A Touch From Heaven | Goblet...

By Sum_mer_

528 55 5

"How are you guys alive..?" She pauses. "Wait are you guys ghosts?!" The woman chuckles "sweetheart... we w... More

Emerson Family
Introduction/ quick note
What Emerson Castle looks like (aunt aquilicas)


12 2 0
By Sum_mer_

"Blaise, Harry? Do you want to come to see Luna, Cho and I's new dorms?" I asked while reaching over to grab some sweet corn, I almost tipping the bowl when I reached over.

"I can't, Sirius wants to talk to me somehow?" Harry replied. I nodded and smiled. Then a wave of confusion flushed over me. "How an earth will he do that?" I asked, I knew Harry didn't mean talking over a letter. Seemed like Harry had the same confusion as I.

"No clue, he just wants to meet me in the common room tonight," Harry said truthfully.

"Oh well, Sirius is a smart man. I'm sure he'll find a way" I said understanding.

Harry smiled back and nodded.

"What about you Blaise? Do you what to come to see the new dorms?" Luna asked softly. I saw her play footsies with him under the table when I bent down to pick up my napkin that fell off the table.

I grinned, I had a feeling that she liked him. I wasn't too sure about Blaise though. I'd have to see how he reacts to the small flirting Luna does.

I looked over at Blaise and grinned. "Yeah Blaise I'm sure Luna would want to show you her new bed, I heard it's very comfy and has room for two" I teased. Blaise darted his gaze over to me and he looked flustered.

I just winked and then looked at Luna. Her pale skin had gone red and she had her face in her hands. I nudged Harry playfully, who was laughing hard at their reactions. Harry's laugh was contagious and soon I was laughing hard too.

Luna then realised that I figured out her crush and then sent a look that said 'you better not tell him' I nodded. She sent me a relieved look back. I wasn't ever going to expose her crush to anyone, even if people asked me if their suspicions were true, I would never tell. I couldn't betray her trust like that. Even though she didn't verbally tell me to not tell, but her face tells me not too and that's enough to know not to say a word.

Though she didn't even need to tell me not to tell because I wouldn't say anyways. That's for her to tell and only for her to tell. I was great at keeping secrets.

I never even told Cho about Harry liking her. I never told Fleur about Ron liking her. I didn't like Ron at the moment but I knew I couldn't betray his trust.

"Well do you want to come to see our dorms or not?" I said seriously. Blaise just nodded. I smiled and so did Luna. They knew I was only just trying to annoy them before and didn't hold a grudge. And I knew Blaise would tease me if I ever had a crush. So who said I couldn't do the same to him?

"And how did you manage to get yourself and your friends a luxury dorm, may I ask?" Ethan said in my head, from the other side of the hall. I turned my body around to look at him.

"Because Minnie likes me better" I joked back.

"I've been asking for one for 4 years, seriously how did you do it?" Ethan asked in a serious tone, he still sounded very intrigued.

I smirked. Ethan gave me the look 'how did you do it'. I could tell what face it was, even from the other side of the hall. He also was very predictable.

I simply tapped my nose a couple of times, that was something our mother used to do when we asked her something silly, like what was for dinner, even when there was food getting plated up or what we were getting for our birthdays or Christmas when those times came around.

Ethan just playfully rolled his eyes and smiled. "Fine have it your way, but now I'm going to beg Minerva. I'll even get down on my knees and beg if that is what it takes" he told me, with a grin.

I just laughed quietly and playfully shook my head. Ethan did the same but nodded instead.

"I seriously think you and your brother have conversations with each other through facial expressions. It's starting to freak me out." Blaise commented. I directed my gaze to Blaise. I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. I don't think I was ever going to tell him about talking to Ethan in my head. It was fun watching Blaise get confused.

But what's even better now, Harry looked equally confused. Luna didn't look like she gave a flying shit. It was like she knew what was happening. She probably did though, She believes anything is possible.

"I noticed that as well, it has confused the shit out of me," Harry added, slightly frowning from confusion.

"Maybe we are, maybe we aren't" I replied blankly. I went back to eating my food as Luna sniggered and Harry and Blaise looked freaked out, but their faces were filled with confusion. Almost silently begging me to tell them everything. Yet I wouldn't say a word.

"Hey guys," Cho said as she sat down. I looked up and smiled at her. She was always cheery and always lightened up the mood, even when the mood is so bright, it doesn't seem like it could be happier.

