Destined to you (ziam royal a...

By madlylarrieziam

39.8K 2K 9.5K

✓Completed Life has a very funny way of working, I realized it through the hard way. It throws things at you... More

Author's Note.
Author's note 2.0


1.8K 95 256
By madlylarrieziam

(Peeking out) anyone there? 

As you guys wanted smut, I tried to write it. And here it is. As I said, this my first time writing smut, so be lenient with me.

I start training right after I removed my bandage and Zayn wasn't happy about it. And he accompanies me and Topaz to my training. He sits leaning on to Topaz and watches me as I work out. I get flustered every time our eyes meet, but I try to hide it.

I'm not allowed to strain my wounded hand, so I do the pushups with one hand. I'm concentrating hard on doing it that I missed Zayn's movement towards me. And I yelp when he suddenly straddles my waist, sitting on my back with crossed legs.

"Zayn" I groan, nearly losing my balance. "Get off"

"Continue" is all he says and I detect a challenging smirk in his voice. I smirk to myself before continuing, with just a little more strain. When I said my father's training is hard, I wasn't kidding. I have no problem at holding people up in one hand.

"Babe..." I hear him say, shock obvious in his voice "That's so hot"

I smirk back at him and flip to my back. He settles on my stomach and leans closer, capturing my lips with his. His hand weaves through my curls (He's scolded me for cutting it 'I loved playing with it or tugging it, how dare you cut it?') and kisses me passionately.

I burst out laughing when he loses his balance and falls sideways when Topaz bumps him with his head.

"Oii!" Zayn exclaims indignantly. "That's my husband! I can kiss him, why does it concern you?"

"He just likes to annoy you to hell" I smile, sitting up and Topaz nudges into my face, making me giggle. Zayn just grumbles.

"You steal every single heart around you" Zayn says "Why am I surprised?"

"Why?" I repeat, letting Topaz nudge me all he wants. No use in complaining, he will just get back at me all the time.

"That smile" he points at me "is the reason."

"Shut up" I mutter, blushing.

"No really, Liam" he says, not teasing but sincere. "You have a beautiful smile"


"And I'm so glad Topaz loves you" he smiles and rolls his eyes "But don't let him steal you away from me"

"You are not mad? Of stealing him away from you?"

"I told you he'd love you" he reminds me. "He obviously saw you at your weakest point, I guess. That must have moved him; he never likes it if people are sad around him and will do anything to make them smile. If he likes them that is"

"Oh I know" I pet Topaz adoringly.

"I tried to leave him in a forest" Zayn tells me suddenly. "Two years ago. I mean, that's where he is supposed to be right? But he just refused to walk away. I tried twice and stopped. There is no way I could live without him too. I will miss him too much"

"He loves you" I smile and groan when Topaz pushes me back and  rests his head on my chest.

"Liam" Zayn pouts.

"Are you seriously jealous of an animal?" I ask him and he purses his lips.

"I can't help it"

"Well-" I'm cut off when Topaz nudges I to my face again. "Alright enough of this"

I try push him away and he might snicker smugly at Zayn if he can. Like I said, they like to annoy each other.

"I hate you, Topaz" Zayn tells him when he settles down beside me.


I actually forgot about the whole spending the night before leaving thing. I was anxious of going back that Doniya has to remind me about it.

"Is it true that you two are spending night alone at the cottage before leaving?" she asked, more like demanded.

"Um, yeah" that's when I remembered.

"Uh" she nods with a smirk and I try hard to keep my face straight. "Have fun"

"Shut up" I mutter, combing at Topaz's fur who wasn't very happy with it. He threatened to bite my hand off if I do it again, but I know he won't actually do it." He just wanted to some time alone with me"

"Oh, yeah" she is still smirking and Zayn and she share the trait. Always smirking at me.

"Will you stop teasing me?" I surprise myself by glaring at her "Why don't you go tease your brother?"

"Well, he has no shame" she tells me and she is right. Zayn would just shrug whereas I will turn red completely.

