Tevun-Krus #86 - Internationa...

By Ooorah

1.5K 401 184

Welcome to the fifth International Edition of Tevun-Krus! This time around we're dealing with LovePunk, which... More

Welcome, hey, いらっしゃいませ and नमस्कार
Watt's Inside...?
The Translation Chain - It's Love by @AngusEcrivain
Translation Games - English / Introduction
Nablai's Nebula: Love Punk - An Article by @Nablai
Translation Games: Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt
Translation Games: Bengali / বাংলা
Translation Games: Glitch
saintRaider: genesys - A Spanish Short Story by @HjPilgrim
Translation Games: Serbian / Српски
Es Amor - A Spanish Drabble by @Lobodepeluche
Translation Games: Armenian | Հայերեն
Translation Games: Klingon / plaqD
Author Spotlight: @charnewc
Translation Games: German / Deutsch
Translation Games: Swiss German / Schwytzerdütsch
Translation Games: Braille
Just One Drop - A Short Story by @johnnedwill (English)
Translation Games: Afrikaans
Translation Games: Dutch / Nederlands
Rescate - A Spanish Drabble by @iliamah
Translation Games: Doop
Coeurs Connectés - A French Drabble by @Poisson-d-Argent
Translation Games: Spanish / Español
Translation Games: Morse Code
LovePunk Challenge
Translation Games: Hawaiian / ʻ Hawaiianlelo
Translation Games: Vulcan
Atmosphere Warriors - A Turkish/English Short Story by @acemiikalemm
Translation Games: Portuguese / Português
Translation Games: Aurabesh
Desde Las Cenizas - A Spanish Short Story by @J_V_I_
Translation Games: Azerbaijani / Azərbaycan Dili
Translation Games: GunGan
Images of a Science-Fictional Nature
Translation Games: Arabic / عربي
Translation Games: 1337
Die Bibliothekarin / The Librarian a Short Story by @elveloy (German/English)
Translation Games: French / Français
Translation Games: Minion
Lexique incomplet - A French Drabble by @Lectrice-Diligente
Translation Games: Urdu / اردو
Translation Games: Mirror
Dystopian Santa Clauses...
Translation Games: Kiswahili
Translation Games: Yoda-ish
Pour la chair / For the Flesh - A Short Story by @Poisson-d-Argent
Translation Games: Romanian / Română
Translation Games: Romulan / Rhihann'su
Salz / Salt - A Short Story by @jinnis (German/English)
Translation Games: Polish / Polskie
Translation Games: Sith
Imparfaits - A French Drabble by @Eragon000001
Translation Games: Russian / Pусский
Translation Games: Punch Card
Fuel Me - A Short Story by @sacredlilac (English)
Translation Games: Hindi / हिन्दी
Translation Games: Mandalorian
Loveless in The Leo Republic - A Short Story by @GlennLeung
Translation Games: Hebrew / עִברִית
Translation Games: Modern Martian
lojmIt chuS'ughha'wI' chuSqu' - A Klingon Short Story by @GlennLeung
Translation Games: Filipino
Translation Games: Cheunh / Chiss
Translation Games: Italian / Italiano
Translation Games: Huttese
Translation Games: Turkish / Türkçe
Translation Games: Mankaysh
Unica - A Spanish Drabble by @Nozomi7
Translation Games: Unitology
Looking for More...?
Closing Time

The Last Dance / La dernière danse - An English / French Story by @angerbda

17 3 2
By Ooorah

The Last Dance

By angerbda

He came one more time.

As was his habit, his visit was random, unexpected. And then, I waited for him to come around the corner.

This time, even the weather did not deter him from his whimsical routine.

I did not see him, at first, occupied as I was, following the hieratic path of the raindrops on the windowpane. Focused on the slow race, my eyes registered a movement outside. The immobile shadow was back.

I wondered if I would be able to entice him, this time. Would he accept my invitation and come inside?

I was waiting... yet again.


I had met her by accident, somehow. It was a sunny day, I was walking at a leisure pace, erring here and there with no definite direction in mind. And I saw her.

The attraction was instantaneous, as the fated thunderstruck. I knew I had to leave, and never come back, but I needed to see her.

Would anything positive spring from this encounter?

I doubted it. This was doomed from the beginning.

Even though I knew about the insuperable difference that kept us apart, yet so near, I was still coming to see her, needed it... despite the rain.


"Incoming!" The young guard took his perimeter duty with an enthusiasm only someone his age could. They had already tried to discourage the intruder more than once, with no avail.

"How can she not realise how different he is?" He could not fathom the attachment between those two creatures so different.

"Let him do his nuptial dance, one last time." The older guard was not ready to strong-arm the poor fellow who looked so much like them, but was so different.

The intruder was probably the last of his sorts. He would not last much longer now... under the rain.

La dernière danse

Une fois de plus, il était là.

Comme à son habitude, sa visite était à l'improviste, inattendue. et comme à mon habitude, j'attendais qu'il apparaisse au détour du chemin.

Cette fois-ci, même le temps ne pouvait le contrer dans sa routine fantasque.

je ne le vis pas tout de suite, occupée comme je l'étais à suivre les convolutions des gouttes d'eau sur la vitre. concentrée sur la course lente, mon regard enregistra un mouvement à l'extérieur. l'ombre immobile était de retour.


je l'avais rencontrée par accident. C'était un jour ensoleillé. Je marchais tranquillement, allant de-ci, de-là, sans destination en tête. Et je la vis. L'attraction fut instantanée, le fameux coup-de-foudre. Je savais que je devais partir, sans jamais revenir, mais j'avais besoin de la voir.

Est-ce que d'une telle rencontre pouvait naître quelque chose de positif?

J'avais des doutes. C'était plutôt condamné depuis le départ.

Quand bien même j'étais conscient de l'insurmontable différence qui nous séparait, et pourtant si proche, je venais quand même la voir, j'en avais besoin... malgré la pluie.


"Intrus!" La jeune sentinelle prenait son tour de garde avec un enthousiasme que seul quelqu'un de son âge pouvait entretenir. Ils avaient déjà essayé de décourager le visiteur importun à plus d'une reprise, sans succès.

"Comment ne se rend-elle pas compte qu'il est si différent?" Il ne pouvait comprendre l'attachement entre ces deux créatures.

"Laisse-le faire sa danse nuptiale, une dernière fois." Le garde plus vieux n'avait aucune envie d'affronter le pauvre gars qui leur ressemblait tant, même s'il était si différent.

L'intrus était probablement le dernier de son espèce. Il ne survivrait plus très longtemps maintenant... surtout sous la pluie.

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