Cho was amazing at doing that. I then looked at Harry and he was blushing. Poor guy, she had her eyes on Cedric.

"Hey Cho, how are you?" I asked, "Oh I'm really good thanks, how are you guys?" She replied politely. Blaise answered first "I'm freaked out by Lizzie ability's to talk to her brother from the other side of the hall, only through facial expressions," he said and then faked a shudder.

Cho grinned, I had told her about Ethan and me, how we could talk in our heads. Cho would never tell anyone what we could do, I told her to keep it a secret. And that's what's she did.

"Doesn't sound that freaky to me?" Luna said softly. She has always defended me, even if it meant someone would be mean to her. I'd do the same for her. So would Cho. Even though it wasn't a big deal, she didn't want people to think I was weird.

"Hmph, sounds quite peculiar to me, yet it sounds like a talent," someone said, as they took a seat next to me. I smiled because I knew exactly who it was.

"Hi, Hermione," I said still smiling, as I gave her a side hug. "Hey, guys" everyone else answers with a hello, except Harry. I knew that hadn't been speaking, since the champion selection.

Harry looked at Hermione, it looked like he was struggling to say something like it was awkward with us all here. Hermione had the same expression.

"Alright guys, let's go. It's uncomfortable enough for them, let alone if we are all here" I said as I stood up. "Let them talk." I finally said as Blaise got up. Luna and Cho got up and whispered good luck to Harry as I whispered it to Hermione.

We started walking away from the table when I heard Hermione say "I'm so sorry I didn't believe you, Harry! It was very stupid of me to even consider yo-" we were now out of hearing range so I couldn't hear Hermione ramble an apology anymore.

I was glad she came to her senses. It would a shame to see their friendship go down the drain, just like Nova and I's did.

Although now I think about it. Nova always seemed to get jealous of me for the stupidest things. And used to make comments that were not even close to necessary. Some of them would disrespect my friends, family and even me. I cared so much about our friendship, so I never put any thought into those.

But she did move to Hogwarts so I wouldn't be alone. That was sweet. I'll forever be grateful for that. I would have been so nervous to come to Hogwarts if she wasn't there

I guess I always knew deep down that Nova and I wouldn't stay friends forever. I could tell, even from a young age. I guess the badges and not believing Harry was the final straw. Then of course she hit Luna. I previously thought that I'd never forgive her. But I then knew I would have to be civil with her because of Aunt Aquilica. She's best friends with Nova's parents.

I wasn't going to let my falling out with Nova, ruin her parents and my aunt's friendship. It had lasted 20 years. So for Aquilica's sake, when she gets forced to come to my aunts by her parents, I'll act as if we were civil.

"When we get to Ravenclaw tower, you will answer the riddle Elizabeth," Cho said, breaking me from my chain of thought. "Yeah, I always do the riddles anyways." I chuckled.

"How long does it take for Lizzie to answer the riddles?" Blaise wondered. I looked over at him. I went to speak when Luna accidentally cut me off.

"Usually around 5-10 seconds," she said smiling. Blaise looked shocked. "I knew you were smart but not that smart" he muttered. I grinned.


"Holy shit! This is massive" Blaise said loudly. He walked into my room and over to my widows, to inspect the details. I walked over to my desk, where I pulled out my quill and some parchment.

"I'm just going to write to my aunt, I'll join you guys once I've finished" I smiled. That's when an idea came into my head.

"Hey, guys?" I said, making them stop admiring my dorm. "Yeah?" Blaise answered.

"Would you guys like to come to my house during the Christmas break? You guys could stay a couple of nights" I asked them. Blaise's eyes lit up and so did Cho's. "I wouldn't mind coming," Luna said, then started looking about. I knew she was zoned out and in her peaceful world. She did it a lot.

"Oh yes! I would love to come" Blaise said happily.

"Your aunt seems lovely, So I would come," Cho said just as happy as Blaise.

I smiled and replied "I'll just ask my aunt, she'll say yes but I'd like to ask her first. I should also ask if Harry and Hermione could join" I said.

"I'm sure they'd come too," Cho said smiling.

"Alright that's good, I'll just ask her," I said and turned around to face my desk again.

"Feel free to look about Blaise, you look intrigued," I said while starting my letter. I heard Blaise whisper "yes!". I grinned. He was a very nosey person, but that was one of his characteristics. The one I found funny.

Dear Aunt Aquilica.

