Af robelyn_214

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FOR OFFLINE READING PURPOSE Lin Luoran is a 27-year-old girl from a rural family. She doesn't have a college... Mere



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Af robelyn_214

Chapter 86 Fascinating Spells

Seeing that Lin's spirit is lighted, Grandpa Mu smiles and says, "You have given me the jade for free. If I don't return the favor, I believe that my cultivation will be impeded. Luoran, is there anything you want? Just say it to save me from the devil inside."

Lin Luoran doesn't know much about the impediment in cultivation so she fails to realize that Grandpa Mu is not telling the exact truth. She thinks for a while with her head tilted, "I have recently learnt a simple spell of casting fire balls, but my master is not around to give instructions. Can you give me some advice?"

She has promised to go to the "Night of Bermuda" with Wen Guanjing. She can't let others know that she can't even cast any spell, or she may expose herself and puts her safety on the line.

Lin Luoran is anxious that Grandpa Mu and Guo seem to be surprised that her master never teaches her spells. She tries her best to stay calm. Lin Luoran is aware that she should make up an excuse, but she will have to tell more lies to cover up a lie, and her lies may be revealed someday. Thus she decides to take a chance — even if someone knows, she may as well take her parents and Luodong to live in the deep mountains and come out after she becomes strong enough. Still, this is her plan to face up to the worst.

In fact, Grandpa Mu and Guo are surprised not because that they have seen through Lin Luoran's secrets but that her request is not comparable to the value of the jade.

The Fire Ball spell is commonly seen in the world of cultivation which is already declined. On the contrary, the jade Lin Luoran refines is of direct use for human body. It is beneficial for Grandpa Guo's health, and it can even help cultivators save a lot of hard work.

Grandpa Mu asks seriously, "Luoran, do you know how valuable the jade you give us is?"

Lin Luoran is astonished. Is the jade valuable? It only takes her several minutes to refine a jade, and she doesn't expect it to be so valuable in the eyes of a senior in the level of Laying Foundation like Grandpa Mu.

Thinking of the fact that Lin Luoran just steps on the path of cultivation for a short time, Grandpa Mu says,

"You are so lucky to become a cultivator and you haven't experienced the hardship. Since Reiki in the world started to decrease and became agitated a thousand years ago, most cultivators have had to spend three times longer than before to refine the Reiki they absorb... Although cultivators in the level of Laying Foundation can live 200 years, those with normal quality will be dragged by the time-consuming process of refining Reiki. The agitated Reiki also makes the magic restoratives useless, and there is not much elixir which can assist cultivators. Thus, no one can enter the level of Bearing Essence any more. You can see now how valuable the jade with Reiki which can be directly absorbed is."

Grandpa hesitates for a second while saying "no one can enter the level of Bearing Essence any more" because he thinks of Lin Luoran's mysterious master. According to his prediction, Lin's master has to be in this level.

Seeing that Lin Luoran is paying close attention to his words, Grandpa Mu understands that her master hasn't informed her of the hardship — however, the master has the refined jade, so the problem which bothers most cultivators may be nothing for the master. Certainly, there is no need to say things like this to influence the cultivation of his beloved apprentice.

Grandpa Mu stops talking, and Lin Luoran becomes anxious. Her knowledge on the current situation of the world of cultivation is not enough, and she is desperate for more.

Meanwhile, Grandpa Guo takes out a booklet and gives it to Lin Luoran. Seeing the words "Spells of the Five Elements" written on the cover, Lin Luoran is flattered. She has a hard time believing that she just gets the spell book she longs for so easily?

Grandpa Guo notices her surprise and explains, "Don't be amazed. This booklet only records some primary spells. You can have it if you like."

"Thank you so much, Grandpa Guo!" Lin Luoran expresses her gratitude sincerely. The primary spells are valuable to her. Especially, the first page happens to record the Fire Ball spell she tries but fails to cast!