"You are right" I nod combing the fur on Topaz's head who wriggles back to get away from me. "Just stop teasing me then."

She smiles but drops the topic. The next evening, Zayn tells me to leave Topaz with Yaser and meet him at the stable. And I'm sweating all the way to the King's chamber. Topaz wasn't very happy about getting abandoned and I think I have to beg forgiveness after I return. Yaser smiles and tells me to have pleasant time, at which I'm sure I turn into a human tomato. Trisha was the only one who didn't tease me, but she couldn't keep the teasing smile off her face as well.

I hate being shy.

I wish I could just be like Zayn who never falters at teases like this.

When I make my way to the stable, I'm completely nervous, imagining upcoming events which have my heart racing in my chest. I find Amour, Amber and Iman at the stable. It's like Amour knows I'm nervous, because she nuzzles her face into my hair and comforts me in her own way. Iman is too shy and scared to acknowledge me.

And I find Zayn feeding a grey horse.

He turns to me and smiles, which doesn't help with my nervousness at all. He is just so damn beautiful all the time and it's so unfair.

"Come on" he says softly and I join him. "This is baba's horse, Pawar"

"Don't" he stops when I go ahead to pet him "You can't touch him until he says so because he doesn't like strangers touching him"

"Oh" I take two steps back and Zayn chuckles.

"Took me two years to befriend him" he tells me "But still, he doesn't like me that much"

"Its okay" I tell him, smiling at him.

"Alright, let's get going to the cottage"

Reminder of it makes me nervous again. I don't know what I'm nervous about. And you really can't blame me. I suppose everyone feels nervous about this.

"Why is that stables are placed close by lake all the time?" I ask as a distraction.

"So, it's easier to feed the horses and fetch water for them" Zayn answers and I felt stupid for asking. He takes my hand and he has a bag in his other hand. He leads me out and we start walking down a thin mud path.

"Baba built this cottage so that he could have some peaceful time to think" he tells me "After I grew up, he gave it to me. I came here when I feel like painting for days."

"Hmm" I hum, nodding.

"And I have never took anyone there with me" he says "Not even Harry"


"Don't know" he shrugs. "It's my hide out place when I feel down and I never really felt like sharing it with anyone"

I smile, getting reminded of 'I have things I want to share only with my future life partner' and chuckle.



"Tell me"

"I love you, stranger" I say, now remembering when I named him stranger when we first met in the woods and he grins so brightly that his eyes disappears. Who knew I would be marrying that stranger soon.

"I love you too, jaan" he answers, wrapping his hand around my shoulder while still holding my hand. The sky has started to darken, casting last pink rays to the world as a goodbye.

"Do you think it's safe to be alone without security?" I ask after few minutes of silence.

"Don't worry, I have got it" he assures and I nod. And I finally see the cottage just beside the lake, already lit up. If you ask me, I'd say we can spend rest of our lives here. I wouldn't mind, because that's how beautiful it is. It's built in grey bricks and has a dark colored roof, smoke already escaping through chimney. It's small and cozy. When we walk inside, I realize Zayn must have been here earlier today to prepare things. The fire is tickling in the fire place and the place is clean. I find a chamber leading to the lake and open the doors to let the chill air in. I stand there, staring at the dark lake in front of me, my heart racing a mile per minute.

I really need to calm down.

"Hey" he emerges by my side and I relax a bit when I notice he is a bit nervous as well. And that's when I notice the thick tension around us, suffocating thick.

"I want to go for a swim" I tell him and he raises his eyebrows.


"Yeah" I nod in confirmation "I just feel like it"

"But your wound...."

"It will be fine" I shrug it off. I need to cool down my heated skin which got heated for no reason.

"Okay" he nods "Go ahead"

"You are not coming?" I frown. I expected him to join me.

"Nah, the lake looks like devil at night" he says and I chuckle.

