Kitten [Editing]

By melaninsia

222K 7.6K 1K

Rose Marie Jones was born an orphan, and spent her most of her life raised in a group home. She's eighteen, s... More

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4.7K 168 23
By melaninsia

Time seems to past by so fast now. I've been here nearly six months.. and it's been nearly three months since Aurelio kissed me. I have mixed emotions about that. When he kissed me it's like my whole body was on fire, my veins burning, my soul screaming for that kind of passion again. However, I don't think I can deal with his mood swings.

Besides Aurelio and I's intimate, non intimate relationship; George continues to give me the cold shoulder. Maria is the only one I talk to on the regular, that and I steal conversations from Gary when I can. He might not want to talk because of Aurelio but I don't care.

On top of that, the bastard left town this morning. Last night, I slumbered with Maria in the movie room. We stayed up all night binge watching Vampire Diaries and talking about a lot things, I can't even remember what. But to get to the point, I went upstairs to get some more snacks, when moaning could be heard in the hallway.

Me being my nosey self, crept towards the room that belonged to Lola. While listening a little longer, she moaned Aurelio's name loudly. Of course he was fucking her, that's the only reason why he didn't make another move on me. I shouldn't have been jealous but I was. That night, I went to sleep in the movie room, and overslept purposely so I wouldn't have to see him out. He came in the room and kissed my forehead.. I should have cut his lips off.

"Afternoon." Maria beamed setting strawberry crepes in front of me. I sprayed some whipped cream on the top and dug in. "So want to go out tonight?"

"Yeah, now I think you're just pushing it." I chuckled, scarfing down some more food.

"Come on, Aurelio's out of town for the week, let's have some fun."

"Where's Aurelio's watch dogs?"

"Well, you can leave that to me."

"And the lap dog? Lola?" I added.

"She's visiting family for the weekend. So, what do you say?" I looked up at her through my eyelashes, smirking.

"Let's do it!"


It took me a whole two hours to get ready.. I never take that long to get ready for anything and here I was, letting Maria-- whom is five shades lighter than me-- do my makeup. Once she was finished, I looked in the mirror and I saw a different person. Not like ghostly but gorgeous. I've never worn makeup, couldn't get the gist of it, and here I was with a beat face.

"Oh my goodness." I whispered, gawking at myself. The smokey eye look surely made me look older.

"I know, I'm a God! OMG I have to take a picture!" She gushed, grabbing her phone. "Stand up, we have to get the dress and all." I uncomfortably stood up, pulling down the skin-tight, strapless dress. It was one of the simpler dresses in my closet, however it was short. I never worn anything like this, but it's a first for everything right.

After Maria was finished being my personal photographer, we finally went downstairs to leave. I watched as she strutted in her red, body con dress, similar to mine. She truly was gorgeous, sometimes I wondered why she wasn't taken or is she?

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Sleeping." I raised my eyebrow at her short answer. "I might have mixed in a few sleeping pills in tonight's dinner that I encouraged everyone to eat."

"That's smart." I smiled as we went out to the car.

"And where are you two going?" We both stop in our tracks and I scrunched my face in attempt to disappear into thin air. "Maria, Kitten?"

"Hey Gary, we we're planning on going for a ride."

"Dressed like that? Kitten, Aurelio would kill both of you and Maria you know better."

"Come on Gary, Aurelio's gone and it's just for tonight. I want to show her a good time since she's been practically stuck in the house for months." Maria said as she walked closer to him. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, watching her body language as she whispered into his ear. She was seducing him and he was going for it, I could tell it in his facial expressions.

"I guess it's not a coincidence that everyone is knocked out." She smile innocently at his comment, before he rolled his eyes. "Fine. But we're leaving at 12."



"Deal." Maria smiled victoriously going to the back of the car. As we climbed into the back and Gary closing the door behind us, I turned to Maria.

"What was that about?" I questioned.

"Just me rarely getting my way." She shrugged and I nodded deciding to let it go. The drive was roughly thirty minutes because of how far the house is from the city. There was this huge club taking up most of the block, lines wrapped around the building and lights flashing inside. When Gary opened Maria side she stepped out but was pulled back as I got out.

"Me debes esta noche, tu culo es mío." (You owe me tonight, your ass is mine.)

