jiminjeong [an adaptation]COM...

By _vonnne

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story not mine!!! all credits to ethyl dela peña original story of ethyl dela peña, ken casey(2016) growing u... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
special chapter
other works

chapter 10

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By _vonnne


it has been three weeks since i last saw her. I heard from mama ty, she's already the head chef in the cruise ship she's working in. that's her dream, minjeong finally achieved it. And she got a girlfriend already. She finally moved on, i guess?

it pains me just by thinking of it. She found someone new. someone's holding her, and its not me. Somebody else..

what if i listened to her back then? what if i let her explain? maybe we're still together. or maybe, just like aeri and yizhuo, we're already married and have children. what if..


i'll go back to iceland


after haru's wedding


just that

tell me

i just want to
besides i have my life there

is this about minjeong?
unnie tell me



what can i do yizhuo? i still love her though it has been years!
but now she's gone

move on already
minjeong already moved on, so should u

easier said than done

you'll find someone new
trust me

nah, i prefer minjeong

so u're okay of being single forever?


aish stupid!



should i ask her?
i mean should i go to nz to ask her?


i know
but atleast i'll know her answer

u know what yoo jimin, if minjeong still loves you
right from the christening of my son, she could've said so or made a move
u know her, she's thick faced!
but she did nothing

she stared at me that day
just so you know

maybe she's just surprised to see u

yizhuo, what if?!

what if she doesnt?
unnie, just stop okay?
she moved on, let her okay?

it hurts yizhuo
11 years. i have loved her 11 years, and i still do.

maybe in another life, unnie


one day before the wedding..

"yooji" taeyeon called her daughter. Jimin turned to her with an asking face. "nothing!" Taeyeon grinned.

"i'm going back to iceland" jimin said blandly, not even facing her parents.

"trust me, sweetheart, you will not" tiffany said with a mischievous smile on her face. taeyeon and her even high-fived.

"whatever you say, mom"



jisu, where are you and haru?

hey min!
uhh we're discussing things, why?

just wanna give my gift



okay i'll go to your room later!



12 midnight, jimin cannot sleep. she went outside her hotel room and admired how pretty the night sky. the moon is up, so as the stars. how i wish minjeong is here with me..

she went outside the hotel and noticed how busy the staffs were. haruto and lia decided to have a garden wedding, just like what jimin always wanted. the garden was filled with flowers especially roses. blue and white roses. hers  and minjeong's favorite colors. jimin sighed, everything in her friends' wedding reminds her of minjeong.

"excuse me, maam? someone wanted me to give you this" a staff handed jimin a stem of rose.

"thank you. may i know who sent this?" jimin smiled and asked but the staff just shrugged and walked away.

whoever you are, thank you for this..



everything is settled

riri im nervous
what if she say no?
what if the moment she see me, she'll back out?

just when everything is settled, thats when you'll think about that?
i'll strangle u, jeong!



im really nervous!

jimin loves you
trust that ok?

what if not?

then the wedding is cancelled!
go back to nz and find someone new
move on!

am i really getting married?

or u want to back out?


then sleep already!
or you'll look ugly


aunt ty



just checking up

don't worry kid, jimin doesnt know a thing

thank you auntie

call me mama now
you'll be my daughter too duh

yes, mama

now sleep
i dont want to have a zombie looking daughter in law

haha i'll sleep now mama


It was still noon but everyone was already busy. Jimin was on her room getting ready together with her mom.

"where's mama?" jimin asked her mom who was applying make up on her. "probably wandering or talking with Sica"

"sica? As in aunt sica?!minjeong's mom?!" shocked was written on jimin's face. she cannot believe that minjeong's mom was there too.

"yes, i think min jeong's parents were one of the principal guests" tiffany answered. Jimin was happy that after years she'll meet minjeong's parents again, but part of her was kinda down because minjeong was not there with her parents.

"Unnieee!-- oh hi my pretty auntie!" even though jimin did not  turn to whoever barged in, she knows that it was Yizhuo. but to jimin's surprise again, a videographer and photographer entered her room. "excuse me, aren't you supposed to be on the bride's room?" she asked

"unnie, they're done with lia unnie that's why they're here" yizhuo answered her, and signalled the staffs to start their thing.

"so where's my dress?"

"uhh they'll bring it here later" jimin nodded at the younger and focused her eyes on her phone again.

on the other side of the hotel was minjeong who was all nervous yet excited.


"what? don't tell me youre having doubts?"

"what? no! im just nervous" minjeong reasoned out and bit her lower lips to ease her nervousness.

"don't be. I'm sure jimin will say yes" sica winked at her and tapped her cheeks.

"i know, mom. i know"


four in the afternoon..

taeyeon and tiffany already left the room yet her dress was still not brought to her. she went to the veranda of the room, and saw how beautiful the venue is.

few minutes later, yizhuo went inside together with a wedding gown. "unnie, get change!"

"are you kidding me yizhuo? this is a wedding gown!"

"tss just wear it!"

"excuse i am not the bride here!"

"aish just wear it! lia unnie wanted you to wear that!" jimin stared at the younger, still having doubts on her.

"im just a bridesmaid, yizhuo! why will i wear a wedding gown?"

"just wear it yoo jimin or i'll choke you!?"

"aish fine!" jimin was left with no choice but to wear the wedding gown yizhuo brought. it is better than to wear nothing but a robe, right?

they left the room after she got changed. but it was really weird for jimin. the videographer and photographer were still with them, capturing and recording everymove she make.

