Power Rangers SPD: The New Ge...

By Fireheartsage

8.4K 114 25

In an alternate universe... Sky Tate and the rest of B Squad decide to retire from active Ranger duties and b... More

Intro: The Hunt for the Chosen One
Chapter 1: The start of a long journey
Chapter 2: The start of a long journey part 2
Chapter 3: First clash
Chapter 4: First acceptance
Chapter 5: A fighter's pride
Character bio: Luke Scott
Chapter 6: The dimensional device part 1
Chapter 7: The dimensional device part 2
Character bio: Chris Johnson
Chapter 8: Day of the fakes
Chapter 9: Sealed
Chapter 10: Set up of things to come
Chapter 12: Luke and Selena's mission

Chapter 11: Time with Selena

205 3 1
By Fireheartsage

Luke and Chris were practicing their shooting at a training room with their standard blasters that they used when unmorphed. Both of them had been doing well when suddenly the training program ended... they had managed to defeat all of the Eltarei projections they were fighting.

"Not bad, Luke." Chris complimented sincerely.

"You did good too." Luke replied with a smile on his face. Suddenly Luke's civilian phone buzzed. Luke grabbed it and checked his phone. It was Mary, sending him a text about a promise he had previously made to see her at the farmer's market today.

"Work at the homeless shelter calls?" Chris asked. Luke smiled.

"In a way, yeah. Since Cruger gave us the day off unless there is an attack on Earth, I guess today is the day I can handle these things without risking running late for training." Luke replied. Chris nodded as Luke left the training room and headed to his room for a change of clothes and before he would hit the showers.

Luke wasn't exactly sure what he wanted to wear so he was just wearing his standard SPD unmorphed uniform. He drove to the farmer's market on a standard civilian motorcycle Cruger got for him, as Cruger feared a small child would play with a Delta Patrol Cycle and accidentally fire off one of the weapons. Luke arrived and he put his motorcycle in a designated area before walking towards the fruit and vegetable section he once frequented, seeing Mary there. She gave him a very radiant smile as she saw him walking over to her.

"Hey. It's been a bit since we last talked at my place. How have you been dealing with things? Have you remembered anything about your old partner?" Mary asked. Luke sighed.

"Things have been hectic... and no, I haven't remembered anything at all. Been pretty busy so I haven't gotten a chance to look for clues either. Not a lot of time when Earth keeps getting attacked by hostile aliens that scare even the aliens who came here to live in peace." Luke explained. Mary sighed. She wished she could be there to lighten the load from the Rangers mind. Mary looked concerned about something as she looked up at the sky... but seeing Luke now... she realized that whatever she had in mind, she now wanted to handle herself.

"Hey Luke, would you maybe want to... I..." Mary said but couldn't finish. Luke looked at her curiously.

"Would I maybe want to what?" Luke asked. Mary shook her head.

"Nothing.... I just... I forgot what I wanted to ask you." Mary lied awkwardly, but the ever oblivious Luke actually bought this explanation. Luke smiled at her.

"Just make sure you tell me if and when you ever remember." Luke said. Mary nodded before giving Luke a backpack filled with vegetables.

"You should get these delivered to Mr. Landors." Mary said with a smile. Luke smiled back at her.

"Thanks again, Mary. You're amazing." Luke replied as he put on the backpack. Then, he walked to his motorcycle and drove off to Jack's homeless shelter.

"Are you ever going to tell that boy how you feel about him?" Mary's aunt asked her teasingly as she had watched the whole 'Mary not being able to ask Luke out' part of the conversation unfold. Mary just blushed and sighed.

A bit later:
Luke arrived at the homeless shelter and there he saw Selena teaching some kids how to properly grow flowers in the back yard area of the shelter.
"You spend a lot of time here now?" Luke asked as he opened the fence door to the backyard area. Selena turned and gave Luke a smile just as radiant as the one Mary had given him earlier. Selena ran toward Luke and hugged him, much to his surprise. The girls and women who were there in the back giggled at seeing Luke flustered.

"Maybe. I was hoping I'd be able to see you more if I came here. Of course, the people around here is also a reason why I keep coming back. The children are wonderful and Mr. Landors... or Jack, as he and Ms. Samuels... Ally would rather me call them by, have been teaching me lots. I honestly love it here." Selena replied. Luke smiled.

"I'm sure Uncle Jack would be happy to hear that." Luke said as Selena let him go. Selena nodded.

"And that's why I make sure to tell him and Ally often. What's in the backpack?" Selena asked.