I bought a dress for the Yule Ball, it's absolutely gorgeous! It was quite expensive but totally worth it! I've also bought a couple of pairs of shoes, accessories, and Christmas pressies. I bought your Christmas pressie already and I can't wait to give it to you! The dress is getting delivered to Hogwarts on Christmas Eve morning. I'll show you the dress when I get back.

Minnie gave me a luxury dorm as I wanted. She also gave Luna and Cho one to share. Both rooms are equally as gorgeous as the other. I felt bad at first for them sharing while I had my own dorm but they assured me that it was fine. Cho said that Luna and she had shared a dorm since the first year, and they loved sharing dorms together.

Luna also said she doesn't like being on her own and Cho's the same. I felt a lot better than they are happy with the dorm arrangements.

I was also wondering if I was allowed to have Harry, Blaise, Luna, Cho, and Hermione over for a couple of nights during the Christmas break. I've already asked if they wanted to come and they said they would like to. I'm yet to ask Hermione and Harry though. I thought I'd ask you if it was alright before I say they are defiantly aloud to come. I'm sure you wouldn't mind if they didn't pester you. Though they would never do that anyway.

They are very polite and wouldn't be a problem, but it's your choice whether or not you want them around.

I'm yet to ask Ethan if he's coming to ours for Christmas, or if he's staying at school with Minnie. I'm sure he'll tell you if he's coming or not.

Also, Nova and I, are no longer friends. I don't want to associate with her anymore. Yeah, I understand that she doesn't believe Harry. But she was one of the people who were handing out the badges. It's awful, very very rude. I found the box under her bed and burned the badges in the fire. I have also got the whole Ravenclaw house to stop wearing the badges.

Also, most people in the Ravenclaw house do not like Nova anymore either. Not because of the badges. Because she slapped Luna. You know how kind and caring she is. I've known her since I was wee. Luna was really upset but once nova left the common room she cheered up. I felt so bad for her. She never deserved to get slapped.

I don't want you to tell her parents about that. Or feel awkward around her parents because of this. You guys have known each other since the start of school. I would hate for you guys to fall out because of Nova and I's broken friendship. Plus, her parents are some of the most caring people I have ever met. Shame Nova isn't though.

I've also become one of the top students in all my classes, even history with Binns. That class is dreadful.

The cheer team has been told we can't practice this year because of the tournament. It's a shame but I don't mind. I have more time for my studies and friends. Though I'll still stay fit, I'm not sure if I'll stay on the team next year. I'm quite enjoying not practising and having every night free.

I only just found out through Blaise and Pansy, that I'm quite popular. I didn't even know. They said it's because I was in the Paris Royals when I was in France. And now I'm a flyer here. They also said it's because I am French, and used to be a Beauxbatons student, and I'm apparently "pretty and hot". It's very very weird how I became popular over that. I never understood schools social status'.

Anyways, please write back as soon as possible, I'd like to see if they are aloud round to stay in the Christmas Break.

Love you so much, and I miss you

Elizabeth x

I read over the letter a couple of times and decided it was ready to send. I called Athena over to my desk. She was on her perch by my balcony, before she came to me. Like every other time that I had sent a letter, I gave Athena a couple of treats and sent her off.

Athena was a white with black dots snowy owl. She had green and a slit of blue around her pupil. Her eyes were a nice colour. Very bright. She was also very very fast. Comparing to the other owls I've seen, she was by far the fastest.

Athena would no debatably be back in around 10-12 hours since she's going down the country and back up.

I decided I was going to go over to Luna's dorm, just to talk and joke around with them. When I opened the door I was horrified at what I saw.

"Blaise what the fuck. Why are you hanging from your feet? Wait how did you even get onto the chandelier?" I said, while looking up at my friend.

"I pissed Luna off and she did this and she can't remember the spell to get me undone," Blaise said calmly. He didn't really care that he was hanging upside down.

I looked over at Luna. She had plastered her innocent face on but I could see right through it. She knew the spell but she was just being plain out evil. I grinned.

About 2 minutes past and Blaise was still hanging there.

"Okay Luna, I know you know the spell. I can see it in your eyes, put Blaise down" I said with a chuckle.

"Fine," She said with evil yet innocent laugh.

This girl, had so many sides to her. But she was very good at hiding them.

Luna said the spell and Blaise dropped. He made a loud crash on the floor when he landed on his back. Cho burst out laughing and Luna grinned.

