Star Wars Imagines x male rea...

By ezra9801ezra

541 3 2

you know what it means More


Captain Phasma x male reader

351 3 1
By ezra9801ezra

This one's a request from M0lten, hope it doesn't suck and sorry for the wait. (Read authors note at the end)

Phasma and I met a long time ago, when she left her clan and joined the First Order. I was just a cadet when she got in.
It was weird to see someone older than all of us, though she was not way too old. I don't really remember the time I joined, I just remember training.

The first time we really met was in a hallway, I didn't think she would recognize me. I was on my way to training and she was in a hurry; maybe because she was escalating ranks amazingly fast, and because if that she was needed more by the commanding officer and other higher rank leaders. We didn't crash or anything like that, I just had the urge to talk to her, as weird as it sounds.


"Ugh" I said as I crashed into some trooper on my way to training, I was late (as always) but this time I knew I was going to be in trouble, Commander said if I was late again I would suffer the consequences.
"Maybe if I stopped fooling around in bed at night I would be on time" I thought rolling my eyes.
I was deep in my thoughts when I saw this amazing tall woman, holding her helmet on her right side, she wasn't running but she was in a hurry. Suddenly I felt the urge to approach her. I got in front of her and...

"Hey, uhm... Phasma. I uh..." I couldn't believe myself. We were just looking at each other, she was way taller than me, but she didn't seem to be bothered by how I was looking at her. She seemed intrigued.
"Do you need something trooper? If not get out of my way" she said in a harsh tone
"Oh, yeah I'm sorry" I said taking a step to the right.
She started walking again and I was just staring at the floor
"How can I be so stupid? Ugh" I was just about to leave when suddenly a loud voice sounded trough the hallway.
"Trooper, what's your number? I need it to file this incident" she said curiously and I could swear I saw her smirking a little.
"LN-7459 lieutenant" I said nervously
"Hmm" her head moved backwards a little, as if she was contemplating something; and just like that she started walking again.

I started running without drawing much attention, no more problems needed, I'm way too late for training.
"There you are LN-7459, late as always" he said standing near the door with his hands on his back.
"You know what happens when you disobey orders, trooper?" He said not looking at me "you can get..."
"Let him get into training, he might prove himself useful after all" a loud voice said from quite far.
I turned around and she was there, in a balcony above the training grounds, surrounded by a few other officers.
"Go now before I regret it" the chief said.

With a quick pace I joined my division. We all stood there waiting for instructions but I just felt I was being watched with such intensity, like someone was burning a hole in my head. I glanced up and there she was, Phasma was with out her helmet again, looking at me with a straight face but something was different and I couldn't tell what.

"Am I clear troopers?" I heard and everyone agreed, I don't even know what I have to do and I know this is not going to end well.
A beeping sound could be heard and everyone started to go on separate ways, I just went where I felt I should be. Then the floor started moving and some platforms started to appear. The beeping sound stopped and every trooper started to run to the middle of the arena and tried to climb on the platforms, some of them pushed the others and even hit them with no reason.

"The goal is to get to the top then" I said to myself as I started to approach a platform, I used the wall next to me to my advantage and pushed myself to the platform. I could see a trooper halfway through the platforms and I started to rush. I climbed fast evading other troopers that could slow me. I was almost there and also the other troopers, he was on a platform on the left, he turned around to face me and mocked me.

I made my way there, ready to fight for that first place, it was not going to be easy. I was sure this trooper was FT-8232, he was a beast and not because he was savage, but because he was big.
We were standing on the platform just waiting for the right time, I was not going to start this fight, it makes you slow to start. Suddenly he trusted forward with all he could, as if he wanted to throw me down the platforms. Nasty death for sure. I did something I didn't know I could; when he was just in front of me I grabbed his shoulders as quickly as I could and used his speed to my advantage, just like that I did a forward roll over his body and as I was in the air I kicked him off the platform to another, with this I reached the wall on the side of the next platform, that was it, that was the end of this test. I climbed the last platform with FT-8232 almost behind me. Just a few more steps...

A loud beep was heard and everything went silent after that. I turned around and I was at the top, FT-8232  was there too.

"Congratulations trooper LN-7459, you were the first to achieve this test and now you're all set for your next rank" Phasma said to everyone one but now she was completely looking at me.
"Get to my office on level 4 to finish all the paperwork" just as she finished that she left.
Time skip

"Come in" she said as I knocked on the door to her office.
"Ah, LN-7459 there you are" she said getting up and walking towards me "I have all the paperwork you need to sign and you're all set to be sargeant and help the chief and squad leader of your division directly" I looked down and took the pen, I started signing the papers. She was still behind me, I couldn't know what she was doing but everything was silent.
When I was done I straightened myself up and turned around, she was there, holding her chin as if she was thinking.
"Mmm" she said while staring at me "have I seen you before LN-7459?"
"Uhm yes ma'am, earlier in the hallway" I said and I could feel my cheeks heating up.
" Uh yes, but I meant before. I think I know you, I just can't recall form where or when" her eyes were just burning holes in my face.
"Well, we trained together when I was just a cadet, just for a few days because of your promotion" I said casually, not to seem a stalker
"Ah, yes" she said while making her way to where I was.
"I remember now, you where always looking at me" her eyes changed, softened.
"Uhh..." I scratched the back of my head "yeah, sorry about that, it's just..." I couldn't finish
"I know" she said with a soft face.
We just stared at each other for a few minutes that felt like hours. We were getting closer without neither of us knowing.
We were a few centimeters apart when a knock was heard, interrupting whatever was going on.

"Thank you lieutenant" I said with a small nod and walked to the door. There was an officer there, I saluted and walked out, not without a second glance to her, to my surprise she was looking my way too as the officer talked to her. I just kept walking to the barracks.

"What a day" I said as I laid in bed closing my eyes.

Authors note

I hope you like this one. It's my first time writing something for someone else, so bare with me. Also, english is not my first language so I really really hope it doesn't suck.
I used this image for the ranking

Also, Phasma is not yet a captain, so if you'd like a second part just tell me.

I'll try to write one for ventress!

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