Stella & The Playboy

By AuggiePooh_

22.8K 917 207

"How about we stop with the games Stella? You want me just as much as I want you." His voice was low as he c... More

Stella & The Gnocchi
Stella & The Pretty Boy
Stella & The Socialite
Stella & The Proposal
Stella & The Coffee Shop
Stella & The Peace Offering
Stella & The Spotlight
Stella & The Truth
Playboy & The Double
Stella & The Shoplifter
Stella & The Family
Stella & The Nacho Thief
Stella & The Bonfire
Stella & The Yacht
Stella & The Brawl
Stella & The Scandal
Stella & The Meltdown
Stella & The New Plan
Stella & The Birthday Boy
Stella & The Monthly Visitor
Stella & The Commercial
Stella & The Surprise
Stella & The Tease
Playboy & The Garden
Stella & The Gelato
Stella & The Prick
Stella & The Termination
Stella & The Blue Plate
Stella & The Secret
Stella & The Call Off
Stella & The Stalker
Stella & The Liar
Playboy & The Truth
Stella & The Letter
Stella & The Interview
Stella & The Co-worker
Stella & The Nice Guy
Playboy & The Meeting
Stella & The Acquaintance
Bonus Chapter

Stella & The Slumber Party

561 23 1
By AuggiePooh_

Chapter 24

Julius kept his word and hadn't brought up what I like to call 'the incident'. Things were pretty normal between us, and not at all physical.

Things were starting to get stressful as we got closer to our supposed wedding date. With Julius getting ready to take over as CEO and me having to plan for a wedding that was never going to happen, tensions were starting to rise.

My father had been working closely with Julius as of lately, and Julius continued to keep me in the dark. My mother on the other hand had been dragging me around town with Mrs. Ashford to find what she called 'the perfect dress'.

The month of July was quickly approaching, and New York felt its hottest. I was at some boutique with my mother and Julius's mother as they picked out dresses for me to try on.

"You would look so lovely in this sweetie!" My mother cooed at the floral v-neck wedding dress.

"You need to try this one!" Mrs. Ashford insists, holding up a drape-wrapped dress in her arms.

That's a majority of what I heard as I sat on the bench impatiently, waiting for the women to finally let me leave.

"Okay, the dresses are ready for you to try, go on!" My mother says excitedly as she ushers me toward the dressing room.

I sigh as I begin putting on the first dress, which happened to be the one my mom was holding earlier. I put on the dress and step out from the changing room where the two women waited.

"Tada." I say, trying to sound enthusiastic as I spin around. My mothers' hands cover her mouth as her eyes begin to water.

"Gorgeous." Mrs. Ashford cooed.

"You look so beautiful Stella." My mother whispers sadly. I frown at her, my eyes beginning to water. I can't stand seeing her cry, it always made me sad.

"Don't cry mom, it's just a dress." I chuckle as I wipe a tear.

She shakes her head, "It's more than that. You're getting married Stella. It didn't hit me until now. I'm losing my little girl."

"You're not losing her Lisa, we're simply joining our families together." Mrs. Ashford says trying to comfort my mother. I nod my head in agreement, "Yes exactly, I'm not going anywhere. Now please don't cry for every dress. I didn't wear waterproof mascara today." They both chuckle as I enter the dressing room again, putting on the next dress.

After only God knows how many dresses, I was done. But not done for the day. Our next stop, wedding cake tasting.

I felt guilty going to all of these things knowing that there wasn't going to be a wedding. But if I didn't, our parents would suspect our scheme before Julius can take over.

We enter the little cake shop and check-in for our appointment. They seat us in an area and bring out a tray of different cake samples with labels. I immediately go for the red velvet first and take a small slice into my mouth.

"I pick this one, let's go." I tell them as I eat the cake. Both women laugh at me as they sample other pieces, completely ignoring my request to leave.

"This lemon cake is really good, try it Stella." My mom urges pointing to the yellow cake in front of me.