"Right" I smile "Well, I will see you in few"

"Hmm" he nods. With a kiss pressed to his jaw, I walk out of the doors leading to the lake. I pause for few minutes to collect my breathing and start stripping. I don't know if he is watching me, but I try not to ponder over it. Once I'm in my underwear, I dive in. The water isn't warm, and it isn't cold as well. Its bit heated from afternoon sunlight and slowly cooling due to cool breeze now. I break through the surface and the first thing I see is the full moon lighting up everything under dim light. It looks beautiful from here and I just know this is going to be one of the unforgettable nights of my life.

I swim for sometime silently, only the sound of waves and breaking through water surface echoing around me. It's too silent around here and I love it. I stare at the moon in the night sky as I swim backwards and smile when I find it hiding behind the clouds. As if it's shy to witness me swimming practically naked. I glance back by my shoulder to see Zayn sitting on a rock with an elbow resting on his knee and another tracing his lips. His eyes are set on me which I can notice even in the dark and he is watching me closely.

I duck my head and wash my hair a bit to hide my pink face from him.

And I smile broadly when I hear sound of strokes behind me after few minutes of washing. I twist around to see Zayn swimming over to me.

"You said you don't want to join me?" I whisper when he reaches me.

"It's too tempting" he whispers back and looks up at the sky. I stare at him, his black hair dusted blue under the moonlight and his skin pale. Even then, his lips are red, looking so inviting and irresistible right now. His skin looks so soft and I just wanted to run my hands over them to feel them.

And I do so.

I swim closer to him and he locks our lips together, his hand cradling my head and angling my head for better access. The moment felt so beautiful, like when we went to see fireflies in the meadow or when we watched sunset together. But this is even more beautiful. Kissing passionately in middle of the lake under full moon, it's as if this night is made for us. And I love every moment of it.

We have trouble keeping us afloat while kissing, so we pull back and he rests his forehead against mine.

"You look so beautiful" I whisper, I couldn't help it. A part of me still wonders if he really belongs to me.

"So, do you" he murmurs, his eyes flicking in between mine. "I feel cold, but it's worth it"

I chuckle breathily. "Don't blame me if you get cold"

"Right" he smiles "I would love it though, that means you will take care of me"

"I will" I nod, and close my eyes. We stay like that for a while, letting silence engulf us. I feel goose bumps break through my skin, I shiver from cold breeze. When I look up at the sky, I notice it's clouded a bit, the moon no longer in sight. It's going to rain soon.

"We should get out of the water" he advises and I nod in agreement. Without further delay, we swim back to shore. I realize this is the first time either of us are seeing the other in such minimal clothing. And the realization makes me blush and duck my head to avoid his knowing eyes. And I hear him chuckle and he picks up a big, warm, fuzzy towel. He wraps it around his shoulders and opens his arms for me. And I melt into them. Feeling his wet skin against my wet skin gives me goose bumps. I smile like an idiot as he dries my hair with another towel, while I stand there with my hands wrapped around his waist.

"Come on" he says and tugs me inside.

We stumble on our steps while trying to walk without breaking the embrace and chuckle. Still wrapped up in the towel, we settle on a red couch in the bedroom and I rest my head on his shoulder, feeling nervous again.

"Um, my clothes are wet" I didn't want to say 'my underwear is wet'. And he knew it from his chuckle.

"Don't worry, I will remove it soon" he whispers seductively in my ear and a shiver runs through my spine hearing that. I gulp and look up at him, to find him already looking down at me with dark eyes. And I frown when something is nudged in between my lips. It's a grape.

"Eat" he whispers and I take it in without question. Where he got the grape is beyond me. I hear the sound of rain hitting the mud and soon its scent fills us.

Now this feels even intimate to me, I don't know why.

"Here" he keeps feeding grapes to me, and I notice he has a bowl of them on the table beside the couch.

"Seriously? Grapes?" I shake my head.

"You aren't hungry?" he frowns and my immediate answer shock both of us.

