Quirk: All for One (Fem Deku)...

By Ssgssv9

6.2K 120 58

Being the child of a hero comes with many different perks and downfalls. One such downfall is being forced in... More

Short-Lived Promise
The Choice that Decides the Future
Bridges are Burning

Fall of the Salamander

1.7K 33 19
By Ssgssv9

"I must give you credit Paragon, you still pack quite a punch for someone your age." All for One said. "Though not nearly as hard as it used to be."

The woman stood over her fallen adversary with a smirk behind her broken mask. Paragon was down on one knee, hiding a smile.

"Yeah, I just needed to keep you busy for while." Paragon said.

"Pardon?" All For One asked.

"While I was fighting you, my fellow heroes were gathering info. About 10 minutes ago they found the location of your hideout and are going to infiltrate as we speak." Paragon said.

A look of panic formed on All For One's face, something that confused Paragon.

"Izuku." All For One said, her voice filled with worry. The villain quickly leapt into the air and made her way towards her base.

All For One's Base

"I'm sensing 2 heat signatures. Process with caution, we don't know who AFO has on her side." Gran Torino said. Him and his fellow heroes began walking in.

His group included All Might, Ms. Alakazam(Inko), Nighteye and himself and Tenko Shimura. All Might punched down the door and the group made their way inside. As they made their way inside, they were confused at the lack of, well anything.

"There's nothing here. Find that one person and capture them." Gran Torino said. The heroes split apart and began to search the building.

With All Might and Inko

"How do you think Nana is?" Inko asked.

"She won't lose. She's stronger than that monster." All Might said.

"Of course, it's just....She's beaten 6 previous holders from what you told me." Inko said.

"It gets stronger every time it's passed down. If she fails then it'll up to me." All Might said.

"And if you fail too?" Inko asked.

"Then it'll be Izumi's turn." He responded. "She'll carry the mantle the I failed to uphold."

"I'm not letting my daughter fight that monster!" Inko said.

"I don't want her to either. But if push comes to shove she'll be trained by so many great heroes. And once she gets to UA she'll be unstoppable." All Might promised grabbing his wife's hands.

The couple locked eyes and smiled before continuing their search.

With Torino and Nighteye

"Was it really a good idea to bring the kid?" Nighteye asked.

"Tenko? He needs the experience. Besides Nana put all her effort into training her grandson, I'm sure he'll be fine." Gran Torino said.

"I forget the two are related most times. I shouldn't have worried." Nighteye said.

"Now hurry up whippersnapper." Gran Torino said speeding up. Nighteye chuckled and tried to keep up.

With Tenko

"Hello. Anybody here?" Tenko asked. When his grandma wanted him to help out on a mission, he did not expect this to be the mission.

Tenko was still new to the hero job. His quirk made it difficult to do certain jobs so he had to stay in school for an extra year. But now he had his license and couldn't be happier.

"Ok, take it slow Tenko. Don't just rush into things." He told himself. He saw a light coming from down the hall and slowly began to follow it. After getting closer he began to hear a male voice. He peaked around the corner to see a man pacing in front of a TV.

"C'mon Rose, pick up." A man said. Tenko touched his earpiece and began to talk into it.

"I found a heat signature. Adult male, what do I do?" Tenko asked.

"Nothing, stay right there." Torino responded. As he said that Tenko heard another voice.

"Daddy!" A girl's voice called out. Tenko looked up to see a little girl running to the man.

"What is it Salamander?" The man asked.

"I heard a loud bang from outside. I'm scared." The girl said. Just then man's cellphone rang and he began to talk on it.

"Rose! Are you ok? Wait, are you serious? She's right here. Understood. I love you." The man said. He put his phone away and turned towards the little girl.

"Little Salamander, be my eyes. I need to get you somewhere safe." The man told his daughter. He picked her up and made a run for it. Tenko panicked and tapped his earpiece again.

"Both of them are leaving, what do I do?" Tenko asked.

"Pursue them! We can't let them get away." All Might said. Tenko nodded to himself and ran after the two. The girl looked back and saw Tenko chasing them.

"Daddy! There's somebody behind us!" The girl said. Her father sped up. Just then, Gran Torino and Nighteye appeared on the right.

