بواسطة robelyn_214

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FOR OFFLINE READING PURPOSE Lin Luoran is a 27-year-old girl from a rural family. She doesn't have a college... المزيد



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بواسطة robelyn_214

Chapter 61 I can Save Her!

"I can save her... Grandpa Qin, I can save Baojia. Let me try. Please just let me try."

Lin Luoran wipes away her tears and breathtaking words come out of her mouth.

Lu Sanchun's eyes are lighted with hope, and Liu Zheng stands straight against the wall. Everyone is looking at Lin Luoran with expectation, like she is the last straw of people who are drowning.

Commander Qin only thinks that Lin Luoran is so sad that she is talking nonsenses. He pats on her hands and nods, "Good girl, Baojia will know your nice intentions. Let's go and see her."

The attending doctor stares at Lin Luoran. He assumes that this woman is just bewildered. What does she mean by saying she can save the patient? If she has the ability, why do all the doctors work so hard to do the surgery?

Lin Luoran is anxious. She doesn't know how to prove her capability to the people. Commander Qin clearly doesn't believe her. What shall she do... How can she save Baojia?

All that left in Lin Luoran's mind is to save Baojia, and she has no time to try to hide her power. Lin Luoran guesses that as a member of the privileged class, Commander Qin may have heard of information that normal people don't—for example, cultivators.

"Grandpa Qin, I can save Baojia. Please trust me! I am from the Taoist School!"

The Taoist School!

Commander Qin suddenly wakes up from the dullness. Is Lin Luoran really a member of the few people in China who master the mysterious power? Does this mean that Baojia, the only family member of him, still can be saved?

But Lin Luoran is so young. Even she actually comes from the Taoist School, will she be capable enough to save a life?

Commander Qin's mood swings, but he nods to Lin Luoran without himself noticing.

Lin Luoran is delighted. She feels like endless power is overflowing in her body. Regardless of manner, she pushes away the attending doctor who is blocking the door and rushes into the operating room.

Screams of nurses and doctors come from the room. Seconds later, they all come out. Lin Luoran kicks everyone out of the operating room and shuts the door.

The doctors all gab around Commander Qin, who then raises his hand to stop them,

"Guys, you have announced that my granddaughter is unsalvageable. In that case, I shall just let her try... Even she fails, the fault will not be on you. Thank you all for helping the Qin family."

Commander Qin's words are persuasive. Hearing that the fault won't be on them, the doctors stop talking and just wait quietly in the hallway— Can the beautiful young woman actually save the unsalvageable girl in the operating room all by herself?

Lu Sanchun is hesitating. He wants to ask Commander Qin about the "Taoist School" and why does he agree to let Miss. Lin save Baojia after hearing the words, but he dares not to disturb Commander Qin from his thoughts.

Commander Qin turns around out of a sudden and says seriously, "No matter what the consequence is today, I don't want anything about this to leak!"

All the soldiers including Lu Sanchun salute and answer,

"Yes, sir!"

The doctors shrug and promise to say nothing.

Commander Qin looks to Liu Zheng. Liu Zheng smiles bitterly, "I promise I won't let anyone else in my family know about this."

Commander Qin stops talking and stares at the closed door of the operating room. His eyes are hazy. His thoughts go back to half a century ago when the war was on.

The Taoist School... Back then, he was only a soldier in rags.


Lin Luoran now has no time to care about other people's thoughts, and she has no interest in asking Commander Qin about his memory on the "Taoist School".

She stumbles into the operating room. Lin Luoran ignores the scolding of doctors and nurses and she sees Baojia on the operating table.

Baojia's silky hair are all gone. Her head is wrapped with bandages which are stained with blood. Seems that Baojia has just gone through a craniotomy.

"Out! Everybody out!" Regardless of manner, Lin Luoran expels the doctors and nurses out of the operating room. She shuts the door and returns to Baojia's side.

The fluctuations on her ECG are getting weaker. Baojia's pale face is scattered with blood, making her look extremely gaunt.

In Lin Luoran's eyes, the gray smoke wandering in the world seems to know that the girl on the operating table is about to die, and it comes flowing around her and even goes in and out of her body.

Lin Luoran puts her right hand on Baojia with concern. The gray smoke instantly escapes from Baojia's body when it encounters the gleam of the bead.

Baojia's face appears to be brightened up a bit although it is stained with blood.