Noticing Lin Luoran's happiness, the two old men both praise her for being pure and virtuous in their hearts. How can a primary spell booklet account for the favor of life-extending? They want to give something else to her in return, but they are struggling about what gift the apprentice of a master in the level of Bearing Essence may like.

Grandpa Mu leaves the thought of returning the favor behind him for now and makes several gestures with his right hand. Four mounds rise up from the empty ground. Lin Luoran senses the fluctuations of Reiki but she can't figure out what Grandpa Mu is going to do at the moment. She stares at his hand gestures without blinking and relaxes more to sense the Reiki fluctuations — Lin Luoran has realized from her failure of casting the Fire Ball spell that she may have ignored the Reiki fluctuations while casting spells. She refuses to let this opportunity pass.

After a few seconds, the four mounds take shape gradually. It turns out they are one table and three chairs.

Ordinary people may think this is magic, but Lin Luoran can feel the moving brown Reiki molecules on the ground. Looking at the table and chairs made of mud, she realizes that the brown Reiki must belong to the nature of earth!

"Grandpa Mu, the mud is wet and soft. We can't sit on it!" Lin Luoran assumes that Grandpa Mu hasn't finished his performance, so she says something ironic on purpose in order to push him. She wants him to have a sense of accomplishment so that he can cast more spells. Lin Luoran loves to take more free spell lessons.

Grandpa Mu smiles. Lin Luoran's little trick cannot fool him at all. Nevertheless, he sees her as a nice junior, and he likes to spoil her.

"Watch closely, Luoran!" Grandpa Mu starts to make another gesture with his right hand. His actions are slow and completely different from the spell he casts to make mud into table, or Wen Guanjing's Fire Ball spell. A sharp and serious sense comes out with every single move he makes, and golden Reiki molecules in the thin air are reacting to him. Grandpa Mu looks careful and not as easy as he was when he casted the earth spell just now. He shouts, "Spell complete! Go!" A golden light comes out of his palm. The metal Reiki collapses with the earth Reiki and generates sparks. Fire starts to burn around the wet mud table and chairs!

He is drying the mud table and chairs? Lin Luoran stares at the sparkling flame. Her heart is beating fast. She is 100% sure that Grandpa Mu doesn't direct any fire Reiki. Where does the fire come from?

Grandpa Guo coughs. He can't bear the sight of Mu tricking the young woman with the myth of spells. After all, Mu is an old man, and the woman is a young cultivator.

"Mu, though metal and earth will generate fire, the spell can only be casted by cultivators above the level of Laying Foundation. Don't try to trick Luoran!"

Chapter 87 Happy Events

Grandpa Mu doesn't care at all and explains to Lin Luoran, "Your master may have told you that the nature of your Taoist root decides the magic weapon you can use and the spell you can cast. There are five elements in the world, and they mutually promote and restrain each other. As long as you can enter the level of Laying Foundation, you will be able to use the science between elements to make some interesting changes even if you don't have certain natures. Take me as the example, I have the nature of metal and earth, so I can direct a bit of fire Reiki to cast the spell by the collision of metal and earth. You should not underestimate the little bit of fire Reiki. It may save your life when it is necessary."

Taoist root decides the spells one can cast?

Lin Luoran bears Grandpa Mu's words in mind. The Reiki inside of her used to be mixed up and neutral, and a stream of fire Reiki was distinguished when she tried to cast the Fire Ball spell. Still, most of the Reiki inside of her are still neutral. Are they waiting for her to discover what else nature she has?

So what nature does she have?

Lin Luoran is in doubt. She thinks of these 36 hand gestures engraved in her mind and begins to make them unconsciously with her right hand. She has been practicing the gestures for long, and speed is no longer a question. Moments later, Lin Luoran is about to complete the spell — if she completes them like this, she will definitely fail again!

Before Lin Luoran finishes the gestures, Grandpa Guo shouts out, "Guide your Reiki into the gestures and elicit response from fire Reiki!"