"Vegetables. The shelter was running low, so my friend who sometimes delivers the veggies here texted me to pick them up. I guess she figured I would be coming here." Luke explained. Selena looked at Luke curiously upon hearing the word 'she'. She wasn't the super jealous type that wanted her closest male friend all to herself, but she had heard talk of a girl who had fought Luke in a martial arts competition and had since been interested in the boy, not that Luke himself noticed. Even Jack and Ally had mentioned it. Jack had also mentioned that she was the same girl who they bought fruits and vegetables from, though Selena herself hadn't met her yet.

"So... is this girl... special to you?" Selena asked. Luke looked at her in confusion.

"Special? Special, how? I mean she is one of my closest friends if that's what you're asking." Luke replied honestly. Selena nodded.

"So, she's not your girlfriend... do you have a girlfriend?" Selena asked.

"No. I'm... not with anyone... why? Please tell me you didn't put me in a blind date... Uncle Jason tried doing that once two years ago." Luke said, his face turning pale white as he remembered that incident. Selena giggled.

"No. Just wondering.... no particular reason." Selena replied. As oblivious as ever, Luke bought it and together the two went inside of the shelter to give the veggies to Jack.

"Does Ms. Selena love Luke, mommy?" One of the girls asked her mom. The mother giggled.

"I think so. I think so."

When Luke and Selena got inside of the shelter, they found Jack and Ally talking in the kitchen about more decorative flowers being added around the shelter.
"Well, Selena is a regular volunteer here these days. We can always just ask her." Ally said with a nod at Jack. Jack smiled.

"Yeah. I think she'll know what's up and bring some great flowers to liven the place up." Jack agreed.

"What's this I hear about flowers?" Selena asked as she and Luke made their way towards the two. Jack and Ally smiled to see the pair.

"Well, well. The girl we wanted to see, and her bodyguard." Jack teased, as Luke had told him the story of how they had ran into each other at Half Moon City at some point.

"Hey, Uncle Jack, Aunt Ally. I got the veggies from Mary." Luke told them as he gave them the backpack filled with veggies. Jack nodded in acknowledgement.

"So, what was this about flowers again?" Selena asked. Ally smiled.

"Well, we were thinking that maybe you could help us out. We thought of maybe buying some flowers for decoration around the shelter, and we thought since you're a florist, that you might be able to help us by choosing the flowers and where they could go." Ally explained. Selena gave them a bright smile.

"I feel so honored that you would ask me. I'll make sure to bring the most beautiful flowers. Come on, Luke. We have a mission to get do." Selena said as she grabbed his arm.

"We? I don't know anything about flowers. What do you mean we?" Luke asked, but his words fell on deaf ears and Selena pulled him with her. Jack laughed at the sight and Ally giggled.

"Those two are quite a pair aren't they?" Ally asked. Jack nodded.

"The warrior and the gentle flower girl... what are the odds?" Jack asked.

"Where are we going?" Luke asked as he and Selena exited the shelter.

"We're going to my house. We got a flower shop here in the city, but where do you think the flowers are grown?" Selena pointed out. Luke nodded.

"You're going to have to give me directions." Luke said as he motioned for Selena to follow her, leading her to his motorcycle. Luke gave her his helmet.

"A motorcycle. If you wanted me to hold you, you could have just asked." Selena teased him.

"Just don't fall down." Luke replied, turning his face away from her, lest she see him being flustered again. However, Selena smiled, suspecting the truth as Luke got on the motorcycle and Selena got on it as well. She made sure she was holding on tight as Luke started the bike and started to drive onto the road. As the two went on the streets of New Tech City, Selena smiled holding onto Luke. Luke meanwhile stayed attentive so he wouldn't miss Selena's instructions.

Soon enough, Luke and Selena arrived at Selena's house a bit outside of New Tech's city limits. Luke was amazed to see how large the house was and how much land they had. There were flowers everywhere of every kind.

"Before my mom's husband passed away... I mean... I'm adopted so... I didn't really know him and... anyway before my mom's husband passed away, this used to be farmland that he built... but my mom couldn't keep the barn, it was too painful so after she adopted me, we sold the barn and then we started planting where the barn used to be. Next thing you know, I'm growing flowers all over the place... enough to start a flower store." Selena explained. Luke didn't know how to react to Selena revealing she was adopted but nodded.

"This place is beautiful. I didn't think there could be any area so beautiful near New Tech City. It even beats out the big flower garden at your grandma's place." Luke replied. Selena smiled and went inside of the house. When she got out of the house shortly afterward, she got out with two baskets.

"How are we going to..." Luke started to ask before Selena smiled.

"I spoke with my Mom. She'll give us a ride to the shelter with the flowers and then drive us back here to get your bike." Selena explained. Luke nodded, but Selena did not miss the worried look in his face.

