The Art of Warren

By b00klover09

280K 12K 1.7K

He was a mosaic, composed of broken pieces. She was an unfinished art project. ******** The moon goddess en... More

•Twenty One•
•Twenty Two•
•Twenty Three•
•Twenty Four•
•Twenty Five•
•Twenty Six•
•Twenty Seven•
•Twenty Eight•
•Twenty Nine•
•Thirty One•
•Thirty Two•
•Thirty Three•
•Thirty Four•
•Thirty Five•
•Thirty Six•
•Thirty Seven•
•Thirty Eight•
•Thirty Nine•
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty four
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
The Art of Submission

Forty Five

2.6K 138 16
By b00klover09

Trent pulled Arana back, getting in front of her pointing the gun directly at the man's forehead. "Who the fuck are you and no sudden movements," Trent snapped as Arana suddenly gasped.

"Why are you in front of the bathrooms? Wh-why is their blood under your fingernails?" Arana's voice was shaking and Trent felt like taking the priest by the balls and tearing something off.

The man was shaking. "I-I was biting my nails. I was nervous about the lockdown is all."

"Turn around and open the fucking door." The man cringed and glanced towards Arana, almost in a pleasing look. "Don't look at her. Do what I say or else I'm killing you. I don't give a fuck if you're a priest. Open the door."

"Trent just let me go. L-let me go in and see."

The priest inched closer to the door but still was hesitant. Trent was sick of talking, he grabbed the priest from behind, locking his arm around his neck tightly. He pressed the barrel of the gun to the mans head. "Walk forward with me. Use those flabby fucking legs." 

The priest was acting like a newborn horse, being suspicious as fuck as they entered the bathroom. The stench of vomit and blood hit his nose immediately. And cleaning products. Strong ones.

"Arana check the stalls," Trent instructed her as she shook like a leaf as she did. He knew she was horrified but she did as she was told. No one was in the stalls...but he felt a draft.

Glancing up he realized that the bathroom window was up. Trent took all of his strength and shoved the priest into the wall. His stupid body slapped the tile before he slumped to the ground.

"Tell me what you did or I'll either break every bone in your body slowly until you tell me or-"

"-Trent let me," Arana spoke firmly, making him growl out in annoyance. He would have to do some messed up shit to get the information out and of course she was going to be all holy and saint like and not allow him to.

He glanced over to Arana while still having his gun on the idiot.

Arana was slipping out of her cream robes and revealing a dress that was a little more form fitting, a little more shapely than that robe. Trent immediately wanted to burn the offending garment. He knew Arana had a nice body but damn.

Then she lifted up her dress. "Close your fucking eyes," Trent snapped at the priest as he did what he was told. Trent on the other hand did no such thing.

He watched her raise the yellowish white dress up to her mid thigh, exposing her creamy brown skin. She had a holster or well a holder and she was slipping something out of it.

It was throwing knives. Silver ones. Probably the same ones that she threw at him when they first met. If Trent wasn't turned on before, he was one hundred percent drooling at this very moment, but he tucked that lust away for a moment to look at the completely infuriated Arana.

Her eyes were glowing, those curls that were just so perfectly clipped back were now springing free. Most likely due to her clips coming undone while she unshed her marshmallow robe. The throwing knives were in her palm and she was...the classically trained violinist, counselor, holy sister had a scowl on her face that could instantly be interpreted as she was going to fucking demolish Priest whatever his name was.

"You touch her and you die," Trent warned the man as Arana slowly made her way over to 'father fucked' Trent wanted to say because the look in Arana's eyes scared him so much it turned him on.

The priestess bent down in front of the priest, rocking back and forth on her feet.

"You can open your eyes now, Anderson," Arana spoke in such a sweet tone, it made Trent want to puke and request that she never speak like that again.

When the priest did, his breathing hitched, Arana had her knife just centimeters from the priests face. "Anderson tell me what happened to my girls. Tell me what you did."

The priest shook, his head shiny with sweat and his body stinking with BO. "I-I have done nothing, Arana! G-get that dagger out of a holy ones f-face."

"That is not the correct answer." Arana took her knife and plunged it into his shoulder. He hollered out in pain, his body jerking and his hand going to slap Arana.

"You know what it feels like to get shot in the arm? Touch her and find out," Trent snapped as his arm fell and his fist clenched, he let out a mournful groan.