"Not for food" I say and stare wide eyed at him when the realization hits me. He presses his lips together to fight back a teasing smile while I curse at myself.

I gulp, avoiding his eyes. My heart is yet to calm down inside my ribs and now my palms starts sweating as well. The atmosphere is relatively cool around us due to rain, but it feels so hot in here suddenly. And sitting shirtless and pant less in his arms with him didn't really help the situation.

"I see" he murmurs at last, his hand slowly tracing my bare spine with his finger tips. "What are you hungry for then, Liam?"

I arc in his hold when he pulls me close and I stare up at him, feeling my heart beat everywhere in my body. I gulp again, feeling like a kid caught with hand on cookie jar.

"Answer me" he commands softly but a command nonetheless.

"I-uh" I take a deep breath in and meet his eyes. "You"

He cups my cheek with his free hand and the towel slips down our shoulders. I hold my breath as he traces my bottom lip with his thumb, his eyes following his actions. My lips part themselves under his sweet caress and they tingle under the brush. I close my eyes and soon feel his lips against mine. He coaxes in his tongue softly, his hand weaving through my hair and I kiss him back slowly, thoroughly. My hands snake up his shoulders and I knot them in his wet hair.

I'm vaguely aware of towel slipping off completely and feel cold air against my skin. He pulls me even close and I straddle his waist. I must be heavy but he doesn't seem to mind to have me on his lap. I shiver in his hold as he runs his hands down my back slowly, only his finger tips brushing against my skin.

He leaves my lips and starts trailing them along my jaw. I tilt my head back to give him better access and he sucks against where my jaw meets my neck. The sound of lips against skin fills the silence around us as we kiss each other as if it's the end of the world. My hands roam on him without my realization and he moans when I tug at his hair to make him look at me.

"Off" he orders, patting at my thigh. And I get off him, only thing is, he stands up along with me, never once breaking eye contact. He pushes me back on my feet and I slightly stumble back on to the bed. The towel we were wrapped around is long forgotten on the couch.

"Up" he orders and I move up the bed and he crawls over to me. I feel my breathing pick up at the sight. He looks so hot like this and I know I will never get tired of this sight. I take pleasure at the fact that it's only me who saw him like this. He pushes me back to lie down and hovers over me. I hold my breath and clench my eyes shut as he slowly leans down to press a tender kiss to my throat. I feel his fingers trace down my side and cup my thigh.

"Up" he taps my waist and I gulp before lifting my hips up. With a swift move, he pulls off my last clothing and my face flames red when he stares at me. Nobody has ever seen me like this and I feel insecurity grip me.

"Liam" he takes my chin and makes me look at him. "You are beautiful"

And aroused. But I don't dare to say it aloud.

Noticing my still tensed state, he drapes a duvet over us after discarding his clothing as well. I don't get to see him other than feel him. He starts kissing down my body slowly, as if worshipping every inch of me. If I ask him, he would say yes, I think. Feeling lips in places nobody has ever touched makes it even more intimate to me.

The fire is starting to die, so the room is dark at corners. And it's the only light source for us to see each other. It's drizzling outside as well, the sound filling the room along with my moans. I feel him suck marks along his way and I vaguely wonder how I'm going to cover them up. But at the moment, I wanted more.

When he starts rolling my nipple in his fingers without warning, I feel my mouth fall open in breathless gasp. I have enough trouble just trying not to mess this up and feeling insecure. But the feel he is giving me right now is something I have never felt before. I choke on my own spit when he replaces his fingers with his mouth and feel my back arch off the bed.

"Zayn...." I moan when he continues sucking and I pull him close to me by his shoulder. When our eyes lock, he pulls off and takes the other abandoned one in his mouth, making my head drop back in pleasure. My nails dig into his back as he sucks hard and moans, which makes me moan as well.

