Go With It (A Zayn Malik Fan...

Av JCatherineS

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Autumn Williams' world crumbled when her Mother died, and now all her Dad wants to do is leave. Autumn moves... Mer

Chapter 1- A Warm Welcome
Chapter 2- Fancy Seeing You Here
Chapter 3- Nice to Meet You Too
Chapter 4- Keep Your Distance
Chapter 5- See You There
Chapter 6- Do Friends Make You Blush?
Chapter 7- That's a Shocker
Chapter 8- Don't Freak Out
Chapter 9- So Close, Yet So Far
Chapter 10- What Just Happened?
Chapter 11- I Haven't Forgotten
Chapter 12- Falling Into Place
Chapter 13- He Would Never
Chapter 14- Electric Shock
Chapter 15- What's You're Problem?
Chapter 16- Happy Birthday
Chapter 17- We're In For a Treat
Chapter 18- Flipped
Chapter 20- Why Not
Chapter 21- Trapped
Chapter 22- Here We Go
Chapter 23- A Fighter

Chapter 19- Redo

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Av JCatherineS

I knew I had over reacted, but I couldn’t stand him. I felt like he missed out on the most important things in my life, and he was never there for me. I called Lily, but she didn’t pick up. Sam didn’t answer either. I called Louis even though it was a tad random, but I needed someone.


“Hey Autumn what’s up?” His voice slightly grogy. 

“I need a place to crash I got into a huge fight with my dad and I---”

“Of course you can!” 

“Lou you’re the best thank you!” I said with releif. 

“No problem!”

   I took a taxi to his house and knocked on the door. We embraced in a hug for a while, Lily must have explained what was going on with me. We sat down and I vented to him about everything. It was nice telling a guy especially Louis since he was so understanding. “What a jerk!” He yelled after I told him. “I can’t believe it, he lucked out.”

“I don’t know what to do I told Zayn so much, and I really thought I could trust him. I know you’re friends with Kristen and stuff,”

“Trust me I’m not she’s been annoying lately the lads agree.”

“What’s going to happen when I see him at school?”

“Act like nothing happened be confident!” It was easy for him to say, Louis had so much confidence. 

“How can I when I feel like shit?”

“I think it shows how strong and independent you are, it’s sexy.” I giggled. “It’s true! I would be so pissed at myself if I messed it up with someone like you. When you go to school on monday strut into class with your head held high.”

“I’ll try!” 

Louis and I watched a few movies before bed. We ended up crashing on the couch, I fell asleep with my legs on Louis. 

The next morning I woke up to the sound of whispering, but my eyes stayed shut.

“Is she gonna wake up already?” I heard Harry complain.

“Shut up Harry!” Sam snapped. I decided I should open my eyes to see what the commotion was about. 

“HAPPY SOMEWHAT BIRTHDAY!” Sam, Louis, Harry, Lily, and Niall shouted. I shot up from the couch shocked.


“Since you left your party early on friday, and missed blowing out the candles on your cake,”

“Which was delicious by the way!” Niall added, Lily nudged him playfully. 

“We decided to have a redo birthday!” Lily cheered. Louis came up from behind her holding a plate of pancakes with a candle on the top. They began to sing happy birthday while I laughed hysterically. 

“You guys are the best!” I gave them each a hug.

“Make a wish!” Harry shouted. I walked up to the plate of pancakes contemplating what to wish for. What could I wish for? I thought of Zayn for a second, maybe I should wish things would go back to the way they were. After a moment I got the thought out of my head. “I don’t need to wish for anything I got the most amazing friends in the world, what more do I need?”

“Aw, you’re so full of it!” Sam laughed.

“I’m serious! I love you guys!” They all smiled.

“Well if you’re not going to blow it out who will?” Louis asked innocently. 

“Lets do it together!” I suggested.

“Sounds good to me!” We counted to three and blew out the flame together. 

“What did you wish for?” Harry asked Sam.

“Can’t tell you or else it won’t come true!”

We spent the rest of the morning playing board games, and eating left over pizza. I checked the time around noon.

“I got to go home guys my dad must be worried sick.”

“NO!” Louis crossed his arms.

“I’m sorry, but thank you for today it was great!” We said our goodbyes and I made my way home unprepared to face my dad. 

“Autumn where have you been?!” 

“Dad I’m sorry, but I’m not in the mood to---”

“Well we need to talk.”

“Dad please,” But he blurtted everything out before I could finish. 

