Rejection is my Last Name (Cu...

By Fantasy_girl21

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[Book 1 complete l Book 2 ongoing] CURRENTLY BOOK ONE IS BEING EDITED. Available on radish. "If you don't lo... More

Must Read
Chapter One- My Hero
Chapter Two- Rejection
Chapter Three- Running Away
Chapter Four- The Chester Pack
Chapter Five- The Projector
Chapter Six- Selfish
Chapter Seven- Complications
Chapter Eight- Karma
Chapter Nine- Game Gone Wrong
Chapter Ten- Eternal
Chapter Eleven- Mr. Unknown
Chapter Thirteen- Second Chances
Chapter Fourteen-Lions

Chapter Twelve- Busted

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By Fantasy_girl21

When we finally made it home, it was like being interrogated by the C.I.A for being some kind of Russian spy. I ignored too many questions and trudged my way to my room. It seemed as if my life lately consisted of me constantly explaining things to people. At first, I didn't have a problem with it, but it was my life. There should've been a fine line telling people when they had crossed it. Don't get me wrong, I loved my pack, but I hated wearing my life story on my sleeve. I still wanted at least an ounce of privacy.

I stripped off the irritating black gown that clung to my skin, and walked into the restroom, turning on the shower. I felt instantly rejuvenated when the hot liquid coursed onto my skin. I let the tears fall helplessly down my eyes as I massaged a bar of soap against my skin. I hated crying, it made me feel like a weak person. And, lately, all I've been doing was crying. After a quick bath, I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel to dry myself off, and then slipped into my bathrobe. My wet hair lay in wavy tresses and I picked up a brush and combed through it gently.

After combing all of the tangles out of my hair, I walked out of my bathroom and into my closet to scan through my nighties. "Here put these on," a voice said from behind me. I turned around and nearly died of a heart attack.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I hissed. He let out a low chuckle and tossed a bundle of my clothes at me.

"I told you we'd meet again."

"So you chose this moment to show up? Look, I'm not in the mood to listen to any of your Eternal shit. I have a headache and it has been a royally long day. Leave please," I whispered.

"I just thought you would want to know more about your kind. Not to mention I couldn't resist seeing you in that sexy little bathrobe," he joked, his accent sending a tingle up my spine. "But if you want me to leave--"

"No, wait," I began. I wasn't in the mood to deal with him, but this would probably be the only time I get answers. "Let me change and I'll be right out. Just promise me you won't go roaming around trying to eat anyone in my pack." He scoffed at me.

"Sorry to disappoint love, but I haven't much of a taste for dogs."

I sneered at him and walked into the bathroom, instantly closing and locking the door behind me. I hadn't expected to see Mr. Unknown so soon, but I had to admit I didn't actually want him to leave. A part of me was hoping that we'd have another kiss. I knew I was being pathetic. Especially seeing as I had Sam. It was just different with Mr. Unknown. He kissed me as if his life depended on it. Sam had begun to get on my nerves with his behavior lately. It seemed like all he cared about was trying to keep Leo away from me and I just hadn't been feeling a spark with him as much as I used to. If anything it felt as if he was a bump in the road that I had to overcome.

I had been putting these feelings towards him off, but I knew it was only a matter of time before we'd have to talk. I loved Sam and I knew that I would always be safe with him. But, that's all he offered me, security. He never did anything spontaneous and everything with the both of us felt scripted. Wake up, have breakfast, go out for lunch, sit in silence, come home and avoid each other. He either goes out on Pack business or I'm training the pack. On the off chance that the day turns out differently, it's due to the fact that we've gotten into an argument and he's busting his ass to make up for it. Don't get me wrong, I love that about him. But, he didn't challenge me. He was pretty much a pushover when it comes to me.

With Leo, it was different. Even though I was convinced that I hated his guts, he still made hating him so much fun with his witty comebacks. Sometimes he was unpredictable and deep down, that's what I wanted. No, I didn't want Leo, but someone unpredictable. Someone who made life fun. Someone who wasn't an open book--someone completely different from Sam. As for Mr. Unknown, I wasn't convinced that I actually liked him per-say. It was the mystery around his exterior that I was drooling about. Come on, how many random strangers turn you into an Eternal for no reason and then confess their undying love for you right before they engulf you into a world spinning kiss? I was dying to know what was up with him, to say the least. I desperately wanted him to be a good guy deep down, and I couldn't help but feel certain a pull around him, but he was a mystery; one that I was sure to crack.

