Hostage of Your Heart - A Lar...

By SilverShadow96

43K 1.2K 454

Harry Styles led a perfectly normal life until one day he was forced to live a new one. After being taken awa... More

Author's Note
Prologue - So Long
Chapter 1 - Day 1: Say Something
Chapter 2 - Day 2: Who Are You?
Chapter 3 - Day 3: Just A Whisper
Chapter 4 - Day 7: I've Been Here For Days
Chapter 5 - Day 60: The Two Voices
Chapter 6 - Day 61: Nicknames
Chapter 7 - Day 100: Set Free
Chapter 8 - Start of Something New
Chapter 10 - The Aftermath
Chapter 11 - Unspoken Words
Chapter 12 - Consequences
Chapter 13 - For the First Time
Chapter 14 - The Place I Belong
Chapter 15 - Giving Answers
Chapter 16 - I Need Somebody
Chapter 17 - Letters from Beyond
Chapter 18 - First Thought
Chapter 19 - Filling in the Gaps
Chapter 20 - Stockholm Syndrome
Author's Note - New Story
Hello again!

Chapter 9 - Rude Awakening

1.3K 43 23
By SilverShadow96

I'm finally no longer sick! Yay! Here's the next chapter. Thanks for the views and sorry if you think the story is dragging.



“I’ll be back in about an hour Haz, I’ve just got some grocery shopping to do,” called Louis from the den.

Harry walked out of the kitchen, a banana in his hand. Louis rolled his eyes.

“You’re going to turn into a monkey if you keep eating those.”

“I’d be a sexy monkey though, right?” smirked Harry, and Louis chuckled.

“The sexiest,” Louis confirmed, wrapping his arms around Harry’s neck. Harry removed them though. “What are you –?”

Louis’ remaining words died in his throat though as he watched Harry slowly peel back his banana peel. Never breaking eye contact with Louis, he thrust the banana into his mouth. Louis could feel himself hardening in his trousers and swallowed thickly.

“I – I don't think that’s how you’re meant to eat a banana,” Louis stuttered.

Harry looked at him innocently.

“How do you mean, Lou?” he asked before deep throating most of the fruit. Louis moaned. “Are you feeling aroused, Lou?”

“I – I – I’ve got to run. Be back later love.” Louis quickly pecked him on the lips and without another word, ran out the door. Harry grinned, finishing his banana normally before licking his lips in satisfaction.

“Score one for Styles.”


Harry hated the time he spent alone in the house when Louis was off running errands. It was during those times that he felt more like a prisoner than any other. Normally to pass the time he would read one of the countless books Louis had or would spend time writing but now, he was not in the mood for either activity.

Deciding he ought to explore the house he had grown accustomed to over the past months, he wandered around looking through the rooms. He did not find anything exceptionally interesting in his wanderings, until it occurred to him…

He had never seen Louis’ room in his entire time being here with him.

Harry knew where the room was, of course. For whatever reason though, he had never stepped foot in it and also, Louis had never invited him inside of it. Whenever they would cuddle, they would do so on either Harry’s bed or the sofa, which up until now, Harry had not found suspicious.

What was Louis hiding?

Walking to the room at the end of the corridor, Harry stared at the closed door. Uncertain as to whether he should go into the older boy’s room, given that he was entitled to his privacy, he did not move immediately. An unwanted thought occupied his thoughts suddenly.

Louis stripped you of any privacy you once had. It’s only right that you should do the same to him.

Harry bore no ill will against Louis but he could not help but agree with the voice in his head. He deserved to know this part of Louis’ life given that there was no aspect of his own that Louis was unaware of. Talking himself into it, he turned the doorknob and to his relief and slight fear, the door opened easily. No backing out now.

He took several cautious steps inside the room. Looking around, he smiled slightly at the sight. The room was an utter mess, not that Harry was surprised. Despite being able to live on his own, Louis was an utter slob when it came to keeping his belongings organized. Harry had grown quite fond of Louis’ nature though so he did not mind cleaning up after the boy. He stopped himself from doing so in here; however, lest Louis discovered that he had entered the room without express permission.

