Make Me Beg [BL]

By morgansluvbot

819K 39.4K 39.6K

Being in love with your roommate wasn't exactly ideal. Being in love with your roommate and a stranger you m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Extra : Chapter 1


23K 1.3K 860
By morgansluvbot

an average day for the loves

Six months was a lot of time to perfect our relationship.

Eight months later and it was nowhere near perfect, but it was the best it's ever been, and that was more than enough. The three of us argued at times, made up every time, needed space other times, and most times were just happy with each other. It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows every moment, but it was pretty close.

I lived in a house now. A one story house with a big master bedroom and even bigger bed, perfect for three people. I had an art room too, and Kyler still had his workout room- well, the garage.

There were pieces of us in every corner of the house. Rylan collected mugs, which I didn't know until we moved in with each other. Our living room had three large bookcases for all of Kyler's favorite authors and movies. And my art scattered the house at random. A painting here, a sculpture there, and so many random art supplies.

Rylan got annoyed whenever he found one of my stray pencils or paintbrushes, probably because they ended up staining something. I'd always apologize sheepishly, attempt to give him a kiss, and was forgiven right away.

Unlike Kyler, Rylan and I didn't sleep like the dead. So there were times when we got annoyed at him for waking us up early in the mornings. It wasn't his fault honestly, he just needed to get ready for work, but our need for sleep won over rationality.

Kyler and I still went on our runs. Not every day, because I liked sleeping in now, but sometimes. Rylan even joined us now and then, we'd have to slow jog those ones.

Oh- and we had a cat now.

Her name wasn't Ry, but Keiko instead, and she was a calico. Sammy absolutely loved her, always trying to play and run around. She wasn't having any of it, always watching him with a bored expression while he ran circles around her. At least she doesn't swipe at him anymore.

As the only lady of the house, Rylan told her she needed to set some ground rules with Sammy. Don't let him push you around, he sat Keiko down and gave her a lesson on handling men.

After two months of having her, I'd say it was Sammy who needed his own lesson. Don't just sit there and let her hit you, Kyler tells him all the time but it goes way over his head. At least he's happy to have a friend. Even if she doesn't particularly like him-

I didn't have a job, but I still sold my art now and then. That's basically a job, right? It was hard to maintain a steady income with just paintings but my sculptures usually sold for a lot, so that kept my pockets full.

All in all, I was happy.

Kyler didn't have work today, it was Tuesday after all, which meant he slept in. Rylan always slept in so as I slipped out of bed, looked for my clothes that were scattered on the floor, and dressed, they didn't move. They slept peacefully and I felt a little fond watching them cuddle. Cute.

I almost had a heart attack when Sammy flung himself off the bed, but he surprisingly landed on the carpet with a soft thud. Every day he does this, and every day I almost face the wrath of Rylan waking up.

He didn't, thankfully, but I still silently scolded Sammy. "You're gonna get me in trouble." I whispered, leading him out of the room. The door softly clicked shut behind me.

Keiko was sitting up on the coffee table when I walked out, looking absolutely ruffled from the sight of me. She doesn't like hybrids much, I came to realize. But it's fine. "Good morning." I reached out to petted her. She reluctantly let me, only because she liked being petted. In her head, she was probably wishing for Rylan.

Keiko absolutely adored Rylan. I couldn't blame her, who doesn't? She was more open to Kyler than me but I could tell he was on thin ice as well. The amount of treats he gives her is the only thing making him a close second.

After her morning pets, she went and laid down on her special cushion, right on top of Kyler's bookcases. She had multiple platforms lining the wall to hop along and reach high places.

Sammy envied her, I could tell, always scratching at the wall and whining up at her when she was someplace high. "You're too big." I told him, soothing him with head pats. He whined softly. "I know, I know. We can go for a walk instead, okay?" His head titled and eyes went still after hearing walk. "Come on, let's go on a walk."

He whined even louder and ran over to his leash hanging up.


There was a cafe by our house, adorably cozy and owned by a family I've come to greet every other morning. Kyler liked the bagels the most, Rylan liked the muffins, and I personally liked the coffee cake. Every time I left, I had a paper bag filled with different things.

I got the usual and added something new like I always did. Today it was two cranberry orange scones. Kyler would probably like it, I doubted I would, Rylan was a mystery. It was as though his tastebuds changed every week. One day he loves this and the next he hates it.