"Something wrong?" Selena asked. Luke wasn't sure what to say, but spoke regardless.

"You know last time your mom and I met, she made me promise to stay away from your life forever... clearly that didn't work out in her favor... not sure how she'll react to me still being around." Luke explained. Selena nodded in understanding.

"Well, my grandma and I both made her realize that she may be my mom, but she can't completely control my life. My grandma likes you a lot. She's just relieved that the person I like to spend the most amount of time with isn't running with a bad crowd." Selena told him. Luke smiled. Then Tory walked outside the house and saw Luke.

"Young man... can we start over? I was... insensitive to you during our last encounter. I worried so much about the danger you could put my daughter through that... I didn't take into account your feelings or hers. I know you are a good person... my mom is an amazing judge of character and just by one encounter she speaks of you like you are some kind of saint sent by heaven or something. So, please... can we start over, please." Tory asked Luke, a hand extended to him. Luke smiled and shook her hand.

"Yeah. That sounds good to me." Luke replied with a genuine smile. Tory then noticed that Selena was holding two baskets in her hands.

"I see you still haven't figured out my daughter's intentions with the second basket." Tory teased the boy. Luke looked at the pair in confusion.

"Intentions with the second basket?" Luke asked curiously. Selena smiled.

"Here. This one is yours. You're going to help me pick out some flowers." Selena told him. Luke looked at her with some uncertainty despite taking the basket regardless.

"I dunno... I might not have the eye for this." Luke said. Selena giggled at that.

"Everyone has an eye for it... you just have to have a picture in your mind and trust it. If the picture truly comes from your heart, then the vision will always be good." Selena retorted. Selena grabbed Luke's hand, the one that wasn't holding a basket, and walked with him into the yard... surrounded by various types of flowers.

New Tech City crime lord, Dirk Zarelo, wanted to buy out the land where Jack Landors' homeless shelter was built on. The problem was, Jack Landors wasn't selling. He cared too much about helping the poor and needy to just sell the land for the shelter and once again leave them with no where to go. Not that Zarelo cared. As Zarelo sighed, he noticed there was a woman standing in his office. Zarelo pulled a gun on her.
"Who the hell are you?" Zarelo asked as he stood up from his office chair and glared at the new intruder in his office.

"Someone who could destroy you if needed... but Lord Kaizo would rather you live." The woman replied. Upon hearing the words Lord Kaizo, Zarelo's eyes widened.

"You're with those new Warhawk aliens or whatever attacking Earth! What the heck do you want?" Zarelo asked. The woman smiled at him.

"Your loyalty. You see, we've had spies infiltrate your criminal operations, as well as every criminal operation in the planet, really. And we know that you want the land where Jack Landors' homeless shelter is built upon... and why wouldn't you. It's in the heart of the city and from there you could easily build a warehouse that would be the face of your smuggling operation. No one would ever assume that in the warehouse of one of the most well known companies in New Tech City, there would be some... illegal goods." The woman replied. The arms dealer looked at her in shock.

"Everything you and your Eltareis have are leagues above anything I can give you in terms of weapons... so why would you WANT my 'main' business to be successful?" Zarelo asked. The woman giggled.

"Simple... this isn't about your business at all. Whatever happens to that is none of my concern. No... I want your loyalty because you have a lot of connections to some of the greatest criminals that flee to Earth. With Space Patrol Delta currently watching out for our forces, the criminals that went into hiding during the capture of the Troobian Remnant is still waiting for their moment to strike. If you use your connections to them to help us... we can use both of our more... extraordinary people to wipe out a mutual threat of our operations... SPD. Even though the main Power Rangers hasn't interfered with your business for a while... how long do you think it will take them to shift gears to you, if we do not attack Earth for a while?" The woman asked. Zarelo realized she had a point. Doggie Cruger was not blind to the criminals lurking on Earth... he was too much of a hero to let criminals like him get various operations underway... if he wasn't fighting the Warhawks, chances were he'd be ready to fight the crime lords... and he did NOT want to have super powered teenage brats breathing down his neck.

"You want my loyalty... you'll have it." Zarelo said. The woman smiled.

"Good. My name is Astera of Eltar... my powers allow me to appear to you in a human form. I provide the Warhawks with their weapons... so from one arms dealer to another... good luck staying out of the radar of the Power Rangers." The woman said as she started to walk away. The then stopped and left him one last piece of information.