"You taste so good" he says, his voice deep from arousal. "Wonder what you really like taste like down there"

The way he is looking at me makes the whole ordeal even more terrifying. And I whimper when he slams his lips against me. So hard I'm pretty sure I will have bruise left behind. He bites down on my lower lip hard and I wince, vaguely aware of his hand leaving my body for a moment. I hear rustling beside me as we kiss hungrily, and I gasp against him when I feel cool, wet fingers against my entrance. My eyes snap open, shocked about how he got them wet. I see the bowl placed by the table and I notice some gel in it. I scrunch my face up when he pushes in finger inside me. It was a weird feeling really, and without experience, I know this pain at first will be followed by pleasure. Please don't ask me how, when you get matured, you just learn these things gradually.

He works it in and out of me, simultaneously mouthing against my shoulder.

"More" I breathe out and he doesn't have to be told twice. Now, I feel a sting of pain down there. I'm used to pain, but just not in this way. Our eyes remain locked as he works them in and out. I think he is controlling himself, forcing himself to go slow. Because the way he looks desperate and the slight pinch to his eyebrows due to concentration and control says it all.

I know how much Zayn wanted me this way before, we just didn't get the right time. With me depressed and guilt was eating him away. But right now, we are going to get married soon. And I just want to give myself away to him completely.

"Can I?" he pulls me out of my thoughts, and I feel third finger probing curiously.

"Go" I nod and gasp at the sting of pain. He immediately pauses his actions but I urge him to go ahead. I take deep breaths to control my racing heart when he is knuckle-deep inside me.

"Just tell me the word, Liam" he whispers, pushing back my hair from my sweaty forehead and concerned eyes searching mine.

"No, don't stop" I tell him "And move"

He hesitates but does as said, as if searching for something. And suddenly, he curls his fingers inside me and my body jolts with intense pleasure that I see stars for a second. I gape at him when he smirks.

"What was-?" I'm cut off when he does it again and I'm begging him to do it again. Pre-come starts leaking from my length when he does it again, smirking triumphantly as he watches me loose it beneath him. I whine aloud when he removes his fingers, and I feel weirdly empty. But I cry out when he replaces his fingers with his mouth. A part of me cringes at that, but the pleasure I feel is nothing compared to what I felt before. I feel my hand fist the sheets at the sensation and I tug painfully hard on his hair as I feel his tongue inside me.

And I hear him moan, nails digging into my thighs and before I know it, I'm coming hard, painting his chest white. I fall back on the bed, gasping for breath as I stare at the ceiling in daze of pleasure. My eyes are blurry with tears as I watch him clean himself before crawling up on me.

"That was amazing" I breathe out.

"It was" he agrees. "I loved watching it"

"Want you, want to feel you" I say, still high from pleasure. I want to tell him to stop and urge him to go ahead at the same time when he wraps a hand around me. Within few tugs and lips latching onto my hip, I'm hard again. Even if I've never been with someone before like this, I just knew only Zayn can make me feel this much want.

"Want you" I make grabby hands at him.

"Trust me, babe. I can't wait to be inside you" he says as he wraps my legs around his waist. He holds his weight up with an elbow while the other hand cups my thigh. And after a moment, I feel him push in. He stubbornly keeps eye contact as he does so and it makes it feel even more intimate. The dim light around us due to the dying fire, and the rain still pattering outside.... mist of cold wind and scent of wet mud surrounding our heated all screamed intimacy to me and I love it.

I feel sting of pain again and he continues pushing in. We both breathe hard against each other when he is completely inside me. I grip on to his shoulders, feeling so full. And he groans at that.

"So warm" he gasps out breathlessly. "I l-love it"

"Move" I instruct and he does so. The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room along with the sound of rain. And it plays like melody around us. I moan, dropping my head back against the pillow when he hits the spot inside me. And he takes advantage of it, sucking marks in my throat picks up the pace of his thrusts.

A steady amount 'ah-ah' leaves my mouth at his pace and he pushes in against so hard that I'm pushed up against the bed. My toes dig into his back and he settles on me completely, and moves his hips faster.