Lin Luoran was thinking that she might fail as well this time. Hearing Grandpa Guo's words, she reacts instinctively. As if the fire Reiki in her meridians are summoned, they flow directly to her right hand and fill her fingers.

By the time Lin Luoran makes the 35th gesture, the air around her is "lighted". She can feel clearly that the molecules of fire Reiki are gathering. When she completes the 36th gesture, Lin Luoran looks to the fingertips of her right hand. A ball of flame is floating and beating slightly... She has managed to cast the Fire Ball spell?

Lin Luoran is filled with joy, but she is not dizzy with the success. She lets go of the gesture, and the fire ball disappears. Lin Luoran then closes her eyes and starts to review the feeling of reacting with the fire Reiki.

Grandpa Mu and Guo are surprised with Lin Luoran's power of understanding. They can see that she is a rookie for she doesn't even know that she should direct Reiki while casting spells — however, can a rookie comprehend the key of spell-casting only through a few words of Grandpa Guo? Also, she is so fluent in making hand gestures. Her fingers are born to cast spells!

They think of Lin Luoran's experience. She becomes a cultivator by chance. Though there is a powerful master to cleanse her bone marrow, her quality is extremely good as well.

Is the nature of her Taoist root pure fire?

Seeing that Lin Luoran just casts the Fire Ball spell so easily and she is the apprentice of a senior in the level of Bearing Essence, Grandpa Mu and Guo assume that Lin is a gifted cultivator with single nature.

Of course, immersed in the success of her first spell, Lin Luoran is not aware of the misunderstanding.

When she opens her eyes again, she finds Grandpa Mu and Guo sitting on the chairs made by Mu just now and nodding to her. Three cups of fragrant tea are on the table.

Lin Luoran sits down and sips the tea. Its fragrance refreshes her mind. Tea is really the best for cultivators.

With the booklet of spells and the key point of spell-casting, Lin Luoran is in no rush to study. The opportunity of drinking tea with two seniors in the level of Laying Foundation is precious, so why not take a break for now?

However, Lin Luoran is destined to be busy. Her phone rings when she is listening to Grandpa Mu talking about his understanding of cultivation.

It is a strange number. Lin Luoran picks up. Words from the other end of the phone make her brow relaxed, then happiness crawls all over her face.

She hangs up the phone. Grandpa Mu asks why she is so happy. Lin Luoran answers with tears in her eyes, "Please excuse my humble behavior. My best friend is awake just now."

After the incident, Lin Luoran's best friend, Qin Baojia, becomes famous... After all, Mu and Guo look at each other and figure out at once who Lin Luoran is talking about.

"In this case, Luoran, you should go back!"

Though this is a rare chance for Lin Luoran to spend time with the seniors, she always puts family and friends above everything. Lin apologizes to Grandpa Mu and Guo and goes down the hills.

Mu Tiannan comes out from nowhere. Grandpa stares at him with a smile and asks, "Why don't you send her off?"

Mu Tiannan laughs, "It has been arranged... Grandpa, I want to be a cultivator. Please say yes!"

Grandpa Guo frowns. Emotions flash in Grandpa Mu's eyes. He says, "You bastard! The family rules are made... Cultivation becomes harder and harder, and our family can't be so stubborn. You have given the opportunity of cultivation to your sixth younger brother. Why do you want to cultivate now?"

Mu Tiannan answers cheekily, "I regret. At the worst, I shall just give up the supply from the family. Can you teach me spells?"

Grandpa Mu shakes his head.

Mu Tiannan stamps his feet and disappears into the forest.

Grandpa Guo coughs and says, "You should tell him the truth. Why let him bear grudge against you?"

Grandpa Mu smiles bitterly, "My grandson seems to be playful, but you know clearly that he is the most arrogant one. If I tell him the truth, who knows what his stubbornness will make him do? I'd rather that he hates long as he can live his life in peace."