Arana began to twist the handle of the knife imbedded in his shoulder. "Anderson if you don't answer me I will have my friend shoot you. I don't play when it comes to my girls and you've done something terrible. Where. Are. They?"

The Priest was hyperventilating almost, and groaning as if it hurt..a lot. Yeah, having a silver dagger burning you painful. Trent chuckled as he whimpered out in pain. "I-I'm not telling you anything, y-you bitch."

Trent paused. It was as if the entire world slowed down and the only two people in the bathroom were him and Anderson.

"Arana get up," he said as he set his gun down and yanked her up to her feet.

"Trent, what do you think you are...oh!"

He pounced on the priest. No one, and he meant no one insulted Arana. His fist pounded into the man until his knuckles were splattered with blood, until all the man could do was sit there and take the ass whopping like the little bitch he was.

Once Trent saw that the man was slipping into unconsciousness, he paused, wrapping his hands around his neck.

"Don't you fucking dare,"  he snarled as the man weakly attempted at prying Trent's fingers off of his neck. He dropped his hands, letting his neck fall back and he began wheezing like a damn pig. "Now tell me what we want to know. I can keep this up forever. I can have your bitch ass on the brink of death for a long, long time. I enjoy hurting people so this shit right here," he smiled. "Is enjoyable. As fuck."

The man let loose a strangled cry. His split bottom lip quivered as he spoke. "I-I made a deal with devils."

"Yeah and who would that be?"

"I-I don't know. They stopped one day I was sh-shopping f-for food. They promised me m-money, fr-freedom and women."

Pussy and money. Those two things ran the damn  world and he wasn't surprised those two things bled into the religious sect. "So what did you do for them? Tell me the plan. Tell me everything or else I'll use that nice silver knife to paint your face."

In the process of rearranging his face with his fists he never took out Arana's knife that was dug into the man's shoulder. He pulled the knife out quickly, and took his two fingers digging them into the wound.

The man let loose a half ass yell before, Trent smelled something that belonged in a bathroom. "Damn. Pissed yourself? Too bad. Now get to talking," he said as he prodded his wound, jabbing around at the sensitive tissue.

"Ah," he said through clenched teeth. "They...they  told me they wanted the women. The young novices. If-if I could get them some I would be free. They e-even let me...," he trailed off his bloated face wincing.

"They what?"

"They let me pick the ones I wanted."

"How many did you take?"

"M-maybe 24."

"Twenty four?!" Arana screeched behind him.


The man winced. "I-I tainted some food at breakfast then at lunch. I-I chose, I chose the girls."

"You only took novices? You sick bastard!" Arana screamed as Trent dug his fingers deeper into his wound and he screamed out again.

He spat some blood out of the side of his mouth and sighed out slowly. "If I got the chance I would've picked you Arana," the man spoke half deliriously, smiling with blood covering most of his teeth. "So beautiful, I can't imagine taking a woman like you. I would-"

Trent had lost it. He hopped up from the pissing bleeding man, grabbed his gun.

"Trent no! Trent we have to-"

His gun went off and no more mr. Anderson.

He could smell the fresh scent of tears as he kicked the dead body a few times for good measure before wiping his bloodied fingers on his jacket. He grabbed one of the walkies and began to talk.

"A priest called Anderson helped whoever this mysterious group of guys is steal twenty four girls. I'm guessing he poisoned them and when they went to the bathrooms he pushed them through the window into the hands of those sick fucks."

Everyone was talking on the damn thing, asking questions cursing, saying prayers. "Everybody shut the hell up!" That sounded like the annoying ass Officer Mach.

"Interrogate him more. Ask him their descriptions. How long ago did this happen? Ask him-"

"-He's dead. My tactics were too much for him," Trent lied. He didn't want to tell them he got weak when the guy started disrespecting Arana and he made his head look like a bowling for for retribution.

More cursing sounded over the walkies. "Father Arrow I need you to do a roll call and figure out who the missing girls are. Trent you need to get out that window and investigate. We need to stay put at our respective posts. If there is no van or car that means they probably got away with the girls already."

"-Meaning what?"

"Meaning we were probably too late. They hit us before we even knew what was going on. Probably while we told everyone to lock down and we were outside getting a game plan."

"I'll tell my units to look out for any large vehicles that can carry about ten plus people. We're still on lockdown."

Trent tucked the walkie back in his pocket and turned his head slightly to see Arana sobbing with a hand over her mouth.

"You need to get it together. I have to go out the window and see if I see anything suspicious." 

