So When's The Wedding?

By iTsOnLyMe_654

71.7K 3.3K 8.4K

So Mikoto starts telling people their soulmate initials and oh look Kaidou's soulmate's initials are A.K. and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Bonus- You Might Not Be The Worst Soulmate After All

Chapter 4

6.8K 319 1.7K
By iTsOnLyMe_654

Kaidou and Kuboyasu lay around Kaidou's house, studying for their upcoming test. Of course, Kaidou knew it all, so it was pretty much a tutoring session.

After a couple solid hours of studying, and a satisfied Mrs Kaidou with their work, They decided to take a snack break.

For half an hour, Kuboyasu just listened to an adorable Kaidou chat about the dark reunion, talking of all the enemy he had defeated.

Then for half an hour, Kuboyasu chatted about motorcycle's un-violently, with the help of an innocent Kaidou who looked like he was gonna faint when Kuboyasu mentioned anything more than a bruise.

"Hey Aren... how's the s-s-s-soul-m-m-ma-sou-l-m-m-m" Kaidou started, for some reason unable to get the word out.

"Soulmate business? Well I have been told to think about it recently by Hairo. Amd before that, Mera was asking. I did some thinking, but I still haven't found her." Kuboyasu started, munching on some potato chips. He laughed.

"Honestly, I don't really think I need her. I have you." Kuboyasu said, looking directly into Kaidou's eyes.

"And everyone else?" Kaidou added as more of a question.

"Of course! All our friends are wonderful. But you are my special friend. You've helped me countless of times with my studies, and anger management. I really do appreciate you." Kuboyasu said lightly, but caringly.

In that moment, Kaidou thought he could lean over, grab Kuboyasu's hand and confess his love. He thought they could have a future, maybe start planning their wedding.

But he was too lost for words. He just stopped. He couldn't.

Kuboyasu, somehow sensing this, changed the subject.

"Hey Shun, how's your soulmate going? What was her initials again?" Kuboyasu asked.

Kaidou squeaked a little. "Well, his initials are A.K. I know him personally. He doesn't know yet though." He mumbled. Frightened he said too much, he looked back at an unreadable Kuboyasu.

"You should tell him. He is your soulmate; you guys are meant to be together. You'll be better off with him knowing." He said smiling.

"All right, maybe tomorrow." Kaidou said half-heartedly, picking up his study books again.

They studied together in comfortable silence for the next few hours.

"Hello Kuboyasu-kun!" said Teruhashi brightly as she ran down the hall, earning gasps from everyone in within a 50m radius, including Kuboyasu.

"Hi Teruhashi-san, how are you?" Kuboyasu replied back, earning glares from the males.

"I'm ok thank you. Would you like to have a chat on the rooftop?" She asked, knowing he couldn't say no.

"We can head up there now, actually." He replied back, wanting to get away from all the death stares from the nearby guys. If it hadn't been that everyone knew his soulmate's initials were S.K. then he'd probably be dead for being alone with Teruhashi for longer than a minute.

They made their way up the staircase, making small talk about the weather and school life.

When they were up, Teruhashi turned to him, a beautiful but more serious smile on her face. "Hey Kuboyasu, do you know anyone with the initials S.K.?"

Kuboyasu nodded "Well, I do, I made a list of girls I know with initials S.K. But I've talked to all of them and I don't ever really feel that connection. I think I'd know if they were my soulmate like straight away." Then he added hopefully "Do you know any girls?"

Teruhashi almost lost her patience. But she was perfect, of course she wouldn't lose her patience. So instead she continued to smile and kept leading Kuboyasu in the right direction. "Did you ever think maybe your soulmate wasn't a girl?" She asked Kuboyasu.

Kuboyasu seemed to pause to think for a moment. "I guess I didn't think like that. Honestly, I wouldn't care if they were a guy or a girl. I'm fine with whoever."

Teruhashi smiled. This was her plan in action. Kuboyasu would soon realise his soulmate was Shun Kaidou. The they'd be together.

And of course, Kuboyasu would come running to her, thanking her for opening his eyes about how he might like a dude. They'd adopt some children, and one of them would be named Kokomi after her. They'd be forever in her dept.

But being so nice, she'd let them free, because they're friends.

Teruhashi decided to push it even further. "You know, I hope you talk to him soon. I mean K-" she started, but was interrupted.


"NO-" Teruhashi started, but Kuboyasu had already excused himself, probably to run off to find Saiki.

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