Does this mean that the turbid air can influence the life and death of human? The idea flushes in Lin Luoran's mind. She doesn't have much time to ponder since this is the matter of life and death of her best friend.

She has said so firmly in front of Commander Qin only in order to fight for a chance to save Baojia's life. And she just bursts into the operating room with faith in her heart.

Her original panic is now gone. Lin Luoran returns to her calm self in this crucial moment.

Calm down. She has to calm down and she must not throw herself into confusion... Lin Luoran reaches out her right hand to Baojia's face, which is becoming colder every second. Baojia's life is passing. How can she be saved?

Ginseng? Or the spring water?

No. It's no right. Ginseng is a restorative medicine, but Baojia now suffers from internal injuries and massive hemorrhage.

Stop the bleeding! Protect Baojia's brain!

Thinking about this, Lin Luoran puts her left hand on Baojia's chest and her right hand on Baojia's forehead. She guides the Reiki inside of her to probe slowly into Baojia's body.

Lin Luoran's spiritual mind sees Baojia's body as raw jade stone. Her inner vision can see inside her own body, so there is no reason that she can't see through Baojia's. Just calm down and focus...

The beeping of the ECG Machine can no longer distract Lin Luoran. With her hands laying on Baojia, Lin Luoran goes into the state of inner vision once again in this bloody operating room.

At first, she can only see inside herself. Then, Lin Luoran tries to focus on Baojia. In the first place, she just notices that Baojia's vital energy and blood is insufficient. If people in real life have an HP bar like characters in video games, Baojia's bar is almost empty without doubt.

Lin Luoran directs Reiki to fill her eyes. With Reiki flowing in her cleared eyes and her spiritual mind, Baojia's body gradually becomes transparent...

No. It's not that Baojia's body becomes transparent. In fact, Lin Luoran finally manages to see inside of Baojia's body!

Chapter 62 I Have to Save You

In Lin Luoran's eyes, five different colors can absolutely stand for the five internal organs of human. Injuries on any one of the organs are fatal for normal people.

Baojia's internal organs are seriously injured. If the wounds are only on her spleen, the doctor can simply remove it. But Baojia is hurt in all the five organs.

How could a normal car accident do that to people... What really happened before Baojia said "help me"? Lin Luoran holds back the hate in her heart and directs Reiki to nourish Baojia's injured organs. Then she probes Baojia's head.

The doctors should have cleaned up her intracranial blood clots. Why there are still lots of clots? Did the doctors only open up her skull without doing any surgery?

It shouldn't be that. The doctors have been doing surgeries on Baojia for so long. No way haven't they got to the clean up of blood clots.

Bearing this doubt, Lin Luoran keeps examining Baojia's body. She discovers that some capillaries in Baojia's brain are oozing blood— this is abnormal. Human body can absolutely deal with this amount of bleeding. Why can't Baojia? Is this caused by what Zou Yaowei has done? What exactly has he done?

Hope Reiki is useful... No, it has to be useful!

Lin Luoran draws a stream of Reiki and directs it into Baojia's head in order to heal those bleeding capillaries... I will stop all the bleeding with Reiki even the blood vessels are wounded!

Reiki origins from molecules in the world which are smaller than cells. Cultivators will meditate to absorb Reiki from thin air in order to draw out the impurities in their bodies. Through continuous refinements, cultivators can transform Reiki into Wakan and even Meta which is in the higher level.

Baojia's injured organs are nourished by the Reiki Lin Luoran gives to her. Dead cells are resolved and new cells are dividing and differentiating... Due to her anxiety, Lin Luoran believes the process is not quick enough. Actually, if she let the doctors waiting outside come in and have a look under the microscope, they will shout with surprise that this is a miracle!

Lin Luoran is multitasking. She is using one hand to repair Baojia's brain and the other to heal the organs. However, she has just stepped in the rudimental phase of inducing Reiki into her body. Her elixir fields are not opened and her Sea of Reiki is not formed. Lin Luoran can't replenish Reiki by herself and she relies on the bead to convey Reiki... Compared with the amount of Reiki Lin Luoran is consuming, the bead is working too slowly and too ineffectively!

It has been just over ten minutes since Lin Luoran starts to heal Baojia, but she is sweating badly. Temperature in the operating room is moderate, and the sweating is the instinctive reaction of her body due to the lack of Reiki.

The bead is slowly.

