The Bad Boy is a King

By Annabelle503

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Thomas Parker aka hot, popular, bad boy and best friend of rich and equally as hot, Jacob Lawson, practically... More

Day 29.
Day 28.
Day 27.
Day 26.
Day 25.
Day 24.
Day 23.
Day 22.
Day 21.
Day 20.
Day 19.
Day 18.
Day 16.
Day 15.
Day 14.
Day 13.
Day 12.
Day 11.
Day 10.
Day 7.
Day 6.
Day 5.
Day 4.
Day 3.
Day 2.
Day 1.

Day 30.

459 7 7
By Annabelle503

A/N: Thank you for deciding to read my book!  I hope you enjoy it.

To avoid confusion, Mason and Thomas are the same person.  I didn't get a chance to fix all the parts yet and the ones I did, didn't save. And Annabelle's last name is Parish not Fischer.

We never saw the storm that was coming, even as it inched closer. We ignored the change in the atmosphere's pressure and the high winds- the constant nagging that something was wrong. But I guess that's what happens when you're oblivious and in the eye of the storm unprepared; you never know that something bad will happen until it does.

    The aftermath wasn't any better. Once the storm was at bay, nothing would ever be the same. There was still that uneasiness that happens after a storm and it stayed well after its due time. We all had to pitch in to clean up the havoc the storm had caused but nothing ever seemed right. There was still going to be the brokenness in our town that could never be fixed no matter how many times we tried.

    I tried to open the door of my brother's beat up black car but it was locked. Sighing, I pressed my back against it as a single raindrop fall on my nose. It was the dreaded Monday and it already looked like a crappy week, I thought. Squeezing my eyes shut, I never thought a thing about it; the one raindrop that would signal the start of the storm.

I opened my eyes as soon as I heard the front door open. Lee came rushing out of the house before Drew, one of my older brothers, and locked it after him. Drew ran his fingers his chocolate brown hair and said something to our eldest brother, Lee. He gave him an irritated glare and then it quickly changed to a smile.

"You know I hate being late." Lee messed up Drew's hair and pushed him towards the car. "If we're late you're so going to get it."

"You're so weird with your paranoia about being late everywhere."

"Oh, shut it."

I said, "Open the doors, Lee."

He shot me a grin and walked down the steps. "Nellie, that's my job to nag so quit nagging me."

I rolled my eyes and opened the doors as soon as I heard the click.

"Took you long enough," Wesley remarked with a huff. I watched as he plopped into the passenger seat, his blond hair still managing to stay intact, and slammed the door shut behind him. It was basically known that he had the right to sit in the front. What, with being second oldest and all. Plus, I think it goes for Drew, Anthony and I that were didn't want him to mess with us anymore than he already does, and it'd be worse over his sacred seat.

    I was already counting down the days until school ended once spring had arrived. Although it always seemed like spring in Savannah, I officially started my countdown on March twentieth: the official day of spring. My high school let out of school early, around the middle of May. But it was near the end of March with about thirty days left of my countdown when the biggest storm we'd ever experienced started to begin.

    It was an ordinary day in Savannah: the weather was hot, the air was moist, and we dressed in our summer attire for it being the first day of Spring.  The boys were the same and so was he who was being his jerk self. The storm was easy to miss with all the end of the year chaos going on.  Yet, the teachers were no different that day either.  Each and every one of them assigned stacks of homework to prepare us for the finals to come in almost a month and a half.  It's not like we spent an entire year learning pointless information that was supposed to prepare us for the finals but it did not.  Of course, teachers make the finals on everything that we had not discussed although they tell us how it was taught.

    It's not like I actually payed attention in class or that the boy did.  Often times we were paired up with each other or sitting next to each other because our last names are so similar.  I despised how teachers put us in alphabetical order.  I usually stared off and at the window dreaming of the day that my Prince Charming would rescue me from the wretched place called high school.  He, however, drew in his notebook. Sometimes he would draw images that made sense and are fathomable but most other times it was utter nonsense to me.

    One day in history, I'd ask, "What's that supposed to be?"

    He shrugged and let his dark eyebrows furrow.  My eyes drifted around his face to take in his strange beauty. I saw a grin tugging on his cherry lips and the light freckles that dusted across the top of his nose.  "I'm just letting the pencil do all the work.  I'll be sure to let you know when I'm done. . . Maybe it will look better than your face and judging by your face it will."

    There was always some kind of snarky comment included with a decent one, hence the word decent.