And because of this, the three of us usually went shopping together instead of alone. Every now and then, one of us would pick up something if necessary, but Mondays were usually dedicated shopping days.

With two pup cups in hand, one for Keiko of course, and a bag full of bakery goods, I closed the door to our house and kicked my shoes off. Sammy was doing circles, barely containing his excitement for his long awaited pup cup. As soon as he was off his leash, he devoured it.

Keiko was more reserved when she grabbed hers. Slowly, she padded over expectantly and waited until I put it down. Only then did she grab it and run off someplace secret. "You're welcome." I called after her. She disappeared into the kitchen. She's a bit of a brat-

Kyler suddenly poked his head out from the kitchen. His hair spilled over his shoulders in long waves, and he was still shirtless. "Where'd you go off to?" Joining him in the kitchen, I held up the paper bag of goodies.

He hummed in understanding, and greeted me with a kiss. It had my tail wagging and a soft noise of content slipping past my lips.

When he pulled away, I noticed Rylan was sitting at the dining table looking terribly sleepy. Still, he smiled when he saw me and beckoned me forward. I was given another kiss that had my tail wagging even faster. Two kisses already~ Maybe I'll try for a record today. "Missed you." He mumbled against my lips.

"Me too." I bit my lip to contain my smile and pulled back. Fishing through the paper bag, I pulled everything out. "I got your guys' usual stuff and cranberry orange scones." Kyler liked his bagels lightly toasted and Rylan liked his muffins microwaved, so I did that for them. They protested but I hushed them and continued to do my boyfriendly duties.

Kyler's hand found a place on my lower back as he stood next to me, watching me spread hazelnut cream cheese on his cinnamon toasted bagel. I kinda want it now.. "You should sleep in sometimes." He told me, rubbing my back softly. "You've been staying up a lot lately."

"I'm fine." I waved off, because I was. I took a bite of his bagel and then held it out for him to do the same. He bit off a way larger piece than me. "I take a nap whenever you guys are at work so it basically balances itself out."

Rylan frowned, though I didn't see. "I love naps." Nor did I hear.

I took another bite of the bagel and stared at it thoughtfully. "..Can I have this?" Kyler didn't respond. Instead, he took the last bite and left me with my lips parted in disbelief. "My bagel.." Technically it was his.

I turned around and shielded the other half away from him. "This one's mine."

"What if I want it?"

"You can't, it's mine." His hand slid off my back and reached for the counter, effectively caging me in. Wow, he smells nice- but that wasn't the point. The point was that my boyfriend was trying to steal the bagel I bought for him. "Rylan." I attempted to whine for help but he shook his head with a muffled uh uh.

"You can have one bite." Kyler teasingly bargained.

"But I want the whole thing."

"Two bites?"

"All of it."


"Says you." I tilted my head towards him cautiously, almost afraid he'd take it out of nowhere. "You can have my coffee cake, or Rylan's muffins."

"You can." Rylan shrugged. Keiko was all done with her pup cup and currently rubbing herself along Rylan's legs. He reached down and petted her.

"But I want this exact bagel, you made it special for me."

This almost had me caving, only because it sounded a little cute. But I was a man of strong will now, so I shook my head and denied him. "You can have literally anything else."

"I don't know.. This one's looking pretty good." Kyler's hand inched closer to the paper plate, only forcing me further into him. He was warm and smelled like his body wash. One of my favorite scents- Suddenly caught up in his scent, I didn't register him moving until I felt his hand on my side.

Instead of grabbing the bagel like I thought he might've, he grabbed my side which instantly made me gasp and my entire lock up. "Don't tickle me." I begged, almost afraid he would. I wouldn't put it past him- "I will bite you, I'm serious."

He seemed to think this was funny, lips twitching into a smile. "Really? Where?"

"Right here." I thumped my hand against his neck.

"Oh, so like a vampire, huh?"

"More like a dog." Rylan mumbled to himself. "A vicious one."

"I'll do it." I warned Kyler. Though, he was probably used to it during- His hand slid under my shirt, warm as he rubbed my side. I was slowly relaxing, realizing he probably wasn't going to tickle me, but immediately stiffened again when I felt a weight against my leg.

Sammy shot out of nowhere, apparently he had been preying in the corner for a while now, and lunged for the unattended bagel on the counter. Before we could stop him, he was scrambling against the tile and ran out of the room with the bagel hanging from his mouth.

