
By harrystacos2

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she was a smart girl with the what seemed to be perfect life, and he was a boy with a complicated past. Could... More

52 outfits <3
goodbye <3 (not a chapter)
book recs :)


130 5 1
By harrystacos2

No Perspective


The man smirks deviously, and mutters, "Did you stop when she asked you to?"

The man on the floor stays quiet, the only noise being his shaky breath.

"That's what I thought." His accent flavoring his sentence in all the right ways. He grips the knife in his hand tighter. He squats down next to the other man.

He twirls the knife between his fingers, in his hand. "You should've never touched her. Now your son will have to grow up without a father. How sad." He pouts in a synthetic way, mocking him.

He brings the knife into the air, then drops it down straight into the other man's chest. The man on the floor yelps, "Please!"

The man pushes the knife deeper. Slowly, he continues to shove it down and he didn't intend to stop until it was fully into him. Until he was dead.

The blade was fully into his chest when the man pulled it out quickly and stabbed him again, in a different spot. This time making it quick. He lifted the knife again and brought it back into the other man's chest, over and over and over, until the man on the floor stopped fighting. He was finally dead.

The man who had just murdered the other guy, stands up, leaving his murder weapon on the floor. He steps over the dead body, and walks towards the front door. He had no remorse for what he just did.

He walks outside and takes off his gloves. He throws them on the floor and pulls a bottle of hand sanitizer. He squeezes some into his hands and puts the bottle back into his pocket. He rubs them together and exhales happily.

He walks down a couple blocks until he reaches a payphone. He pulls out two quarters. He puts them into the machine, and picks up the phone. He dials, and brings it to his ear.

Operator: 911 What's your emergency?

Man: I would like to report a murder

Stella Flores

When I got home, my parents weren't even home yet. I ran upstairs to plug my phone in, to find out where the hell they were.

I had gotten a text from my mom around 1 saying that her and my dad were going to be out for the night at a business party. It honestly worked out perfectly for me, because I would've been in a lot of trouble if they were here.

I grab my laptop and open FaceTime to call Isla. I want to tell her what happened. She answers after a few rings.

"What's up babe?" She was in her car, driving alone. She could come over, my parents won't be home until late. Plus, I rather talk to her in person.

"Can you come over? My parents are at a work event and I um. I want to talk to you about something."

She looks at me worriedly, "I was just on my way home from Caden's house but I can go over. Are you okay?"

I feel tears swelling in my eyes and I shake my head. "I'll be there in five minutes. Do you wanna stay on the phone?"

I shake my head again. It was pointless, she would be here soon. "It's okay. Text me when you're here." I hang up and close my laptop. I wasn't going to tell anyone else. I know that at one point I'm going to have to tell my parents because I'm going to have to testify in court. But right now, I'm okay with keeping it to myself.

I walk downstairs to open the door for Isla when she told me that she was here. As soon as I open the door she jumps onto me, giving me a hug. With both of her hands on my face, she pulls back and looks at me. "What happened?"

I close the door behind her and lock it. I walk up to my room, Isla following. We sit on my bed and she looks so worried.

"Mr. Grey - "

She sighs in relief and puts her hand on my arm, "He's dead, I know. I'm sorry, I know you liked him"

My eyes widen in shock and I felt my stomach twirl. He's dead? How?

"What?" I couldn't say anything else. I felt goosebumps fill my body.

"Yeah, right before I left Caden's house I saw it on the news. It might still be on." She grabs the remote and turns on TV. She flips to channel 7 and sure enough, it was still on.

Teacher from Miami High, Earl Grey, found dead in his home earlier today. He was a victim to a new profound "serial killer". Two other murders that happened in these past two months seem to be connected to this one. All three seem to have been stabbed to death, and the odd thing is that all of them have been reported minutes after. Could this new serial killer be reporting his crimes himself? People are calling him the "Snitch". We'll be back soon with more news.

"Are they talking about Brandon's dad?" I look at Isla in shock of what I just heard. A serial killer? How is that even possible?

There used to be a lot of serial killers back in the day because it was hard to catch them. Nowadays however, we have so much technology that a normal citizen could probably find out who they are. So, this guy must be really good at what he does to have killed three people and still hasn't gotten caught. That's really scary to think about.

"There's only been three murders and one of them is Brandon's dad so yeah. I'm assuming so." She looks around the room as she speaks, trying to avoid eye contact.

They have to catch him, sooner or later. Especially that he reports all of his murders himself. What kind of psychopath murders someone and then calls the cops on themselves. Did he feel bad? No because he would turn himself in, and he wouldn't continue to do it.

Trying to make sense of  every thing, Isla asks me, "Wait if you didn't know Mr. Grey was dead, then what did you want to tell me about him?"

I look back to her and half smile, shutting my eyes in pain, "He almost raped me today."

Her eyes widen and she scoffs, "I'm glad he's dead right now because if not I would've had to kill him myself."