Live his life in peace? Grandpa Guo sighs. He is not sure that this is what Mu Tiannan wants.

"Anyway, what should we give to Luoran?"

Grandpa Guo's question baffles Mu. Right. What should they give in return so that they can get closer to her?


Lin Luoran jumps off the car of the Mu's and runs toward the Qin's villa. Ms. Huang opens the door for her with a big smile.

"They are all at the upstairs, Miss Lin."

Lin Luoran nods to Ms. Huang and goes upstairs. The door of Baojia's room is not closed. Commander Qin, Liu Zheng and Lu Sanchun are all here. Lin Luoran looks around and sees the woman in white standing by the window.

Her white gown is fluttering in the wind, making the woman look like a fairy.

Seeing is believing. Lin Luoran now is sure that Baojia really is alright.

Lin's eyes are filled with tear. Qin Baojia turns around, stares at Lin, and rushes at her,

"Hey! Did you eat cherry tomatoes in my room last night?"

Volume Three Stars in Bermuda-Chapter 88 Bermuda

The Bermuda Archipelagoes on the North Atlantic Ocean is the overseas territory of the UK. Financial industry and tourism there are developed, and it is the world-famous "offshore financial center" which is known as "tax heaven" and "company heaven".

A direct flight from the State of Huaxia to Hamilton, Bermuda lands at 3 pm. A group of Asians walk out of the airport quickly, but they still draw the attention of many people around.

The Asians in the group are all tall and slim. Huge sunglasses can't cover the fact that they are good-looking. Two tourists carrying heavy bags are amazed,

"Mike, are those people models from Asia? Is there going to be a show in Hamilton?"

"Look at the beauty in the front..."

Walking in the front of the group, Lin Luoran's face is mostly covered by her sunglasses, but her sharp and vigorous temperament is out. In the view of the locals, only tall beauties with full lips from the U.S. or Europe are stylish like this — Lin Luoran perfectly eliminates the aesthetic difference between the East and the West.

English is not a problem for cultivators. They can perfectly understand what the two tourists just said.

Wen Guanjing is an ordinary-looking man. In foreign eyes, he is humble and unimpressive. Wen is not wearing sunglasses. He casts a glance at Lin Luoran and her vigorous temperament and feels too inferior to joke.

Cars have been arranged. Several low-key MPVs with signs saying "Expedition" are waiting at the exit. In the heaven of tourism where luxury cars fill the streets, the MPVs are actually moderate.

People from the State of Huaxia certainly follow their doctrine of the mean everywhere they go. Lin Luoran sits down on the front seat and takes off her sunglasses.

Some of her companions are the young and talented ones in the cultivational world of the State of Huaxia. However, they seem to be afraid and don't want to sit in the same car with Lin Luoran. Wen Guanjing has no choice but to bite the bullet. He sits on the back seat, and the driver starts the car.

"Brother Wen, I heard that we are not the only ones who come for the operation. Is that right?" Looking at Wen Guanjing who is sitting straight on the back seat, Lin Luoran doubts whether this is good or not. Since her teammates here know that she has met with Grandpa Mu and Guo on the Fragrant Hills, they all start to act like that they want to talk to her but doesn't dare to disturb. This makes Lin Luoran reappraise Mu and Guo's position in Huaxia's world of cultivation.

There is no guarantee that the operation in Bermuda will be a success. Lin Luoran doesn't want her teammates to fear or disdain her. Harmonious team relationship will be the key for everybody to stay alive!

Wen Guanjing has adjusted his attitude. After hearing from the department minister that Lin Luoran was about to complete the level of Training Qi, he exclaimed over her luck — Wen used to be the best cultivator in his generation, and the woman who only cultivated for a few months just exceeded him so easily. Wen Guanjing was malcontent that she exceeded him only because a powerful master helped cleanse her bone marrow.

