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Alana, Emma, David, Mary Margaret, Regina, Captain Hook and Mr Gold are on their way to Neverland to save Hen... Viac

1 - The Heart of the Truest Believer
2 - The Heart of the Truest Believer
3 - Lost Girls
4 - Lost Girls
5 - Quite a Common Fairy
6 - Quite a Common Fairy
7 - Nasty Habits
9 - Good Form
10 - Good Form
11 - Ariel
12 - Ariel
13 - Dark Hollow
14 - Dark Hollow
15 - Think Lovely Thoughts
16 - Think Lovely Thoughts
17 - Save Henry
18 - Save Henry
19 - The New Neverland
20 - The New Neverland
21 - Going Home
22 - Going Home
Shadow Realm Cast (Main Flashback Appearances)
23 - New York City Serenade
24 - New York City Serenade
25 - Witch Hunt
26 - Witch Hunt
27 - The Tower
28 - The Tower
29 - Quiet Minds
30 - Quiet Minds
31 - It's Not Easy Being Green
32 - It's Not Easy Being Green
33 - The Jolly Roger
34 - The Jolly Roger
35 - Bleeding Through
36 - Bleeding Through
37 - A Curious Thing
38 - A Curious Thing
39 - Kansas
40 - Kansas
41 - Snow Drifts
42 - Snow Drifts
43 - There's No Place Like Home
44 - There's No Place Like Home
Next Book

8 - Nasty Habits

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It was the middle of the night and Rumpelstiltskin was sitting on the roof of a building. All of a sudden he heard music starting to play and children began to climb out of their windows or leave through their front doors.

Rumpelstiltskin followed the children into the woods where they were drums playing and everyone was wearing masks as they danced around a big fire.

"Bae! Phinia! Bae! Phinia! Bae! Phinia!" Rumpelstiltskin called out as he checked the children for them.

He saw the piper in a cloak playing his music through a type of flute, he went over to him and took the instrument.

"Where is my son and Delphinia, Piper?" Rumpelstiltskin asked as he broke the flute.

"Is that what they're calling me?" He stood up and turned to him, the cloak's hood covering his face, "We both know who I really am," He took the hood off, "Been a while, laddie. Glad you could make the show," Pan said.

Rumpelstiltskin looked at him in shock, "You surprised to see me, Rumpel? I don't blame you. I'm a little surprised myself. Look who's become the Dark One! Good for you. Last time I saw you, you were hobbling yourself to get out of the war because you were becoming a Papa," Pan said.

"What?" Rumpelstiltskin asked.

"Thanks for looking after my little lassie for me, knew she'd be in great hands," Pan said with a smirk.

"What are you doing here?" Rumpelstiltskin asked.

"It's lonely in Neverland. The only friends I have are the children who visit in their dreams. But they can't stay. The boys I take back with me will and so will my daughter," Pan said.

"You're not taking Delphinia or my son," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"I am... I'm taking my daughter home with me, whether you like it or not laddie," Pan said.

"Well, it's gonna take a lot more than a magic pipe to take them," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"The only thing magic about this pipe is that only certain children can hear it... Children who feel unloved, children who feel lost... I guess that's why you can hear it, Rumpel. Isn't it?" Pan said.

"Don't pretend to know me. You don't. Not anymore," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Oh, I think I do. Beneath all that power, you're nothing more than an unloved, lonely, lost boy. Hey, I like the sound of that. That's what I'll call my new group of friends. The lost boy. It has a nice ring, don't you think? And my Delphinia can be the very first lost girl," Pan said.

"You can call them whatever you like. Baelfire and Delphinia will not be part of it," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Oh, they're already a part of it. The question is, what are you willing to do to get them back?" Pan said.

"I'm gonna make you regret ever asking that question," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Oh, I understand you're upset. Most parents' worst fear is that their children will be taken away from them. Hence why I'm back for Delphinia," Pan smirked at him, "You'll never play the father role for her, you'll always be something else to her. But that fear the most have, isn't yours, is it, Rumpel? No. You're not afraid Baelfire will be taken from you. You're afraid he'll leave with Delphinia. After all, being abandoned is what you're good at, isn't it? Everyone you've ever known has left, haven't they? Like Bae's mother, Milah. Not to mention your own father. Why should Baelfire be any different?" Pan said.

