Chasing Champions

De SGD1318

13.4K 294 266

Where a young Aussie girl who loves anything to do with racing dirt bikes, that lives and breaths the sport... Mais

The Beginning
A New Start, In A New Country
Leaving everything behind, right?
To the track! Finally...
Make it or break it, the MX way
The Nightmare
New bike, new team, new life
The trip home, and tough decisions
Unfeeling is the new feeling, but not the best
Hot night, and a happy, carefree day
Last night of relaxing, then back to the grind
Won't stop, can't stop
What's wrong with me?
Off the bike, but into a new world
A new way of life as we know it
The horror
Will you really stay? In my darkest hour?
This is home
Happiness, and a shock
What the hell are we going to do?
Nothing is safe anymore, is it?
More the better, even if you can't see me
Oh Fuck
Bloody hell
Getting back to normal, or the new normal.
Back to it
Here enters Rhys Phoenix
The newest Lawrence
Time flying by
His turn
Can we fix this?
Final planning
The big day
The stay at home honeymoon
A coming home surprise
Rought times, and two miracles
Coming home and Confirming
OBGYN and telling some family
Time skip
Holy hell...
Joy and hell, no, no!
Oh god...
What...What? No, no way...

I just want to feel happy right now, please...

465 10 17
De SGD1318

Sarah POV:

As I make my way back to my truck I see the same group of guys from this morning. I get a thought in my head and before I could get it out of my head I ride over to them. When they realize that a Pro rider is coming over they start to fan boy making me laugh. As I pull up and kill the bike they start asking me who I was and how'd I do. Before I say a word I take my helmet off and their jaws drop. I look the asshole from earlier right in the eyes and say,

"Hi, names Sarah Lawrence. I'm a rookie from Australia. And I just qualified 10th overall. How are you all?"

As they just stare in shock, I smirk and start my bike and go to take off. Right as I go to release the clutch one guy says,

"Whoa, that's honestly really cool. I wish you the best of luck girl!"

I blink a few time before I give him a small smile, I thank him as I ride a off. As I pull up to the truck I see someone I wasn't expecting to see. As I get off my bike and put it on the stand I turn to face the person waiting with a smile.

"Hi, how can I help you?"

The guy walks up and shakes my hand and says,

"Hey, names Axell. You got a sec?"

I could feel myself fall into confusion over why he'd want to talk but I agreed. Unknowing to me this would be where my racing career really begins.


After an hour of talking, Axell gives me a bro hug and walks off. As soon as he is out of site I fall back into my chair in disbelief, wondering if this was a dream. Sure, it wasn't a sure deal till I meet what they want but, it was amazing. After a minute I shake it off and go work on my bike. Changing the shock rebound and lifting the forks just a bit. I put some gas in it and wipe it down. After that was all done I grabbed a water and headed to the gates. As I got closer, the more I got jittery. I stop just short of the gates and take it all in. The riders, the mechanics, the girls, the families, the fans, just everything. And all I felt was at home. This is where I belonged, and I'll be damned if I lose this feeling anytime soon.

After the first 9 pick their gate I was up next. I look up and down and see Jett and Hunter looking at me, most likely wanting me to go gate next to them. But that would be dangerous, for them not me. I'd drop kick them off their bikes like I've done back home before. My eyes settle on a gate and with a laugh under my breath I go to it. Good ol' lucky number 13. Either this was a great idea or I have already shot myself in the foot. As I try and hold my bike and dig my rut at the same time I feel bike bike suddenly leave my hand. In panic I snap my head up and see Axell chilling on my bike. I just blink at him before shaking my head and finishing my starting rut. I finish and Axell pushes my bike into place. He looks at me and grins,

"Sorry, couldn't let a pretty lady work to hard now."

I just laugh shaking my head and hit him on the shoulder. I open my water and drink half of it and look down the start stretch. I was surprised I didn't feel nervous, I felt focused and ready to kick some ass. Just like it was back home. Out of nowhere, I feel Axells arm go around my shoulders as he leans his head close to my ear,

"Look, I can tell your ready to go in guns blazing. But don't get over your head here. Just go out, race your race, and focus on you. I've seen you ride back home on some videos before, you know what you are doing for sure, and one helluva racer. Just keep it smart and you'll have nothing to worry about. And I'll be here at the end."

I stare at him in awe. He hardly knew me but hit the nail right on the head. He knew I had no one waiting for me at the end, so he stepped up to that role. And honestly that meant a lot. I give him a smile and a soft elbow nudge and say,

"Thanks, really. You don't have to do that you know?"

He laughs and strugs,

"No I don't, but I want to. Cause coming back to no one would suck, so now it isn't gonna suck. Oh by the way, any reason Sexton is over there trying to make me catch fire?"

