiate a brighter energy then usual. 

"since the weather is cold, should i eat something spicy? or something with soup?" he held up two cups of ramen.

"hurry and choose one." ji-ho answered with a blank stare.

"eh?! you can't live carelessly like that, ji-ho." 

"are you going to stay here and choose ramen for the next 500 years?" 

chunyoung and eunhyung had already paid at the register. 

"let's hurry up and leave. yeoryeong and dan-i are waiting for us." eunhyung called gently.

"ok!" ju-in replied with a smile.

"so you only listen to kwon eunhyung."

chunyoung and eunhyung head towards the door when suddenly, chunyoung stops.

"what's wrong chunyo-"

there on the beach was a familiar person. it was the one person chunyoung did not want to see. 


♪  dan-i p.o.v.

"hyang dan-i or whatever your name is, why don't you stay out of this? since i know your name, why don't you run along before you get hurt?" the leader of the guys said menacingly. 

before i even had time to react, i felt killer energy next to me.

"how dare you say that to dan-i..." yeoryeong looked pissed.

oh no! yeoryeong's starting to get pissed off now...i have to do something before something bad happens...for now, let's change the topic.

"h-hey...you! what's your name?" i blurt out to the leader of the group of guys.

he looks surprised at first that i asked the question, but then with a smirk he ran his hand through his hair. 

"hah! heh...of course, you think i'm handsome. if you want to know that badly i'll tell you."

what the heck is this dumbass saying...

yeoryeong and i looked on, disgusted as he basks in his own self esteem.

with another swift motion through his oily hair he answered, " the name's...eungyeom."

i stood there dumbfounded.

"what?" i uttered.

"it's a foreign name. eun...gyeom."

almost immdedietly, tears started streaming down my cheeks. he froze.

"wh-why are you crying?" he asked flustered.

"dan-i! what's wrong?" yeoryeong asked as well.


eungyeom was the name of the male lead that i read about in a novel. he had a tragic ending. my weeb days flooded back to me and a bawled my eyes out. this eugyeom is a minor character right? then he isn't the eugyeom i know. looking at this situation he must be a villain.

"a-are you...gonna beat me up?"


he had a confused look painted on his face.

"you let her go because she's pretty...and now, you're going to beat me up as an example to those who don't listen to you...right?" 

more novel memories and scenarios flood back to me.

"and when our four male friends come back...i'll already be injured."

my imagination created a scenario from many novels.

" 'i'm glad that you're okay...' is what i will say to yeoryeong...as i lose my consciousness." i sniffed as i imagined the details of the scene.

"h-hey...what's going on?"

"is she possessed or something" 

 eungyeom's lackies seemed to say, but i ignored them completely.

"but, yeoryeong would probably hold my hand and tell me she'll avenge me...a-and i would be able to pass knowing that she would..."

i sniffed and started to cry more, yeoryeong also joining me.

"dan-i don't say things like that...."

we hug and bask in each others warmth completely ignoring the existence of the group of boys.

"excuse me..." 

letting go of yeoryeong i turned around. a flash of light and i used my hand to cover my eyes. 

oh my god....

there stood the salmon color haired girl that had her back towards us that i had spotted before. this time in full glory i was able to see her full face and body. she was beautiful. if yeoryeong was known for her exotic looks, this girl would be known for her pure and cute visuals. her long flowing wavy peach-colored hair flowed down to her mid back. her peach-colored hair was contrasted with two icy blue orbs which seem to almost glow. she was quite small in stature as i noted before and was wearing a pair of wide legged jeans and a white thin turtle neck sweater. her suitcase was nowhere to be found and the only thing she seemed to have in her hand was her phone.

"what are you doing?"

she had stepped between us and eunyeom's group. with her arms crossed and eyes slanted she looked annoyed, but far from threatening. 

"w-we...we were just...asking for directions?" eungyeom stuttered while blushing.

wtf...why is he scared of her? he's literally twice her size and she's not even doing anything?

"really...? then if i replay this recording on my phone...will it say the same thing?"

she tapped the screen of her phone before looking up at them. she turned the volume up to the max and i could hear our conversation quietly. suddenly, the loud sound of eungyeom saying 'why don't you run along before you get hurt' rings loud and clear through the recording. 

"oh, i also have your pictures of what you guys look like from before..."

from before...? wait- then the flash from before was the flash from her phone camera?

eungyeom and the other guys stood frozen there like statues. they were dumbfounded.

"so... please leave bef-ah"

"you bi*tch"

eungyeom grabbed the girl by her wrist pulling her towards him, but was stopped by yeoryeong who grabbed onto the girls other arm. 

oh no...please come back four heavenly kings...

"were you crying?"

the voice of eunhyung melted my ears.

"eu-eunhyung..." i rejoiced.

he smiled warmly.

"that guy choked dan-i and even called her hyang dan-i. he also threatened to beat her up as an example of people that don't listen to him. the nice lady that was passing by was trying to help us and he hurt her!" 

i gaped at yeoryeong as she spilled the tea. eunhyung however gaped at the girl eungyeom still had his hands on.

"i see..." eunhyung mumbled, "wait here."

he motioned us to take a step back.

"first, let her go." eunhyung said while smiling.

"w-what? you seriously think i'll let her go? you little pun-"

a fist flew towards eungyeom causing him to fly backwards and in the process letting go of the pretty girl. 

"are you ok?" eunhyung asked while wiping the blood off his hands, ignoring the fact his opponent's lackey's were getting ready to fight him.

the girl looked away, lowering her gaze towards the ground not meeting his gaze. 

...do they know each other?

eunhyung turned his attention back to the fight and cleaned up the mess in a few minutes leaving the group of guys running away. yeoryeong had covered my eyes to avoid the bloody scene.

"hey, are you still not done?" ji-ho commented while striding towards us with his ramen on the palm of his hand.

"hah, jiho you look like you're modeling for cup ramen if you carry your ramen like tha-"

the swift shadow of chunyoung made our attention snap towards something else, however.

"you-..this is you doing, right?" 

chunyoung had grabbed the salmon-haired savior girl by the collar. 


"ahn mi-rae! answer me!"


[end of chapter]

♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰

thank you for reading! this is the author! you can call me "shar". thank you again for picking this story to read and it would help a lot if you voted!  this first chapter is not written from mi-rae's perspective, but the following chapters will also include other characters perspectives. i do this as a hobby and english is my second language, so please excuse my grammar, spelling, punctuation and other mistakes. if you see something wrong, please politely comment or dm me about the mistakes and i will correct it. this is my second work! i am currently also working on a 'who made me a princess' story, so be sure to check that out! hope you enjoy this story!  ♪ shar

♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰

word count: 2529

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