What, what should I do... There is barely any Reiki left in Lin Luoran's meridians and she can no longer conduct such a consuming treatment. The Reiki conveyed by the bead is pure, but they are just like drops in the bucket since Baojia is too seriously injured.

The wounded organs are being healed rapidly with the nourishment of Reiki. Baojia's body is experiencing fast metabolism. Lifeful new cells keep dividing and killing damaged ones... Within less than 20 minutes, Baojia's body is covered with smelly sweat.

If other cultivators are here, they will beat their breast because of envy. Lin Luoran is clearly using the Reiki she works hard to refine to change the physique of Qin Baojia— This is not exactly bone marrow cleansing or meridian clearing, but this can definitely be considered as the force-passing in the Martial School.

Masters in the Martial School will use a special skill to pass their force to their kin seniors.

The way of nature is ruthless. Most cultivators will abandon the mortal world in pursuit of the way of nature. They may kill their companions for an elixir, and they will never expend any of their refined Reiki on a mortal.

Lin Luoran is shaking. Her hands on Baojia's body begin to have cramps, and her consciousness is clouding...

The story happened in a city of mist and rain.

A 17-year-old high school girl just finished her night classes. She was carrying a pile of books and had to ride a bike home which was 10 miles away. It was not that she didn't want to live in the school. Her family was too poor to support her with that. The girl was thoughtful. She chose to be a non-resident student in order to save her parents from more labor.

Though she was only 17, her face and body already started to look like a woman. Under the loose school uniform, the curves of her body were even enchanting.

She had walked through the alley several times. It was dark, but it was the shortcut to her home. She bit her lips, trying to encourage herself.

Neon in the small city were not as bright as those in metropolis, but the girl was happy to see the subtle light by the end of the alley. She gave a hard push to the bike and nearly rushed out of the dark alley.

The bike was stopped. The girl looked by the light and saw a pair of hands grabbing her backseat— she screamed, but another pair of hands covered her mouth.

Three punks dragged the girl deeper inside of the alley.

She was only 17 years old. The girl panicked and didn't know what to do.

These filthy hands were touching her over the clothes...

The girl tried so hard to hold back tears in her eyes. Still, she felt helpless.

What could I do...

The humming of a motorbike came nearer. Was someone coming to such a desolate alley? The girl gradually calmed down. This was one and the only hope for her— All of a sudden, she used all her strength to bit that sweaty hand covering her mouth. The man let her go out of the pain.

"Help... Help me!" The girl thought she was calling in a loud voice. In fact, she had lost most of her strength from the scare and her voice sounded like the whining of a stray cat.

The three punks were alarmed in the first place. Then they heard the motorbike drive pass the alley and burst into wretched laughs.

"Do you think someone will come and save you? Haha... Stop having day dreams!"

Day dream. Was her really day dreaming? Desperation rushed up in her heart. However, she didn't want to give up just yet. She kicked and screamed, yet couldn't get away from these men.

"Chi—" Her shirt was torn. Her smooth skin was exposed to the damp air of the small city. When a repulsive hand crawled on her neck, the girl finally couldn't bear the shame and cried.

A foul smell came closer to her. One of the ugly men kissed the girl on the cheek with his yellow teeth—

The brake of the motorbike squealed. Its headlights were bright as fire which immediately lighted the dirty alley up!

The girl opened her eyes. She couldn't believe that a motorbike was in front of her. Was it the one just passed by?

"I hate punks like you..." The rider said. It was a girl's voice. The three punks looked at each other and laughed.

"I was just worrying that one girl was not enough for us three. Brothers, this will be a good night. Ha ha."

The three men went to the rider. The girl's heart sank. Her hope transformed into regret. She might have harmed another girl. If she didn't call for help...

However, the next second, things in her imagination didn't happen. The rider in leather jacket and leather pants threw her backpack out with a single hand and hit a man. She then got off her bike and kicked another guy in the face!

While the last punk was still surprised, the rider took off her helmet and hit his head hard!

The girl watched the rider's move without blinking but she couldn't see clearly. The rider stamped her feet and said, "Come on!" She dragged the girl up and they got on the motorbike.

The three punks' pain went away and they tried to encircle the girls. However, the rider had already started her motorbike and drove out of the alley. The punks were swearing, but they didn't dare to go after the girls on the big road so they had to return to the dark.

