Behind closed doors (Clexa AU)

By 100zulu

37.9K 957 179

Clarke and Lexa have been keeping a secret from everyone. They are married and Clarke does not want anyone to... More

sneak peak
The beginning
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 4

2.5K 70 15
By 100zulu

Lexa and Clarke were curled up in bed doing nothing but taking in the small breaths that each took. Heart beating at a steady pace and the warmth that surrounded their room to their bodies.

Days are becoming difficult between the two of them but one thing clear is their love for each other. Can that be enough?

A loud buzz filled the room, disturbing the peace in the room. It was Clark's phone. She ignored the intruding device in this moment of bliss with her wife but the phone kept buzzing.

"Are you not going to get that?" Lexa asked, a little irritated by the annoying sound. Clarke got off the bed and pulled out her phone which was dropped on the floor with her clothes. When she saw who it was, Clarke closed her eyes and sighed heavily before putting her phone on silent. She turned around and placed the phone on the night stand. "Its mom, I think she's worried where I could be." She said has she crawled towards Lexa who had her arms open.

"Can I take you out tomorrow?" Lexa wanted to get their lives back on track. All this arguing was starting to tire her apart. They need to get back that spark they used to have and a date was the right step.

Clarke smiled and placed a light kiss on her lips. "I would love that."


"I think we need something like that. So, yes Lexa I will be happy to go out with you." Lexa gave her a promising smile and buried her face in the crock of her neck.

"At some point we will need to talk, like really talk." When Clarke's smile dropped. Lexa looked her in the eyes and kissed her forehead.

"What's the most important thing in a relationship?"


"Exactly, now let's get some rest, tomorrow you are all mine." She pulled Clarke in closer just held her their. "I love you." Clarke was already asleep has Lexa stared into the darkness.


There was an annoying vibration in the room. Lexa stretched her hand and met an empty bed by her side. She jerked awake and walked to the bathroom. When she saw Clarke's clothes on the floor, she smiled and proceeded to do her morning routine.

When Lexa came back from the bathroom she heard the vibration once more. She walked towards the night stand and picked up Clarke's phone just in time to see another message on top of the other 23 text she had.


Clarke where the fuck are you? I need you home right this moment,

Lexa frowned at the text and another popped up. Which got her attaintion

Nyilah 07: 47am

Clarke get your ass here. You know the importance of my calls.

Lexa looked at the text once more before placing the phone back and headed to the kitchen.

She stood by the kitchen door and watched her wife go about the kitchen making breakfast for them. She tip toed to Clarke and placed her hands around her waist.

"I forgot how beautiful you look in the morning."


"Your phone kept vibrating... You should go check it, I'll finish up." Clarke turned around and walked to the bedroom. The smile Lexa was faking dropped and she made herself a bitter ass coffee.

After a few minutes Clarke came back to the kitchen all dressed up with her phone cluntched by her side.

"You leaving already?" Lexa fend disappointment

" needs something... Its really important."

"Its must be serious if she kept calling from last night." Emphasis on the word night

"Really? you're not mad?" Clarke was shocked. She was sure that Lexa was going to lush out for cancelling on her again.

"Why would I be mad, its your mother right." There was something about her statement that she didn't really get. Clarke moved over to Lexa and placed a hug on her.

"I'm sure its nothing serious, I will make it in time for dinner." She hoped it was nothing serious. She called Nyilah back and the girl was panicking saying that Madi was unwell.

Clarke kissed Lexa and rushed out of the house.

"How many more lies Clarke?" She said to no one.


Clarke opened the door and rushed inside Nyilah's house. She went straight to Madi's room. Things are starting to become complicated, its not like she wanted to lie to Lexa. Things are becoming a mess and she didn't know how to fix it.

"Madi? Mommy is here." She called out has she opened the room. Nyilah was sitting on the pink soaf in the room, reading a book.

"Sorry how is she?"

Nyilah placed the book aside and joined Clarke by the bedside. "Bellamy gave her something to help her sleep. She was up all night, gave me quite a scare."

Clarke placed her hand over Madi's forehead with an additional kiss. "I'm glade you called him."

"He gave some medication, said we should watch her closely for any changes luckily positive ones but if her condition gets worse over the day or night, we should bring her in immediately." She placed a hand on Clarke's shoulder. "Its going to be alright."

"Now I understand what mom meant when she said I used to give her a death scare. I should have being with her last night. I'm I a bad mother?"

Tears poured down her face has Nyilah pulled her in for a hug. "You are a good mother.Yes you miss a couple of moments good or bad but so does every mother."

Clarke pulled her friend in closer. One of the things she loved about her was her honesty which was pure as Gold. Nyilah pulled her to the kitchen, made her a cup of coffee and they just sat there.

This was also trait of their friendship. They can sit in a comfortable silence, drinking coffee or reading their individual books without making it awkward.

"Tell me about the night." Clarke said, sipping her coffee.

"She complained about her head, gave her some painkillers but the pain didn't seem to go away. She cried a lot and called for you till she fell asleep in the early mornings." Nyilah got up and started to make pancakes for them. Knowing Madi, she would be over the moon for the delicious pancakes her Aunt likes to make.

Clarke rubbed her temples in frustration. "I can't believe it.....w_what if..."

"No, don't you dare say that. You weren't able to come and that's that. Now we focus on the NOW."

"I just can't help but wonder how everything would have being easy if i just told the truth. All these lies are beginning to rust away making it difficult to clean up."