Everything was so confusing and the two people I could tell any of this to were either halfway across the globe or not even speaking to me, my mom and Sloane. Granted, I probably could tell Haven or Starr, but this was too personal. Starr personally loved Leo and Haven personally loved Sam; it would turn out to be a huge disaster due to their biased opinions. No, I had to figure this out on my own.

Surprisingly, Mr. Unknown gave me a pair of sweatpants and sweatshirt to put on. I thought he was going to be all perverted and dress me in close to nothing. I hurriedly slipped into the clothes and was instantly comforted by their warmth. Walking out the door I couldn't help but grab the lightest thing closest to me and throw it at him; it was a lip gloss tube. "Hey are you going through my underwear drawer," I yelled.

He didn't even stop as I said this. "Just trying to see what kind of lingerie you like so I can buy you a few items to wear for me on my birthday," he said with a wink. Internally, I was smiling like a chubby kid in the candy store with a ten dollar coupon, but I fought it from actually reaching the surface. Instead, I stormed over to where he was and slammed my drawer closed.

"You're a pig," I stated. He only laughed and pulled me facing him. I tried to snatch my hands away but realized it was no use. He was extremely strong.

"Are you ready to go love?" He asked while kissing my forehead. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"First of all, kiss my forehead again and you're dead--er, even more dead than you already are," I stumbled the words out. He laughed and tucked his hands in his pockets. "Second, where exactly are we going?"

"You'll see," he said while dragging me to the window.

"Wait, answer me this first. Who are you?"

"Like I said before, I'm a very impatient man."

"We'll I guess you can leave then because I'm not going anywhere with you if I don't even so much as know your name." He sighed heavily while giving me a stern look. I returned his glare.

"Why must you be so difficult, love? I thought we went over this already. If I wanted you dead--"

"Then I'd already be dead. Yada, yada, yada," I said while finishing his sentence. "That still doesn't answer my question. That just tells me that you're dangerous and for some reason, you're not going to hurt me."

"Okay, queen of all stubborn nations. If you must know, I am somewhat a Prince to Eternals." My mouth instantly dropped. A prince?

"A prince? As in royalty? Yeah right," I said slowly. He only nodded his head.

"Yes love, I am. And, if you were to do your research then you would know," he said.

"Well, excuse me but you didn't even tell me your name. I had no idea where to begin or time for that matter." He smirked at me.

"Well, since I'd rather not explain everything to you, I'll just give you my name and my title as a head start. How does that sound love?"

"Amazing your highness. You're so considerate," I said sarcastically. His smirk grew.

"Even though I know you're being sarcastic, I do like the ring to you calling me your highness."

"Are you going to tell me your name or not," I urged while folding my arms across my chest. He reached his fingertips to my cheek and gently stroked it.

"I'm Lucian Beltrov. Prince of all things Eternal and currently living in a big yet secluded area in Transylvania."

"I just asked for a name, not your life story," I joked. He laughed and tugged me closer to the window. I smiled slightly. I finally knew his name and it had a Russian ring to it. He took me into his arms and jumped out the window. Thanks to our inhuman abilities, we landed safely on our feet. "So if you're from Transylvania, what's up with the English accent," I asked once we were safely on the grounded. He walked towards the woods and I carelessly followed him.

"I grew up in Great Brit so the accent just stuck with me." The moon illuminated off of our silhouette figures, making Lucian's muscles more evident. I took notice that he only had on a pair of black sweats himself and a black fitted tank top. "Enjoying the view?" He smirked as he turned around towards me. We had been roaming the woods for half an hour now and the only pleasure I took from it was having an amazing view of his back side.

"You wish," I scoffed as I made my way passed him. He grabbed my hand and jerked me to his chest, engulfing me in a kiss. My eyes widened at the suddenness of his lips to mine, and for a moment I was stuck in his trance. His lips were soft, yet demanding and they seemed to melt into my own. Feeling myself give in to him and actually wrap my arms around his neck, I mentally scolded myself and pushed him away.

"You can't keep doing this," I snapped at him. "Not only have we just met, but I have a boyfriend and--"

"Yet, you've allowed me to kiss you two times now before you brought up this boyfriend of yours."

"I don't have to explain anything to you," I forced out through gritted teeth.