I chuckle softly and her face goes serious again, she opens her arms, signaling for me to hug her. I wrap my arms around her and then she pulls out and puts her hand on my face. "All jokes aside, are you alright?"

I fight my tears and nod, "I wanna get out of this clothes though." I chuckle slightly as does she. 

"Let's burn it." She speaks through her smile.

Usually I wouldn't be in for something like that but as stupid as it sounds, this is the closure I needed. I smile and nod. Her eyes light up with excitement. "Really?" I nod my head and she smirks. "He's changing you girl. In a good way."

I know exactly what he she was referring to and she is wrong. I'm barely with him, especially not enough for him to have an impact on the way I act. I didn't have the energy to argue so I just smiled, satisfying her win. I changed into pajamas, and took all the clothes I was wearing before, including underwear and bra, and stuffed it into a plastic bag.

We grabbed a few things from the garage, one of them being a heavy ass metal barrel. We put everything inside of it and carried it all the way to my backyard. 

I emptied the bag of clothes into the barrel and poured gasoline on it, not too much because I didn't want it to be a huge fire and light up a tree or something. As I was doing so, Isla lit a match for me. She held out her hand and I grabbed it from her carefully. I threw it into the bucket and flames rose, making it really hot. We both took a few steps back and just watched it burn. We stayed completely silent, until I spoke. "Why didn't you tell me about the beach tomorrow?"

She turns her head to me and furrows her brows, "I didn't think you would be interested."

"I'm not." I quickly answered before she got the wrong idea and got overly excited.

"How did you even hear about that? No one talks about it at school because we can get in trouble. It's kinda like a pass on the word kind of thing."

"Harry asked me if I was going. That's how I heard."

She plops herself down onto the grass and smiles. She puts her hands together in delight, "Tell me everything."

I wonder if she acted like this because she is joking, and is just a pain in the ass. Or if she truly believes I like him.

I cross my arms and sit down in front of her, my burning clothes to our left. "He told me when we were at Mc'Donald's. I don't think he really even wants me there. I think he just wanted to make conversation."

She smacks her forehead with her hand and shakes her head. "You are really stupid. If he didn't want you there, he wouldn't have invited you."

I roll my eyes and went to answer but she continued. "Forget it, you're going anyways. What tiny little bikini are you going to wear?" He eyebrows raise up and down repeatedly with her same bright smile on her face.

I shake my head, "Nope. I'm not going." I stand up and she grabs my arm, humming out a no. She pulls me back down and I stand up again. I start to run away, both of us laughing our asses off, she pushes me onto the floor and gets on top of me. She pins me down and hold my arms above my head.

"Stella. Please listen to your best friend. You like him. I can tell. So if you won't go for me, go for yourself. Go for him. Plus you deserve a day off after today."

If I go it'll seem like I am agreeing with her, that I like Harry. Which, truly isn't the case. Maybe I'll admit that he's a nice guy. A good friend. I guess but he isn't and will NEVER be more. I will say it a million times if I have to.

"I'll go but not for him. For you."

She releases my arms and squeals in excitement.

When we got upstairs, I got a message from my mom telling me they were on the way home. I walk Isla out and thank her. She didn't have to come but she did.

Already pulling out of my driveway, she sticks her head out the window, "You better wear something slutty!"

I laugh and roll my eyes. I don't own anything slutty. I might have a few of Isla's swimsuits here though. As much as I hate to admit, I want Harry to notice me tomorrow. It never hurts to get a few compliments. Also, I want to get him back, for flirting with that girl at school in front of me. Not that I cared, it was just a dick move.

I run up to my room and open the drawer that is designated for all of Isla's stuff she leaves here. I scurry through all the things when I finally find this black bikini of hers. It was simple, but effective. It'll do what I want it to.

I wake up to ringing. Constant ringing. I sling my arm over and turn off my alarm. I grab my phone and look at it, barely awake.

Isla: I'm picking you up at 6:30 so be ready.

I look at the time and it's 6:26.


I jump out of bed and grab the bikini off my chair, and run to the bathroom.

I slip it on and look in the mirror. People are going to make fun of me. I look huge. I feel my eyes start to sting and I turn on the water to my sink. I run my hands under it and splash some onto my face. I need to stop thinking like that. I'm fine the way I am. Right?

I didn't have time to debate my insecurities. I quickly brushed my teeth, and slid on some jean shorts. I went to my closet and grabbed a t-shirt. I hear my phone ringing and I throw the shirt on the bed, looking for it. I grab it, and Isla was calling me.

Me: "Hello?"

Isla: "I'm here."

Me: "I'll be down in a second."

Isla: "Hurry up, we have to do a couple things before we go and we are going to be late."

I hang up, and grab my beach bag. I had a bag pre-set with the fundamentals. Sunscreen, sunglasses, tanning oil, and a towel. Isla makes fun of me for it but it's good for when I'm in a rush, like this.

I run downstairs and quietly open the door. My parents would never allow me to participate in Senior Skip Day. The funniest part is that they think Isla is an angel. They might like her more than me actually.