However, from Master Mu and Guo's comments on Lin Luoran, Wen Guanjing knew that Lin Luoran could make such achievements not only because she was talented, but also that she was a woman of good conduct.

Wen Guanjing's dissatisfaction turned into enlightenment — perhaps Lin Luoran, who tried so hard to avenge a mortal, was inherently different from the others?

Thinking of these, Wen Guanjing answers Lin Luoran instantly,

"Right. Cultivators from a dozen of countries will be here, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia and Japan."

Lin Luoran says nothing in reply. She closes her eyes and starts to rest her spirit. In fact, she keeps stroking an exquisite blue double-head phoenix hairpin, which is glowing blue under the sunlight... Unlike days ago, the hairpin seems to be unlocked now, and it is no longer a normal hairpin decorated with pearls.

Wen Guanjing notices the Reiki fluctuations on Lin Luoran's hand along the trip. This is also one of the reasons why other team members don't dare to get closer to Lin Luoran though they are attracted by her beauty — it is said that the hairpin in her hand is a weapon, and god knows how powerful it is! It's best not to mess with the apprentice of a mysterious master.

"Hello?" Lin Luoran's phone rings and she picks up.

"Luoran, have you arrived?" Baojia's vigorous voice comes from the other end of the phone. Lin Luoran is happy every time she hears Baojia's voice — people will cherish things they almost lose. Baojia was badly injured and she nearly died. Lin Luoran is just glad that Baojia is alright now.

Lin Luoran's cold temperament fades away. She answers with a smile, "I just get off the plane. How about you? Have you met with my parents?"

"I have taken Mr. and Mrs. Lin, as well as Luodong, to the villa on Mount Qingcheng. My grandpa will be around, so you can set your heart at rest while you're in Bermuda."

Baojia stops talking and calls for Mr. and Mrs. Lin to say a few words to Lin Luroan. Lin hears in the phone that her parents say the international call is too expensive. Luodong takes the phone and says "sister". From such a long distance, Lin Luoran can feel that her family misses her so much — the Night of Bermuda opens early, and she has no time to go home before coming here with the team from the capital. She hasn't returned home since Baojia's incident.

Lin Luoran hangs up the phone after reminding Baojia of something else.

She can't do anything about her parents' frugality. They can't meet in person, but the phone call just set their minds at rest.

The villa on Mount Qingcheng Baojia talks about is the gift from Grandpa Mu and Guo in return to the jade. Lin Luoran hasn't been there by herself. It is said that the leader of Qingcheng School is also a cultivator in the level of Laying Foundation who is friend with Mu and Guo... Lin Luoran is not worried that Elly may do something when she is away. She is afraid that the Zou family may find out that she is the one who hurts Zou Yaowei, and they may go after her family.

After all, the Zou family is powerful. It won't take them too much effort to make trouble for the Lin family. Now, her family is living in the villa on Mount Qingcheng, which is so much safer than before — after practicing the spells of the five elements, Lin Luoran has a clearer view on the power of cultivators.

Checking on the phoenix hairpin in her hand, Lin Luoran puts it into the space with a flash of mind. From the back seat, Wen Guanjing notices that the blue glow is gone, and then he discovers that there is nothing in Lin's hand. He can't control the contraction of his pupils — as the apprentice of a powerful master, Lin Luoran certainly is capable of using some ancient tricks!

Chapter 89 Play Rough

Lin Luoran and her companions check into a famous five-star chain hotel. It is not because the hotel bill is at public expense, but because they are cultivators. Let alone the support of their wealthy families, they can afford to rent a regular room at any luxury hotel as long as they occasionally lower their position and take some private jobs.

If the group of young cultivators are elegant as white cranes, Lin Luoran is outstanding like a red-crown crane among the white ones.

Pushing the revolving door open, they enter the grand hall of the hotel. The check-in procedure is already done, so Lin Luoran and the others can directly go to their rooms. At the corner of the hall, a man and a woman have been staring at Lin Luoran since she came in. Greediness is flashing in their eyes.