Keeping secrets already, are we? Sneered the voice in Harry’s head. What a healthy relationship.

“We’re not in a relationship,” spoke Harry aloud, somewhat angrily. He knew a large part of him wanted that to be not the case but he had no clue how to broach the topic with Louis. After all, Harry still was not quite convinced that Louis was interested in being with him for the long run.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he continued to look around the room. Louis’ bed sheets were haphazardly splayed across the bed, along with several pillows. The walls bore picture frames of the people Harry assumed to be Louis’ family. In the photos he saw three blonde girls and two brunettes, one significantly older than the others. Harry realized that this must be Louis’ mum and marveled at the resemblance they bore to one another.

As his eyes continued to drift around the room, he was prepared to leave when his eyes fell on something and he froze. He now had an inkling as to why Louis had never invited him into his room before.

He had a television.

Quickly lunging for the remote, he turned the television on and went straight to the news. Not sure what he expected to see, he was alarmed when he saw his mother’s crying face in one frame, speaking to what appeared to be talk show hosts.

“ – Been gone for nearly a year and still no sign of him?” asked the one co-host sympathetically.

“N – No,” Anne sniffled, her eyes filling with fresh tears. “We continue to look every day for him but we haven’t found him or anyone who has seen him. We’re not giving up hope though, our family has been supported so well by those surrounding us.”

“You’ve started a campaign, is that correct?”

Anne nodded.

“It’s entitled ‘Bring Harry Home,’” she explained. “Thanks to family, friends, and generous strangers we have raised over ten thousand pounds that will help go to the investigation.” Harry’s eyes widened. “Thank you so much to everyone who has donated.”

“That’s about all the time we have Anne, but before we go, if Harry is watching this right now, is there anything that you’d like him to know?”

Anne looked directly into the camera, wiping the corner of her eyes with her thumbs.

“If you’re watching this Harry, please know that we love you and miss you terribly and want more than anything to have you in our arms again. Please sweetheart, your family and friends are devastated and we’ll find you soon.”

“Thank you, Anne,” said both interviewers softly.

The screen faded to black, a photo soon after appearing of Harry with the information to contact if anyone has any information on his whereabouts.

Harry felt numb. They were still looking for him. While he was here, living his cozy little life with Louis, he still had family and friends and even complete strangers donating their money and time to help search for him. He was a selfish bastard.

Turning off the television and exiting the room, not bothering to close the door behind him like he knew he should, he stumbled into the bathroom. Although his mind was fuzzy, his self-conscious knew exactly what he was looking for. Finally finding one of Louis’ razors, he grabbed it shakily and without hesitation, pressed down on his left forearm and dragged it downwards towards the backside of his elbow.

He bit his lip, watching as he drew blood, to prevent himself from screaming out in pain. He tasted the metallic substance from his now split lip, laughing humorlessly as he watched more red liquid pour down his arm. The pain, though excruciating, was starting to fade into something else. Power. Power that he had not felt in quite some time.

He repeated the actions several times. Eventually though, he began running out of room on his arms and decided that he ought to just cut his losses and end it now. He could feel the tremors slowly taking over him as he lifted his bleeding arm to his neck. He was acutely aware of the sobs wracking his body, making it harder for him to keep the razor steady. Due to the steadily increasing volume of his sobs, he almost missed one that did not belong to him.

He spun around, nearly losing his balance in the process due to surprise and the loss of blood, when a pair of arms steadied him. He stood face-to-face with a distressed Louis.

“Haz…” Louis breathed. That was the last thing Harry heard before he blacked out, sheer exhaustion and distress finally overcoming him.


So, this is much shorter than usual and also much darker than I am used to writing. I'm sorry if it was too upsetting to read but I felt that the shit needed to hit the fan sooner rather than later. Please continue to read/vote!

Also, is anyone going to OTRA? My show is August 5th!

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