He watched her wipe at her wet cheeks, and take deep breaths in and out. "What do you need me to do?" She asked brokenly. Trent internally groaned. He already killed the dude and she was still crying. He wished he knew a way he could make the tears stop. He loathed crying people.

"Hold my gun while I get out that window."

As soon as he handed the gun over to her, the lights flickered.

Then they shut off.

"For fucks sake!" Trent snarled out as he felt Arana's hand grab his tightly.

"Trent what's going on?!" How the fuck should he know?! He kept his one hand in Arana's sweaty one and tucked his gun under his arm, then used his free hand to to grab his walkie.

"Why the fuck are the lights off?!"

"I don't know. I'm going to go to the electrical closet and check it out....Everyone calm down!" It was Father Arrow.

Trent cursed. "No you can't leave them. Arana and me are going to go. Whoever turned the lights off wants us to all scramble. Stay at your fucking stations and..."

He trailed off as gun shots rang out. Arana was reciting something in Latin as she held his hand tighter. "Where was shits fired? Arrow you copy? What about the other two priests in here?"


"Are you fucking kidding?! Someone answer me!"

Arana was basically hugging his arm, reciting some prayers. If he wasn't in the midst of shifting and killing someone he would think it was kinda hot.

"H-hello? I apologize it was me, Father Ericsson. I got spooked and shot at the door. It was my mistake."

"Say that shit next time!" Trent snarled, as he heard Office Mach tuning in.

"We're walking the perimeter now. This has to be an inside job. Any other priests or priestesses who may be in on it? Trent on your way to the electrical closet if you see anyone you shoot, no questions asked. Try not to kill them though."

Trent hated taking orders without getting cash, but he had to assist. He had no fucking choice now he was in too deep.

He tucked the walkie back into his jeans and glanced at Arana. "Are you a full bred or half? How much of you guys are purebred?"

"Most of us are halfbred. Only a handful are fullbred. I'm a halfbred." Trent cursed. That meant half of the population in damn hiding didn't have nightvison in their human forms. Only in wolf. He was a full bred he thankfully had night vision.

He glanced at the window that had the moonlight filtering into the dark room. "Im going to hoist you up and you're going to close that window and lock it. Okay?"

"Alright," she murmured stiffly. Trent wanted to groan. Her face was pressed into his arm, her lips were brushing his skin. This was probably the closest her lips would ever, ever be to his body.

She broke away from him and he suppressed a groan. They made quick work of getting the window down and locking it. Trent tried not to think about her body sliding down his when he let her go and back onto the floor.

"You heard the officer. I'm going to shoot anyone I see on site. Don't freak out and stay behind me."

"I understand," she told him as they made their way out of the bathroom. Her hand stayed on his shoulder, not being able to see well.

"Truck approaching."


Trent wanted to crush the walkie in that moment. He didn't know police codes at all. "Male driving, female in passengers. Black pickup. License plate number..."

Shit. That was Trent's truck. He grabbed the walkie. "Don't shoot. That's my idiot pack mate and his mate in my truck. I swear to fuck if you guys fuck my car up I'm killing someone."

"You already did," Arana said under her breath as he held his tongue. At least she was semi making a joke?

Then his phone started ringing. "Arana reach in my pocket and get my phone," he said as he put his walkie down and focused on his gun. He heard footsteps.

He felt Arana's hand reaching in front of him and he took a deep breath, clenching his jaw. He might as well throw out his brain. It was fucking rotten.

The tips of her fingers brushed the inside of his pocket. Before her hand could go all the way int his front pocket he spoke up.

"Arana my phone is in my back pocket."

Her hand disappeared like she was about to touch fire. She snatched his phone out of his pocket and answered it.

"Trent's phone...Warren? We're inside the compound and the lights are all off...oh hi Pomelia!"

Trent saw a figure and shot at it. Kept shooting at it until it fell. "Holy....I have to go!"

Turning around he grabbed Arana's hand and rushed at the slain figure.

White robes. Shit. Did he kill a priest by accident? He grabbed the phone from Arana and shone the light on the man, waiting for Arana's reaction.

He was lying face down, and he pushed him over. The man was pretty young, and he was gasping...most likely drowning in his own blood. He recognized him. He was outside with them getting the plan together.


"Trent no! He...he just became a priest. Oh Dean," Arana cried out as she dropped to her knees over the man's body. And here he thought this little assault on the temple was going to earn him brownie points with Arana. Nah instead he fucked it up, killing one of her friends.