"Stop! We just want to talk." Nighteye said. Gran Torino jumped off the walls and ran in front of the father-daughter duo. Who he saw completely shocked him.

"Hisashi?" Gran Torino questioned. The man pushed by Gran Torino and ran out the room.

"You're almost outside Daddy! The fast man is just standing still." The little girl said. Then the wall next to them burst, revealing All Might and Inko. Hisashi and his daughter were sent into the next room over, away from the exit.

"Toshi, there was a kid with him!" Nighteye yelled. All Might turned pale quickly before Hisashi lifted the rubble off him.

"Hisashi?" Inko gasped. "How could you?"

"How could I what Inko?" Hisashi asked moving rubble. He soon found his daughter, who was only bruised and slightly cut.

"You're working with All For One?" Inko asked.

"No, I'm still a hero. We just live in the same building." Hisashi said picking up his daughter.

"And you haven't arrested Her? You've just allowed her to live with you." All Might said.

"We all know I can't take her on. She gave me a place to stay, in exchange for my silence." Hisashi said.

"And the kid?" Gran Torino asked.

"Is mine. Kept it private so that I didn't get any attention. All For One is actually a good caretaker believe it or not, saved my ass so many late nights watching Zuku." Hisashi said.

"You left your child with that woman? Have you gone mad?" All Might asked.

"About as mad as one can be when his daughter was just thrown through a wall." Hisashi said. The heroes began to feel a sudden rise in temperature.

"Don't be reckless now. You're already not in a great spot." Nighteye warned. Then the ceiling above them crashed to the ground as a furious All For One landed. Tenko went wide-eyed at the woman and clenched his fists.

"You! You'll pay for killing my parents!" Tenko yelled. He charged the woman, who was paying him no mind at all.

"Tenko, no!" Gran Torino shouted. All For One back handed Tenko into a wall as she continued to walk towards Hisashi.

"Hey roomie, nice of you to drop by." Hisashi said causing All For One to smile.

"Terrible. How long have you had that one in your head?" All For One asked.

"For a while now. Glad that you're ok." Hisashi said. She kissed her husband on the forehead then turned towards the small child. She grew even more angry at the condition of the girl.

"Who did this?" She asked. She was met with silence.

"Who hurt my daughter!" She yelled. Her words were met with confusion then realization.

All Might was the first to speak. "Hisashi, that's low even for you."

"And his true colors are shown. I had a feeling I wasn't welcome in the top 5 club." Hisashi said. "Did Shimura's fight have an influence in this?"

"Don't you say her name! You have no right you traitor!" All Might yelled.

"Stop being mean to Daddy!" The girl yelled. All eyes turned to her, and in response she hid behind her mother.

"Sweetie, the adults need to have a very hard talk. Why don't you do that thing I taught you and leave?" All For One asked looking down.

The girl nodded closed her eyes. Her hair began to change from curly black to purple mist as more mist began to form in front of her. The mist combined and formed a circle 6 feet tall and 2 feet wide.

"Good job sweetie. Now you and Daddy can go while mommy talks to these......heroes." All For One said. Izuku nodded but before she could leave she was grabbed by Gran Torino.

"Haven't seen a warping quirk in a while. If this is their way out then we can't let them succeed." Gran Torino said. He was surprised when the warp gate didn't close.

"I shall say this to you, not as your friend, not as your enemy, but as a parent. Return my daughter, or there will be consequences." Hisashi said. Red fire ignited in his hands as he readied himself for a fight.

All For One didn't wait for anymore words. She went straight after Gran Torino, with speed that was almost equal to his. He moved away and rejoined his team, placing the girl down.

"Using her as a shield, how fucking low can you get?" Hisashi asked approaching the group.

"It doesn't have to be this way. There's no need to fight." Nighteye said.

"Then give me my fucking kid!" Hisashi said.

"Just come with us. We'll solve this together, we'll say you were kidnapped." Inko said.

All For One grabbed the woman and tossed her into the wall. She then retrieved Izuku and tossed her to Hisashi, who deactivated his flames. Hisashi then made a break for the open portal.

All Might ran after him, unwisely leaving Torino and Nighteye to fight All For One. To be more specific, an angry All For One. All Might jumped in front of Hisashi, separating him from his escape.