"You're wrong," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Am I? Well, let's find out, shall we? You ask Baelfire and Delphinia if they want to come to Neverland with me or stay here with you. If they want to stay, I'll leave and never return, I want my daughter happy after all. Deal?" Pan said.

"I don't have to make any deals with you," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"But why wouldn't you, if you're so sure they'll stay?" Pan said.

Rumpelstiltskin looked at the children dancing around the fire with a worried look on his face when he saw Delphinia with a mask on running towards Pan who scoops her up and she giggled, holding on.

"You having fun?" Pan asked with a smile.

"Mhm! Yep! It's fun with you!" Delphinia said happily and hugged him.

"So glad you're happy, my sweet lassie," Pan said.

"My daddy used to call me that," Delphinia said.

"Did he?" She nodded and her mask fell a little, "Oopies," Delphinia said and pushed the mask up a little.

"Here, let me tighten that a little," Pan said and carefully tighten it as Rumpelstiltskin watched them sadly.

End of Flashback

The Lost Boys danced around a fire while banging sticks together as drums played. Pan was looking at the map Delphinia wore when she was a child in the Enchanted Forest.

Pan looked over and saw Henry sitting on a log by a fire, he stood up and walked over to him, "You don't want to join in the celebration, Henry?" Pan asked.

"Nothing to celebrate," Henry said.

"Nothing to celebrate? Henry, this whole party is to celebrate you," Pan said.

"Me? Why?" Henry asked.

"Because you've come to save magic, of course. And I, for one, can't think of a reason more deserving of celebration than that. Just look at them," Pan said as they turned to the Lost Boys.

"I'm not like them. Or you," Henry said.

"Sure you are. You're still a boy. Maybe a song will get you on your feet," Pan said as he took out his musical wooden pipe and started to play a song.

However, Henry doesn't hear anything from the pipe, "Sorry. I...I don't hear anything," Henry said.

"Interesting," Pan looked somewhat surprised, "You see, this pipe's enchanted, Henry. It can only be heard by certain children," Pan said.

"Like who?" Henry asked.

Pan saw Felix walking back to the camp, looking angry, "You'll find out soon enough, I promise," Pan walked over to Felix, leaving Henry alone, "What? I know that look. What happened?" Pan asked Felix.

"Baelfire, I'm afraid he got away," Felix said.

"Well, then why didn't you get him back?" Pan asked.

"I tried. I followed their trail and found to sentries knocked out by a sleeping spell," Felix said.

"The Dark One. So father and his son have been reunited... Word of Delphinia?" Pan asked.

"Dark One's not seen her, but he knows she's here, he's probably told Baelfire. They'll be coming for the boy. We should move him somewhere safe," Felix said.

"Now, now, Felix. Where's your sense of adventure? We can't end the part when the real fun is about to begin," Pan said.

Back at Neal's old home in Neverland, Alana was looking at the drawings on the wall as everyone else looked around, Amy looked at her and walked over to her.

"Anything important?" Amy asked.

"I can't tell yet. I didn't know he like drawing," Alana said.

"He got it from his mother... He taught me when I was a kid," Amy said.

"I'm hoping Neal left something useful in the details of one of these. Maybe a map? Some kind of clue," She looked at David, "Hand me that candle," Alana said.

David lit the candle and handed it to her, "I see, but... Nothing?" Amy asked.

"No, what about you? Any luck?" Alana asked.

"No potted bean plant or swirling vortex under the rug, if that's what you mean," Captain Hook said from behind them.

"Well there wouldn't be a vortex under the rug, as there is no rug, numskull," Amy said.

He smirked and winked at Amy and she shook her head amused, "Anyway, there are other drawings on the far wall, but as far as I can tell, that's all they are. Probably just a way to pass the time and keep occupied," Captain Hook said.

"You knew him pretty well, didn't you?" Alana asked.

"We spent some time together," Captain Hook said.