"Mhm." She grinned taking my arm, walking me to the entrance. Whatever he said had her blushing hard. "Hey Brown, this is Kitten."

"Ah." The tall, pale, bald dude nodded, unhooking the rope. "Enjoy ladies."

"Thanks." I smiled politely, following closely behind Maria. "How were we able to skip all those people."

"Aurelio owns this club. I used to come here all the time so some of the bouncers here recognized me. I always sit in the VIP." She grinned, walking up the grand staircase.

"Wow, do all of his employees get that kind of privilege?"

"Um.. yeah, sure." We approach the bar and Maria ordered two shots of Tequila. "First time having alcohol." I nodded my head instantly. "It's best to just throw it back, don't sip, you'll think it's disgusting." We chuckled together but I was slightly nervous. "One, two, three." We both tilted our heads, throwing the brown liquid back. I couldn't help but cough as the liquid burned my throat. "Two more shots, and a glass of water please." She ordered.

As I recovered from the first shot, the second was pushed in front of me.

"Here, have some water before the next." Maria offered. I took the shot and threw it back again and she stared at me in awe. I tried to appear strong but I cough a bit again and drunk so water. The fact that I was underage and drinking popped up but then again, I looked like I was older in these clothes.

"Wanna dance?" I nodded my head and that was the beginning of an eventful night.


My face burned and my eyes hurt. That could be only one thing, the sun. I groaned, pulling the blankets over my head.

"Turn it off." I mumbled.

"How do you turn the sun off. I'm very intrigued." My head snapped upwards, eyes resting on George's pretty eyes.


"Good morning." He greeted, handing me a pill and a glass of water. I swallowed the pill down, handing the half empty glass back to him. "Here's breakfast, Maria is oversleeping as well so I cooked."

"Thank you." I mumbled sitting up. Last night was a blur after midnight, I don't even remember getting home. As I was about to pick up my fork, I felt something trying to come up my throat. I set the tray to the side and ran to the bathroom and puked. "I feel horrible." I groaned over the toilet.

"That's what happens when you drink 8 shots of Tequila, and you haven't drunk alcohol before." I spit the last bit out and wiped my mouth with some tissue. After flushing the toilet, I washed my hands and brush my teeth, making sure to get that disgusting taste out my mouth. When I looked in the mirror, my clothes were different than last night.

"Did you change me?"

"Some one had to after you puked in my car."

"Di- Did anything else happen?" I timidly asked, looking down at the gray plush rug.

"Like what?" The amusement was clear in his voice. "Did I take your virginity?" Just hearing it made me cringe. I hated this. "You sexually harassed me last night, you wouldn't stop kissing me. I told you to stop and you passed out in my arms. As I brought you to the car, I blamed Maria for getting you so wasted and brought you home. In the middle of the drive you woke up and puked in my car, and then you started to speak a lot of nonsense before I finally put you in a cold shower, that's why you have on different clothes." If my skin wasn't so dark, he'd seen how embarrassed I was.

"How did Maria get home?"

"Gary." He shrugged going back into the room. I followed him, sitting down on the bed staring at the food he made. Although it smelt delicious, the fact that I've threw up, ruin any appetite, I'd had.

"Do they have something going on?"

"Aren't you nosey."

"I was curious." I shrugged rolling my eyes at him.

"Whatever." He said walking out of my room, leaving me alone. I looked at the clock that read 1:32pm before falling back on the bed.


"Why Maria, why?" I sniffed. "Why did you have to do that to me?" I sobbed. "How could he die, they were supposed to live forever!" For the past month we've been watching Vampire Diaries. All day we have been watching tv in the screen room, since I haven't fully recovered from last nights events.

"They did in the after life."

"That's not good enough. I wanted another season!"

"We all do, but now we can watch The Originals." She beamed, scrolling on Netflix.

"I'll go get more popcorn." I jumped up off the couch and picked up the big red bowl full of kernels. I emptied it in the kitchen trash before getting some more bags from the pantry and putting them in the microwave. As I was waiting for that to finish, I saw movement in the backyard. Of course it's George in the pool, and of course I couldn't look away.

The only thing that could take me from my trance was the microwave, indicating that the buttery snack was finish. As I emptied the condiments in the bowl and threw the empty bag away, I put another in and popped a few fresh one in my mouth. I didn't hear the back doors opening but I did hear the fridge open and shut.