"Your lies are going to far. Madi is growing so is your wife's temper and patience."

Clarke raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Nyilah sighed. "My know what I mean. Lexa is not stupid, how long do you think she'll keep pretending to not know that you're lying to her."

Her statement cut through her core. She knew this but hearing it out loud was a curse in a prom dress. What she was doing was wrong and unfair.


Its been ten hours:

Clarke walked Nyilah out of the door telling her she needed to relax and that she has done so much for Clarke. They stood in the door way with Clarke pushing Nyilah out. The woman instead on staying and helping out but Clarke couldn't take that.

"Are you sure?" Nyilah asked.

Clarke pulled her in for a hug "I am, please go have fun. I'm crushing your life because of my secrets."

"Hey, we have covered this, you and Madi are not a bother i'm her Aunt you ass." they both laughed and Nyilah pulled away. She rushed to her car and waved goodbye before disappearing from Clarke's sight. Calmly Clarke turned and walked inside and closed the door behind her. She needed to call Lexa and cancel their date.


Outside the house. A Black car was parked at a distance not be seen. the back window was halfway dropped. and Lexa sat in there with her head in her hand. she had decided to have Clarke followed and when she got the address, Lexa drove there to see what her wife is up to. Seeing them interact outside killed Lexa in so many different shapes of broken heart.

her phone rang loudly in the car breaking her out of her sobs. it was Clarke. She cleared her throat and answered the phone.

"hello Lexa."

"Clarke, how is everything with your mom?"

"that's why I called. it looks like its very important. i can't leave now. Lexa am really sorry i don't think tonight will work."

"it's alright, it must be important for you to cancel."

"yeah. you are not mad?"

"its your mom, why would i be mad?"


"Clarke let's talk later, i need to go."

Before Clarke can respond the line was dead. Lexa couldn't hold her tears any longer. she cried so hard Gustus didn't have to be told to head home. he just started driving.

They have known each other for a long time for everything to end like this. Even before they started dating, Clarke and Lexa where close and built their relationship on trust and loyalty. This all situation was a mess but most importantly Lexa didn't know why Clarke would choose to break her heart like this. They always said, if the other chose to leave the relationship. That person should tell the other instead of cheating and creating lies which is what Clarke has being doing to Lexa.

At this point Lexa felt like a fucking puppet being tossed aside by her master after using her in every way possible.

When they got home. Lexa didn't even have the energy to step out of the car. Gustus had to lift her all the way to her room and placed her on her bed before he walked out of the room and called Anya.



A week, that's how long Clarke has been trying to reach Lexa. Clarke was sure she didn't do anything wrong. Well apart from lying, but Lexa didn't know that so she didn't understand why the silent treatment. Anyway Clark used this time to come clean and tell Lexa the truth. She was sure that the woman will be extreamly mad but at least it will be the truth and then later she can go and introduce Madi to her grandparents.

After deliberating the probability of the call she was about to make, Clarke eventually called Octavia. She really didn't want to ask her friend even though she knows Octavia works with Lexa and must definitely know Lexa's movements.

It was funny how Octavia bonded with Madi so quick during the week. She finally brought Raven and Octavia over to see Madi and the reaction from her two best friends was priceless. Would this be Lexa's reaction? then again she wasn't married to her best friends.

Enough thinking. Clarke finally made the call and at one ring, Octavia picked up the phone. Not strange given that she's ever with her phone.

"Talk to me Clarke, what can your girl do for you?"

"Can't I call just to say hi?"

"Not at this hour, so what's going on?"

"Is Lexa in?"

"She just came in and I have to say, Lexa has been in a bad mood lately."

"What do you mean?"

"Haven't you seen her? Anyway she comes in late and leaves the office early. And she only wears sweats with slippers. She walks in here like she's going on a vacation. It's a good thing she's the boss other wise she would be fired. So come in right now if you want to meet her because she's about to leave for Europe not sure where exactly yet."

"Uh, does she look sick?"

"No, like I said she's ever late and early to leave the building."

"Alright, bye talk to you later."

"Say hi to Madi."

When Clarke set the phone down she couldn't help but feel helpless. Was Lexa sick and not tell her, is that why she's not picking up my calls.

Aww she probably doesn't want me to worry.

Clarke rushed around the place getting changed and heading down to see Lexa. She needed to see how she was doing and tell her about Madi and Europe.


Clarke opens the door to Lexa's office and finds Lexa napping on the Sofa. She walks quietly to her and places a hand on her forehead. Lexa shot up at the sudden contact. She eyed Clarke closely before she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

Clarke smiled down at her before joining her on the sofa. "I came to check on you, you don't look so good"

"I'm alright, I was just resting."

At the office? yah you could have fooled me. anyway I still need to tell her.

Clarke placed a hand on Lexa's back and immediately Lexa stood up and walked to her desk. She started opening the drawers looking for something for a second while Clarke watched her movements, trying to wonder what she did wrong now.

A loud smack brought her back to reality. Lexa found what she was looking for and dropped them on the table in front of Clarke.

"Read then sign" Lexa said in a firm but hard voice. She walked back to her desk and sat in her chair.


The word kept swimming in cycles in Clarke's face. She couldn't even read forward. Lexa handed her divorce papers and asked her to sign.

"You w..want..a...divorce?" Her words cracked in her mouth and felt bitter on her tongue.

Lexa didn't respond or react to her she just stared at the empty space.

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