Alana looked down at the candle, "You alright there, Alana?" Amy asked.

"I'm fine... Looks like you're right. They're just a bunch of pictures," She walked over to her parents, sister and Regina, "What's all this?" She asked as she looked at makeshift cups and bowls.

"Uh, just some cups and bowls he fashioned from things he found here," Mary Margaret said.

"Don't know how great a cup this coconut could make. It's filled with holes," David said.

"Uh, maybe it's a tiny colander," Mary Margaret said.

"Yes, because preteen Baelfire probably made lots of pasta," Regina said sarcastically.

"Hey, can I see that?" Alana took the coconut from David and looked at it, "Hook, snuff that torch out," Alana said and he did so as Alana put the other have of the coconut to the candle.

"Am I supposed to be impressed that he made a night-light?" Regina asked.

Amy started to feel lightheaded, "Look up," Alana said as she was looking up and they looked up to see the roof of the cave filled with dots from the candle.

"Stars," Mary Margaret said.

"It's a map," Captain Hook said.

"To where?" David asked.

"Home," Alana said.

"Delphinia?" Everyone looked at Amy and saw her eyes glowing, "Love, you alright?" Captain Hook asked.

"I don't feel so good..." Amy said and walked out of the cave, getting some air.

Captain Hook followed her, "You okay?" Captain Hook asked.

"Can you get me... Mary Margaret's water please?" Amy asked.

"Sure," He walked back in, "Mary Margaret," She looked over, "Do you have any spare water?" He asked.

"Oh, sure here," Mary Margaret handed it over.

"Thanks, love," He walked over and handed it to Amy as he stood beside her, "You looked like you were staring death in the face," Captain Hook said.

"I felt like I being sucked in," Amy said as she drunk the water.

"It's a map, though?" Captain Hook said.

"I can't explain it... You in and help them, I'll be in when I... I stop feeling so dizzy," Amy said.

"You sure?" She nodded slowly, "Alright love," Captain Hook said, kissed her head, shocking them both and he walked back into the cave.

Amy watched him leave and she leaned against a rock, breathing deeply.

At Pan's camp, the Lost Boys were dancing around the fire as all of a sudden the fire got blown out and a gust of wind knocked out the Lost Boys and Henry.

Pan smirked, "We have a guest! No doubt someone who knows how much I like guessing games. Who could it be? I guess..." He turned the fire back one and see Mr Gold, "The Dark One. Come to save Henry and find Delphinia, have you, laddie? How exciting. The Dark One ready to sacrifice his life for his family. Speaking of family... You can come out now, Baelfire," Pan said.

Neal came out from behind holding a crossbow, "Name's Neal now," Neal said.

"New name, but the same old tricks. It's heartwarming to see father and son working together, especially after you abandoned Baelfire, Rumpel. This is a real family reunion...Shame my sweet lassie isn't here. Oh, how I miss her," Pan said and Neal looked at him surprised.

"What are you waiting for?" Mr Gold said.

"I got this," Neal said as he fired the arrow and it flew towards Pan.

Pan caught it, "Clever. But we've been through this before, Baelfire. Have you remembered nothing?" Pan said and dropped the arrow.

"I remember plenty. That's why I didn't coat the tip," Neal said and the squid ink spread through Pan's hand and body, freezing him in place.

"Grab Henry," Mr Gold said.

They ran over to Henry and Neal picked him up, "Well, how about that? I'm impressed. But are you sure you're really saving them, Bae?" Pan said.

"Them?" Neal asked.

"He wants Delphinia, too," Mr Gold said.

"What could be worse than leaving them here with you?" Neal said.

"Why don't you ask your father? Sometimes the people we should fear the most are the ones closest to us," Pan said.

"W...What's he talking about? Why do you want Delphinia?" Neal asked.

"Don't listen to him," Mr Gold said.

"You mean you haven't told him? Delphinia knows," Pan said.

"Told me what?" Neal asked.

"Why, about the prophecy, of course," Pan said.

"What prophecy? What's he mean?" Neal asked.