The motorbike didn't stop until it arrived at a busy square. Looking at the crowd, the girl knew she had survived and started to cry.

The rider who just beat three punks was rattled by the girl's tears. She rushed into a snack bar by the road.

"Hey, here you are!" Against the light, the girl looked up and saw that the rider was offering her a cup of hot soybean milk.

"You are...the new girl in Class Three, Qin Baojia?!" The girl suddenly recognized her savior. She forgot to cry and said, pointing to the rider.

Then Qin Baojia noticed the school uniform the girl was wearing. The two of them did go to the same school. Qin Baojia shoved the cup in the hands of the girl whose face was still covered by tears, "It's the best that you know me. Stop crying. My head aches when I hear people cry. Drink the soybean milk..."

The girl was frightened and surprised. A cup of hot soybean milk was attractive in this cold early spring night. Besides, the person who saved her was standing right there and they were schoolmate. The girl was relaxed and unconsciously started drinking.

"You... How did you have the courage to come back and save me?" With soybean milk in her mouth, the girl whispered.

"Ah... It's not that I want to save you. I just hate scumbags who do that to a girl!"

Qin Baojia made a move of cutting throat and said seriously, "Anyway, can you call for help in a louder voice if something like this happens to you again? Your voice was like a cat. Who else would come and save you if I didn't just pass by!"

Although Qin Baojia didn't admit that she deliberately headed back to save the girl and her attitude was tough, the girl believed that Qin Baojia was warm like the soybean milk in her hand no matter how bad her reputation was...

"Lin Luoran, my name is Lin Luoran... From now on, you are my best friend. I will come and save you too if you are in danger."

Lin Luoran looked up and promised. Qin Baojia laughed, "Just drink your soybean milk! You look like a punchbag. Who do you want to save!"

Lin Luoran lowered her head, but she couldn't help biting the straw— If Baojia didn't save her in the alley, she might kill herself after being insulted.

I mean it. I owe you my life. I swear I will save you when you're in danger!

The fatigue caused by the overuse of Reiki comes, and Lin Luoran's conscious returns. The promise she made ten years ago is the backbone that supporting her till now!

Lin Luoran is bearing more than one life on her shoulder. She still owes Baojia. She can't fall down now!

Lin Luoran grits her teeth and draws out the last stream of Reiki inside of her which is used to nourish her meridians... She can no longer hold on to herself and falls down by the operating table.

The second before she becomes out of consciousness, desperate surges in Lin Luoran's heart. Has she, failed to save Baojia...

Sorrow pervades. Before she faints, Lin Luoran doesn't notice that her bead, which keeps conveying Reiki to her, slightly moves a bit.

Chapter 63 Unusual Change

The bead's glow becomes brighter and hotter. Gradually, it changes into a piping hot little sun, hanging on Lin Luoran's wrist.

"Foolish kid..." A sigh comes from the ethereal mountain of immortals at the end of the earth. The voice sounds old and desolate. It disappears within a blink of an eye, but still bears the temperament of reincarnation.

Lin Luoran is passed out. She certainly doesn't hear the voice. In fact, even she is awake, the huge gap between their levels destines that she will not detect it.

After the sigh disappears, the bead rises, pulling Lin Luoran's arm up along with it. Then, her whole body is up.

Lin Luoran's eyes are still closed, but her hands start to move.

Fingertips of her right hand slightly move and draw a mysterious line which makes up an abstruse pattern. The pattern hangs in the sky with gold gleams.

Actually, earth is no longer a good place for cultivation. Gray smoke has occupied most places, and Reiki becomes fiery in this environment and it is inappropriate for cultivators to absorb.

The moment Lin Luoran finishes drawing the gold pattern, it begins to absorb the restless Reiki in the air... Like a naughty boy meets his mom, the agitated Reiki molecules gradually calm down and gather around.

Reiki are accumulating, as if the molecules are spreading the news. 15 minutes later, the gold pattern is surrounded by peaceful Reiki.

Lin Luoran's fingers seem to be moving randomly since she is passed out. However, in her deeper consciousness, there seems to be a man in robe standing back to her and he is drawing an unidentified pattern in the air... Lin Luoran unconsciously wants to imitate his moves.

Reiki are gathering around Baojia's operating table. They shield the gray smoke and clean the air around the hospital. At once, everyone in the hospital feels that they can breathe more easily. Air quality appears to be much better!

