chapter 2

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my minlody

happy 1st to us, baby. love you

hey, i'm in school now

Min, its break time already.
where are you?

did you forget?


ha! why would i?

tch! do u really have to do that? :<
i really thought u forgot
anyway, thank you

hehehe sorry
i had to do it




about your parents..
when are u going to introduce me to them?

we already talked about this, jeong
you know my mom

i can face her, ji
i can show them my pure intentions


ayt, okay.
i'm sorry

Yunna Shin

who said snakes can only be found in forests? lol it can be your classmate too

Yunna Shin

ha stop being delusional girl


unnie, are u the one yunna's pertaining on?


check her post

i don't know

gad, that girl is bitter

just don't mind her, yizhuo
besides she didn't even mention a name


Yunna Shin

you've been flirting her all along tch

Yunna Shin

do i still need to mention you? huh yjm?


unnie, its clearly you!!

just let it pass, yizhuo

no, i'll pull that girl's hair!

i'll make her realize that you did not snake minjeong from her!

the f?! they're over for almost a year when you and minjeong happened!

they didn't even last a month! the audacity of that bij

yizhuo, calm down
u're making me laugh


okay okay, i'll talk to her




can we talk tomorrow?
after class maybe?

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