"The prophecy that says you've been tricked. Your father isn't here to rescue Henry. He's here to murder him... Delphinia knew... Oh and about Delphinia, if you see her before I do," Pan smirked at Neal, "Tell her, her daddy says hi," Pan said.

Neal and Mr Gold walked away from Pan to a clearing in the jungle and Neal laid Henry down.

"What the hell was he talking about?" Neal asked.

"Oh, don't mind him," Mr Gold said.

"he said you were gonna murder Henry and that Del knew and that he's Delphinia's father!" Neal said.

"He plays games. Mind games. The important thing is we got the boy and we got away... Need to get to your sister now," Mr Gold said.

"Where are we?" Neal asked.

"The other side of the island. We're safe here for the time being," Mr Gold said.

"Hey. Hey, Henry. It's me. Hey, it's your dad," Neal said as he knelt next to Henry.

"No, he... He can't hear you," Mr Gold said.

"Then wake him up," Neal said.

"Pulling him out of the spell could be dangerous. He'll wake naturally in a few hours. He'll be fine," Mr Gold said.

"Alright. Then you can explain to me what the hell Pan meant. We'll start with, Delphinia being his daughter, he looks a lot younger than her and he wasn't the farmer," Neal said.

Mr Gold sighed, "I just recently found out... It turned out the farmer, my childhood friend wasn't real... He enchanted memories into my mind when I was a mortal," Mr Gold said.

"What?" Neal asked.

"The memories faded when I got the powers of The Dark One, but I didn't know who he was until recently," Mr Gold said.

"So... He's the farmer? Used magic to make memories and took Delphinia in why?" Neal said.

"Why? I wish I knew, but she's my daughter, not his, he left her, he abandoned her, he isn't getting her," Mr Gold said.

"He won't, now... This prophecy that he was talking about, why would he say that you'd kill Henry? Why wouldn't Delphinia tell me?" Neal asked.

"Oh, I don't know, to create a wedge between us and drive Delphinia to him if you ever doubted her, he knows how much you mean to her," Mr Gold said.

"That's not a denial," Neal sighed as Mr Gold turned away from him, "No, this has to do with what happened when I found you. You thought I was a hallucination. You said that you had to do the right thing and save Phinia and Henry! What did that really mean?" Neal asked.

"Baelfire..." Mr Gold said as he turned back to him.

"It's Neal! Now stop dodging and tell me what's going on!" Neal said.

"There was a seer, and she told me of a prophecy... That the boy would help reunite me and Del with you. And that boy... Would be my undoing," Mr Gold said.

"Henry," Neal said.

"I didn't know it was gonna be my own grandson, till I found you in New York and discovered you were his father," Mr Gold said.

"You were planning on getting rid of him, whoever he was, weren't you? To try and cheat fate? To get around the prophecy? You cold-blooded son of a bitch. You were gonna kill him," Neal said.

"Yes," Mr Gold said.

"And Delphinia, what does she know?" Neal asked.

"I told her to stay home... But she was having a lot of nightmares and hated the castle, she followed me and heard everything... She was confused so I distracted her, I thought she forgot about it until New York when she told me she remembered... Then the day she disappeared she, uh, threatened me, saying if I hurt Henry or you, she'd kill me and pay the price," Mr Gold said.

"Become the next Dark One?" Neal said.

"Yes," Mr Gold said and stepped forward.

"Get back. You stay away from him!" Neal said.

"That was then. Things have changed. I...I didn't come here to Neverland to hurt Henry. I came here to save him," Mr Gold said.

"After what you just told me, I'm supposed to believe you!?" Neal said.

"I won't lie to you, self-preservation had been a nasty habit I've had my whole life, but I came here to break it, to do that right thing and to save Henry and Delphinia. Even if that meant sacrificing my own life. You have to trust me," Mr Gold said.

"How can I?" Neal asked.


Pan held Delphinia on his hip as they and Rumpelstiltskin watched the children dancing around the fire.

"You don't even recognize him, do you, Rumpel?" Pan asked.

"Well, how can I when they're wearing a mask?" Rumpelstiltskin asked.