We were all silent for a good, long minute. My bagel-

"Can dogs have bagels?" Rylan asked Keiko. "Probably not, huh?"

Dramatically, I slumped over the counter and mourned my lost bagel. Not lost- but stolen. And after everything I did for him.

Kyler dug through the bag, a little amused, and started making another. He rubbed my back soothingly. "Extra cream cheese?"

Still sulking, I nodded and let myself enjoy the pets. "Yes please."

"Extra burnt." Rylan added.

"Yes please." I nodded again. They've adjusted to not being disgusted every time I ate brunt bread. It just tastes better. "Are you gonna steal it too?" I asked Kyler, already preparing myself to be disappointed.

"No, babe." He chuckled and dropped the bread in the toaster. "I wasn't actually going to eat your bagel."

"You ate the first one."

"Okay- I wasn't going to eat the other half."

I eyed him while still slumped over the counter, and silently beckoned him forward. He leaned down and raised his eyebrows gently. "..I want a kiss. As an apology."

His lips spread into a smile before he titled his head and pressed a kiss to my mouth. A very nice kiss that I would add to my ongoing count~ "Do you forgive me?"

"I might need another." I mumbled softly while staring at his mouth. He gave me another, and then two more quick pecks. "Okay, now I forgive you."

After the bagel popped out of the toaster, he layered it with too much cream cheese, my favorite, and slid the plate over to me. Suddenly feeling much happier, I took a greedy bite out of the top and hummed in content.

On my way to sit with Rylan, I handed him my plate with the other half. "You can have it." I acted like I was doing him the biggest favor and he took it with a confused, grateful laugh.

"Thanks?" Kyler wasn't the slightest fan of burnt toast but he still ate it. Very slowly mind you, but he ate it nonetheless.

Sammy crept back in a few minutes later, looking guilty but also searching for more food. His head was low as he gazed at me pitifully, apologizing and begging all at once. He's too cute, I can't be mad at him.

"Don't give him some of that." Rylan laughed and reached over to stop me from giving him a small piece. He leaned forward and parted his plush, soft lips in expectancy. "Gimme."

Rylan ate it instead, immediately regretted it when he tasted how burnt it was, and got up to get a glass of water. "To each their own and all but that's so gross, babe. Literally nobody else likes burnt bread."

"More for me then." I mumbled and took another bite just to spite him. "Mm, so good." I eyed Rylan while I chewed. "Isn't it good, Kyler?"

"It's not the best." He admitted, struggling with the two bites he already took. Rylan tossed his cup in the trash, lifted Kyler's arm and sat himself in his lap. Kyler's arm wrapped around his waist while his other reached around for the bagel he didn't want. "But it's not the worst thing I've eaten."

"I'm hearing that you like it."

"Admit its gross." Rylan told me. "You should've never even tried it and found out you liked it after seeing how black it was the first time."

"My mom taught me to never waste food~"

"I'm sure she'd make an exception for this." She probably would.

Keiko apparently didn't like burnt bagels either. Padding across the table, she very slowly reached out and abruptly swiped Kyler's entire plate onto the floor. "Oh thank God." He was relieved.

Sammy darted out and quickly swiped up the bagel with his mouth. His paws were slipping against the tile as he tried running away as fast as he could. Nobody exactly stopped him, they were probably grateful he took it.

"Awe." Rylan petted her head. "You made a little mess, baby." I think?- he was scolding her but he was baby talking so I wasn't totally sure.

"Sammy will clean it up when he comes back." Kyler wasn't worried about cleaning it up himself. And Sammy did. He eventually came back and licked every bit of cream cheese off the floor.

He's a pretty good mop.


Kyler didn't work on Tuesday's but this didn't stop him from working out. In our garage sat his own little, mini gym. It was mostly weights and a lone treadmill, but that was more than enough.

He got done earlier than he normally would, shortening his usual hour workout to only forty minutes. Though, this might've been because Rylan was bothering him. From our room, I could hear the banging of weights and their laughter spilling past the opened garage door.

"Fuck off." Kyler told him at least five different times, always laughing. Rylan would always laugh about whatever he did, whether it was making Kyler trip, calling out lewd compliments, or disrupting his workout. And then they were just both laughing while Kyler pretended to want him out.

Forty minutes later and the heavy drop of weights stopped, but I could still hear their faint laughter. It grew louder when they approached our room and finally walked in.