    I was practically the only phased by his rude demeanor.  Everyone else was either too charmed by his personality or too smitten by his good looks. Or the famous, wanting to get in his pants option.  This spoke for pretty much everyone except me. People thought he was some kind of king and I guess, he was.  He was able to get anything he wanted by a flash of his golden smile. He wasn't the only one put up on this pedestal, his partner in crime, Jacob Lawson was just like him.  He was equally as royal and had the same painful, dreaded smile.  I wouldn't be surprised if they practiced it together.

    People didn't despise him or hate him.   He was too likable, what with that charm of a smile.  It was almost like his free token for anything. Sure, most envied him and some guys even wanted to date him but he was too good to hate. Not too good for me, though. I wanted to wring his neck with my bare hands.

    Some might have said that he was the hottest guy ever to walk the face of the Earth; he would never have denied it. While others might have said that he was an imaginary character in their head because he was too "damn sexy" to be real. The rumors and stories are endless; however, the more realistic people, like myself didn't believe in those stories but rather instead, he was most definitely not the hottest guy ever to walk the Earth.

    The realistic people club only consisted of myself at the time. We - well I since no one else was in the club - knew him for what we truly was. He was fake and I saw right through his sickly smile and smooth talk to his selfish and cruel interior.

    He was one of those people that didn't stay for too long around others. After that smile, he had you begging at his knees to do whatever he wanted and that's exactly what he knew would happen. He wasn't a psychic or anything but that's how it worked for him or Jacob Lawson- the golden boys or more commonly referred to by kids at my school: the Kings.

    He was a charmer, as simple as that. He knew how to play his cards right therefore he never lost a match until me. He used people but he never like used them how he told them he would. He lured a girl into thinking they would have sex but he would leave before they would, leaving the girl to spread rumors about the kinky sex the next day. I never knew which rumors to believe but I always had him telling me what went down. Trust him or not- was always a question lingering at the back of my head like a foreign object. Trust was an unknown term in the dictionary to me, especially when it came to the boy known as Thomas Parker.

    I had this theory that he was secretly an evil ninja who plotted my death every single night and who could say I was not plotting his death either? Maybe him being an evil ninja was highly unlikely but that is beside the point. The point is that he had been plotting my death and I had been plotting his. That was practically the only thing we had in common and I made sure it'd stay that way so when Thomas Parker came up to me and dared we we weren't complete opposites, I agreed. I agreed because I knew I'd win the bet.

    To say we hated each other would be an understatement that could not describe whatever you called our relationship. We were always bickering and playing pranks on each other from when we first met- when I was five and he was almost seven.

    He liked to think that he was always one step ahead however he was not. See, my brother, Anthony, was best friends with him and our older brother, Lee, was best friends with his older brother. Accordingly they spent a lot of time at our house.

I was the only girl in a household of four older brothers and their friends. Two of them with the last name Parker. I liked his older brother fine. We didn't really talk because he was about five years older than me and I was still a child at the time. Plus, I was too busy yelling at his brother to stop whatever he was doing. His older brother was nice to me, though. I remember he would always chastise his younger brother when he would be mean to me.  Yet, Thomas never seemed to listen to his brother.

On that Monday when I began to trust - or should I say, get to know Thomas more - it had just turned six fifty-two in the morning as Lee rolled into the school parking lot. He turned left towards the student lot and drove towards the middle of the lot.  Almost half the lot was filled already despite classes not starting for almost thirty more minutes.  Lee parked in a spot at the very last row which was surrounded by no other cars. The sky was dark still and the air was moist; it was beginning to drizzle. The school doors were propped open, leaving the two airs to mingle.

A few students were outside by their cars or busses and were walking towards the school or waiting for friends. The busses were in the middle of the student and teacher's lots.  There were three doors: one for the students who drove, one for the students who rode the busses and another for the teachers.  Our assistant principal and a teacher wearing an emerald colored dress waited by the front door to monitor the student body.

Lee pressed the button on his window to unlock the car doors.  I waited until Drew was out, since Anthony was too slow, until squeezing out of the middle back seat and into the damp air.  It was faintly raining outside with mild winds but I shrugged it off, categorizing it as just another storm.  I shut the door behind me, while hugging my arms due to the chilly weather.  Spring mornings before it got to be around eight were always cold in Savannah. My second oldest brother must have noticed this because he shrugged his football hoodie off before chucking it at me.  It crashed into my head, making my hair staticky.  I grabbed it, told him my gratitude and then shoved it over my head, being careful of my hair although it didn't really matter now.  My brothers and I then walked towards the back of the car where we each grabbed our book bags out of the trunk.  Lee locked the car doors and didn't wait for us to know we were following before advancing towards the school doors.