"Well, they might be wearing a mask, but that's not the reason. Look at him..." Rumpelstiltskin turned to see a boy dancing around and smiling, "Playing with other children, out in the world. He's happy, Rumpel. That's why you don't recognise him," Pan looked at Delphinia, "Are you having fun, lassie?" He asked.

"Fun, fun!" Delphinia said happily and he smiled.

Rumpelstiltskin walked over to Baelfire and took off his mask as Pan and Delphinia watched him, "Bae... Are you alright?" Rumpelstiltskin asked.

"I'm fine. Why are you here?" Baelfire said.

"I know you think I don't care about you... About either of you, but I do. And I'm here to prove it," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"How?" Baelfire asked.

"Go ahead, Rumpel," Pan said.

Rumpelstiltskin used his magic to make Delphinia appear in his arm and he grabbed Baelfire, "Papa! What are you doing?!" Baelfire asked.

"I'm protecting you both," Rumpelstiltskin said and he disappeared with them in smoke, Delphinia's mask landed on the ground.

"You're gonna regret not taking my deal, Rumpel!" Pan yelled and he walked over to the mask then picked it up, he brushed his thumb over it.

Elsewhere, Rumpelstiltskin, Delphinia and Baelfire appeared back in their home.

"Don't touch us! Get away!" Baelfire yelled as he took Delphinia. Delphinia held onto Baelfire, like a koala.

"It's alright now. You're both safe," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Safe? We were never in danger. The Piper was our friend!" Baelfire yelled and Delphinia flinched, hiding her face in his shoulder.

"He may have wanted you two to think that. But you both have to believe me. He would've hurt you both," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Why? Who is he? Another person that you abused with your power?" Baelfire asked.

"His name is Peter Pan. I've known him since I was a boy. Growing up, we were incredibly close," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"So you're saying he's immortal, too?" Baelfire asked.

"He wasn't always. He went to a place called Neverland. He betrayed me. He can't be trusted," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"What happened?" Delphinia asked.

"All that matters is that he fooled me for a long time before I'd finally seen his true nature, and it is darker and more repulsive than you both should ever be exposed to!" Rumpelstiltskin said.

"He can't be any worse than you," Baelfire said.

"I had to protect both of you. I didn't have a choice," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Stop lying because we know that did! We know about the deal Pan offered you!" Baelfire yelled.

"He said all you had to do was ask us if we wanted to come home," Delphinia said.

"He told you?" Rumpelstiltskin said.

"He said that way we'd know if you really trusted us, if you really cared," Baelfire said.

"Oh, please, Bae, Phinia," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"You didn't need to. I would've chosen to come home. I would've chosen you! If only you asked. Maybe we could've found a way to be a family again," Baelfire said.

"We can be," Rumpelstiltskin said.

Delphinia wiggled out of Baelfire's hold and he placed her on the ground. She pointed to her Teddy on the bed, "Tatty should've been a clue, dummy!" Delphinia yelled and ran out of the house.

"Phinia!" Baelfire yelled and followed her.

"Bae. Phinia... Bae! Phinia!" Rumpelstiltskin said as he watched them leave.

End of Flashback

Henry was still asleep as Neal was sat near him, ignoring his father as Mr Gold watched him.

"Tell me what I have to do to gain your trust and I will," Mr Gold said.

Neal looked at his father, "Give me the Dark One dagger. I know you. I know you wouldn't come all the way to Neverland without it. It's the only thing that can control you. It's the only thing that could stop you. You wouldn't take any chances with it," Neal said.

"I don't have it," Mr Gold.

"Why are you lying?" Neal asked.

"I'm not lying. I hid it so Pan couldn't get it, so he couldn't stop me," Mr Gold said.

"So unhide it!" Neal yelled.

"My shadow took it," Mr Gold said.

"Your shadow? Man," He scoffed, "You got an answer for everything don't you?" Neal said.

"I'm telling you the truth, I swear," Mr Gold said.

"You know, maybe you did hide it. Maybe you do want to do the right thing. But that's today. What about tomorrow?" Neal asked.

"I've changed," Mr Gold said.