Rylan was on Kyler's back, wrapped around him like a koala. He's in a good mood, I thought as I watched them. Rylan even brightened when he saw me. "Come take a shower with us~"

It wasn't hard to coax me, not with the knowledge I'd get to see them both naked. "Okay." I plugged my phone in and with a wagging tail, followed them into our bathroom.


After eight months of being together, our sex life was a little different now. Maybe comfortable was the right word. We've.. experimented with different things, or in different situations, and gradually relaxed into certain dynamics.

Somehow, I found myself always on the receiving end in these dynamics.

But that's fine, I thought in a daze, feeling shy and completely aroused as Rylan licked at my rim. Very, very fine. It was more than fine actually. Topping wasn't for me.

As another breathy moan spilled past my lips, Kyler stroked my stomach. His lips twitched up, watching me tremble with pleasure. "Is he making you feel good?" His voice was soft yet low, registering in my ears soothingly.

I nodded dumbly, not completely aware of my surroundings. All I could focus on was Rylan between my legs and Kyler behind me, both touching me. They smell so good. "Hm?" Kyler drawled. "He can't hear you like that, pup."

"Yes." I moaned. "Feels so good." Better that good, I wanted to tell him but I was so lost in the pleasure, I couldn't find the right words.

Rylan's head was ducked down, hair brushing my thighs as his tongue lapped at my rim, teasing and probing until I lost my breath. Slick was steadily leaking past my rim, showing just how turned on I was.

His breaths came out unevenly against my ass, barely even giving himself a moment to breathe.

Kyler's hand ran down my stomach and past my dick that dripped with precum, silently begging to be touched. He didn't, instead his hand slid even further down and held my thigh open for Rylan.

Oh, I blinked slowly, I kept closing my legs. I only realized after my thighs kept brushing Rylan's hair and Kyler had to force them open. But I couldn't help it, it was overwhelming in the most pleasurable ways.

My stomach clenched in sensitivity every few moments, unsure if I wanted to push his face further into me or shy away. Kyler didn't give me a chance to choose the latter. He was a steady weight behind me as I sat between his legs. His bare chest pressed into my naked back and held me in place, unwilling to let me go.

"Ah." My voice came out shaky and breathless as Rylan pulled away, but not by much. His eyes trailed up, heavy with arousal, before his head dipped down and took my cock in his mouth. "Babe-"

Kyler held my hips down when they lifted and stroked my thighs. It's so warm- I could never get used to how hot his mouth was, no matter how many times they gave me head.

I wanted nothing more than to fuck into his mouth, but I'm still a little too shy for that, and I had to be good. Kyler always tells me to be a good boy and listen- Wanting to please them won over my pleasure, just like every other time.

But it was hard. Rylan's mouth was soft and warm and everything I could've imagined. He didn't tease me like he normally would either. He took inch after inch in his mouth and made it even harder to stay still, and his tongue rubbed along my sides just when I thought he couldn't do more.

"Isn't he pretty?" Kyler asked softly, almost whispering against my ear. "He looks so good with cock in his mouth, doesn't he?"

Rylan didn't look up but I could tell he heard. My lip caught between my teeth as I watched him, and slowly nodded. Because he was so pretty- "Yeah." I breathed out quietly. Rylan swallowed around my cock, making my breath catch. "Mm-"

"And he's so good at it too." Kyler's hand slid onto my stomach and slowly rubbed up and down, barely missing my cock. I nodded again, completely entranced with how pretty he looked and Kyler's soothing voice. Their scents mingled together and made my brain mush. "Why don't you tell him, baby? He's doing so much for you to be so quiet~"

I didn't think I was being that quiet, I wasn't exactly good at holding in all my whines and moans, but if he wanted to hear it, "It's.. good."

Kyler's laugh was quiet, "Just good?" He reached out and brushed Rylan's hair back. "I thinks he's saying to take more, babe. You must not be doing enough."

"No." I quickly denied. "It feels so good, really good. The best."

"The best, huh?" Kyler continued stroking Rylan's hair, pushing the soft strands back while lightly rubbing at his scalp. Rylan liked the touch, I could tell, eyes falling shut while he took even more of my cock. Like a cat-

"The best." I nodded, breathing uneven and thighs clenched. "It's warm." My voice was mumbled, almost shy to admit it. "And.. soft." And wet, I didn't say. It just feels good, really good-

Rylan was generous as he bobbed his head up and down, eyes still shut as he worked at his own pace. He didn't gag but he also didn't take all of my cock, but I didn't like their dicks in my throat either.