"By the way... various women in the city has been missing lately... SPD has been very busy with us so they haven't been able to look into it yet... but they have been taken by your son... quite the criminal in his own right." Astera informed him before she left. Zarelo sighed. His son, Tyson Zarelo was the owner of an underground city right outside of New Tech City. It was a city that was blocked from SPD's technology due to specialized jammers his son had bought from the Troobian arms dealer Broodwing back when the Troobians attacked the Earth. He knew that his son was more insane than even he was... Dirk only cared for money... Tyson cared about power.... and he liked to keep slaves in his crime city... especially female slaves... Tyson was a deranged villain... but he was a deranged villain who knew the ins and outs of Dirk's own criminal empire... so he would let this pass.

Selena looked pleased as she and Luke had finished filling their baskets with flowers. They soon were driven back to the shelter and gave the flowers to Jack and Ally. It didn't take long to put the flowers in places where they could be seen, but also out of the way of people walking around.

"Gotta say, I like the new plants. Really livens the place up." One of the shelter residents said as they looked around. Selena smiled at hearing that, as did Tory.

"Now that you guys finished that up, you going to go pick up your bike, Luke?" Tory asked. Luke nodded.

"Yeah." Luke replied before he looked at Selena.

"Hey, do you have any errands to run or anything today? I could take you after I get my bike." Luke offered. Selena shook her head but smiled.

"Nothing in particular, but I would love to take another ride. We should stop at the store and get you a spare helmet while we are riding around." Selena replied. Luke nodded... it couldn't hurt if he was going to have a semi regular passenger with him.

Mary was at some kind of facility along with 4 other people, blasters in their hand as they shot projections of Eltareis with blasters. Suddenly one of the Eltareis knocked her blaster from her hand.

"Mary!" One of her teammates yelled in alarm before some kind of energy formed in Mary's hand and she punched the Eltarei so hard her fist ripped it apart.

"I keep forgetting her powers of super strength can be augmented by her chi." Another one of Mary's teammates replied.

"That explains why Mr. Collins recommended her for this program." Another, this time a female, teammate replied.

"Let's not fall behind." The first teammate said to his team as he tossed Mary's blaster in the air, allowing Mary to catch it. Soon, each of the 5 people on this team fired a shot of their blasters in tandem, making the energy combine into one larger shot and it destroyed the rest of the fake Eltareis. The simulation ended and Wesley Collins clapped.

"Well done. All of you. Commander Meyers will now talk you all through what you all did in the next room. Except for Mary... don't worry... it's nothing bad. In fact you did a great job throughout this training sim, but I have a few questions to ask you." Wes said. The other members of Mary's team looked at her and Mary shrugged before they left to go to the other room where Eric was waiting for them. As the door closed, the only two left in the room was Wes and Mary.

"You were distracted throughout today's training session. Is something wrong?" Wes asked, concerned about the recruit he brought into this program, and long time friend. Mary shook her head.

"No, not anything wrong per say. Just something that's been... complicated." Mary answered. Wes sighed. Before Doggie Cruger discovered the identity of the Lone Ranger, he and Eric had both tried to figure out who he was... Wes originally intended to have him join this program, but SPD found him first... and now the person Wes intended to recruit (other than Mary, who he successfully recruited) to the program was the SPD Red Ranger. He remembered how hopeful Mary was that she could somehow convince the boy to join her... but Wes knew that there was another thing that she wanted to talk to the boy about. Something much more complicated indeed.

"You still haven't told him how you feel, huh? That's ok. Remember there is no rush. " Wes told her. Mary sighed.

"I keep hearing about this other girl who is becoming very close to Luke... like somehow she was able to get an instant connection to him. I'm not worried or anything...  but I'm still curious about this other girl. If she wins Luke's heart... what does she intend to do with my best friend?" Mary elaborated. Wes smiled. Ever the selfless one... even if she had lost her chance... she'd be more concerned about Luke's happiness than her's.

"Well, I'm not sure how to give you advice there. You know how weird my love life is... my girlfriend comes from the future and time was changed to even bring us together to begin with. The thing is... once you go down this road... romance becomes more complicated that ever before." Wes pointed out. Mary nodded. Wes sighed.

"You should probably go and rest. When you get back to your apartment, please tell your parents that I said hi." Wes requested Mary. Mary smiled and nodded.

"Will do, Wes. Will do." Mary said. However, Mary hadn't intended on going home just yet. No... before she had even arrived to training today, Piggy, Jack's business associate warned her to be careful due to girls being taken off the streets of New Tech City... she intended to let herself get caught and rescue the girls... but she didn't want to bother Wes or Eric with this. The Silver Guardians had a lot to handle as it was being faced with a new enemy in the Warhawks... and this training program would help SPD and the Guardians fight the threat... but Mary wanted to at least take out the crime she could stop before the time came to enter the conflict against the Warhawks. Mary started to walk to her apartment. Luckily it wasn't too far from the building where the Silver Guardians conducted her training. She walked into her closest and found a blue dress she had intended to use on a date with Luke, should she ever have the nerve to ask him on one.