"Have you?" Neal asked him, unconvinced.

"Yes," Mr Gold said.

"The prophecy still stands. You save him, he's your undoing, or what if Phinia actually wants to stay here because of everything you've done?" Neal said.

"I'm still willing to die for them, no matter what," Mr Gold said.

"What happens if we get back, and you're reunited with Belle, and you realise that the only thing standing between you and your happy ending is Henry? And 'undoing' doesn't sound so great?" Neal said.

"You and Delphinia are my happy ending. This is because it's my redemption. I can be strong, if you have faith in me," Mr Gold said.

Neal took hold of his father's hand, "You know, when I was living here and sleeping in a cave, I used to dream of you coming to rescue me. But then I'd wake up and remember how you left me behind. I used to think Phinia did too, but then Hook explained everything, her magic how she could open a portal when she's terrified, so my anger to her was non-existent and it still is. But you... You left your own son behind for the power of that dagger and you helped Delphinia embrace her magic, he turned the sweet little girl into a monster, I've read the book, I heard the tales. So, how can I think that things would ever be any different?" Neal said and he let go of Mr Gold's hand.

Mr Gold saw a leaf in the palm of his hand, there was squid ink on it and it spread through his body, freezing him, "Neal. What are you doing?" Mr Gold asked.

"I'm gonna find Lana and the others and give my sister the choice you probably never have... Where she wants to call home, with me or here, and then I'm getting the help off this island with or without Phinia, depending on her choice. I'm getting my family home and giving my sister what she always wanted... To be asked instead of ordered," Neal said.

"You can't go into the jungle alone. Without my power to protect you, Pan will capture all of you!" Mr Gold said.

Neal picked Henry up and put him over his shoulder, "I'm sorry, I got no choice. We're safer without you. Goodbye, Papa," Neal said and walked away.

Back at the cave, Amy was watching them for the entrance as they all looked at a map Neal made from a coconut.

"How can you be so sure it's a map," Mary Margaret asked.

"There was a short time in Neverland when Baelfire was aboard my ship. I taught him to navigate using the stars. What you're looking at is the fruit of my labours," Captain Hook said.

"Can you read it?" Amy asked, not moving from her spot.

"Sadly, no," Captain Hook said.

"I thought you just said you taught him how," David said

"Yes, but I also taught Neal something else. The key to being a pirate secrecy. The best captains conceal their maps in a code. He was an apt pupil," Captain Hook said.

"So you're saying the only person who can read this map is Neal?" Emma said and he nodded.

"Which means the only person who can read it is dead," Alana said and walked out of the cave.

Emma, Mary Margaret and David followed after her, "Alana, wait!" David said.

"Now is not the time," Alana said.

"Ana... We just... We just want to help you," Emma said.

"I can't even imagine the sadness you must be feeling," Mary Margaret said.

"I'm not sad," Alana turned to them, "I'm pissed. Yes, Neal just died, but I lost him years ago," Her voice broke, "All that time thinking that he didn't love me, only to find out that he didn't, and it was too late. I can't even tell him how angry that makes me, or how much it hurt when he left, or how terrified I was when he came back. Because... I knew the moment I saw him, I never... I never stopped loving him," Alana said and walked away crying.

Mary Margaret stepped forward and David stopped her, "She'll be okay," David said.

"Really?" Mary Margaret said and they looked at Emma.

"I guess she will... She loved him for years, it's gonna take time... You've done everything you can," Emma said.

"But that's the problem," Mary Margaret's voice broke, "I have no idea how to comfort my own daughter. It is the first thing a mother learns, and I don't know how... Emma's a better mother than me," Mary Margaret said.

"No, I'm not," Emma said.

"I feel the same way, Mary Margaret. But she is so upset, we have to get..." David said.

"How can we even blame her? If you died, I would not be able to move on," Mary Margaret said.

"I'm, uh... I'm gonna get Ana," Emma said and walked away.

David looked at his wife, "You must... I'm just saying. Every day we're here, something bad could happen. And if it did to me, I'd want you to move on, to continue, to be happy," David said.