After what felt like minutes, he slowly pulled off my cock with a soft pop and panted softly. His lips were swollen and shiny with spit, flushed with a soft pink. I wanna kiss him- I didn't even have to ask. He leaned up, while still panting, and pressed a chaste kiss to my lips, and then to Kyler's.

Unlike Kyler, whose dick I could feel pressed against my back, I could just look down and see how turned on Rylan was. It had a gentle hue of pink staining my cheeks as I looked away.

"Out of everything, that made you shy?" Rylan laughed softly, cupping my cheeks to bring my attention right back. "You gonna return the favor? I fucked up my throat for you."

"Thank you." I forced out, suddenly very shy under his gaze.

His lips curled into a smile as his thumbs stroked my cheeks. "Is that a yes?"

I nodded quickly. "Yeah."

He kissed me again, suggestively this time. "Good boy~"


This wasn't exactly what I had in mind when he told me to return the favor, but I wasn't complaining.

"Sit." Rylan told me with a pretty smile, patting the spot beside Kyler. I blindly followed instructions and waited for him to tell me to do something else. Kyler laughed a bit, seeming fond. "Good boy." Rylan told me again, rewarding me with another kiss. More to add to my daily count~

Kyler was already reaching for the lube, somehow reading Rylan's mind about what to do. "Just watch for a bit, yeah?" Kyler suggested, popping the lid open. "Then you can fuck him."

My mind went blank. Fuck Rylan- me fuck him. My dick, inside of Rylan, my boyfriend. "Okay." I nodded dumbly. And then that means Kyler fuck me-

That was a while ago when I thought Kyler would just be stretching Rylan out. But no- they were full on fucking and I couldn't have had a better front row seat. I watched them, completely absorbed and achingly hard as Rylan moaned quietly.

How is he keeping his moans so quiet- With the way Kyler's cock pushed past his rim, thrusting in and out, my mouth would've been open and stayed that way. They're so cool- they fuck like adults.

Kyler was fucking him from behind, hands firm and steady on his hips as his dick worked in and out of Rylan. Rylan's rim was stretched around Kyler's cock, hugging him tightly with every thrust. "Fuck, babe." He breathed out, fisting the sheets tightly.

Almost hesitantly, I reached out and copied Kyler's earlier movements. I petted Rylan just like they do for me and hoped it made him feel a little less overwhelmed. I was always better at taking Kyler's cock, only because I was a hybrid. With Rylan being human, he needed more time for prep and less harsh thrusts.

Rylan glanced up, just as moan spilled past his lips, and met my eyes. He's pretty- "He's so big." He told me, a mix between a laugh and moan. Kyler stroked his waist. "It feels really good." He assured, head dropping back into my lap.

I could feel his soft pants against my thigh, and felt how his body jerked every time Kyler's hips slapped into his. It had even more slick running down my thigh, wanting to be in a similar position. But I have to wait like a good boy-

Kyler brushed his hair back when it kept spilling over his shoulders. He didn't have a hair tie with him like he normally would so the black strands were left to sway freely. He's just as pretty, I couldn't help but stare at him intently. My boyfriends are so hot-

My eyes trailed lower, admiring his defined chest and torso before slowly focusing on his cock. I watched as it disappeared into Rylan every second before pulling back just to push right back in.

I didn't know if I wanted to fuck or be fucked. Both would be best-

Kyler's eyes flicked up, meeting mine. "You wanna fuck him?" His voice was breathy, showing he was just as worked up as Rylan.

"Yeah." I nodded quickly. "If, um, you're.. gonna fuck me?" It came out as a question in the end, making me flustered.

"'Course." He breathed out, squeezing Rylan's hips. "Love fucking you, you always take it so well. Both of you do." Rylan was incoherent as he hummed, unsure about what he was even agreeing to. "C'mere." Kyler pulled out and beckoned me forward.

I didn't hesitate to make my way over. His hands reached out for my hips and positioned me just where he was. Faint handprints marked Rylan's waist, right where Kyler had been gripping.

My stomach suddenly clenched when Kyler reached down and stroked my dick, quickly bringing my attention back to him. "Just making sure you're still hard~" How could I not be?