The beautiful woman has brown hair and brown, shiny eyes. Her nose is high, and her skin is smooth. She is not like other foreign beauties who only look good from a distance — generally, she is a real European beauty.

"Dana, she is my type... What an exquisite eastern beauty!"

The woman with brown hair says to her companion while swirling the champagne in the goblet. Besides greediness, possessiveness is also twinkling in her eyes — it is the nature of human to appreciate "beauty". Still, the brown-haired woman seems to be hard to get along with since she wants to possess things or people she likes at the first sight.

The man called Dana has curly hair. His skin is fair, and his figure is slim. The delicate details on his sleeves and shirt add a sense of European nobility to him — not all the good-looking men in luxurious clothes can be noble. Dana looks like a cultured man even when he is sitting there casually.

Appreciation and greediness are also in his eyes, but he is more rational than the woman beside him. He says,

"Crystal, have you lost your mind because you haven't been outside for long? Look closer at the man beside her!"

Crystal raises her eyebrows. She notices Wen Guanjing who is walking behind Lin Luoran, and says carelessly, "This is ST? I can't believe you were once defeated by such an unimpressive man!"

Nerve being touched, Dana only frowns a little bit and takes a sip of the champagne. Dana doesn't fly into a rage, which is quite gentle of him.

Certainly, if you look closer, you can see that his eyes just become colder.

ST — the man is referred to as the sticker by the superpower circle of Europe. Being defeated by ST is not something shameful even for Dana, who is always so arrogant.

If Crystal must try, he won't try to stop her — this woman always acts so haughtily with her high lineage.

Lin Luoran is aware that two persons keep staring at her the moment she enters the hall, which makes her very uncomfortable. While walking to the elevator, she follows her instincts and sees a foreign woman with brown hair sitting at the corner and raising the glass to her — the woman is so frivolous. Thinking of the conversation she overheard, Lin Luoran now has a "misconception" that she is teased by another woman... This cognition displeases her.

Wen Guanjing notices Lin Luoran's hesitation and follows her eyes. He immediately recognizes his old acquaintance, Dana, and sniffs.

Lin Luoran raises her eyebrows and asks, "Why? You know them?"

Wen Guanjing says carelessly, "They are nobody. Just the representatives of the UK."

Though he says that they are nobody, Wen Guanjing's poker face can't hide the truth that these two persons may not be like what he says.

The moment the door of the elevator shuts, Lin Luoran starts to make gestures with her right hand. A small fire ball gathers on her fingertip, and it rushes out quickly and quietly. The fire ball is almost invisible under the golden light in the hall. Crystal hurries to step back but fails to dodge the fire ball coming to her. It lands on the glass in her hand — "Bang!" Champagne splashes. Dana rushes aside like a ghost. Crystal never thought that the fire ball was targeted on the glass in her hand so it was too late for her to dodge it. Champagne is all over her face!

The door of the elevator is closed. Standing still, Crystal is covered by champagne and her advanced readymade clothes are ruined. People walking in and out of the hotel are all checking on her — for a woman from a noble family, this is more embarrassing than being wounded. Crystal's face is pale. She doesn't seem to be angry, but her dangerous eyes give her away.

Seeing that his companion is made fun of, Dana hands a tissue to Crystal and says with a smile,

"Is this what they do in the State of Huaxia — play rough?"

Crystal glares at Dana and says gladly, "I haven't met such a special beauty for so long... She is mine!"

Crystal licks her red lips. Her sexuality is accompanied with intimidation.


The elevator goes straight up. Most people can't resist the feeling of looking down from above, so the fancy suites are mostly on higher floors. This arrangement suits the mental activities of customers.

Though Lin Luoran seldom acts recklessly, she never intends to be a coward. She feels that it is appropriate to give warnings to people who disrespect her. Back then, she played rough rapidly and stealthily. Except for Wen Guanjing, no one around her noticed her moves.