"I can't control my actions around you," he urged on. "It's almost as like there's a gravitational pull between us and it's so hard to fight it--and I don't want to."

"Well, you have to, and the next time you don't, you're going to seriously regret it," I threatened him. My heart was beating fast in my chest and my breathing was heavy. I knew exactly how Lucian felt. Ever since he kissed me the first time, hell even before that, I felt drawn to him. But, I couldn't just go around kissing strangers when I had Sam. Not to mention that Lucian could be a threat and I already had Leo trying to pursue me as well.

"Trouble in paradise," a female voice called out, making me jerk my head towards the sound. I turned to see, no doubt, the girl who was so hooked on killing me only a few nights before--and the same girl who was probably the reason Viktoria got killed. She too was in black attire with her brown hair pulled into a pony. Her lips were a natural hue instead of the blood red it seemed to have smeared on it before. She looked beyond annoyed.

"Why the hell is she here?" I asked, going into a defensive stance as I charged her. She dodged my punch, moving so fast that I could hardly see her do it. "You killed Viki and--"

"You're still whining about the death of that mutt?" she teased.

I winced at her insult, going at her again. This time, I managed the grab the loose ends of her hair and pull her to a halt in the middle of her trying to dodge my punch. My grip was so strong that it caused her to bounce back, as if her body was made of elastic, and fall to the ground. Using her position to my advantage, I got on top of her and repeatedly punched her in the face.

I could hear Lucian demanding me to stop, and after I had my hands wrapped around my throat, I felt her loosen under me. Using her newfound space, she flipped me over her head, my body colliding with the earth painfully.

"For the record," she began, "I was the one who suggested that we set her free. You're the one I actually wanted dead." She only smirked while walking over to Lucian to run her needlepoint nails through his hair. I got up quickly, sneering at her.

"I like a good cat fight like anyone else," Lucian began, "but, she's here to help." I rolled my eyes at him.

"What is she here to help with? Do you have lice or something because it seems like her monster like fingernails are doing a good job of getting them out," I sneered. The girl stopped stroking his hair and took a warning step towards me. Lucian blocked her from me.

"Love you have nothing to be jealous about." I nearly choked on my own spit. Me jealous of her? "She's just here to keep watch."

"I would never be jealous of that thing," I assured him. "Besides, I have a boyfriend."

"It sure didn't look like it when you were playing tonsil hockey with Lucian," the girl shot back. I glared at her.

"She's not to be trusted," I shot back.

"Winter here is only my sister," Lucian explained. My jaw dropped and I probably looked like a deer caught in headlights by the laugh Winter was now putting out.

"Your sister? As in you two have the same parents?" I asked still trying to get an understanding. Winter stopped laughing and scowled at me.

"Something like that," she began. "Holler if you need me, Luc. I'll be in the trees." With that, she disappeared.

"Your sister?" I repeated. Ignoring my question, he dragged me off deeper into the woods.

"Yeah that's my little sister," he said, finally answering my question.

"I find that hard to believe. I mean you two are nothing alike."

"How so?" he teasingly asked.

"Well for starters, she infuriating, and although you're a bit annoying she hates me and you don't."

"She doesn't hate you," he began, "she's just not a people's person." I scoffed at him. It didn't take a genius brain to figure that out. She was willing to kill me for reasons I didn't even know about. I decided to forget about it and change the subject seeing as she was probably in the trees eavesdropping, and I didn't want to give her another reason to appear.

"What are we doing out here Lucian," I asked. I decided to ease him in by asking small questions because what I wanted to ask him, he probably wouldn't answer.

"You're Eternal now and you have to feed or you'll go weak. I'm going to teach you how to feed your Eternal side." I stopped dead in my tracks.

"God, if you think I'm going to eat someone then you're nuts," I said. He rolled his eyes at me.

"For the umpteenth time. WE DO NOT EAT PEOPLE," he yelled, his voice echoing throughout the woods.

"Fine. Well, WHAT DO WE EAT?" I said while matching his tone of voice.

"You'll see," was all he said with a little wink. Another half hour passed and I finally caved in.

"I can't do this anymore," I said while coming to an abrupt stop.

"Do what?" Lucian asked, curiosity filling his voice.

"How is it even possible for you to love me?" I blurted out randomly, my mind thinking back to the moment we first met. "I mean you don't even know me, and I'm pretty sure that up until this evening you wanted me dead just like Winter did." He let out a loud sigh.

