Night Of Egypt | ▪︎ Horus/Fe...

By DuckPanda

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Bek is a beautiful young Egyptian woman who had just lost her sister to the cruel masters. Wanting to bring h... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12

Chapter 9

2.3K 55 5
By DuckPanda

"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." -Mother Teresa


"ONE DROP," HORUS said, holding the golden water.

As they walked, a trap caught Hathor and Horus in its clutches out of nowhere, Horus struggled holding it slightly open with his spear.

Thoth and Bek were pushed back by the sudden blast and Bek immediately went into dragon form out of instinct. She heard a yell from Hathor and she watched in horror as Thoth's brain was teared out of his skull by Set.

Set stared at the blue brain before looking at Horus. "I should thank you," Set said. "You lured him from his library, so I didn't have to."

Bek saw the glowing water flask and stealthily crawled towards it. Grabbing it gently and quietly with her jaws.

"The final piece." Set said, staring at the brain.

Horus held a raged expression on his face. "You coward. Open this cage and fight me."

"Again?" Set raised a brow, looking at Hathor then at Horus. "Hasn't she seen you lose, enough?"

He beckoned to Hathor with a scowl. "Can you allow me to spare you one last embarrassment before you die?" Bek noticed him walking over and she hid in the shadows, but when he was about to spear them she snarled and leaped forward. Hackles raised and teeth baring. The bottle of creation was in her jaws.

Set stepped back in slight fear and shock. "You! The offspring of lightning and death! The omen that was sent to destroy me!" Set fell backwards, and then added, "Ra sent you?"

Bek rolled her eyes mentally and snarled again; threatening to tip the bottle into the pit. "Stop!" Set raised his hand, holding a necklace with an eagle on it. "Recognise this, Nightfury?"

Bek's eyes widened and she didn't move a muscle. Set beckoned to Horus. "Did he tell you he could bring your sister back from the dead? It's not possible... Not even for me."

You expect me to believe you? Everyone in the room flinched from her voice, it was threatening and ice cold.

"I don't have to lie." Set replied. "How else would a blind, useless God get you to help him?"

Bek and Horus looked at each other and Set kept staring into her eyes. "Go on. Ask him."

Bek looked at Horus.

"Pour it in." Horus said and Bek narrowed her eyes. Is it true?

"Bek, pour it in."

Suddenly, Bek was thrown into a pillar by Set, but luckily still had the flask, not fractured, in her jaws.

She snarled in anger and leaped onto Set and starting biting and scratching him, they rolled around in the sand until Set transformed and grabbed Bek around the ears with his clawed hand.

Why does everyone grab me by my fucking ear?

Set slammed his paw on her head and she snarled, biting him in the side. He roared in anger and punched her in the face. She snarled and wacked him constantly with her tail. 

Set then had quite enough. "This is finished, beast." 

He grabbed her by the neck and flung her towards the pit, she spread her wings and roared, realising he had grabbed the flask forcefully from her mouth and crushed it.

But the fight had earned him a long claw mark from his neck to his hip, it was going to leave a scar.

She landed on the ground next to the pit and snarled at the Desert God. The God merely smirked and grabbed her by the neck again. She whimpered, and he clawed her shoulder, blood came pouring out from her wound, and she fell to the ground, limp.

"No!" Horus roared and Set transformed back, kneeling before the unconscious Nightfury shifter as she slowly turned back into her human form. 

"Shame you weren't on my side." He said. "I admire someone who doesn't let death stand in her or his way, especially a dragon. But-" he stroked her head. "-this is what love gets you."

Set got up and nodded to the two. "It's quite fitting to see you both die together in my house," he said. "But the dragon..."

He considered taking her back, break her and use her as his dragon to mount and conquer with. "Never mind."

Not even the dragon could defeat him, besides, she was crippled.

"I'll miss the conversation," Set said walking away. "And the fight."

Bek whimpered as she woke up and nudged the necklace with her nose. She  tied the necklace around her neck. She gasped when the place started to crumble and collapse around her.

Bek transformed back into a dragon as Horus opened the trap up again and went under their legs, making them fall on her back. Bek nudged Thoth's body before she picked him up with her jaws and ran. She was fast for a Nightfury.

While running up the steps, Horus grabbed the large wheel that fell and held it above them as Bek ran. The pyramid collapsed and Bek wrapped her large wings around them and Thoth's body.

She roared and forced her wings to push through the sand and then breathed in the fresh air. Horus looked at the Nightfury with anger. "You denied me vengeance."

Zaya thought you were the greatest thing in all of creation. Bek gasped out, disoriented. Every day, she prayed for you to save Egypt, but you didn't come!

"I was in a tomb, I didn't hear." Horus argued flatly.

No, you didn't listen! Bek raged. All you care about is your stupid vengeance. I even started to think I was wrong about you...