While the elevator going up, Lin Luoran sees Wen Guanjing's hesitation. She comforts him in a low voice, "They are from another nation, and they will become our opponents in the event later. This is just the start. Brother Wen, don't worry too much."

Wen Guanjing, whose nickname is "ST", certainly will not mind. After all, Lin Luoran is their secret weapon, and he is only concerned that their opponents will be prepared if her power is revealed so early.

Hearing Lin Luoran's words, Wen Guanjing thinks that she is right. The event will begin in a few days. If they are about to turn against each other, their power will speak for themselves. So why pretend there is peace now?

Wen Guanjing stops talking. They arrive at the top floor and plan to grab some food together at the dinning hall after cleaning up. Lin Luoran uses the room card to open the door—

Lin Luoran is quite satisfied with the simple but luxurious decoration and the refreshing style of the room. Standing by the large French window, she can see the beauties in bikinis who are lying on the beach and having a sun bath. Sea waves come one after another and become higher and higher. People on surfboards rise and fall along with the waves... If she didn't come here with a mission, this would be a nice place to spend a vacation.

There certainly is a computer in the suite. Lin Luoran enjoys the view of the sea for a bit longer and goes to the study and turns on the computer. She types in "the Bermuda Triangle" in an unfamiliar browser and hits "Enter". Over 20,000 of search results are displayed, and Lin Luoran clicks into a website randomly...

Chapter 90 Night of Bermuda

"There are many wonders of the world around 30 degrees north latitude, and the Bermuda Triangle is one of them."

In a small conference room, Wen Guanjing draws a circle around a sea on the map projected on the screen — it is the Bermuda Triangle area.

"Every one of us must have heard of the Bermuda Triangle before. It is called the blackhole of the earth. Ships sink, people go missing and planes crash here... And this is where our operation will be located."

Wen Guanjing finishes talking and looks around. Everybody is paying attention to him because of his seriousness.

"Brother Wen, I do have heard about this. However, there is another story that most of these missing cases are made-up. Some people say that the frequency of missing cases happened around the Bermuda Triangle is actually lower than that in other high-risk seas. Is that right?" This is the other girl in the group talking. She wears a long dress in the style of ancient costume in the Tang Dynasty. She has an oval face and almond eyes, and she looks cute just like a woman in traditional Chinese paintings.

It seems that this girl is popular in the group. Hearing her words, Wen Guanjing even shows a gentle smile. He answers, "Sister Li, what you just said is exactly the official story. Truth is, with the impending of the "Night of Bermuda", shipwrecks in this area happen much more often than before."

Sister Li blushes. She appears to be embarrassed by her dumb question.

Lin Luoran lowers her head and says nothing. The official story — no wonder people from so many countries are here for the event. There is obviously a cover story.

So what on earth is the "Night of Bermuda"?

Wen Guanjing doesn't know what Lin is wondering, so he goes on with his speech,

"Let's ignore the information on the surface. In fact, a secret land is hidden at the bottom of the sea in the triangle area — it is a land for cultivators!"

A secret land! Lin Luoran is interested. Things are going exactly as she expected. In the first place, Wen Guanjing said that she could keep whatever she would find. Lin Luoran started to suspect that the so-called "Night of Bermuda" was actually the treasure-seeking operation for the world of cultivation.

"A secret land?" Sister Li's eyes are shining, "Brother, will there be treasures in the secret land?"

Wen Guanjing nods, "Not only treasures, opportunities of entering the level of Laying Foundation may be waiting for us there... All the living seniors in the level of Laying Foundation in our country got their opportunities during the last event."

Opportunities of entering the level of Laying Foundation? Now, besides Sister Li, many male members of the group hold their breath. Some of them may have certain knowledge on the "Night of Bermuda", but it is the first time that the rumor has been confirmed.

Sister Li says in surprise, "The opportunity of laying foundation... Brother Wen, are you talking about...?"