"Rayne, not now."

"Well when? Because you're going to drag the answer to my question out for as long as you can. And, if that's the case then I'm turning around and going home."

"Look, Rayne, you don't understand. Yes, I wanted your Pack dead, your mate dead and most of all, I wanted you dead. The worst part is that I wanted to be the one to kill you." His words stung me more than they should have. I had convinced myself that I was ready to know the truth, but I somehow thought it wasn't going to be that bad. I was secretly hoping he'd say that he'd stalked me my entire life and that's why he loved me--anything but this. It felt as if my heart was breaking. "But," he continued, "When I saw you I couldn't."

"Why couldn't you?" I asked in a hoarse voice. I wanted the truth and I was getting it. I didn't want a summary; I wanted to know everything.

"I couldn't because the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were my soulmate," he said while coming up behind me and engulfing my backside into a hug. I shook him off.

"That's not possible, I already have a mate."

"I know and I was curious about that so I did some research."

"And? What did the research say?"

"Not much, but I have a theory," he explained. "Eternals were created by Werecrafters using supernatural magic, and since you have another side to you that also has supernatural magic, I think that caused you to be able to double mate." He paused, letting his words sink in. "Well mate is what they call it with Werewolves, Eternally bonded is what Eternals call their soul mates."

I wanted to pass out at that exact moment. How was it possible for me to have two mates? As if having to deal with Leo wasn't enough, God had to give me another mate?

"I don't believe you," I choked out. It just couldn't be possible. "And even if I did, wouldn't that mean you're mated to my Projector side? That's where my magic lies."

"I don't know. This is all so complicated, but how else can you explain the intimacy between us? You feel the pull just as much as I do," he convinced. He was right; I was wondering why I felt drawn to him--why I had managed to let this mysterious Prince not only kiss me once but twice.

"It has to be another reason. I'm mated to Leo and I have more self-control around him than I do with you."

"It's because Eternals initially live longer than Werewolves, therefore the pull between you and I is more demanding because it's not that we just bind for life, but for Eternity." I shook my head while pulling myself away from him.

"So if you wouldn't have felt the pull between us, you would have killed me?" I asked in a hard tone. His face looked pained as he nodded his head slowly.

"Rayne, what you have to understand is that even though I'm the Prince, I have to live by rules. Some very powerful people wanted you dead and when they fail to kill who they want, they come to me because they know my people will get the job done. I was supposed to kill you, but I couldn't. So, I did the only thing that would keep you alive. I made you Eternal."

"How does that even ensure my safety?" I barked out. I had the right to be angry, didn't I?

"It doesn't ensure your safety, but it sure as hell keeps you alive a hell of a lot longer. Eternals have rules that we can't harm one another because we're already close to extinction, and maybe by you being a hybrid, you'll develop more powers to protect yourself with. I put my ass--my throne and my people--on the line by saving you. Just give me a chance to prove my loyalties to you."

"Who are these powerful people and why am I such a threat?"

He went silent.

"Your ass would have never been put on a line if you would have never wanted me dead in the first place. And, what did I do? What did my pack and Leo do? You're trying to kill me for reasons I know nothing about. Up until a couple days ago, I didn't even know you people even existed."

"That's bullshit," Winter said as she descended from a tree above us. "You know damn well why we want all of you filthy dogs dead." I gave her a cruel look while inching closer to her. I could feel the blood in my veins boiling hot and I was more than happy to take my frustration out on her.

"The last time I checked, this was a private conversation bitch," I hissed. Winter rolled her eyes at me.

"Says the female dog," she spat back.

"You know, I'm starting to think that there is no real reason as to why you want me dead. I think you people are just so selfish that you're doing it just for kicks," I finally concluded.

That had to be what was going on. I mean, I had never even heard of them up until recently so, what could I have possibly done to them that was deserving of death.

"No Rayne, that's not it," Lucian said calmly while giving me a pleading look. "Winter I'm starting to think that she really doesn't know."

"Know what?" I insisted.

"Oh, Lucian nonsense. Of course, she knows. You're just blinded by the stupid bond you two share. How could she not know," Winter growled. I backed away from the both of them. I was not liking where this was going and I hated being out of the loop. What were they going on about?