"How many more days until we're out of this dump?" Wes asked me while shaking his mop of blond hair about.

I answered without hesitation, "Thirty and counting."

Wes sighed.

"Still seems like a lot."

"Surprisingly I'm not wishing for school to end," my eldest brother, Lee, said. He usually was the one, along with Wesley, to ask every day about how many days are left of school.

Wes smirked.

"Because you don't want to leave me in charge which is all the time because mom and dad are like dogs?  I'll try not to burn the house down."

See, my parents are both highly skilled surgeons at our local hospital so their almost always on call and only come home at the weirdest hours so we rarely get to see them.  They used to be home more when all of us were younger but I guess they think we can handle ourselves now.  Mom really hates leaving us alone because of this stuff my brothers do.  Dad, as the oldest out of him and his brother, knows they're just boys so they'll fight.  Mom, however, worries constantly about whether they'll murder each other.

We walked into the school doors as Lee replied, "Yes that and it's strange to think about. I'm not going to drive that stupid car to school anymore, I'm not going to piss off all my teachers, or I'm not going to just not care. I'm going to actually have to quit going to parties and do stuff....  Scratch that.  I'm still going to go to parties but I'm going to have to do things."

"You already do stuff. You have a job, you take care of us, you're on the soccer and football team," Drew pointed out.

"I guess but it's just weird to think about.  I'll be on my own.  Weird, I haven't been by myself - besides having mom and dad - since I was one.  Then this idiot," Lee gestured to Wesley, "was born and fucked it all up."

We ignored Lee's swearing and him being such a hypocrite; however, Wesley huffed, knowing it was useless to argue with Lee.

"Before you're officially an old man, we have to do some things."

Lee asked, continuing to walk, "Like what, Nellie?"

He liked to call me "Nellie."  I think it was because when he was younger, he couldn't say Annabelle so he opted with Nellie and it kind of just stuck, almost like gum on the bottom of your shoes.  No one called me by my whole first name except for Thomas and my dad.  Others called me by the shortened version, "Belle."

"I don't know but like maybe we'll make a list or something," I answered.

"We can name it Lee's bucket list," said Anthony, my twin brother.

"I'm not dying," Lee scoffed and shoved his phone into the side of his black book bag.

It was one from soccer.  All the boys on our soccer team had one and it included their number.  Soccer was bigger than American football at the high school.  It got more attenders every game - even the away ones - than the football games.  Or perhaps it could be because we had the best soccer team in our state.  Or for the hormonal teenage girls, we had Thomas Parker, the first freshmen in years to be immediately put on Varsity.

  "You could be."  I shrugged.

"He's right, surprisingly," Wes punched Drew after he said this but he just continued, unfazed by the hit, "Every year you pass the day you will die on and not even know it. There are a lot of common causes for teenage death such as accidents like car -"

Lee moaned.

"Hey Dictionary Drew, shut up."

"Why do you call me that?"

Wes laughed.

"You're just asking that now?"

"It's because that's the only one that sounds good like Thesaurus Drew doesn't or Einstein Drew.  But, Dictionary Drew does."

Drew rolled his eyes.  "At least I don't have a name like yours."

"What's wrong with my name?"  Lee glared.

"Mom gave you the name she hated the most."

"At least mom wanted me."

Lee grinned afterwards.

"She wanted me-"

"Fuck. I have to go meet someone.  You four be good," Lee said before making a left towards the gym.

Anthony and I shared confused looks while Wes explained, "He's talking to Isaac."


Isaac was partially or as everyone except Lee likes to say fully responsible for the death of Emma Wells. She was his girlfriend last year and became one of our closet friend, especially to our family. After she died, Lee became really depressed that's why he attends support group on every Tuesdays and begs me to come along with him to that "hell hole."

We continued walking down the hallway when we reached where Lee was with Thomas and Isaac.  They were right by the gym entrance in a secluded part of the hallway with the water fountains.  It was near the end where the main doors led to the staircase.  Thomas was leaning against the wall, rolling his eyes at something one of them said.  When Thomas saw me, his eyes didn't move from mine; he didn't move, he didn't smile, he didn't do anything except stare at me like a complete and utter psycho.

"- Shrimp? Did you hear me? Hey, what are you looking at . . ." Wes trailed as he saw not what I was looking but who.