I am taken off guard so it takes me a second to realize what he just said. But when I do I slowly turn to where Axell is looking to see Chase glaring at him. With a frown I turn back to Axell, I briefly told him what happen. As he makes a noise I see he's now glaring at Chase. And Chase looks confused. Throwing my hands up in the air I stomped my foot and turned towards Axell while flipping Chase off and say,

"Look, thanks for being pissed for me but damn. This isn't fourth grade so get over the testosterone in the air and put your dick whipping contest away or so help me I will t-bone your ass into next week!"

As some of the guys that heard what I just said burst out laughing Axell looked completely shocked at what I just told him. As I take in his face and go over what just came out of my mouth I burst out laughing. I laughed harder then I had in a long time. I could hear Axell come out of his shock and start laughing as well. He shakes his head and holds my bike out to me,

"Damn, I walked into that one. And who the hell knew you had a mouth on ya! I have a feeling this is going to be a wonder friendship. Now, good luck and kick these guys ass!"

I laugh with a salut, and climb onto my bike and put on my helmet. This is it. Make it or break it!


After the gate dropped, I got a ok start. Around 15th if I had to guess. Slowly over the course of the first moto I picked off riders till I was into 8th. I knew I couldn't catch 7th as he was 35 seconds ahead, but doesn't mean I couldn't close the gap a bit. As I start my last lap, I glance at the leaderboard and see Jett and Hunter 1 and 2, and I couldn't help but laugh breathlessly. Them losers always find each other on the track. Before I knew it, I saw the checkered flag. As I slow down and see the boys hugging I roll up and couldn't help but yell,

"Aw, such a lovely bromance! Im soooooo jelly!"

Right before I rode off I could hear them yelling and laughing at me to shut up. As I pull off the track, as promised Axell is standing there waiting. I could see his grin and as I stop right next to him and take my helmet off, he hands me a water which I drank all in one go. As I finish he just about knocks me off in a hug. And I couldn't help but hug him back with a laugh. Everything after was a blur, the next moto which I got 6th in, giving me a 7th overall, to the media interviewing me, to just everything. I said goodbye to Axell with our meeting planned for wednesday, I headed back to the truck smiling so wide it hurt my face but I didn't care. As I stop and get off my bike I see someone sitting on my cooler. I can feel my smile slide straight off my face. My heart stops and my world freezes. After a minute I am able to force my mouth to open and say,

"Mom, what are you doing here?"

As my mom stands up and faces me fully, I can see the complete pure anger on her face as she replies,

"What am I doing here? I think thats my question! What the hell do you think you are doing? You really think you have what it takes? Your a nobody, your worthless! Running away from home like a kid who didn't get your way! I am ashamed to call you my daughter!"

As I feel my eyes start to weld up in tears, I can feel all my doubts start creeping back into my head. I shake my head and look her right in the eye and say,

" I am here to make something of myself! Too make my dreams come true! And looking at what I did today, I'd say I do have what it takes damn it! And if your so ashamed then why do you care! I'm out of your hair! Why come after me?"

As I was ranting back, I didn't notice that she had picked up a tire iron, till she went to swing at me. Luckily I was able to duck but didn't see the next blow to my ribs. I let out a yelp as I tried to back away but was blocked in and I slide down the side of my truck. As she was getting ready to swing again I heard a voice yell. Right before my eyes I see Jett grab my mom from behind and pin her arms in place. I see Hunter grab the tool out of her hand and throw it somewhere, and finally I see Chase drop down in front of me. I could see the shock, the horror and the understanding on his face. After a few seconds I hear my uncle tell my mom to leave and he never wants to see her around me ever again. But I couldn't keep my eyes away from Chases. Even as he gently lifts my jersey to look at my ribs. Even as he carefully picks me up and sits my on my tailgate. And even as he begins to take some of my gear off me. After what seems like years I snap out of it and grab his hands, startled his head snaps up and looks at me. When our eyes meet head on, I break down in tears. As he pulls me into him I can hear the others start rushing around to pack my stuff up and load it. As I look up at his face, all I can say is,

"I just want to be happy right now, please tell me what I did wrong? Why can't I ever be happy?"

I can hear everyone stop moving and look at me. I can see the pained look go across Chases face, along with guilt. He mutters,

"You did nothing, nothing at all to have all this happen. You are a amazing, talented, fun, loving, and caring girl. You should get the world, and I would if I could babygirl, I really would."

As he finishes talking, he kisses my forehead. It makes me feel safe in his arms. And I never want to leave. But I know we have a lot to talk about before anything can happen. But for now that can wait. I snuggle into him and say,

"Don't leave, please. I know we need to talk but thats later. Just don't leave."

He somehow holds me closer,

"Never, I'm not going anywhere."

I fell asleep after that, but right before I was completely out I heard Jett say,

"She has been through hell, hasn't she?"

And all I could think of after hearing that is, have no idea how true that is.

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