"What the fuck are you two talking about," I said, finally losing my patience. I wasn't the one to drop f-bombs, but the confusion was causing me to lose my mind.

"Ask that pathetic man of a father you have," Winter bit out. I gasped loudly and before I knew it, I had grabbed her by the throat and pushed her against a tree. Her sharp nails clawed at my flesh, and even though I could see the blood, I felt no pain.

"Don't you ever talk about my dad that way," I said through clenched teeth as I tightened my grip around her throat. What did my dad have to do with any of this? Lucian came to my side and pressed his hand on top of my shoulder.

"Rayne, calm down," he said into my ear. Just as I was about to do as he had said, Winter screwed herself by her next word choice.

"He's a pathetic monster and you mark my words when I see him, I'll take pleasure in ripping out his throat and sucking the blood out of his filthy wife." I picked her up off the ground and flung her at a tree. I hadn't known where the strength had come from, but I could only guess that it was due to the fact that I was a walking hybrid; being a Were and Eternal and all. Without wasting time, Winter was on her feet and running toward me. I didn't bother to move. I wasn't scared of her and my main concern was to make sure the threat she had so boldly stated about my parents never came true.

Before she could reach me, Lucian was standing in the middle of us, arms at length holding the both of us apart. "Dammit Win, I'm not going to let you hurt her," he stated while giving Winter a cold piercing stare. "And I'm not going to let you hurt my sister either," he said while giving me the same cold glare. I huffed at him.

"Well tell her to keep her threats to a minimum because I'll have her pushing daisies if she ever so much as threaten my parents again," I boldly state. I didn't know where the confidence had come from, but I meant every word. My parents may have hardly been there for me now, but the one thing that Werewolves valued was loyalty amongst each other and family was a touchy subject. Lucian turned to Winter.

"You know you can't defeat her even if you tried," he told her calmly.

"And whose fault is that? You just had to go all selfish and turn her. Now she's damn near invincible. Why couldn't you have just stuck to the plan?" She rolled her eyes at him and then turned around and stormed away, instantly disappearing. Lucian turned towards me and began to walk my way. I lifted my hand at him to stop him midway.

"Just leave me alone okay?" I began, "I don't want I talk to you or see you anymore. It looks like you and your family has nothing but hatred for me and mine," I said while looking down at the ground. "Besides, I have a boyfriend and mate trouble of my own and I don't want you adding onto my already full plate."

"Are you... are you rejecting me?" He asked. "Please tell me that you're not. Tell me you'll think about it, anything but rejection." He came and hugged me and I couldn't help but feel my heart break at his sudden vulnerable state. Never in a million years did I think that I would be the one rejecting someone else. I knew how it felt and I wouldn't even wish that pain upon my worst enemy, but here I was, about to reject him. It seemed like I couldn't get rid of that word. But, what was I supposed to do? Accept the mating and live a life with a new species and a new man that I didn't even know.

"Lucian, I'm not going to reject you, I know how that feels, but I'm not accepting you either." The words slipped out of my mouth before I had time to stop them. I just couldn't reject him as much as I knew I had to." This is complicated and I don't know what you expect me to say. I feel the pull between us but I can't just abandon everyone I love and everything I believe on a whim."

"I understand, Rayne and I get that you have a lot on your plate. But I have eternity to make you accept me, and you better believe I'm going to spend every moment winning you over."

I held my breath. His words felt like a ton of bricks weighing heavy on my chest, and all I could do was changed the subject. "Are you going to teach me how to feed or not?" I asked impatiently.

He smirked at me. "Of course, love."

I was dragged out of my bed by very large strong arms. Of course, being the stubborn brat that I was, I fought them to the best of my ability. "Come on Rayne," Dean's voice said. "Get up. I'm taking you to breakfast."

"Leave me alone," I yelled. It was early in the morning and I didn't get home from my night prowl with Lucian until the peak of the morning; six thirty am. After all the drama had died down between us, I actually had a good time feeding. With Eternals, basically all they had to do to feed was touch a certain animal that they enjoyed the taste of and the nutrients were instantly transmitted through the touch. The animal didn't die only feel weak, and I felt rejuvenated. I was also happy that it wouldn't be a daily thing because I would probably die if I had to roam the night like that only to return home and be immediately woken up by my pack. I was told that I only had to search for food once every two weeks. Sometimes sooner if I overexerted myself and needed the extra energy boost.