"Why is he looking at you?" Oh, he was talking about who was looking at me. Not who I was looking at.

"How am I supposed to know? I don't even know him," I defended, quickly.

Anthony looked at me, knowing I'm lying. Thankfully, he didn't say anything.  Wes and Drew don't have good memories so they probably don't remember he's Anthony's best friend.  It's probably all the drugs they do.

Drew mentioned, "Actually, Lance is his brother."

"Who's Lance?" I knew who Lance was, I just wanted my brothers to think I don't associate with Thomas.

"His older brother. He's in his first year of college."

Wes chuckled. "Him and Lee caused a bunch of shit last year and every other year they were together."

I laughed at that.

"Or that." Drew rolled his eyes.

"That still doesn't mean I know him."

"Fine. You know because him and Lance would come over a lot."  Never mind, Drew remembered.  Maybe he does have a brain besides useless information on stuff.

"So, you've been fucking him on the down low?" Wes asked with a serious expression.

"Oh gosh. Thanks a lot, Drew."

Drew smirked, looking proud.

"No, I don't like know anything about him. Sure, I do know who he is but I'm not 'fucking' him."

"Lee would be so pissed right now. First Wes was swearing and now you," Anthony commented.

"I was saying what he said."

"Don't blame me, Shrimp. I didn't tell you to do anything. But, if I catch him fucking you or you fucking him then you two better watch out because I'll be under your bed."

"Ew, you'd be under their bed while they're fucking? That's disgusting even for you." Anthony made a grossed out expression.

"Anthony, I will personally chop your head off and mail it to grandma and grandpa," Wes said.

"That's good because I've missed them and I didn't want to drag the rest of my body."

Wes put Anthony in a chokehold.  "I'm just giving you what you deserve for talking back to your superior."

I shrugged at Drew who shrugged back and we talked while we continued to walk. Anthony was still struggling against Wes.   He was a gorilla on steroids so Anthony wasn't getting out anytime soon on his own.


Day 30 of my countdown was also the day when I thought Thomas would be the death of me. Goodbye cruel world. Okay, I am exaggerating but he could have been.

"Annabelle fucking Parish.  Shit, I meant Annabelle freaking Parish.  I know how you hate it when I say bad words, babe."

"Or you could just say my middle name."  I shrugged, ignoring his so called "pet name" for me.

He thought about it for a moment.  "Nah babe.  I like to keep the suspense going."

"Thanks monkey brain," I mumbled, not really wanting him to hear. If he wanted to call me that stupid pet are then I would call him a worse one.

He didn't seem to hear me. Thomas was too busy on his phone as I opened my locker.

My screams pierced through the hallway as did Thomas annoying laughter and a snap of a picture.

"Did you just take a picture?" I managed to yell.

"Yeah. Now it's a video, too.  Smile for the camera, love."

He smirked and stood there looking proud with his head held high and his chest pumped out.

The noises were the only things heard in the serene hallway. The bell rang merely seconds ago; however, students were still standing there, shocked like they just saw someone give birth. They were not moving to their next class but watching the scene unfold.

This probably was a show to them. It must have been better than cable and if I wasn't the main star, I'd have changed it myself. Watching me shout at the prodigal student and him laughing at my demise. It seemed like a television show since no one around us would help me, they stood there awkwardly watching us like we were two celebrities.  Probably Thomas was to them, but I certainly was not.  I was that one girl that Thomas was always with, but not in a good way, might I add.

When my screaming faltered and so did Thomas's laughter, our fellow classmates still did not move; they waited to see what would happen next. The big question was: would it be a girl baby or a boy baby? Hopefully neither. I would really not want the father to be Thomas.

Come to think of it, Thomas and I were really a show to everyone what, with our constant arguing and rivalry.  Partially, the reason why people payed so much attention to us, was because it was none other than Thomas Parker.

As a freshman in high school, he had gotten a spot on the varsity soccer team at the beginning of the school year, which was almost never done. Freshman were either on junior varsity or not on a team at all to put it bluntly. So, when Thomas had secured a spot as midfielder on the varsity soccer team, he was the talk of the school, like he was not already.

Oh, and another reason why everyone cared so much for Thomas Parker was because of his and I quote from my friend, Emily, 'damn sexy good looks and sexy body that even straight guys would want to fuck.'  Over the top and ridiculous, Emily thinks not. Everyone was under his spell that he was actually a good person, however being in the realistic people club, I was not under his spell. I saw him for what he actually was.