Lin Luoran is also interested. Grandpa Mu and Guo said that she was about to complete the level of Training Qi. Therefore, it is the best time for nobody else in the group but her to come to the event?

Wen Guanjing looks at Lin Luoran. Seeing that she gets more interested, Wen can't hide his smile, "Sister Li is right. The opportunity I am talking about is of course the Foundation-laying Bolus."

The Foundation-laying Bolus! Sister Li covers her mouth but she can't cover up the gladness in her eyes.

However, Lin Luoran is quite disappointed. She thought that the so-called opportunity might be some spells. It turns out to be the Foundation-laying Bolus — anyway, why are they excited about the Foundation-laying Bolus? Isn't the bolus commonly seen, as novels say?

"Foundation-laying Bolus is hard to refine?" Lin Luoran frowns. She was hoping that she can make progress in the medicine-refining work with the plants in her space!

Everybody looks at Lin Luoran as she is a moron. Wen Guanjing breaks the ice, "Elder Sister Lin, since Reiki in the world became agitated, most of the magic elixirs had died out. Also, the formula of making Foundation-laying Bolus was lost. Thus it will be impossible to make the bolus anymore..."

The world of cultivation values real power. Except those who are relatives or from the same school, cultivators rank their seniority based on power.

Wen Guanjing calls Lin Luoran "elder sister", which is another reason why the others don't dare to get closer to her. Lin Luoran feels strange about this and insists, "Brother Wen, just stop calling me an elder sister... Anyway, why was the formula of Foundation-laying Bolus lost?"

"This is another story in the world of cultivation. If you're interested, Elder Sister Lin, how about I tell you later in private?"

Everyone is focused on the secret land in Bermuda, and Lin Luoran hates to interrupt. Since Wen Guanjing is not going to hide this from her, it will be only a matter time. The problem is that Wen Guanjing still insists in calling her "elder sister". He is so stubborn! Lin Luoran thinks, if she can find the formula of the bolus, she won't have to compete with the others for the bolus during the event...

"Brother Wen, now that we may have the chance to find Foundation-laying Bolus in the secret land, why doesn't the department send more people?"

Lin Luoran has noticed early that though Wen Guanjing said that this was an important operation, but only young cultivators of the State of Huaxia have come. And the group just has ten members including an "outsider"... There is clearly a reason behind this.

Wen Guanjing smiles bitterly, "The secret land is strange. Only cultivators in the level of Training Qi can go in. Besides, there are not only Foundation-laying Bolus which can help us enter the next level, but also potions used by foreign cultivators... After years of negotiation, our country has earned ten places to enter the secret land."

Sister Li laughs, "In this case, we shall just pick more boluses in there!"

Wen Guanjing turns off the projector and says seriously, "Sister Li, Reiki in the secret land are unique. Besides boluses and elixirs, there are lots of monsters which we have to work together to kill, or else so many countries will not have to send their best men here... However, neither the traps, nor the monsters, are the most dangerous, but cultivators from other countries! A hundred years ago, during the last time the secret land opened, 25 cultivators from our country went inside, and only 5 of them made their way out... From the history of the Eight-Power Allied Forces invading the State of Huaxia, you should know who killed those 20 cultivators!"

Lin Luoran is absorbed in thoughts. According to Wen Guanjing, apart from those who died under the claws of monsters, a hundred years ago in the secret land, most cultivators were killed by people from other countries?

Why does this sound strange? Lin Luoran lowers her head in order to hide her emotions. The story was told by cultivators who came out alive, so those who committed murder for the treasures...might not only be foreign cultivators.

She should look out for herself!

Wait. What did Wen Guanjing say just now? Only cultivators in the level of Training Qi can enter the secret land. Was he trying to cheat her when he asked for the help of her "master" in the first place?

In hindsight, Lin Luoran is surprised by the unpredictable man. From this moment, she will not believe everything that comes out of Wen Guanjing's mouth.

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