"At my wedding, I had marble cake, it was delicious." Mrs. Ashford says as I taste the lemon. I nod, "So both of you were arranged to be married correct?" I ask the women in front of me.

My mother chuckles, "Much like you, my dad was setting me up with people and let me pick from them. I just happened to pick your father." She says with a light smile.

"Not me, I had no choice. It was already decided before I even met him. But when I did I was happy with the man I'd been paired with." Mrs. Ashford says eating the slice of marble cake.

"Are you nervous?" My mother asks.

I chuckle, "Somewhat."

"Don't worry, Julius cares about you so much. I know he's always been the player type but you've changed him." Mrs. Ashford says with a smile.

I snort, "Yeah he's a lot different now." It came out sounding more sarcastic than anticipated.

Mrs. Ashford laughs, "I mean it, he never stops talking about you."

"He's even working with your father to change his mind about you leaving the company. Your father won't stop complaining to me about it." My mother adds.

I quirk my brow, "He what?" I ask.

Mrs. Ashford nods, "Yes he said you wanted to be a part of the company's leadership team. Why is that?" She asks.

"What do you mean? I've been working for the company for years, my goal is the top." I ask in confusion.

She nods, "Exactly why? When you have the opportunity to be rich and do nothing. Why work?"

My mother laughs, "Stella has always been an overachiever, it's her in her nature to work. She can't do nothing."

I nod, "I simply don't like not being useful. So what is it that Julius is telling dad?" I ask them.

My mother shakes her head, "We've said enough, you should ask your fiancé."

I pout as I pick up another slice of cake.


After cake testing, I was finally free to go home. It was Friday evening and the night was only beginning. I didn't have plans of course, as I was already exhausted from the day I just had. But the thought of snacks and a movie sounded incredible, with maybe some alcohol to calm my nerves. Sheila had her dinner date so I'd be by myself tonight.

I get into the condo and as expected, it was empty. Julius had been busy lately so I wasn't surprised. I throw my shoes off and carry them to my bedroom to go get changed. I dress in something more comfortable, before grabbing some things from my bedroom and entering the living room.

I decided a little self-care was very much needed for this Friday night. I brought out face masks, nail polish, and wine before turning on Netflix. I pull out some cookies while relaxing bare-faced with my bun on my head.

The Princess Diaries played on the TV as I painted my toenails white and wore a pore strip on my nose. I felt very relaxed as I ate my snacks and watched the movies.

An hour into the movie the front door opens, and Julius enters the condo with his briefcase in hand. "Hey." I greet softly as I sip some wine.

He sighs, "Hey."

I quirk my brow at him, "What's wrong with you?" I ask.

He shakes his head as he begins walking toward his room, "I'm just exhausted." He looks over at me, "You look rather relaxed."

I nod, "Care to join me? I'm having a self-care night." I say raising my glass of wine.

His mouth turns up into a smile as he chuckles, "Alright, let me get changed."

He comes back soon after in a wife beater and basketball shorts before taking a seat on the couch next to me. "What's first?" He asks.

I pick up a face mask bottle from the table, "Face masks. Go wash your face first." I instruct him.

"Already ahead of you." He says with a smirk as he grabs the bottle. I shake my head as I grab it back from him, "I have to put it on."

He sighs and sits back as I pull out the applicator brush, squeezing some of the paste on it. I sit on my legs as I lean over him to apply the mask. I brush it over this beautifully clear skin as the movie plays in the background.

"So how was your day?" I ask as I brush.

He chuckles, "Exhausting. Your dad is a very stubborn man, must be where you got it from."

I frown at him, "Don't ever compare me to that man."

"I'm sorry."

We were both silent while I continue painting on his face.

"How was your day?" He asks.

I shrug as I pull away from him, "It was okay. You're all done." He sits up in his seat, "Great, let me do you now." He says reaching out for the bottle. I slap his hand away from it, "I already did one."