I just stood there shaking my head with a smile on my face. Luna was bound to show her dangerous fun side at some point. I knew very well how that went.

"Hey, Luna? Do you remember when we lied to our parents when we broke our bones at my house?" I asked smiling at the memory.

Luna laughed and nodded "how we fooled them is beyond me. I don't know how they didn't hear the bang and crashes coming from the room next door" Luna chuckled.

"I do wonder whether Charlie told them or not?" Luna added.

"Probably not, He wasn't a snitch," I said smiling.

Blaise and Cho looked completely and utterly confused. "Wait how did you break your bones?" Blaise asked from the floor he was still laying on.

I grinned and told him the story. Cho seemed shocked and Blaise looked even more shocked than Cho.

When I was little, Luna and her father came to stay with us, when they were visiting France. They needed to find a certain species for her father's discoveries.

It was about 1 hour until dinner. It was such a mess beforehand. Our parents didn't notice. Only Charlie noticed. He walked into the Dining room and Luna had encouraged me to climb up onto the highest shelf of the bookcase and then jump down. Though when I got to the top I  stood on the loose shelf. The shelf broke and fell to the ground along with all the old ornaments.

Luna and I found it hilarious. We were about 8 at the time. When it broke we decided we had to climb up another shelf and jump off. We did that activity successfully a couple of times but after a while, most shelves were broken and old ornaments were smashed, books were everywhere and wood was scattered all over the floor.

Charlie walked in and burst out laughing. He had found it silly but he knew our parents wouldn't. He ran to my mother and stole her wand when she wasn't looking. Then used cleaning and fixing spell to fix everything. Luna and I realised after we stopped playing, that my wrist was in agony and her ankle was too.

Luna hobbled to her dad while I helped her with one hand. We were both crying.

Our parents scurried to us and asked us to explain what happened. Charlie walked through and grinned as we told our lies. I said we were climbing the tree outside and fell. Luna said she jumped down to try to help me but she landed wrong. My parents treated us like babies and gave us extra pudding and took us out shopping the next day.

Luna and I were very happy with ourselves because we fooled them. But were annoyed that we were in lots of pain.

Wendy though could see through our lies and later on asked us what really happened. We told her the same lie, but Charlie ended up telling her what really happened.

Wendy was impressed that we pulled off such a big lie, we soon found out the next day that we actually broke our bones. Luna broke her ankle and I broke my wrist. Yet we were too young to use the bone fixing potion so we had to let it heal the muggle way. We didn't regret it though. It was fun while it lasted.

"Wait a damn minute! I had no clue Luna was capable of some thing like that, she is legit the reason you guys broke your bones!." Blaise said sitting up.

"I didn't know Luna was a good liar?" Cho said, still surprised.

"Luna is a remarkable fibber when she wants to be. It's quite amusing actually" i said.

Luna was just grinning. "I have done things that would shock you" Luna said with a proud smirk.

I laughed and nodded. That was very true.

"You know when I was in second year when Luna first came, she was very intimidating. Everyone thought she was very innocent but i could tell there was something about her that wasn't that innocent" Blaise said. Luna laughed and nodded.

Again that was very true. Luna wasn't always an innocent person, she sounds like it and typically is. Yet sometimes she has a mean streak that peaks through every so often.

We gossiped for a couple of hours before Luna kicked Blaise out. "You have 10 minutes until curfew, get out" Luna said laughing. She had both hands on his back and using all her strength to shove Blaise out.

"Aw, but I thought you wanted me to stay the night" Blaise joked. I watched him pout his lips.

"Out!" luna shouted.

Cho and I were snickering on her bed, watching the scene go down.

Word count - 3852

Dw George will soon come

I want Elizabeth to not really like Ron for a while, but soon grow to be like a sister to him.


Follow my Instagram @Cursed_Wh0re. I'll post updates about the story on there. Like sneak peeks when the story comes out.

I honestly really hope people even read this story. Because I'm aware there are more people on Wattpad that have way better story's. There are so many creators out there, that are very, very, very talented at writing. I'm only a teenager and I haven't finished school yet. I still have quite a few years left. And so many more dreadful English lessons.

I hope you guys enjoy reading these chapters though. I spend a lot of time on them and I put my full effort into them. Though to be honest, I'll probably download Grammarly. (I have no clue how to spell it) because I think it would help make my story easier to read and give me better words to use.

And if you are still reading this, can you please vote and comment. It would mean so much. Thank you x

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