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Chapter 66 Intervention of the Special Department

"Commander, Zou Yaowei is bailed out!" Lu Sanchun delivers the message he just receives with a darkened face.

Commander Qin's smiling face is gone, "Isn't he in detention at the police station? He will be charged of attempted murder even Baojia is saved. How dare the Zou family bail him out? Don't they have any respect for the law!"

Commander Qin is not the kind grandpa anymore, and he just shows a bit of his imposing manner of a soldier!

"Grandpa, don't be angry. Let's hear what else officer Lu has got to say, ok?" Seeing that Commander Qin is furious, Lin Luoran comforts him gently out of the concern for his health. After all, he is an old man and he has just recovered from the blow that Baojia may die.

Lu Sanchun then gets the chance to keep saying, "Commander, it seems that the Zou family doesn't bail Zou Yaowei out. People from the police station are being inexplicit and they say that a secret department has intervened. My extent of power is limited so I can't get more detailed information."

A secret department, like the "Dragon Team" written in novels?

Lin Luoran frowns. It's normal that there are secret departments in the government that normal people don't know of. However, it's not normal that the department just uses its power to bail a suspected murderer out... Thinking about Baojia's bleeding blood vessels of the brain and severely injured internal organs, Lin Luoran has a feeling that all the mysteries are centered on Zou Yaowei, a foppish man who dares to hit people with a car.

Hearing that the Zou family doesn't take up the matter itself, Commander Qin is mixed in relief and concern.

Baojia has an incident which may be plotted by the only son of the Zou family. This has made a transcending impact on the capital. Contradictions between the Qin and the Zou family are escalated to that between the military and the political system.

In this age of peace, the power of the military has long since been lowered, which is more obvious when it comes to state leaders.

This is exactly the same as the civil and military officials in the feudal system back in old times. It will be pretty good if they don't frame each other, let alone live in harmony. The Zou family acts in politics and the Qin family is in military. Decades ago, their ancestors were actually comrades in arms. Now, people always compare the two families, which estranges them further.

The only son of the Zou family attempts to murder the daughter of the Qin family in public. Outsiders may think that this is only a normal car accident, but everybody who is qualified to know the truth understands that young Mr. Zou here is indeed an attempted murderer.

This happens in the State of Huaxia, which is generally peaceful. Besides, this is not the time when warlords are locked in tangled warfare, nor the time when the country is fragmented. Let alone assassinations in the dark, this kind of public murder hits the bottom line of most citizens, especially that this happens between two of the most powerful families of the country. Top military leaders are disgruntled, and quite a number of political officials feel the same.

Of course, political opponents of the Zou family are looking forward to Commander Qin's strike back.

Top military leaders know that Commander Qin and old Mr. Zou used to be close. Though Mr. Zou is gone, Commander Qin will not forget their friendship so soon. The leaders are waiting for Commander Qin to make the choice by himself.

If the only daughter of the Qin family dies...the two families will come to an open break in relationship. No matter how close they used to be, nothing can be equal to the only offspring.