He pouts, "Then what can I do to you? You got to paint my face."

I chuckle at his stupidly cute face, "I don't know, pour me some more wine or something." I say as I sit back against the couch.

He laughs as he gets up from the couch to grab another glass for himself. "Coming right up." He comes back with two shot glasses and a bottle of vodka before placing it on the table. I quirk my brow at him, "That's not wine."

He nods, "It's Friday night, I'm in more of a Vodka mood." I shrug as I sip from my wine. "How about I give you a massage?" He offers as he takes a shot.

I chuckle at him, "So you can have an excuse to rub your hands all over my body?"

"Yes." He says simply.

I stare at him in confusion and he starts laughing, "I'm joking, but not about the offer. I've been told I have the hands of a trained masseuse." He says proudly.

"By who? Your many lady friends?" I say with a chuckle as I lay on my stomach beside him. "Get to work then."

He chuckles before lifting my shirt to reveal my bareback. I hear him crack his knuckles before gliding his hands along my back. "So how was dress shopping?" He asks as his hands caress my shoulder muscles.

I sigh out in relief as I feel the aches starting to loosen, "Boring."

His hands wander down my back to where the top of my butt began.

"Julius." I warn.

He smirks, "Fine, but you're missing the full experience." His hands move to my thighs as he massages them. I bite my lip to prevent letting out a soft moan as he rubs the inner part of my thighs.

"Our moms told me some things." I say as I lay face down on the couch.

"Things like?" He asks as he continues kneading down my leg. "That you're fighting with my dad over having me be a part of the company."

He stops massaging and I turn around, "Why'd you stop?" I ask, sitting up properly.

He chuckles, "Those two can't keep a secret. I wanted to surprise you."

I narrow my eyes, "Surprise me?"

He sits back, "I knew how much being CEO meant to you. And I felt bad for taking that away so I was working on finding you a higher position in the company, like VP. But your dad found out and doesn't agree."

My heart swells as I look at him, "You want me to be VP?" I ask.

He nods, "Of course. I've seen how devoted you are to the company, and how well you do your job. You'd be the perfect Vice President." He says with a smile and I blush, feeling completely flattered.

"Thank you." I say as I look away. "But don't worry about that right now. We can't have anything ruin your chance of becoming CEO." I tell him as I stand up from my seat.

"You should probably wash that off now." I said as I head toward the kitchen. I hear a light chuckle come from him as I open up the pantry for another snack. I pull out a bag of popcorn and throw it into the microwave.

Julius enters the living room again, wiping his freshly washed face with a towel as I sat in the kitchen. "Is this all you had planned for tonight? Are you going out?" He asks as he wanders into the kitchen.

"Nope this is it, I'm pretty tired from all the wedding prep." I tell him as the microwave beeps, indicating my popcorn was ready.

"I guess we're having a night in."

I chuckle, "I'm having a night in, but you're free to join me." I bring the newly popped popcorn back to the living room and he follows behind me.

He plops beside me on the couch as I begin eating my popcorn. "Wanna play a game?" He asks suddenly.

I quirk my brow, "Like what? And don't say anything that involves stripping."

He laughs, "You mentioned stripping, not me. I was thinking never have I ever or something."

I look at him before setting down my popcorn. "Okay, the drinking version?"

He smirks, "It's the only version I know."

I pick up a shot glass as he does the same, "You go first."

"Never have I ever had a birthday party." He says with a smirk as he takes a sip from his glass. I narrow my eyes at him, "Thanks for rubbing in that wound." I say sarcastically.

He chuckles as it's my turn now. "Never have I ever kissed more than ten women." He takes another drink and I roll my eyes.

"Never have I ever faked an orgasm." He says, watching me closely.

I take a drink and he raises his brow. "I know you're not referring to me."

I roll my eyes, "You're not the only man I've been with Julius."