Thomas Parker was not just crazy good at soccer or 'too delicious for his shoes.' He was everything a girl would want in a guy if she did not see past his fake outer shell.  And, he - because I saw past his fake outer shell - was everything that I despised in a guy. From his cockiness to falseness, I always swore that he would be the death of me.

But, then at that moment, Thomas Parker just had to flash me his award-winning smile that made all girls and most boys swoon for him even if they were not gay. This made anyone a victim to his sickly smile do anything he wanted them to. Especially teachers, which made him practically untouchable in school.  He could do anything and everything he wanted and magically, no one would care.

"I'm sorry, babe. Did I do something wrong?" He asked, tilting his head to the side a little bit so he would look confused. Yet, I was not falling for it.  I tried to wipe the shaving cream off my pants and shirt but failed. After realizing, it only made it worse, I sighed.

"Don't call me that," I stated as I glared at his grey eyes which were staring intently into my green eyes.  Then, I wiped my hands off with a hand wipe from inside my bag. I started to clean off my books as I heard the teaches shout down hall that it was the late bell.  My school didn't have bells because the principal decided against it. He says that we're more "free spirited and eager" without them. I ignored the teachers' voices and continued to clean my books off
"Aw, love.  Should I call you Kitten instead?"

"I'm not some juvenile domesticated cat, you moron."

He chuckled and leaned against the locker next to mine. "Are you sure? Because Anthony told me that he caught you licking yourself just like a juvenile domesticated cat would."

He chuckled and leaned against the locker next to mine. "Are you sure? Because Anthony told me that he caught you licking yourself just like a juvenile domesticated cat would."

"Well," I said trying to think of something clever to say. "He's wrong." That was so not what I wanted to say.

Thomas didn't listen to what I said, instead he cheered, "Holy shit.  I just got fifty likes in less then three minutes on that picture of you.  Not to mention the video-"

"Give me that," I grumbled and took his phone.

"Sure, just go away and take the man's phone away.  Next, it'll be his dignity but anything for my girl."

I ignored Thomas and looked at the picture.  The one he was looking at was on Instagram.  He tagged me in the photo.

kingthomas 5 minutes ago

She said me she'd get in my pants if she was covered in shaving cream. Can't wait!!!! :)
#beenwaitintenyearsforthis #mymomentforlife @bellexoxo

"Who adds that many exclamation marks? Is it possible to be that happy? Wait, that's not the point. Fuck you -"

"Gladly."  He grinned and leaned against the locker next to mine.  Thomas ran his fingers through his dark brown hair.  "Did you just swear?  She swears-"

I swore? Geez, this boy really did bring out the bad in me. I rarely swore.

People already even commented.

jakethesnake: fuck thomas.  took u long enough

771walter: don't forget the condemns. extra small

anthonyparish: bro u fuck my sister and ur dead

Anthony always was horrible at grammar, especially texting.

"By the way, monkeys have one of the smartest brains."

Guess he did listen to me. I shrugged before scrolling through the rest of the comments.

lucas.mavers: lol or the sex toys @walterprice

number1parker: my annoyingly stupid little brother who isn't hotter than his amazingly sexy older brother is finally growing up #proud

mollyyy: omg Thomas! belle wouldn't do that

jakethesnake: i forgot to say something... HAWT!!!

jakethesnake: joking. i sound too much like thomas right now... a girl

jakethesnake: why isn't anyone sending a digital laughing image or the phrase?  that shit was funny

anthonyparish: jake plz stop while u still got ur dignity

jakethesnake: you're just afraid to admit it was funny like the pussy you are

anthonyparish: naw we know you're the one who has a vagina

Before reading the rest of the comments, I shoved the phone in his hands. My brother was so stupid sometimes, it was hard to realize we were related and looked practically the same. People do say that looks can be deceiving and they were right.

"I said that ten years ago. How can you even remember that? It was when we were five. You can't possibly hold me accountable for that -"

Thomas crossed his arms and smirked at me. "You said it."

"I was five and joking. I didn't even know what that meant."

"Oh, come on.  Excuses, excuses.  Lee, Wes, Drew and Anthony are your brothers. You had to know what it meant."

Not knowing what else to say, I decided with, "I have to get to class unlike you. Some people actually have to do work to pass." Then I slammed my locker, shaving cream oozing from within and pushed my way through the crowd of people that surrounded my locker since they would not move. They stood there still with a shocked expression as I elbowed my way inside.