"Always knew there was something wrong with you." All Might said.

"We've know each other for 11 years. I've know her for 9, did you really not like me at all?" Hisashi asked. All Might began walking towards him, ready for a fight.

"Was it cause I fucked your wife before you?" Hisashi asked. All Might then appeared in front of the man, throwing a punch to his face. Hisashi quickly dropped his daughter so that she wouldn't be thrown into the wall. All Might picked the girl up and took her further away from the battle.

All For One had just finished beating Gran Torino and Nighteye and quickly searched for her daughter. She saw her in All Might's hands and quickly charged the hero. All Might put Izuku down and the two went to blows.

Tenko, who was slowly getting up, looked to his left and saw Hisashi also rising to his feet. The men locked eyes and slowly put some space between them.

"Look kid, this isn't something that concerns you. Take your friends and leave my family be." Hisashi said running to help his wife.

"Family? She killed my family, so I don't think I will!" Tenko said tackling the man. What happened next was something no one would be prepared for.

After getting pimp slapped by All For One, Tenko's glove was ripped when he collided into the wall. The falling debris not only rip some of his outfit, but completely tore his gloves. With his fingers exposed, anything all 5 of them touched would slowly turn to dust.

This was the fate of Hisashi Midoriya due to Tenko tackling him and holding him down. His body slowly began to crack as blood appeared. Izuku's scream was what brought every conscious person to a stop.

The girl quickly ran to her father, who was in unbearable pain. Tenko quickly backed away, mortified of his actions.

"Izuku. C'mon here, gimme your hand." Hisashi said. The girl quickly grabbed his hand as tears fell from both their eyes. All For One punched All Might into a wall and quickly ran to her husband.

"Do you think daddy's quirk is cool?" Hisashi asked.

"The coolest." Izuku said.

"Think of you with my quirk. Close your eyes and pretend you had my quirk. Like it's something you'd want to have." Hisashi instructed.

The girl slowly closed her eyes and saw herself with her father's abilities. Shooting and breathing fire, walking on lava, eating fire! She pictures herself as she always wanted to be, just like her father.

A red light appeared from Izuku and Hisashi's hands. Hisashi clenched his teeth as more pain followed, though it was cause he was dying. After a while the light died down and Izuku had fainted. However before she completely lost consciousness her father had one last message to give her.

"You, you carry the mantle of Dragon Slayer now. I know you'll do great."

Her hair was now green and an exposed part of her back showed a tattoo. A black fairy, something All For One had come to resent. Hisashi smiled and caressed his daughter's face one last time before looking up at his wife.

"Well, I guess this is it. Rose, I'm sorry. If I'd just been faster then I could've gotten us out." Hisashi said.

"You are not to blame my love, those at fault will be dealt with." All For One promised.

"Im sure they will but please, slow down the evil. I know you've been doing it for centuries and I'm not telling you to stop. But Izuku needs her mother more than ever now." Hisashi said. "We both don't want this life for her and I can't be there to prevent that."

"I promise." All For One said. She bent down and gave her husband one final kiss, until there was nothing there to kiss her back. When she opened her eyes, all that remained was a pile of dust, some red shoes and a black ring.

All For One picked up the ring and shed a few tears. She looked down at the boy, who was staring at his hands. All For One kicked him across the room before jumping out the building. Soon, the heroes came through and looked at the area around them.

"Where'd they go? Did we win?" Nighteye asked.

"No, All For One and the girl escaped." All Might said.

"And Hisashi?" Inko asked. All Might shook his head.

"All For One betrayed him so that she could escape." All Might lied. "We'll notify his blood family of this as soon as we can, his sacrifice will not be in vain."

All Might picked up Tenko and the heroes left the base. Without knowing it, All Might had placed an even bigger target on his back and Tenko was now on All For One's radar. However, there was only one thing on All Might's mind.

"The little girl is a danger to society. If All For One truly is her mother than this won't end well. I need to prepare Izumi in case the worst is yet to come." All Might thought.

(A.n So what do you think? I think it'd a lot more improved compared to the original. That and it's longer too. I'm really tired so if there are Typos them I'm sorry)

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