"You haven't been with me Stella." He reminds me.

I shake my head, "Anyway! Never have I ever had a sex dream about someone I shouldn't."

We both take a drink and raise our brows at each other. "Care to elaborate?" I ask him.

"You." He says with a smirk.

I blush, avoiding his gaze. "Mine was about a character on a tv show."

He bursts out laughing and I throw a pillow at him.

We continued with the game, both of us continuously taking shots as the questions came. After almost six shots, I felt myself feeling very drunk. "Okay no more drinking, just ask questions." I giggle as I lay down on the couch.

He laughs, clearly drunk himself. "What's your favorite color?" He asks randomly.

"Pink. What's yours?" I ask back.


I giggle again, "Have you ever been in love?" I ask randomly.

"I think I am." He says tiredly as he lays against the couch. Before I can say anything he asks a question, "What's your biggest pet peeve?"

I sit up, "Liars. I can't stand liars." I crawl across the couch to get closer to him, "My ex-boyfriend was a really big liar. He lied about everything, so I hate liars." I ramble as I kneel beside him on the couch.

He smiles at me, pushing loose hair from my bun out of my face. "Is that why you broke up with him?" He asks softly.

I nod, "Yeah, pretty much."

"Good, otherwise you wouldn't be here with me."

I giggle, "Probably not."

There was silence between us for a moment as we just stare at each other.

"I want to kiss you so badly." He mutters, caressing the side of my face.

I bite my lip as I narrow my eyes seductively and he shakes his head. "Please don't do that." His voice was low.

"Why not Julius?" I ask seductively as I climb on top of him, straddling him on the couch. He groans softly, "Stella." He warns.

"What? You want to kiss me? Do it then." I tease staring down at him. He doesn't move, just gazing up at me lustfully.

"Maybe you need some motivation?" Before he can respond I raise my arms, taking my oversized t-shirt off my body. My breast in my pink bra was suddenly the only thing in his view. I place my hands on the side of my face, making him look up and face me once again. "Kiss me Julius."

He groans before wrapping his arm around me kissing me hungrily as he laid me on the couch. I kissed him back just as eager, letting him take all control. My hands found his hair as he moved from my lips down my chest. I arched my back up as he kissed along my stomach down to my shorts. He clenched my thighs as he hesitated before sitting upright.

"What's wrong?" I ask with a pout.

He sighs as he stands up, rubbing his face. "You're drunk, I'm slightly drunk. We can't do this."

I giggle again, "Yes we can Julius. Just don't think about it." I sit up to run my hands along his chest, "Come on, you know you want to." I purr next to his ear.

He shakes his head, "You'll hate me in the morning."

I frown, "No I won't, I don't think I can hate you. You're so sweet." I tell him with a smile. He chuckles as he takes a seat on the couch again, "I have too much respect for you to take advantage of you being drunk." He says tiredly.

I frown again, "I'm not that drunk!" I get up from the couch and walk across the room. Well, more of a stumble before getting dizzy and falling in front of the tv. He laughs as he gets up and walks over to me. I'm suddenly lifted from the ground and scooped into his arms.

"Let's get you to sleep." He says.

I make a face at him as he carries me to the bedroom. "I'm not even tired." I complain.

I'm ignored as we enter my bedroom. He places me on the bed, pulling down the covers so I can get under. "Sleep." He commands.

I grab his arm, "Sleep with me."

He hesitates before climbing on top of the bed with me. I smile as he gets under the covers next to me. I rest my head on his chest as he lays down and he begins stroking my arm. "Don't you wear a little scarf thing to sleep?" He asks.

I shrug as I begin to close my eyes. I feel him reach over with me on his chest before something gets put on top of my head lazily.

"Good night Stella."

I yawn softly as I cuddle into his chest, "Good night Julius."


Julius is a simp now, as he should be.
Don't forget to vote! And thank you for 900 reads! <3
   - AuggiePooh_

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