I finally caved in to Dean and headed towards the shower after he had told me I smelled like ancient shit. I mentally laughed at his word choice and the fact that he really didn't know why I smelt that way. I mean, I had spent hours with wild animals and a guy who is centuries old himself. It was actually quite funny. Lucian and I had ended the night on good terms and I was happy that I didn't have any more encounters with Winter.

After I got out the shower, I trailed off to the closet and grabbed a pale blue sundress with a pair of gladiator white sandals. It was a casual outfit that I topped off with putting my hair into a sloppy bun. "What's so important that it couldn't until noon?" I asked while slipping my purse over my shoulder while putting on my sunglasses and applying a light coat of gloss on my lips.

"All will be discussed at breakfast. Let's go." I followed Dean out of the room and outside into his car. The house had been eerily quiet and I guessed that everyone was still asleep. Dean looked nice with his cropped light brown hair lying messily on his head and his fitted jeans with a plain white t-shirt.

The car drive was silent and I nearly hopped out of his sports car when we neared the restaurant. Dean ordered a big breakfast while I just settled for a cup of black coffee and a side of French toast. "That's all you're going to eat?" Dean asked with side smirk playing on his lips. I shot daggers at him with my eyes that he metaphorically dodged.

"I don't have that much of an appetite." I say truthfully. The feeding from last night left me more than satisfied and I didn't even want what I had ordered. "What's up though?" I ask. I had never known Dean to be a serious guy and he most definitely seemed tense this morning. He took a big gulp of his orange juice before he answered me.

"I don't know how you're going to take this," he began, "but I sort of found my mate." I choked on the toast I was chewing and repeatedly beat myself in the chest to get it down.

"You're kidding," I said once I found my voice. "That's so great. Who is she?" He blushed a Scarlet red that made me curious. Dean was quite the ladies man, hell when I first came to his pack he was even trying to get into my pants. To think of his mate making him blush was a mystery itself.

"Now, don't be angry with me," he said in a low voice. I furrowed my eyes at him.

"Why would I get mad at you? Wait, please tell me it's not Bianca." He shook his he'd erratically.

"God, no Rayne. It's Starr." My scowl fell and was instantly replaced with a smile. I stood up and engulfed Dean into a bear hug.

"Oh my gosh! I always knew we were going to be siblings," I said in an over excited voice.

"So you're not mad?" He asked, clearly confused. I shook my head at him.

"Why would I be? I can't believe I didn't see it earlier. You two would honestly be great together and totally balance each other out." He let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm so glad you feel that way. I don't know what I would have done if you disapproved," he said while sending me a shy smile.

"I'm just glad that at least one of us is having a blast in the mate department," I said while rolling my eyes, thinking about the love square I had going on with Sam, Leo and Lucian.

"Still having trouble in paradise?" Dean asked. I scoffed at him.

"Trust me sweetie, it was never Paradise," I said but instantly regretted it. By the facial expression that Dean now possessed, it was obvious that he had caught on that I was including Sam into the not so paradise environment. "Sam's great," I said while trying to cover up what I had just said.

"He's worried about you. He thinks that you may be considering Leo over him."

"Never in a million years will I ever be with Leo Tyson," I said while fake gagging. Dean gave me a challenging look before dismissing the subject.

"Let's get back before we make the pack go mad by worrying about where we are," Dean said while throwing a random amount of money on the table. I silently agreed. The last thing I needed was for Leo and Sam to blindly go after Lucian thinking that I was kidnapped or something.

When we made it home, chaos was happening. Both of our packs were outside like an angry mob not-so-patiently waiting for our arrival. "What's going on guys?" I asked as I made my way out of the car.

"Why didn't you tell us about the double mating?" Leo and Sam demanded at once. My face fell at their words. How did they know about that? I had only found out last night.

"I...I--" I stuttered but I was cut off by Sam.

"And, you didn't even bother to tell me, your boyfriend, not to worry about you seeing as you're shacking up with the enemy." Uh-oh. Busted.

"Wait," I asked in a rushed tone. "I just found out about this last night and Dean wanted me to go to breakfast with him." I tried hard to defend myself. "How do you even know?"

Sam walked away from me and I cautiously followed after him. "Don't be naive Rayne," he snapped. "I have the forest under heavy surveillance in case of a rogue attack. Imagine how I felt when I woke up this morning to check the cameras only to see my girlfriend making out with the man who kidnapped her."