"I said we can have sex later, babe. Don't be so pissed.  I have class now," He said, making me seem like I wanted to have sex with him now and he rejected me. And, of course everyone would believe him.  To my suspicion, my classmates laughed as I shoved past them.

"I'd rather reread all fifty six pages of the iTunes' terms and conditions, every day than have sex with you," I answered and continued stomping away to class, shaving cream residue still on my clothes.

"That's not what you were saying last night," Thomas called as the bell rang for the last time and students finally, however, slowly made their way to class, and I could still hear them laughing at my demise.

How clueless were they? Thomas is a horrib-

"Already day dreaming about me, love?" Said a voice behind me although I immediately knew it was Thomas.

I narrowed my gaze on him. "Weren't you just over there?"

"I'm not a turtle," the most annoying person on the Earth informed as I walked to class and he followed me.

"Turtles win the race, slow and steady," I said with a smirk as we continued walking.

"But turtles are too slow to -"

"No sexual comments. I'm leaving."

"Hey genius, we're in the same class."

"Guess that shows how much I pay attention to you," I scoffed.   "Oh and thanks for stating the obvious by calling me a genius.  I know I am, by the way."

"I was being sarcastic."

"That sucks.  Try to get better at it."

"Why don't you help me then?"  He winked.

"You wink at me again and I'll personally shove it up your ass."

"Gross babe but if that's how you like it then I'm totally in," he said while grinning.  With a wink, might I add.

"I can't stand you," I stated, pathetically.

"Same if I were you.   I don't know how you're able to hold yourself back."

"What's wrong with you?"

"Everything," he replied with his eyes drawn together and his lips slightly turned downwards, "because you're not mine."

"You suck."

"No, I don't.  You suck," Thomas grumbled.

"Great comeback."

"I try."

"I can tell.  You should try harder."

"If you insist."

It took me a while to get what he meant.  He meant it as him trying harder to stick his "you know" in my "you know."  I mentally shuddered.  Ew.

"Well, I don't."

"I know because I wouldn't have to try harder.   I get it in on the first tries.  I'm a pro at -"

"Shut up," I squealed, having all faces turn to me as we walked into the classroom.

"Ms. Parish, why is there white cream all over you?"

"Um." I trailed and glanced behind me for Thomas.  He was long gone and took his usually seat near the middle.  Then, put his earphones in.  I could hear the music from the front of the class where I was standing.

But being me, I couldn't.  Im a terrible liar even though I should be a great one because of my brothers.  Surprisingly, Mr. I-Don't-Care-About-Anything Wesley hates liars.   Anyway, I told my teacher what happened and then took my seat with my head down, specifically skirting Thomas.  The cream had dried by now so I decided to stick with my clothes for this period since I couldn't leave class to find one of my brothers.  The nurse did have extra clothes but they were gross and probably too big or small for me anyway.

So, I told him what happened and afterwards, took my seat in front of Thomas.  I slouched down in my chair and held my head down.  The cream had dried by now so I decided to stick with my clothes for this period since I couldn't leave class to find one of my brothers.  The nurse did have extra clothes but they were gross and probably too big or small for me anyway.

"Thomas Parker.  Principal's office.  Now." Mr.  Maddison yelled and some girl had to tap on Thomas' shoulder, nervously, to get his attention.

Internally I groaned. That evil imbecile would definitely blame me, saying how I snitched. But, I did not. Well, not exactly. When I walked into class, the teacher had asked me why I had white cream all over me and I didn't know what to say so I told him the truth. Teachers and I do not mix, let's just get that straight first.

Every teacher I had has always hated me. Either because I was one of my older brother's little sister or because I was always arguing with Thomas in class. Thomas just had to be left alone during class so he could concentrate, was a saying my teachers were fond of. He was the prodigal student with straight A's.  I wonder how he cheated his way through the system that supposedly banned all cheating. Another was, that's Wes' younger sister, she's probably bad in class like he was and fails. Also, if you had not already noticed, the stories continue.

So, when Mr.Maddison asked me what happened, I confessed. Not one of my brightest choices, might I add. And, now, I will probably have my death wish fulfilled by Thomas.

Thomas made a big fuss as he got out of his chair - huffing and puffing like the bad wolf and I was the pig inside her house, waiting for him to destroy her house although she could do nothing but watch - and stomped to the front of the class. While passing me, he dropped a note on my desk. Just great, I thought. There is my death sentence. I can picture it now. Thomas knows where I live so-

"Annabelle," Mr. Maddison snapped which forced me to stop thinking about the terror that Thomas could and would do.