I rack my nails on his back when he hits the spot inside me again and again. He tugs at my lip with his teeth before kissing me; it's all messy and sloppy. But neither of us cared. And Zayn likes it hard I guess, his actions scream them to me. He took it slowly because it's our first time.

"Feels so good" I gasp out against him, feeling the tug at my abdomen.

"You feel so good" he says, resting his forehead against mine.

"Faster" I breathe against his mouth and he pounds into me, making my head hit the headrest of the bed. I cry out in pleasure and we come together when he hits hard into me again. He collapses on top of me as he fills me up and I release in between us. I stare at the ceiling again, feeling so spent and exhausted and absolutely wonderful.

I feel him breathing hard against my neck. I have never been so messy before in my life, but I love this and I'm already waiting for the next time.

"God, I love you so much" he presses a kiss to my jaw. "I love you so much, meri jaan"

"I love you too" I tiredly raise a hand to run my hands through his hair. And he cups my thighs, holding himself up again. I stare at this man, who is my terrifying nightmare and undesirable dream at the same time, the man who made me fight against my own father for what I want.

And there is no one else in the world that I love more.

Zayn is my world and he knows it. And I know I'm his world as well, he never fails to remind it to me.

"How was it?" he asks and I blink before flushing brightly.

"It was nice" I say and he raises his eyebrows in disbelief.

"But your screams said something else" he smirks and I punch his shoulder. I'm so glad that we have come to this stage in our relationship. I'm surprised that I'm not even insecure anymore even if I'm still naked. And I can feel him against me.

"I loved it" I say and he grins.

"Me too" he nods. "And, for you information...don't expect me to go slow next time."

"Oh, I know" I smile knowingly. "You were controlling yourself"

"Yeah" he admits. "It was hard, when you are so irresistible and innocent."

"Not anymore"

"Never. I'm going ravage you next time, Liam. Just you wait"


After taking shower together, another intimacy I love in between us, we settle back down on the bed. I'm lying with my head on his chest and his arms are wrapped around my shoulder. Every time I move, I feel pain down there and I flush when I think of what caused the pain first of all. Zayn keeps smirking at me whenever I wince and I punch him in the arm every time.

"Reality check" he says and I frown up at him. "We are leaving to Carlos tomorrow and I'm not happy about going back so soon."

"It will be alright" I try to assure both of us. "We have every support we can get, Zayn. Just because my father disowned me doesn't mean we are alone in this. If my father even comes anywhere near me, I'm sure you or Louis will kill him"

"Yeah" he agrees. "Even if I don't, Louis will"

We aren't kidding. Everyone knew Louis and my father disliked each other after Louis came out. But after the hearing, Louis has turned even colder towards my father. He didn't tell me, Niall was the one to tell me. Louis loathed my father because he was the reason that I had to leave and go through so much pain. And Harry told me the first thing Louis is going to do after becoming a King is to announce child abuse is punishment by death with a trail. And I felt so loved and special due to the way Louis loved me like his own small brother. Even if I was destined with shit parents, I have friends and god parents or best boyfriend everyone will die for. I won't hesitate to do anything for them.

"Louis will make a great King" I say and Zayn hums in agreement. "I can't wait to see his coronation."

"Me too" he runs his fingers through my hair softly. "He would hang your father first thing if he can"

I don't know how to feel about it, so I don't say anything.

"It will be alright" I say again. "After all we have been through, this is nothing"

"Yeah" he agrees, looking down at me. "I love you"

I love it when he doesn't fail to say it at least ten to twenty times a day. But no matter how many times he says it, I know we can never express the amount of love we have for each other.

"I love you too, Zizi. More than anything"

"I know"

Now, we will face this together and I will be brave...facing my father bravely. I'm not going to let him be little me or make me weak again. With that thought in my mind, I snuggle closer to him, throwing my leg over his thighs and wrapping my arm around his waist, I fall into peaceful sleep. 

So, how was it? Was it good? or bad? Please be honest with me. 

Don't forget to vote. x. 

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