Outside of the operating room, Commander Qin, who has been waiting for a long time in despair, notices the change in the air. His eyes are lighted with joy— this feeling is so familiar. Is she performing Taoist magic arts?

Soldiers are in fact the most sensible ones to environmental change. Lu Sanchun's eyes are wide open. He doesn't know about the concept of the "Taoist School" and can't figure out what is going on inside the room. Still, his instinct tells him that some magical changes must be happening in the operating room.

Will Miss. Qin be saved... Lu Sanchun's heart is suspended.

In the meantime, a common black Audi happens to drive pass the hospital. As it suddenly goes into such a clean environment, an old man in the back seat who has been coughing is shocked.

"Stop! Stop the car!"

The driver is also in his fifties. He can't remember when the last time is that the old man talks in such an urgent tone. He immediately jams on the brake.

"Boss, what's wrong?" The old man's health condition has been getting worse. The driver worries that his boss may feel uncomfortable again.

Seeing that the old man's car is stopped, many men in black suit get off from cars in the front and back and surround the Audi. A guard who seems to be the leader looks around watchfully and asks the drive in a low voice, "Is there anything wrong?"

The driver shakes his head and points at the old man in the back seat who is feeling something with his eyes closed.

The old man holds back the huge shock in his mind and opens his eyes.

"You guys can stand down. Park the car by the road and try to make it closer to the hospital."

The leader of the guards goes away. The driver starts the car and parks it at the roadside. He has worked for the old man for the longest time, and he can't help asking, "Boss..."

The old man coughs, "Don't worry. There is a master performing Taoist magic arts in the hospital. The pure Reiki around here is good for my health."

The driver actually knows a lot about this kind of stuff. Thinking about the old man's sickness for years and hearing there is a master performing Taoist magic arts, he wants to say something but stops on second thought.

The old man knows very well about his driver. He waves his hands and says, "I assume that only a master of the Taoist School will have the ability to direct Reiki in such a large area without being backfired. The master is doing this in a hospital, which means that he must be trying to save a life... I am blessed to have the opportunity to absorb the Reiki which my ancestor directs, so I won't go and disturb him. You can hold back your idea!"

The old man finishes talking and closes his eyes. He actually goes into tranquility at the roadside!

The driver hesitates for a while and sighs. He then returns to the car and guards the old man in silence.

In the operating room, the gold gleams on Lin Luoran's fingertips are fading. As for the pattern in the sky, it may have absorbed enough Reiki, or Lin Luoran's body is not strong enough to support such a powerful pattern, the gold gleam around the pattern is getting brighter and almost going to dissipate!

Lin Luoran's eyes are tightly closed but she frowns a bit. Since the gold pattern is about to dissipate, she has no choice but to push the pure power into Baojia's body even she is still unreconciled!

As the gold pattern merges into Baojia's body, Reiki which have been gathering to the operating room lost their target. They become chaotic again and retreat quicker than they come. Fortunately, gray smoke can't return into the hospital for the moment because huge amounts of Reiki have just been here. What's more, the bead is still in the operating room.

Outside of the hospital, the old man in the back seat of the black Audi slowly opens his eyes and goes out of tranquility. He hesitates for a while and decides not to disturb the master who just finishes performing Taoist magic arts in the hospital. He asks the driver to start the car and they disappear in the busy traffic of the capital.

However, Lin Luoran, who has been mistaken for a master, knows nothing about what has happened. After the gold pattern merges into Baojia, Lin Luoran falls down heavily beside the operating table like a puppet.

The operating room is in dead silence. Obviously, the gold pattern is more than one level higher than Lin Luoran. When it starts to dissipate, the magic arts is mostly failed. However, the little bit of power left which is pushed into Baojia's body is rapidly nourishing Baojia's injured internal organs. Besides, it helps Lin Luoran finish the last step of—completely changing Baojia's physique!

Commander Qin hears the sound of someone falling. He assumes that something is wrong and pushes the door open a little bit after hesitating for a while.

Lin Luoran is passed out on the floor and Baojia is still lying on the operating table— The Taoist magic arts, don't work out?

"Doctor, come in!"

Lu Sanchun is the first to rush in, then Liu Zheng and a bunch of doctors and nurses.

"Doctor... The patient's, ECG..." A nurse with sharp eyes notices the changes in the ECG and stammers in surprise.