Rylan rolled onto his back and spread his thighs, silently offering me to fuck him. "My thighs hurt in that position, I'm not flexible." He situated himself against the pillows and watched Kyler jerk me off.

His attention made me hot with arousal and flustered all at once.

After a condom was slid on, courtesy of Kyler, I inched forward and hesitantly reached for Rylan's thighs. They were soft and lighter than the rest of his body. Pretty, I thought. "You just gonna look~?" He teased, noticing my staring. "Nobody's stopping you from fucking me."

My ears flattened. "I'm gonna." I mumbled shyly. Topping always made me nervous.

Kyler peered over my shoulder as he gripped my hips from behind. My body jerked when I felt his fingers suddenly prob my hole. He casually rubbed at my rim while staring at Rylan, unaffected by my shudder. "You're just so pretty~ Can you blame him?"

Rylan's lips spread into a smile, never shying away from a compliment. "I guess not."

Kyler didn't finger me for long, not more than a minute before he pulled out and lightly squeezed my hips. "Do a good job." He mumbled next to my ear, making my shiver. "I'll help you."

I nodded and slowly spread Rylan's thighs farther apart. He felt incredibly moldable, letting me do whatever I wanted to him as I inched closer. Even as my tip probed at his rim, he showed no signs of resistance.

My teeth sunk into my lip, trying to stay quiet and I slowly pushed past his rim. It's so warm- and oh, he's hugging me so tight. My breath came out shaky as inch after inch of my dick disappeared inside of him. 

Rylan's own breathing was breathy as he adjusted himself against the pillows, not expecting me to stretch him this much. I haven't fucked him in a while, I almost forgot how good it felt.

Kyler rubbed his thumbs in slow circles against my hips as I finally bottomed out. Rylan's rim clenched around me tightly, basically sucking me in. "You're really.. tight." I forced out, almost afraid I'd just moan instead.

His eyes trailed up to me and he looked less composed than normal, lips parted and chest rising and falling softly. "You're just big." He clenched around me. "You're both really big."

I sucked in breath and tried not to move right away. But it was hard. He felt so good, tight, warm, and really wet. I wanted to fuck into him and let myself loose in all the pleasure.

He was completely stretched from Kyler fucked him, but I still waited and let him get used to my length as well. And as I did, Kyler ran his hand down my ass and lined his cock up with my rim. "Good?" He asked, waiting for my answer before he pushed in.

"Yeah." My head tilted to the side, wanting a kiss before I grew too incoherent for one.

And he gave me one worth remembering. His titled my head even more and leaned forward to press our lips together. They were soft and swollen from all the kissing earlier, and had remains of Rylan's chapstick lingering.

His scent flooded my nose as I pressed back, wanting to be as close to him as possible. Both of them.

He eventually pulled back, only after leaving me breathless and wanting more, before reaching down for his cock. He asked me if I was ready again, and I eagerly responded with a nod and impatient press of my hips.

I felt my breath catch when he did eventually sink his cock into me, painfully slow but necessary. He stretched me wide and reminded me why I loved bottoming so much. It already feels so good-

Rylan silently brought my attention down to him when he ran his hand along my stomach. "Feels good?" He asked, small smile set on his lips.

I nodded and leaned down, unknowingly pushing myself deeper into him. He could feel it, soft moan suddenly forced from his mouth. "Me too." He told me, making warmth bloom in my stomach. I'm making him feel good. "C'mere." He coaxed me down even more and held his arms out to embrace me.

They wrapped around my neck and pulled me close. His scent immediately grew stronger and made my mind fuzzy with thoughts of him.

His head tipped up and pressed a soft kiss to my lips, followed by another and then two more. I'm getting so many kisses today. He pulled back but not by much, an inch at most and leveled me with a playful gaze. "Gonna return the favor now?"

He's so- "Yeah." I breathed out.


Rylan sat on the counter, after another much needed shower, and watched Kyler and I work together. His legs swung absentmindedly as he watched us with a smile.

"I want two." His foot kicked out and nudged Kyler's thigh. "With all the goods."

"All the goods?" Kyler laughed. "It's only one thing."

"All the goods." Rylan repeated himself, voice falsely stern.

"Gimme a kiss and I'll give you all the goods."

Rylan did him one better as he leaned forward. "I'll give you two." His finger hooked in Kyler's shirt and guided him between his legs, locking him in a kiss.