I open her car door and jump in. I had to sit in the back because Caden was already in the front. "Oooh I see." She pulls out of the drive way, rather amused obviously. She looks back at me and shimmies her shoulders.

"What?" I bring my water bottle to my lips.

"In just a bikini top, my bikini, but no shirt to cover?" I look down to my body, confused. I specifically remember grabbing a shirt from my closet and putting it on. No. I was going to put it on when Isla called me.

"I didn't mean to. Do you have something I can put on top?" I'm completely desperate at this point. I don't like being in bikinis at all. I usually find comfort in putting my cover up back on. I felt very uncomfortable right now. How could I not realize that I was half naked leaving my house. She shakes her head making me very doubtful that this is going to be a good day. 

We drive for about twenty minutes before pulling in front of a park. "Why are we here?" She looks back at me and smiles, not answering my question.

I turn my head and I see Harry taking a drag of a cigarette before throwing it onto the street and stepping on it, walking towards us. Did Isla invite him to come with us?

He opens the car door to my left and slides in. Why would he come? I don't see him as the 'hang out with friends' type of guy. "Anise." He nods his head, greeting me, with the same devious smirk printed on his lips.

"Harry." He looks at my upper body and clenches his jaw, "Where are your clothes?"

I feel heart drop to my feet, and my face grow hot. "I- I- I didn't mean to um. I didn't- I forgot my shirt." I look down in embarrassment. I wrap my arms in front of my stomach, hoping to cover it up a little bit. I probably look disgusting sitting down.

I feel one of his fingers snake under my chin, tilting it up. His eyes meet mine. When he does things like that, I feel like I'm drowning, gasping for air. I could never quite match how I feel, how he makes me feel. It's not exactly attraction but more like wanting more because I know that I can't have it. He felt like a prohibited area, that I had the urge to explore.

"You can have mine." He murmurs in utter seriousness. 

I blink, very confused.

My confusion was quickly washed away when he pulled his shirt over his head, completely taking it off. I tried not to look at him to avoid embarrassment.

He holds out his hand with his shirt in it, for me to take it. I shake my head and smile. "It's alright. Keep your shirt off. I mean on. Keep it on." I awkwardly murmur while looking at his broad chest. He completely noticed that I was checking him out, because his smirk was more arrogant than ever before.

"Take the shirt Anise." He nods his head as he speaks, still holding it out to me.

I turn my head to Isla who was continuously looking at us through the rear-view mirror, and Caden who was shamelessly looking back, staring at us.

It wasn't the best solution but right now, it's my only solution. Without saying a word, I grab the shirt and awkwardly slide it onto my arms before putting it over my head. It falls over my body, immediately making me feel ten times more secure. He looks at me and shoots me an impressed grin. 

"It looks better on you anyway." Isla slips in to mine and Harry's conversation.

I softly smile, and roll my eyes. He scoots over to the middle seat and leans to me, whispering in my ear. "Frankly I would like to see nothing on you but she's right. The shirt does look good."

He sits back upright and takes a pair of all black sunglasses from his pocket. He throws them on while grabbing a pack of gum as well. He takes out one stick and unwraps it, he puts it in his mouth, holding out the pack to me, offering.

"Yes please." accepting his offer.

He grabs yet another gum stick and unwraps it, he brings it to my mouth and smirks. "Open."

I roll my eyes and half smile, "Oh Harry, this is giving me flashbacks." Referring to the night of the party when he poured tequila in my mouth.

I open my mouth softly and stick out my tongue. He places the gum in my mouth, instantly filling my taste buds with spearmint. I close my mouth, and chew it, intaking the new flavor.

"Good right?" He watches me chew the gum, with his smirk, as he does the same. His eyes never left mine though.

There was silence but it wasn't awkward. It was, kind of, perfect. Just him and I making eyes at each other until my best friend's lovely boyfriend ruined it.

"Can I have a gum?" He murmurs, looking quite offended.

Harry broke eye contact and turned his gaze to Caden but his eyes were different. With me, they were soft and sweet. With him, they looked dark and mean.

Caden clearly felt the same because he formed his lips into a line and tuned back to face the road ahead of him, "Never mind I don't want one."

I snicker under my breath, and look out my window. We were already in the parking lot of Miami Beach. It was full. Like there were at least 500 cars, easily. Half-naked people swarmed the beaches, drinking, dancing, tossing a football.

After about 45 minutes, we finally find a parking space, that was fairly tight. Me, being the last one out of the car, I throw my hair into a lazy ponytail and slide my sunglasses onto my face.

I jump out of the car and shut the door. Isla and Caden walking towards the beach already, while Harry stood next to the car waiting for me. "Oh what a gentleman."

He rolls his eyes and begins to walk, "I know." 

I hope you guys liked this chapter:) If you are struggling with your body image please know you are absolutely gorgeous the way you are. Don't ever try and change yourself for anyone else. Love you all  -L

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