The attending doctor looks at the ECG and shouts in astonishment, "Quick! Check on the patient's state! Her ECG is stable now. We must immediately start to rescue!"

"Breathing is normal!"

"Heartbeat is normal!"

"Pupils are sensitive to light!"

Except for the attending doctor, everybody here hears the data— Baojia's condition is stabilized. Has the beautiful woman passed out on the floor really created a miracle?

Hearing that Baojia is no longer in danger, Liu Zheng looks at Lin Luoran, who is moved onto a stretcher by the nurses, and finally feels relieved.

Chapter 64 Dreamland

On lofty mountains with eminent peaks, tall broad-leaved ancient trees cast a mass of shade. Between the sky and the earth, pure and energetic Reiki are flowing.

Mist circles around the cliffs. The planet is mostly covered by ocean. Miasma is rising. There are numerous birds and beasts as well as strange flowers and magic plants.

Tigers with wings, giant snakes, golden hawks whose wings can shade trees, and big toxic toads with bulging back... The clear and fresh mountains live together with toxic and miasmatic swamps. This is the time when intelligent animals first appear on earth.

There is no human on the planet yet. Until one day, a figure in wide-sleeved robe shows up on the cliff. The figure stands alone on the peak. Long hair is fluttering, but no one can tell whether this is a man or a woman.

In front of the figure, tigers lower their head, hawks land on the ground and giant snakes come to worship. All the toxic insects flee away and hide.

The person in robe turns a blind eye to the ambience. Right hand raised, fingertips move and draw the same pattern which Lin Luoran has drawn unconsciously!

On the beautiful wrist, a bead is glowing. It seems to be emitting more light than the sun in the sky!

Gold gleams gather in the hand of the person in robe and become brighter. The hand, the bead, and the gleaming gold pattern are the only things left in the world— the magnificent world is almost overshadowed by the splendid magic arts!

Lin Luoran feels that she is standing behind a barrier, like a passer-by. She just nervously watches the person in robe performing Taoist magic arts.

Her instinct tells her that the gold gleam in the hand of the person in robe seems to have the ability to destroy or disorder the world! Standing on the other side of the barrier, Lin Luoran unintentionally wants to imitate that person's action. However, the second she moves her fingers, the person in robe appears to notice her presence. The person looks back to Lin Luoran across thousands of years of time—

Lin Luoran's head aches. She feels like being thrown out of a world in a second and opens her eyes!

White walls and white sheets... Is she herself lying on the hospital bed?

The nurse who is changing Lin Luoran's IV notices that her eyes are open. The nurse says in surprise, "Miss. Lin, you are awake?"

Lin Luoran nods. She first does a simple check on her body and finds that thanks to the bead, her meridians are filled with Reiki once again. Lin Luoran breathes out after knowing that she is alright, "How long have I been in a coma?"

Her voice is cracked because she hasn't spoken for a long time. She sounds unlike her usual clear self.

The nurse swiftly changes the IV and says softly, "Miss. Lin, you have been in a coma for five days."

Five days? How is Baojia doing... Lin Luoran doesn't know about Baojia's situation and she is somehow scared to ask.

She is afraid that the nurse may give her bad news. While she hesitates, the door of her ward is open and the soldier called Lu Sanchun comes in with a basket of flowers. Seeing that Lin Luoran is awake, he grins.

Then, like something occurs to him, Lu Sanchun salutes to Lin Luoran.

"Miss. Lin, so great that you're awake!"

Lin Luoran doesn't notice that Lu Sanchun is using the complimentary close. She says with hesitation, "How is...Baojia doing?"

Speaking of this, Lu Sanchun salutes again and answers, "Thanks to you, Miss. Lin, Miss. Qin is out of danger five days ago. Commander Qin will be so glad that you're awake!"

Lin Luoran is finally relieved. So, the scene in her memory which is like a "dream" may be real?

In her dream, her eyes were tightly closed and her hair was fluttering when there was no wind. She drew a mysterious pattern in the sky and pushed the gold gleam into Baojia's body... It must be the gold gleam that saved Baojia!

"Can I go and check on Baojia?" Lin Luoran has been in a coma for five days. Except that her throat is dry, she doesn't feel uncomfortable anywhere else. That day, she passed out not only because she drained the Reiki inside of her, but also she used up her energy.

Before Lu Sanchun says anything, the nurse is vexed, "Miss. Lin, you just wake up. You should wait for the doctors to check on your condition before going to see Miss. Qin."