As Arana mourned her friend, Trent noticed a piece of paper that he was gripping. "What's that crinkled paper."

She grabbed at it and gasped. Whatever was on the paper, made Arana double over and start to dry heave.

"Was that shots fired? What's going on?" It sounded like Arrow.

Arana was throwing up.

Trent grabbed the paper. It was a list of at least forty names. Female names. Some names were crossed out, but all of the names had male names scribbled next to them.

His eyes scoured the list. A fury washed over him at number twenty nine.

It read 'Arana' and had Q scribbled next to it. They were planning on taking more. Sixteen more and they were planning on taking his priestess. Oh he was going to kill every one of those fucking bastards. Every one. Especially this fuck Q. Q had a death wish and Trent was going to fulfill it.

"Arana you recognize any more priests names on here?" He questioned, noticing that the other priest he killed, his name was on the list next to a few females.

"No," she croaked out as she slowly rose to her feet. She wiped at her mouth and breathed out deeply. Trent looked her over and winced. Still fucking beautiful but looked as if she was dragged through hell and back. "Just those two."

Trent read off the names of the women not crossed out first before explaining to them what happened. "I killed him. It was his fault for running weird. Priestess Arana is with me and she confirmed only two priests are on here."

"And you killed both of them!" Someone yelled through the walkie. Well yeah he did but it wasn't his fault.

"And your fucking point? Look for the twenty four missing and gather the ones I named and make sure they're safe," Trent growled into the phone as he felt Arana's slim arms wrap around his body. How the fuck was he supposed to hug her and hold his goddamn gun and yell at these idiots on the walkie.

He dropped his walkie, and awkwardly wrapped an arm around Arana. She was crying silently and he wished he could revive those two bastards and then kill them. Both. Again. But like cut off their finger tips and shove it in their mouths and drown them type of kill. And cut off their dicks. Ah, he could kill them by making them choke on their own dicks....

Arana's crying made him snap out of his murderous thoughts. "Hey you're okay...I'm not letting anything happen to you? Got that? No fucking body is taking you from me," he spoke to her. She laughed, kind of. If a cry laugh was a real thing.

"Reinforcements are here! Everyone stay put. The LPA is moving in."

Trent didn't let her go when she stopped crying. She didn't let go either. Instead they did just what the annoying cop voiced in the walkie. They stayed put like that until the lights flickered back on and they heard shouting and something compared to a stampeded of footsteps.

They reluctantly parted and Trent immediately wanted to grab her again, but instead he shoved a hand in his pocket and the other he kept on his gun.

"It's clear!"

"Move, move, move!"

They were met with six armed lpa agents with their guns drawn and all black stealth mode fully kicked.

"Three suspects. One down. Two alive."

"Put the gun down!" Someone shouted as Arana growled. Loudly.

"He is a warrior, your threat is on the floor dead!" They lowered their guns, and Trent kept his hand on his. No way was he giving up this nice ass semi.

One of the men approached them cautiously. "Names."

"I'm Arana and that's Trent. The two suspects...bodies are the criminals. Put your guns down. Now." Trent was surprised as hell at how demanding she sounded. Even though she just had a whole mental breakdown seconds before.

The intense scowls on their faces continued. All except one man. Recognition was in his eyes. "Priestess Arana? You know my sister Penelope. She calls the temple at least once a month to talk to you."

Arana put on that false smile Trent knew all to well. "Oh...she's such a beautiful soul. I'm glad I can help her."

"Its cool to put a voice with a face," the man said almost dream like. Trent snarled and the man straightened up.

"Lower your weapons. Priestess let's get you checked out. Are you hurt?" The man questioned as Trent felt like taking his gun and pistol whipping the son of a bitch.

Arana turned towards Trent. "I'm fine. He may have cut his hand though."

Trent glanced down and frowned. Well damn. He must have hit the priests tooth a few times while pounding his face in, in the bathroom.

The man's eyes slid over to Trent. "You can follow one of my men and he'll get one of our medics to look at your hand. Priestess can you show me the bodies, give me a run down."

"She needs a fucking break. I'll give you the fucking run down." The LPA agent glanced at Arana.

Her hand grasped Trent's shoulder.

"Both of us will give you the run down."

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Who is your favorite character in this book?
I have no favorites. Ok well I do but I don't want to tell you guys🤣

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