"Sam wait, let me explain," I cried. Sam turned around giving me a cruel look. I didn't even know he could mesh his face up to even look like that. God, I was in deep shit.

"Don't bother explaining anything Rayne. It's over." My lips quivered at his words. Things weren't good with us ever since Leo came but I wanted us to end things on good terms. I hated myself for letting this happen. I threw my face into the palm of my hand and fell to my knees. I was probably being a little dramatic, but I had no idea what to do. Of course, if Sam was angry with me, then the packs would be. They all walked passed me, including Rayne and Starr, giving me hurt looks.

I looked back at Dean with pleading eyes, as if he could fix this, but he only looked away.

"I should go see if Starr is okay," he said while walking into the house and avoiding my eyes. This only caused more tears to pour out, and before I knew it, I was shaking tremendously. But, little did I know, the worst was yet to come. Leo walked up to me with a blank expression on his face.

"You know Rayne, I didn't think you had it in you. You had all of us fooled. How could you just lie to our faces knowing that we all would gladly take a silver bullet for you," he stated.

"Leo, I--" I wanted to tell him that I was planning on telling them about everything, but i couldn't. I had no intention of telling them about Lucian at all.

"I'm sorry," he interrupted, "I would let you finish your sentence, but I don't want to hear anymore of your lies. And you thought I was an ass. News flash Rayne, you're the biggest jerk here." He paused. "We were all up late last night making plans of how we were going to protect you from that Eternal, and you were out on a romantic stroll with him the whole time."

"Leo, it wasn't like that," I pleaded for him to understand.

"How many people where you going to let die for you?" He asked. "Because that's what was going to happen if we would have found that guy and tried to fight him--people were going to get hurt and die. And for what? For you to be on his side?" With that, he walked into the house. My wolf howled inside of me with pain. It hurt to hear those words come out of his mouth.

I felt like the world's biggest hypocrite, walking around like I couldn't do any bad, but look at me. I was as pathetic as I was when I belonged to the Ici Pack. The only difference was that I wasn't expected to do great things then. Now, I was looked up to and idolized by many people and I had let them down. How did they even find out? I knew Sam had said he checked the surveillance, but i knew for a fact that the cameras in the woods hadn't worked for over a year now. And, instead of buying new ones, Dean and Sam would randomly send pack members out to keep watch.

Someone clearing their throat behind me answered my question. Sloane.

"How could you?" I instantly accused while standing to my feet, hands balled into a fist at my side. I swear if she wasn't an old woman I would have decked her right then and there.

"It's not what you think," she said in that calm voice I had missed so much.

"I'm listening," I shot back.

"The elders found out about you and the Prince Eternal. They wanted me to inform it to everyone in the pack." I scowled at her. Of course, she would bring the elders into this. Everyone knew better than to go against them.

"How did they even find out?" I groaned. She shrugged her petite shoulders at me.

"I don't know. Their wisdom is before my time. For all I know, they always knew that this was going to happen."

"So what now? Am I going to be out casted by my pack and left to go rogue?"

"They are giving you a one month window to make amends with Leo and fully mate with him."

"Yeah, like that's going to happen," I said while crossing my arms over my chest.

"Rayne, you have to know when to be stubborn, and now is not the time. They're afraid that if you accept the Prince that something extremely bad will come from your bond. They can't take that risk. You need to make it official with Leo at once." I made a face at her.

"But, it's Leo," I said while frowning in disgust.

"I am well aware of whom he is, but the Elders have spoken. Just like they instructed me to help you and Leo fully activate your powers. Rayne, a battle is coming, people want you--and everyone associated with you--dead, and we all need to be prepared." I let her words register inside of my head. A battle was coming. Lucian had said the same thing. It was why he turned me Eternal, to better prepare for it. I didn't know why we were being targeted, but the fact of the matter was the entire species of Werewolves were at risk.

How many people were you going to let die for you?

Leo's words hit me. I had never thought that I would be the person who stands back and let other people fight their battles, and I wasn't going to start now. So what if I had to mate with Leo? I had heard of people mating just to get rid of the pain their wolves felt from being unmated, and still leading separate lives. It was rare, but possible. Saving the Werewolf species was worth it. I found myself saying the exact words I never thought I'd say when it came to my mate.

"Fine. Let's do it."

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