Lin Luoran smiles, "Doesn't matter. I'm aware of my condition. Could you please buy a bowl of porridge for me and deliver it to Miss. Qin's ward?"

People who can stay in the intensive care unit in the General Capital Military Hospital are not only rich but also powerful. The nurse has fulfilled her duty. Since Lin Luoran insists, she has to notice the doctor and go to buy a bowl of porridge.

"Ok, there are no outsiders here now. Can you tell me the actual situation?" Lin Luoran is sensitive. She has noticed that Lu Sanchun just says some unreal words. Therefore, she sends the nurse away and asks the question when they are alone so that she will not panic before seeing Baojia.

Lu Sanchun is inarticulate. He has no idea how to make things clear so he just tells Lin Luoran everything he knows.

Lin Luoran frowns and smiles while listening to his words.

"You mean, according to the doctors, Baojia is a healthy person now... But she is in a coma and nothing can wake her up?"

Lu Sanchun nods and looks to Lin Luoran who is lying on the bed with respect. Frankly, as a Chinese soldier from the mountains, Lu Sanchun has seen blood when he carries out secret tasks. Still, he can't figure out what is the "Taoist School" Lin Luoran has mentioned before. That day, doctors rushed into the operating room and found that Miss. Qin's internal injuries were cured and the wounds on her body were healing... Was that a miracle?

Lin Luoran thinks for a while and has no solution. She gets out of bed. Lin Luoran is wearing the loose hospital gown but her clean clothes are hanging in the closet. She runs to the bathroom and gets changed. Lin Luoran moves her hands and feet and feels strong, which is nothing like a person who hasn't eaten anything for five days. She turns around and says to Lu Sanchun,

"Let's go. Please lead me to Baojia."

Lu Sanchun is a soldier. He respects Lin Luoran very much but he doesn't act shyly in front of her. He leads Lin Luoran out of her ward and heads to where Baojia is staying.

Lu Sanchun is wearing army boots. He unintentionally lighters his steps on the long clean hallway. Behind him, Lin Luoran makes absolutely no sound while walking.

Nothing can wake Baojia up?

After secretly "seeing" the mysterious pattern the person in robe draws, Lin Luoran believes that the gold gleam is powerful. Although it has started to dissipate before she pushes it into Baojia, it won't make Baojia trapped in the vegetative state, right?

Chapter 65 A Blessing in Disguise?

Compared with Lin Luoran's ward, the ward Baojia stays is no doubt popular.

Doctors are doing routine examinations. Commander Qin is whispering to Liu Zheng on the couch. Nurses are assisting the doctors. Soldiers on guard are standing at the door.

It's not that Commander Qin just casts Lin Luoran aside when she has served her purpose. Truth is, after Lin Luoran rescues Baojia from the jaws of death, Commander Qin demands everybody on the scene to keep the secret. However, he can't prevent them from having thoughts— They all consider Lin Luoran as an insular master. Who dares to disturb her?

"Grandpa Qin." Standing at the door, Lin Luoran greets. Commander Qin looks up. Seeing that Lin Luoran is here, smile crawls on his face.

"Lin... Girl, you're awake. Come here and sit."

Commander Qin struggles in calling her "girl" because he doesn't know for now what attitude he should take in front of the young master from the "Taoist School".

Lin Luoran is aware of this, but she says nothing. If she insists to make a point, she may lose the affinity with him. It's better to just let this go. Grandpa Qin will get used to this, so will everybody else.

"I'm here to see Baojia. Officer Lu says that she hasn't woken up yet."

Commander Qin is not so worried about this. There are various magic arts in the Taoist School. Since they can save Baojia from the jaw of death, no way they will let her sleep forever like this— Take a step back, if Baojia really ends up in the vegetative state, she always has the chance to wake up, which is better than death. Commander Qin is actually positive on this.

Now that Lin Luoran has asked, Commander Qin nods. He really wants her to take another look at Baojia right now if he isn't too worried about Lin's health condition.

"Can I have another look at her?" A bunch of doctors and nurses are around Baojia. Lin Luoran can barely see her from the distance, so she asks for Commander Qin's opinion.

Since Lin Luoran come in, doctors and nurses have remained in silence in the hope of seeing her perform another "magic". Medically, their desire for knowledge is no less than Lin Luoran's thirst for Reiki.