"Um, yes?" I asked, peering out the window.

I was probably the worst person to sit next to a window besides Thomas. He was always distracted but, anyway, during class I would have these fantasies. The stories were because of these windows and the beauty outside which always included my Prince Charming rescuing me from this mad house. But, I always wished we could have class outside. Wouldn't that be so much fun?

"If you're not going to share with the class your love letter the-"

Wait, was he talking to me?

Right, I did say 'yes' but I should have said 'no.'  If I would have, I could continue my fantasy of running away with my Prince Charming an-

Someone in the back of the class spoke for my oblivious self. "It was from me, your highness of stupidity.  I told her 'Blood drops are red. My emotion is blue. Cocaine is sweet and so are you. If you hate this fucking class -"

"Okay, Mr. Lawson. That's enough. We don't swear in this holy classroom of intelligence and purity," Mr. Maddison said and didn't give him a detention like other students would get for swearing. He didn't take the note from me and read it to the class like what would happen in normal circumstances.  I guess because these weren't normal circumstances.  Mr. Maddison was dealing with a king.

The teacher continued writing on the board, instead. And, I did not pay attention like I normal would not. This time my thoughts weren't about Zac Efron and his hotness despite the fact that he was in High School Musical. He would definitely be my Prince Charming. But anyway, I haven't even spoken to Jake before so why would he defend me to someone, of all people, Mr. Maddison? And especially when Jake is "too cool" to defend anyone?

I knew why Mr. Maddison didn't press the subject anymore. It was because Jake's family practically ran the school. They were loaded with money and always gave money to the school. Another reason to the list, was because Jake and Thomas were best friends and everyone loved Thomas, so of course they had to love Jake and his rich parents, too.


"Why the bloody hell would you tell the fucking teacher that I put shaving cream on you?"

"I didn't me-"

He scoffed and ran his fingers through his hair, which I noticed he did a lot.  Maybe it was to create that 'I just got out of bed' look that guys craves.

"Are you that stupid?"

Ouch, that was mean.  But I wasn't stu-

"Why won't you answer me?" Thomas, for the third time in two minutes, ran his fingers through his hair. "Damn it."  He said, clearly agitated.

"I-I'm sorry.  I didn't me-mean to."

I added a nervous smile and hoped he'd take pity on me.

Thomas' expression changed from looking extremely pissed off to just plain annoyance.  "You so did. I guess it was because of my amazing good looks, though. I mean, look at me. But I guess I can forgive you if you kiss me."

After rolling my eyes, they wound up staring at Thomas's dark eyebrows. Were guys eyebrows that amazingly arched?

I said quickly so he would not notice me checking him out or rather, his eyebrows, "Um, no chance. That's like kissing a bug, which you are. But did you really think I wanted to get shaving cream on me?  No, thanks. If I stare at you too long then I will loose my eyesight from your hideous facial features." Besides your eyebrows, I wanted to add but that would have been weird and I've been partially admitting that I was checking him out.

He scrunched his eyebrows together a bit. "What were we talking about again?"

I laughed but not the ecstatic kind like when I would meet Zac Efron.

"I said did you think I had wanted to get shaving cream on me? Because I don't and you had said that it must have been because of your amazing good looks so you would forgive me for telling Mr. Maddison about the shaving cream incident even though I didn't exactly mean to tell. And I said I would loose my eyesight from your hideous face."

"Well," he replied, "Shaving cream is meant for shaving which would do your cactus legs some good. And, you mean my godlike facial features."

I shook my head. "I do not have cactus legs. And, nope, your hideous features is what I meant."

"Do you want to suck my dick right now?"

"Your invisible one?" I asked while still continuing to stare at his eyebrows.

I once read somewhere that if you stare between the eyes of someone, it will look like you are actually staring at their eyes but you're really not. So, like right now, he probably thinks I am staring at his eyes and we are having eye contact, but in reality we are not. In his face. I am like the smartest person ever and he does not even know it. Annabelle 1 and Thomas -000000000.

"You are such a negative person," he said, bringing me back to our conversation.

Actually you are. You are negative zeros while I am positive one, I wanted to say but he would not know what I was referring to and I really did not care nor want to explain. For the most part, I didn't want to look like a complete creep who was checking out their sworn enemy's eyebrows.

I smiled and said, "Thank you. That's one of my aspiring qualities."

"So, is that a yes to sucking my dick?"

"You don't even have a dick to suck," I retorted.

