Hogwarts Mystery - B and T's...

By TiffanyBond0

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I decided to write these short scenes of B and T doing muggle things. t's father is muggle born and her grand... More

The Arrival part 2
Game Night
Horseback Riding
Painting (Barnaby's POV)
The Talk
Bonfire 2
Diagon Alley
The Burrow
Summer Before Year 5
Dinner at Lee Manor
Leaving the Manor
Sexy Time
Roller Skating

The Arrival

96 5 4
By TiffanyBond0

This part is a little longer than I anticipated. Hope you enjoy. Please leave a comment!

I knew my owl to B had to be formal and display my "Slytherin-ness" in order for his Gran to let him come. I used some green and silver monogrammed letterhead to "request the presence of Mr. Barnaby Lee of the honourable house of Lee". I did not mention we would be going to my muggle grandparent's farm. I'll let that be a surprise. He would be arriving shortly by Floo Powder and we would be leaving immediately to catch the muggle train to Lower Slaughter. It's a 3 hour train from Paddington Station to Moreton-in-Marsh. I booked a private compartment to keep him away from the muggles as much as possible. B isn't used to the muggle world at all.

Right on time there was a burst of green flames in the fireplace and out stepped Barnaby looking perfect despite climbing out of the ashy fireplace. I don't know how he didn't get a single smudge on him.

"B!" I yelled running up and hugging him
"Nice to see you too" he winked."Good morning Mrs. Bond" he said to my mom extending his hand
"It's a pleasure to finally meet one of Tiffany's friends" said my mom
"I have a surprise for you B. We are going to be spending the next few weeks with my grandparents in the country!"
"Wait...your muggle grandparents?" he said skeptically.
"Yes! and I have loads to show you when we get there!"
"I...I have never been around muggles before. You know that right?"
"I remember. And you're in for a treat with Pops and Lolly"no
"Pops? Lolly?"
"That's what I call them" I blushed
"If I ever called Gran 'Lolly', she might keel over" he chuckled
"I booked us in a private compartment so we can talk about how to act around muggles and so you won't feel pressured right away"
"I like the sound of that" he whispered making me blush
"Alright Mom we're off to the station. I'll send you an owl when we get there"
I didn't wait for an answer before running out the door. I didn't want to give my mom the opportunity to embarrass me by saying something about Barnaby being good looking or giving a veiled warning to "behave".
it was only a couple blocks to the station and with a quick extension charm on my backpack, it was a quick walk. We quickly found our compartment and sat down.
"Hey B sorry it was such a crazy morning so early. I just knew I couldn't put where we were really going in my invitation in case your Gran saw it."
"oh she saw it! And was glad to see I made a  respectable friend who knew how to properly invite me to stay. plus I think she was glad to be rid of me" he laughed
"Her loss is my gain" I smiled. "So my grandparents being muggles, they don't know much about the wizarding world. obviously they sent my dad to Hogwarts, so they know about that and that it exists, but that's pretty much it. They don't know about any magical creatures or dangerous stuff. And DEFINITELY don't talk about the vaults."
"Ok I got it." he said yawning "I never get up this early in the summer"
"well get used to it! most of the fun stuff on the farm happens before lunch!" I laughed
"Then I better take a nap now" he lay his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around me. "You smell nice. Like cinnamon rolls and spring rain"
"You always smell like clean laundry and sandalwood" I hoped he couldn't hear my heart beating out of my chest. I had the urge to run my fingers thru his hair, but I didn't want to mess it up.  About 15 minutes before our stop I HAD to get up. My foot was asleep and I needed to use the bathroom.
"psst. Hey B" I whispered
"hey" I whispered again
still nothing
I started combing thru his hair with my fingers hoping it would wake him up.
"Hey there" he smiled sleepily
"Hey. I have to get up for a second"
As I started to stand up, my asleep foot gave out and I started to topple kover. B caught me before I face planted. Lovely
"Are you ok?" he asked looking genuinely concerned. I expected him to laugh
"yeah, my foot fell asleep"
"I guess that's my fault. I'm sorry. You are just so cozy" he winked
I blushed and made my way out of the compartment and back accident free.
The train stopped, we grabbed our bags, and got off the train.  Pops was there in the old truck to pick us up. It was a tight squeeze the 3 of us and I had to scrunch in the middle. it was a 20 minute drive to the farm. Barnaby was pretty quiet. He probably didn't want to say something he shouldn't have. We made it to the farm and as soon as we parked the truck, Lolly came running out to greet us.
"Tiffy dear you get more beautiful every time I see you. But you really should eat more. you are hardly bigger than a wisp" she said giving me the biggest hug and kiss ever.
"Thanks Lolly. This is Barnaby Lee. A friend from school"
"Well look at you dear. Such a strapping lad" Lolly had hugs and kisses for Barnaby too. Lolly is even shorter than I am so he had to stoop quite a bit.
"I'm glad to meet you ma'am"
"None of that ma'am business here. You can call me Lolly just like everyone else.
I finally was able to give Pops a hug and kiss now that we were out of the truck.
Barnaby came over and extended his hand, kk but Pops pulled him in for a hug as well.
"And if you call me sir even once you will be mucking the horse stalls every day. You call me Pops"
Barnaby laughed. I knew he had no idea what mucking stalls was.
"we're huggers around here" I whispered
"I see that" he whispered back. Pops and I walked into the house. Barnaby offered his arm to Lolly making her blush
"Such a gentleman" she giggled. "I hope you like shepherds pie dear."
"It's my favorite!"
"You just made her day you know" I said
"She just made mine"

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