Their kiss far surpassed two, but they were cute and I was a little in love so it was fine. I'll do it all by myself.

The water in the pot started bubbling, notifying me that the ramen was probably done. All four eggs sat on top, because Rylan wanted two. "It's done." I hummed happily and turned the stove off before bringing the pot over to the three bowls Rylan got earlier. "My speciality."

"Ah, yes." Rylan gave Kyler one last kiss and peeked into the pot. "I just love the way you crack an egg and boil water."

"All I'm hearing is that you love me~"

"That too, I guess."

"You guess?"

Rylan's lips pulled into a smile as I poured the ramen evenly between the bowls, making sure he got the extra egg. "Yes, yes. I love you both."

Content, I hummed and set the empty pot in the sink. Someone would wash it later, most likely me. I was your basic house wife, I was starting to like it more than art. But that was probably because I didn't have to work and got to laze around whenever I wanted. It's my true calling, you could say. 

I gave them each a set of chopsticks, because Rylan made us both learn how to use them, and sat in my regular stool.

Kyler, not so subtly, slipped Sammy a noodle or two. His actions were given away when Sammy chomped at the air loudly and swallowed the noodle with a loud smack.

Keiko jumped onto the counter, only because Rylan was there, and pressed herself into his side. She eyed my warily as she rubbed her head into Rylan's arm, almost like I'd steal him away.

They're mine first, I wanted to tell Keiko and Sammy, but they're spoiled and wouldn't care even if I did.

Kyler reached over and went to set his egg in my bowl, but he still wasn't that skilled with chopsticks, so it flopped on the counter loudly. I'm not a germaphobe so of course I was gonna pick it up and eat it, my boyfriend gave it to me after all, but Keiko swiped at my hand when I tried to, and the next two times that followed. "Keep it then." I frowned at her. Brat-

She didn't even fucking eat it.

Sammy tried jumping on the counter to get it but Kyler held him down with a laugh. "You're too big, bud."

Rylan pushed it onto the floor for him.

"Y'know, this is what made me like you both." Rylan stirred his ramen thoughtfully. "I mean- I was already interested but you both kept offering me ramen with an egg every time I came over. Like it was some special meal."

"It is." Kyler stressed. I quickly nodded in agreement.

"It's ramen with an egg." I explained.

"See? That's what I mean. It's cute you guys think it's so special."

"It is." Kyler stressed again. I nodded quickly. "It's our special meal that Chet pretends he thought of first even though it was me-"

"I thought of it first."

Rylan's laugh was bright. "It's literally just ramen with an egg, you guys aren't geniuses for it. But it does feel special now. Like our meal or something."

It does feel like that- After slurping my noodles, I wiped my mouth and reached out to poke them both with a chopstick. "Love you." I told them, because saying 'I love you' made me too shy. Maybe tomorrow I'll try.

Rylan mumbled it back with a mouthful of noodles while Kyler poked me back, somehow managing to drop another noddle in the process. "Love you too."

So yeah, our relationship wasn't perfect. But nobody's ever is, so this felt pretty fucking perfect to me.


36 chapters, 5 months, and 196k words later, make me beg is completed <3

besties 😫 ily

this is my most well written story, shoutout to praise me for the practice 😫, and i actually really like it. i usually hate my stories but sometimes i reread this and i'm like 😚 wow, good job me

it had plot that i usually never do or somehow forget about. i feel like there's no plot holes so i'm proud of myself for that <3 i updated all the time and felt the word count was pretty good.

this story was originally supposed to be just like praise me with absolutely no plot and just fluff/smut so idk what happened but i like it. it feels like my first "big girl" story or whateva.

anyways ily and appreciate every single comment/vote yall left. it means so much <3

if you only read and didn't vote fuck you because it takes me hours to write this and one button for you to click. if i could somehow find out who you are and block you i would 😄 so yeah, fuck you and learn how to appreciate authors works <3 just click that vote button bestie. 3k reads and only 200 votes on a chapter this far into the story is not adding up loves

i will probably add extra chapters, but only ppl who vote can read it ✋🏽😐 the rest of you can perish and forget about this story bc i don't like you at all. erase it from your memory and have a terrible day

anyways bye ily,

maddie <3

btw i have another bl story called "lover man" it has the same characters as praise me and i'm gonna be working on that now, it already has 7 chapters up, so read it pls okay ily bye

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