"That's really sweet, but nothing is going to happen to you, not while I'm here," Mary Margaret said and she hugged him.

"Aww, that's sweet, you two ought to get married," Amy said from behind them.

"What happened to you?" David asked.

"No idea but I feel better out here," Amy said.

Elsewhere, Neal found Alana's and the others campsite, he gently put Henry on the ground and he walked over to the fireplace and saw the model of Pan's camp.

"Alana..." Neal whispered.

"You were so close to finding her," Pan and the Lost Boys surround him as Neal stood up straight looking at him, "You disappoint me. I thought I told you better. Never break in somewhere unless you know the way out," Pan said.

"I'll remember that for next time," Neal said.

"Well, there isn't going to be a next time. But don't blame yourselves. Your father could have protected you both out here, sure. But then who would've protected Henry from him? Talk about a rock and a rock hard," Pan said.

"I will get my son back, no matter what it takes," Neal said.

"You're not getting it. That's not the problem. You got him. I got him back. It's the game. No, my boy, the real problem for you is that there is no escaping Neverland. No one gets off this island without my permission," Pan said.

"I've done it before," Neal said.

"Did you? Look where you are now. It's like you never left," Pan said.

"You saying you let me go?" Neal asked.

"I'm saying everyone's where I want them," Henry started to wake up, "Something to chew on. You know where to take him," Pan said.

The Lost Boys grabbed Neal, Neal watched as Felix took Henry away, "No! Henry!" Neal yelled.

"Ph, don't worry. It won't be for very long," Pan said.

"I'm alive" Neal yelled.

"Just until I reset the board. See, the game is about to change," Pan said.

"Don't give up hope, Henry! I will come for you! I promise!" Neal yelled as he was being dragged away.

Meanwhile, Mr Gold was still in the same place but the squid ink had worn off and he took out the straw doll from his jacket.

"I'm so sorry, Rumpel. Neal should have trusted you," Belle said as she walked over to him.

"How could he? After everything, I've done? After everything, he's found out?" Mr Gold asked.

"Well, he may not know what was in your heart, but I do you would've protected Henry and saved Delphinia. You would've even given your own life to show Neal that you've changed," Belle said.

"Are you asking me or do you truly believe that?" Mr Gold asked.

"I know it with all my heart. What I don't know is why you look so upset now. I mean, Rumpel, he's alive, Baelfire. You have something to live for," Belle said.

"But the prophecy remains. Henry's still my undoing?" Mr Gold said.

"That's why you're upset. You were so determined to die for the boy, but now? Having something to live for has brought back that nasty habit of self-preservation, hasn't it? Rumpel... Habits can be broken, can't they?" Belle said.

"Go away, Belle. I don't want to talk right now," Mr Gold said and he was alone in the woods, again.

At Pan's camp, Henry woke up to see Pan sat near him and the Lost Boys dancing around the campfire.

"What happened?" Henry asked as he sat up.

"Oh, you fell asleep," Pan said.

"I did?" Henry said.

"No, don't worry. It was just a life catnap. The night's still young," Pan said.

"Wait. I...I remember something. My dad... When I was asleep, I...I could've sworn I heard him calling for me," Henry said.

"Really?" Pan said.

"It must have been a dream," Henry said.

"Well, how can you be sure?" Pan asked.

"Because my dad's dead," Henry said.

"I'm sorry, Henry. It makes sense for us to dream about the things we've lost and the things we hoped for, like your father being alive and your mother coming to find you. But eventually, you'll find new things to dream about. And when you do, they'll start to come true," Pan said.

"How do you know?" Henry asked.

"Because that's what I did. And now you're here. Neverland used to be a place where new dreams were born. You can bring that magic back, Henry. And we can be your family," He faced the Lost Boys as Henry stood next to him, "I'd like to play a song, a song for our guest of honour... Henry," Pan said.

Pan started to play his pipe and he watched as the Lost Boys danced around him and Henry was now able to hear the music. Henry picked up the same sticks and started jumped.

"You can hear the music now, can't you Henry?" Pan said.

"Yeah!" Henry said.

Henry joined in with the Lost Boys as Pan watched him with a smile.

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