Bek looked at Thoth's body in shame, she should have done something. But I've finally learned one lesson from the Gods. We don't matter to you!

Horus' heart ached terribly at this point and he scowled at her. "Well, now you know," he snapped.

Bek could feel tears prickle in her eyes. Deep down she hoped that what she was saying was wrong, but... This time, once again, she was right. Bek looked up at Horus and snarled, turning away, grabbing Thoth's body in her jaws and touching her nose to his hand. I'm sorry...

Hathor's eyes watered at this and she looked at Horus who was looking down at the ground in shame. Hathor stood up and closed her eyes. "Anubis come forth," she called.

Another whirl of sand and the God of the Dead sighed. "Mistress. You are still as lovely as the first dawn."

"Hathor, what are you doing?" Horus and Bek asked at the same time. Hathor beckoned to Bek. "This Nightfury's sister bares no treasure for the scales. Perhaps we could help the Lightfury."

"You ask much, Mistress." Anubis whispered. "It would require a very special treasure, indeed."

Bek got up, knowing about her bracelet and whimpered. No, no, no! You cannot!

"Like this?" Hathor asked, holding up her arm where the bracelet was. "For you? Mistress of the West... Yes." Anubis murmured, solemnly.

"Grant the Nightfury passage to give it to the Lightfury herself." Hathor looked at Bek. "You will see her one last time."

Bek whimpered and flung herself at Hathor, the Goddess of Love hugging her scaled head; caressing the ear appendages. I can't lose another friend... Bek cried.

Hathor didn't say anything but looked at Horus who was staring at them with sorrow. "No..." He whispered, shaking his head.

Bek seemed to understand after a few moments and nodded her dragon head. I'll miss you, thank you...

Horus came over with a scowl. "No, I forbid it." He said. "I have lost too many friends, family... I can't lose another friend..."

"We are both guilty of deceiving the offspring of lightning and death, and even the dead spirits of love and life. This will make amends," She spat and pushed him away to Bek. He fell between her wing and shoulder, Bek looked away from him with betrayal. 

"Not like this, not with you," Horus called after her, pushing away from Bek.

"I'm the Goddess of Love." Hathor said softly to them. "If I don't do this, then I am nothing."

She threw the bracelet to them, but Bek roared and ran to her. Grabbing her by the arm, Bek tugged with a growl. The demons screeched with fear and anger at the dragon and Hathor choked. "You can't Bek! Let me go!"

Never! Bek growled. I won't let you die!

Bek tugged again, Hathor grabbing her left ear nub tightly. I don't care if you lied, I don't care about your past! You are one of my best friends! Of course I won't let go!

Hathor gasped and teared up at her words. Horus reached over and grabbed both her arms and Bek let go filling her mouth with gas, preparing a large plasma blast. The demons cried out in fear and let go of Hathor, disappearing in a cloud of darkness.

Hathor shuddered when a strong feeling went through her and she looked at Bek with tears in her eyes. "You broke the curse..." Hathor stared into her friend's eyes in disbelief. Then she nodded. "Do what you need to do."

Bek grabbed the bracelet with her jaws and raced over to Anubis.

Anubis tapped his staff and they started to sink into the sand with a whirl of wind. Leaving Hathor and Horus with the body of Thoth.

Bek and Anubis reached the Judging Hall and the black Nightfury saw the white Lightfury standing on the pedestal between the two weights. Zaya!

Bek... Zaya turned around and smiled, her blue dragon eyes twinkling with happiness.

Bek frowned in sadness that when their tails touched, Zaya's turned to white smoke, going through her black tail. Bek gulped in grief and desperately wanted to touch noses with her sister like they did before bed, which helped them sleep.

Bek had the bracelet in her jaws and Zaya smiled gratefully. Thank you, sister.

Bek went to drop it on the scale but then a flash of black lightning and the two dragons growled at the sense of danger. Anubis stepped forward with a scowl. "The gate has been broken, chaos spreads! Apophis shall destroy this land."

Anubis used his magic to block the black clouds. Zaya looked at Bek. Horus is our only hope now!

He's not the god you think he is, Zaya! He lied to me. Bek's voice broke and Zaya smiled sadly. If you love him, give him another chance. He only got this far because of you.

"My strength is not infinite!" Anubis grunted to the two shapeshifters. "If the Lord of Air has any plan to rectify this, he should do so with haste!"

Look at me.

Bek looked at Zaya.

Your trust is not strong anymore, but please, if not for him then for me. I know that we'll be together, again.

And with that, Bek returned to the Land of the Living.

Bek saw Horus standing on a stone, Hathor was with Thoth's body against a fallen pillar, whispering sweet goodbye's to her friend. 

Horus looked at Bek with regret and defeat. "Ra has fallen," he whispered. "Set has unleashed chaos on all of Egypt!"

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