"Piggy told me that it was girls who tried to look their best who are disappearing from the city... if I can get the attention of the people doing this... they can lead me right to where the girls are at. I've been training all my life to help people... now... I have to use what my first teacher and Wes taught me." Mary said.

It didn't take long for Tory to drive back to her house. It didn't take long for Luke and Selena to get on Luke's motorcycle and start riding around New Tech City. The wind blowing back onto Luke made him feel alive as he drove onward. The two drove into a park and parked the bike before sitting on a park bench together, taking in the peaceful area.

"Hey, Luke... I was thinking... I never did thank you for being my bodyguard didn't I? Do you like being around me?" Selena asked. Luke looked at her, and she looked back at him.

"Yeah.... there's no place I'd rather be than by your side." Luke replied before looking away to see the sun setting. Selena smiled.

"Then we should totally go on a date at some point. I know an amusement park filled with roller coaster rides and stuff... it's called the Great Adventures park. You think you'd ever be interested in a thing like that?" Selena asked. Luke had a light blush on his face before he tried to regain his composure.

"Sounds like a cool idea. Yeah... we should go there sometime." Luke said as he grabbed Selena's hand. Now she was the one with a blush on her face. After watching the sun set and the night sky started to set upon New Tech City, the duo decided to get back to riding around the city before Luke would inevitably have to drop her off to her house.

"By the way... we never did get you a second helmet." Selena pointed out. Luke smiled as he turned on his motorcycle. He had forgotten all about it.

"You ready to get going? I don't want to lose the girl I'm supposed to be guarding now." Luke asked as he felt Selena wrap her arms around him.

"Ready when you are." Selena replied. Luke drove out of the park and back into the streets of New Tech City.

Mary was walking around the city, dressed in the blue dress she wanted to wear if and when she ever got a chance to go on a date with Luke. She looked around... then suddenly... she felt some kind of shock in her back. She turned around to see someone looking at her with a sadistic smile.
"Oh yeah... she's hot all right. Tyson will be happy to see her." One of Tyson Zarelo's thugs said.

Before Mary could begin to fight, a flying piece of metal slammed into Mary, knocking her out. It was one of Tyson's thugs with a sadistic smile on his face. He had the power to control metal... and he often kept a metal ball he could manipulate in his pocket.

"Let's tie her up and take her to Tyson." The first thug said. Soon enough they had Mary tied up and they put her in the car they were driving.

Luke and Selena were driving around the city on Luke's motorcycle when they saw a car driving with a girl tied up. Luke growled when he recognized who it was.
"Mary!" Luke said. Selena looked at the girl with sadness... how did she get into this situation.

"You know her?" Selena asked curiously.

"She's a friend. The one Uncle Jack buys veggies from." Luke explained as he heard the thugs laugh loudly in front of them.

"We have to follow them!" Selena said.

"One step ahead of you. Hold on tight." Luke replied as he followed the car ahead of them. It seemed the thugs then realized they had a tail and more cars started to arrive... all with people aiming guns at them. Luke decided to try something he never did when he was unmorphed.

"Summoning: Power Sword" Luke said as he started to drive the motorcycle with one hand and after glowing red energy flashed, hold his Power Sword with the other hand. Suddenly as if acting on instinct, Luke filled the blade with Morphing Grid energy and swung the sword in the direction of one of the cars. A red wave of morphing grid energy shot at the car, slicing it in half and Luke and Selena sped by them.

"How did you know you could do that?" Selena asked in awe.

"I didn't. It was a long shot." Luke replied as bullets started to fly from one of the other cars. Selena extended one of her arms in the direction of the bullets and suddenly, a white glow in her hand appeared and the bullets were forced to hit plants Selena had appear from the ground, then she had them disappear. Luke drove faster and got between two cars filled with criminals.

"Hold on to me!" Luke told Selena who did as she was told before he spun the motorcycle and slashed at the cars. The Power Sword glowed red as it slashed through the cars and the criminal's guns and now, Luke was finally able to see the last car at a distance. As Luke followed it, Luke was able to sense more lifeforms underground... as if his power with the morphing grid was increasing some how.

"I'm going to follow them from a distance now. Something tells me I need to find out where they are taking Mary... and if we get any closer they could call reinforcements, making this more annoying." Luke told Selena.

"Right... ok. After we find out where they are taking her, we focus on saving her." Selena said.

"That's the plan." Luke replied. This was going to be a long night.....

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