“I’ve never made any decision without you in mind Autumn. I know this move was tough for you, but I thought a clean slate is what you needed after your mother.” Was he really going to tell me this now? I needed to clean up, but I let him talk anyway. “I knew it was the toughest thing for you when your mother died, and I’ll admit I wasn’t there for you. However I’m trying to fix my mistakes, and moving here was a way for me to start fresh. I’m sorry Autumn I know I’m not the best dad in the world, but I’m trying! Your mother would have known how to help you, but she’s not here anymore to help me with you. It’s tough raising you alone!” His eyes became slightly watery just like mine. I had nothing to say, what could I say? “You can go now if you you like.” I walked off to my bedroom in tears. 

I spent most of my day in my bedroom doing homework and thinking about my dad. I was still in shock that my he had actually said what was on his mind for once, and in a way I was happy that he said something. I htought I had it bad, but I realizd how hard everything must have been for him. I decided to go talk to him he deserved to know that I forgave him.

“Dad?” I knocked on his office door.

“Come in,” I stepped in and saw him at his desk looking at a picture probably of mom. 

“I just wanted to say I’m sorry for not understanding.”

“Autumn don’t apologize I was the one that never was there for you. You know you're the only thing I have left of her really and I want to protect you.”

“It’s just I miss her so much I feel like a part of me is missing.” I began to cry and my dad rushed over. I wrapped my arms around him tightly, while he let me burry my face into his shoulder.

“Sweetie it’s okay, and I’m going to make it up to you.” We stood there hugging for a few minutes it felt good. We let go and I gave a weak smile.

“What are you looking at?” I pointed to the picture on his desk.

“Oh that,” He gave me a smirk. “This is one of my favourite pictures in the world.” He grabbed the photo and handed it to me.

“I’ve never seen this one before,” It was a picture of my mother in our old house looking out a window and into the Montreal skyline. She had both her hands on her huge tummy , and she had a slight twinkle in her eyes.

“I took that when your mother was 8 months pregnant with you.”

“She’s beautiful,”

“You look a lot like her the eyes and everything.”

“I got it!” I shouted.

“What do you mean?”

“I know what I can draw for my art project...This!” My mom inspired me, and this was the perfect picture to show why.

I made sure to avoid Zayn at all costs I took the back entrance to the school to make sure I didn’t bump into him. 

“Hey there!” Harry greeted me in English.

“Hey Harry what’s up?”

“Nothing you seem better today!”

“Just putting on a brave face that’s all.” 

“You’re brave Autumn show him what he’s missing.” He winked. 

Lily and Harry both dropped me off at art class, they were being really over protective.

“Now wait until the very last second to enter class so he can’t talk to you.” Lily said. 

“Lily that’s the worst advice ever!” Harry complained.

“Guys I got this, but thank you!” I gave them a hug and fake smile. I walked into class just when the bell rang. Zayn’s head shot up when I took a seat. I made sure not to look at him.

“Zayn you look fab today!” Kristen said in an annoying tone, but Zayn made no comment.

“Autumn can we talk?” I kept my eyes on my sketchbook. “Please,” I continued to ignore him the entire class, which was almost impossible. Kristen continued to flirt with Zayn which made me angry like crazy. I rushed to the cafeteria before Zayn could talk to me. I walked in and saw him sitting with Liam and Jen. Jen gave me a weak smile, but I couldn’t give her one in return. Why was she sitting with him? Zayn had his eyes on his book he was reading he looked so into it, which made smile inside. However I reminded myself why I hated him. I kept my head down the entire lunch I wasn’t in the mood to talk.

“Cheer up Autumn!” Niall said.

“I’m sorry guys I’m just tired.”

“Oh great,” Louis huffed. “He’s walking over.”


“Autumn calm down don’t even acknowledge him.” Lily reassured.

“Autumn can we talk?” Zayn’s voice came from behind me. I kept quiet.

“Leave her alone,” Louis said protectively. “She’s not interested.”

“She can speak for herself you know.” Zayn spat back.

“You’ve done enough Zayn just go.” Harry deafened. I heard Zayn sigh and walk away.

“Thanks guys, but I can take care of myself.” I said after I knew he was gone.

“Really then why did you not say anything?” Louis asked. I had nothing to say in return.

“Attention students!” Kristen said into the mic. She stood on stage in the caf looking all preppy. “So next week is the Winter Formal and I just wanted to remind you that tickets are on sale! I worked super hard planning it so it’s obviously gonna be good.” The entire table rolled their eyes. “See you all there!” Kristen blew a kiss and walked off. 

“Are you guys going?” I asked.

“Of course everyone goes!”

“We should all go together!” Lily suggested, everyone nodded their head

“I don’t know...” I mumbled.

“You have to Autumn it’ll be no fun if you're not there!” Harry begged.

“Okay I’ll think about it.” I don’t know if I could handle being at a dance with Zayn in the same room.

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