He smirked but it diminished as he reached his hands up to his head and made a face that resembled pain and distraught. Thomas ignored the pain, furrowed his eyebrows, and said before I could ask what's the matter, "But, if I had one, and not saying I don't, then you would want to?"

"Oh my gosh. I didn't mean it like that. You are seriously the worst person I met besides this weird guy at the beach. He was always on the boardwalk, sitting, not even shopping. Who goes on the boardwalk and doesn't even shop, anyway he was so gross like he would -"

"I cannot believe you're comparing me to a fucking hobo," Thomas said and then the bell rang. "Oh, there's the bell, goody two shoes. You better go scurry off to class."

"I'm not some mouse," I said, "And, I will be glad to so I don't have to talk to you anymore. Bye, pothead. You better scurry off to smoke pot."

He chuckled.

"I should have you know that I smoke weed."

We parted ways as I said, "You do everything."

"You're right. I fuck everything that walks."

I rolled my eyes even though he cannot see and mumbled, "Not by their choice because who would want you to?"

"I heard that."

"I'm just glad I don't have to hear your voice for this period."

When I looked back, Thomas was just about to turn the corner so I watched him walk away. All of him including his sagging dark jeans and navy blue dress shirt. For some reason, Thomas liked dressing nice despite the majority of boys in my grade. Then, his dark brown mop of hair on his head and black phone sticking out of his back pocket, blaring music that is associated with clubs. With every line of the song, swear words were the only audible words. He did not look back at me but simply walked away as if he owned the school. Him and his Spider-Man backpack sagging off his shoulders. And I guess, Thomas somehow did even if that Spider-Man backpack was ridiculous looking on him.


Mr. Grier paced around the gymnasium before giving us our instructions for today's gym class. I stood behind the group of senior boys with Molly.

"All right. The captains are Thomas and Isaac."

"How surprising," I muttered to Molly which earned a laugh from her.

"I want the snitch," Thomas said first, crossing his arms as his muscles flexed.

"I'm not a snitch," I grumbled and flicked a strand of dark blonde hair behind me.

The next few minutes were a blur as the rest of the teams were picked. I stood about a foot away from Thomas as he picked the rest of his team members.

Thomas glared at me after the teams were picked and said, "You better fucking play and make this team win.  I better see you on that field running your ass off."

I rolled my eyes and asked with a sudden burst of confidence, "And if I don't?"

"If I were you, I wouldn't be thinking about what would happen with these muscles."

He laughed while flexing and then got into position which was a really provocative squat.

"Get over yourself."

He smirked.

"I'd rather get over you, sweet cheeks."

The boy even had the nerve to blow a kiss at me.

"Yuck," I grimaced and threw the air kiss back at him.

Thomas grabbed it with his hand and made sex gestures between his two hands which reminded me of two birds fighting over a slice of bread.

"So, when will you get me back?" He then asked with a boyish smile.  This boy seriously had mood swings and forgot a lot of things.

"Maybe I already did and you just didn't realize," I said, smirking.

He scoffed and grabbed his head with one hand. "What kind of lame ass revenge is that?"

He stumbled a little bit backwards so I asked out of common courtesy, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he said with a shrug, "Just getting pumped to win, unlike your lazy self."

"Enough, chit chat. Start the game already, Isaac," Mr. Grier yelled with a blow of his whistle and made a "I'm watching you" gesture with his hands to Thomas and me.


Later that night, in the safety of my room- I read the note from Thomas.

"To: The Snitch. From: The Sex Devil aka the greatest person of all time aka the most unbelievably hot person ever to walk the earth.....

This is not over just yet, snitch.

I hope you don't get too feisty with me and actually turn into a cat because that can happen.  Meow.  Oops, did I just scare you?  Sorry.  If you don't know by know, I'm smirking as I write this.  I bet you're wanting to bite my head off right now.  Well, I want to -

I stopped myself just for you, Kitten.  I think you can fill in the blanks, though.

With your best regards,
The most unbelievingly hot person ever to walk the earth.

P.S. You might want to check your book bag, sweet cheeks."

I raced to my book bag while in the process, knocking into my dresser, bed and also Anthony's bed. When I finally got there and unzipped the bag, a fucking cat jumped out at me and had a voice thing in it so it screeched, "I love you, my little feisty Kitten.  Why don't we share kitty treats?"

After screaming multiple times and causing my brothers to storm upstairs because they thought I was being sexually assaulted, I threw the damn cat on the floor and called it a night.

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