In that moment, the steam coming of the popcorn had my full attention, or at least half of it as George passed me, brushing against me. I ignored it, shaking my head but then he did it again, and I didn't want to read into it, but as he pretend to get something from the cabinets above me, pressing his back side into me, I couldn't keep quite.

"Excuse you."

"I don't think I said excuse me."

"What's up with you? Aurelio tells you to leave me alone so you do, giving me the cold shoulder and ignoring me but because he's gone or because I drunk kissed you, you want to toy with me- He pressed me against the counter before kissing me deeply. I pressed my hands against his chest pushing him back a bit, but his hands remained around my waist, keeping me in arms reach. "Why did you do that?"

"Because I can't keep you out of my head either."


"You probably don't remember of course, but my Abuelita says and drunk man tells no lies. I think about you all the time. I tried to stay away from the house and as bad as it sounds, I had a few one nights stand to forget about you but I can't. And seeing you everyday doesn't help."

"How do I know you aren't playing me, I mean you did say you're known to be reckless." I folded my arms.

"You're right, I like to mess around and have fun, reckless as they say. But when I spent that time getting to know you, I wanted to spend more time with you. I care about you Rose and I thought we had something." I sighed shaking my head.

"I don't remember what I said last night but I am confused. Confused about this, about Aurelio, just everything and it doesn't help that I'm stuck in a situation that I've never been in before-

"I know." He cut me off, "Anybody can see what's being going between you two. And I also know what's been going on when he's not with you and I know you know it too. I know you'll never be mines, but why can't you have your fun while he's having his." George tried to reason with me.

"Are you talking about friends with benefits because I've never did it before and I don't know how that works." All though being in the house with Aurelio seem like a risky plan, like deadly.

"I'll help you and I promise you, I won't take advantage of you, just talk to Maria if you need to make your decision."

"Did you two-

"No." He chuckled. "That's my brother's department."

"I knew it!" George laughed at my outburst.

"There's a lot you don't know, but when the times come, you'll know everything." I nodded my head as he left me alone in my thoughts. I walked back into the screen room with the popcorn to see that the show had already started.

"What took you so long?" Maria asked as I sat beside her.

"Nothing in particular."

"You're a horrible liar, but it's okay. You don't have to tell me." She took the bowl out my hand and began to munch. "By the way, Vampire Diaries and The Originals we're airing at the same time so don't get confused when you see some characters that died."

"George asked me to be friends with benefits until I figure out what I want." I blurted out. Maria was speechless, like really speechless and I was starting to worry.

"What do you mean, figure out what you want?"

"I mean like I might have feelings for Aurelio and George and I don't know what to do."

"Rose.. you don't have feelings for Aurelio. He kissed you a couple of times and it felt different but that might just be lust. As for George, you guys have spent time together so it might be a little different but I'm not even sure if you have feelings for him either."

"There goes the flippy floppy again, seriously Maria you're more confusing than men."

"All I'm saying is that, you're young, impressionable, and naive. I don't want you to make a decision that you'll later regret but in the end it is your decision." I nodded my head listening to everything she was saying.

"However, I don't see why you can't have fun while you're stuck here." She smile making me chuckle. I like that idea.

"Thanks Maria." I grinned.

"No problem hun." She smirked back, turning back to the tv. 


"I'm going to call it a night."

"Okay." I smiled as Rose walked up the stairs to her room. I then went to the backyard in the pool where I know George would be. "George." I yelled out to him, making him swim up to me and get out the pool. "Did you ask Rose to be friends with benefits?"

"Yeah, so?"

"You know she will never be yours right?"

"She can make her own choices."

"She is an impressionable nineteen year old with no experience. Not to mention she's Aurelio's, he wanted her for a reason, why do you insist on pursuing her?"

"I like Rose okay. She has a charm and sass to her that Aurelio insists on killing, some time with me and she'll find that fire again." He grinned, grabbing a towel.

"Aurelio tendrá tu cabeza." (Aurelio will have your head.)

"Por eso me vas a ayudar." (That's why you're going to help me.)

"No way, you're digging your own grave by yourself. I just here to warn you. It's not like you can hide anything from him, I'm still suffering, remember." I put emphasis on remember.

"I'll be careful Maria."

"What ever you say George."

"Is my brother still hiding out in you room?"

"Screw you George." I blushed, going back into the house.

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