Obviously, Commander Qin will not give them the chance to watch. He politely asks everyone out and sends Lu Sanchun to guard the door. Only Liu Zheng is permitted to stay in the room.

She hasn't seen him for days. Liu Zheng looks thinner. Lin Luoran catches sight of his boney fingers on the cup.

Lin Luoran has a feeling that she has gone over a light year away from Liu Zheng and she can't figure out why. Maybe it is because of Baojia's incident, or the fact that Liu Zheng chose to stay quiet on that day when Mrs. Zou came to make a fuss.

After the doctors and nurses are gone, Lin Luoran comes to Baojia's bed and starts to take a closer look at her.

Unlike her condition on the operating table that day, Baojia now breathes smoothly. The blood stains on her are cleaned and her hair has grown two inches, which is quite amazing in five days.

Scars left by craniotomy have been healed at a surprising speed. It's not hard to imagine that the scars may disappear within a few days.

Lin Luoran tries to direct Reiki in order to probe inside Baojia's body. Baojia is experiencing fast metabolism. Her injured organs are in perfect condition and her vital energy and blood are even stronger than normal people. Why is she still in the coma?

Lin Luoran has a feeling that she may have left something out.

Now that Baojia's internal organs are ok, Lin Luoran turns her eyes to Baojia's meridians. She actually finds something amazing with a careless glance— There are streams of Reiki flowing inside Baojia's meridians!

Mortals don't meditate or practice breathing methods. Even if Reiki or material with spirit happens to go into their bodies, they will only work for the moment. Afterwards, Reiki will definitely run away from their bodies, instead of staying in their meridians.

It's the same as the last time when Lin Luoran punches Mu Tiannan. Mu Tiannan is kind of a martial art expert, but he never cultivates himself. The stream of tricky Reiki Lin Luoran leaves in his body will come out and make him suffer now and then, but it will normally go away in a few days.

What inside of Baojia's meridians are the leftover Reiki from the treatment five days ago?

Lin Luoran has a vague sense that things are not so simple. She draws back her spirit and thinks with her eyes closed for a while. An idea occurs to her mind. She opens her eyes and asks, "Grandpa Qin, except for remaining unconscious, does anything else happen to Baojia these days?"

Commander Qin answers, "She is just in a coma with all her body functions perfectly normal. I can't think of any strangeness."

Liu Zheng, who has been in silence, says while knocking the table, "I've heard nurses talking in private that they have to change Baojia's clothes and sheets very frequently. Seems that she is sweating much these days... Black sweat."

Though Commander Qin cares so much about Baojia, it's natural that he doesn't notice such a trivial matter. Hearing Liu Zheng's words, Lin Luoran's eyes are lighted— Black sweat, coma, and Reiki. With all the three elements, does this mean that Baojia can also become a cultivator?

Lin Luoran remembers the smelly black cocoon and the pain in the middle of the night caused by the flame fruit when her bone marrow was cleansed and her meridians were cleaned. Perhaps, the accident is actually a blessing in disguise, and Baojia is now going through a rather gentle process of physique change?

The more she thinks about this, the higher she believes the possibility is. Lin Luoran can't help smiling.

Seeing that Lin Luoran is relaxed, Commander Qin stops frowning. He returns to his cheerful self as long as his one and only granddaughter is alright.

"Luoran, you are smiling. Does it mean that Baojia will be ok?"

Lin Luoran grins mysteriously, "It's more than just ok. Baojia may make good from the misfortune... We should just wait for her to wake up."

Thinking that Baojia may lay the foundation of cultivation because of the accident, Lin Luoran is glad. The path of cultivation is long and lonely, and she is worried that her friends and relatives will pass away one day. Now, though her parents haven't made much progress in learning the breathing methods, Baojia has made a jump.

What's more important is that Lin Luoran herself seems to trigger a deeper level of the bead because she drains up the Reiki inside of her this time— If she can learn how to draw that pattern, even a few lines, her parents' will easily enter the world of Taoist cultivation.

The shade on Lin Luoran's head since Baojia's accident is gone. Lin Luoran mental state is elevated in minutes as the biggest problem of hers is solved.

The atmosphere in the ward is eased under Lin Luoran's influence.

However, the door is suddenly pushed open. Lu Sanchun comes in with a sullen face and greets Commander Qin. The words he then says destroy the relaxed atmosphere...

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