"wait, why am i getting nervous with these yizhuo?" she asked her friend who was beside her. yizhuo looked at her with a grimacing face. "excuse me missy but youre not the one getting married" jimin rolled her eyes on her, and they continued their way.

yizhuo gave her the bride's bouquet the moment they reached the garden. the entrance was covered by a white mesh thus  she cannot really see what was infront.

"wait yizhuo where are you going?"

"duh the ceremony's starting i need to walk on the aisle!"

"what about me?"

"wait for your turn!"

Jimin was really nervous and she doesn't know why. she feel like something was up and she's the only one who was clueless.

She jolted when a hand held her hand. it was her mom, smiling widely at her, tears were forming on her cresent eyes. on her right was taeyeon, who was also smiling at her. Jimin was confused.

"are you ready, karomi?" taeyeon asked her. Jimin's eyebrows furrowed. "i am not the one who's getting married mama"

"yes you are"

"i am no--"

jimin didn't finish what she was saying. the fabric on the arch was removed, revealing what was behind. Her classmates, friends, and relatives were all there, sitting and looking at her with smiles on their faces. When jimin's eyes landed on the end of the aisle, there she saw a woman on her white gown, together with her parents and her best friend.

"minjeong" she said under her breath. Jimin then looked at her parents confusedly, with tears streaming on her cheeks. "m-mom, m-mama, w-whats this?"

her parents did not answer, they just nodded and smiled at her. A staff went to put the veil on her. and on cue, they were asked to walk on the aisle.

Listen to your heart, won't let you down
'Cause you should be my lady Now that we're apart love will show how
Life carries on I've never felt so strong
Life can lead us to a happiness never ending
If we just know that we belong to each other
Never worry, grow as we go

jimin was a crying mess, for sure her make up was already ruined. smudged. but who cares, she's overwhelmed. Infront was minjeong who was also crying while waiting for jimin. She was having mixed of emotions. She's nervous, happy, excited and all, but all minjeong wanted to do was to hug jimin tightly and wiped her tears away. but she has to wait..

See you in your wedding dress (dress)
I can see you in your wedding dress (dress)
I see you walking down in your (wedding dress, dress)
I can see you in your wedding dress (oh, yeah)

I was never perfect, no
But I'd never let it go
To a point I'm ragin', throwin' Making you uncomfortable
What he done did to you was unacceptable
You claimed everything was okay That's impossible

As jimin walk together with her parents on the aisle, everything seemed to flash back to mind. From the very first time she met minjeong, their first hang-out togther, the first time minjeong walked her home, when she finally agreed to be her girlfriend, their memories together. and even their break up, and the years of being separated. it all came back, and to jimin, it felt like it happened just days ago.

Just know I'm here for you
All clear for you from night to sun God, I've been near to you
The feel of you gives me a rush
It makes me feel that what we have is real
It could never be too late, oh yeah, yeah

just few more steps, jimin will finally be with minjeong again, like she always wished. and there, infront of her, minjeong bended on her knee, asking jimin to marry her.

"Hi, i know this is so sudden and a surprise. the chances are critical yet we still pushed this" minjeong chuckled slightly, and took a deep breath. She looked straightly on jimin's eyes, and asked "yoo jimin,  my yooji, my karomi, would you like to continue our story and start this journey together?"

jimin looked at her parents, and they nodded at her. she then turned to her friends, and they did the same. with an answer on her mind, she looked at minjeong who was smiling hopefully at her, jimin nodded.

Minjeong stood up as she slip the ring on jimin's finger. she hugged her, not wanting to let go. "i love you" she whispered.


she said yes. she agreed. she effing said yes to marry me and agreed to my wife! don't touch me, i'm crying T-T

"ji, thank for saying yes. you made me so happy just by that. even more when you say you do want to be my wife. just so you know, i have no plans of letting you go. no not again, jimin, not again.

years of being separated from you was the loneliest for me, ji. it was never easy. but i'm glad that even after 11 years of push and pull, our hearts still choose each other. i love you, jimin. forever and always" she squeezed my hand as i wiped my tears that flowed out of my eyes.

"stop crying please" she mouthed, i nodded and bit my lower lip. how am i suppose to stop crying if i am really happy? aish jimin!

"hey, i was not prepared for this. i- i dont know what to say, minjeong-ah. But, i do love you, minjeong. i love you. and i missed you" jimin let go of the mic she was holding, and hugged me tightly. God, i really owe you big time!

And after 8 long years, i am finally going to kiss her soft lips again. for 8 years, my lips are jimin deprived, but now they're not. i smiled at her before giving a chaste kiss on her lips.

"thats it for now, the rest are save for laters" i whispered on her ear which earned me a pinch on my side. "deserved"

"ughh finally, the much awaited happy ending of the two of you!" yizhuo said rolling her eyes on me.

"y'all jiminjeong crossed again and forever they are crossed!" well, thats my ever supportive dumb friend, who else? Of course it Aeri.

i turned to my wife who was also smiling ear to ear. "Ji" i called her

"hey i'm ji!" she said as she looked at me. I chuckled, "i know you're Ji, but i am calling you"

"ah ok. but Ji!" she smiled at me and slanted her arm infront.

"min" my turn "jeong" i crossed my arm on hers

..and together "cross!"


and this story has reached its ending. thank you for reading this adaptation of winrina/jiminjeong. <3

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