Kitten [Editing]

By melaninsia

222K 7.6K 1K

Rose Marie Jones was born an orphan, and spent her most of her life raised in a group home. She's eighteen, s... More

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| epilogue |
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| Hello Again! |
| Rose |

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5.3K 173 17
By melaninsia

— One Week Later

This whole week has been a nice Aurelio-less week. I've gotten to sleep comfortably in my own bed and like I said earlier no Aurelio. But all things must come to an end, and I was informed that he will be returning home today. Not only that but for this whole week, George has been ignoring me.

I know why he's doing it, I just hate that he's doing it. I hate the hold Aurelio has over my life, picking and choosing who I can and cannot speak to. It's been such a long time since I've spoken to Hayden and the thought kills me. The only thing that keeps me occupied is school, which is what I'm doing now. Whilst skimming through my closet last night, I found my laptop.. still no phone.

Usually Maria would be cooking, but she came down with a stomach bug, so here I am, sitting, eating a breakfast that doesn't taste as nearly as good as hers. I should get her to teach me how to cook when she feels better. I also want to learn how to drive. I'm nineteen and can barely do anything for myself, home wise.

As I was munching on my burnt bacon, George comes downstairs wearing a sleeveless black shirt that has huge holes on the side, showing off his gorgeous body. His trunks are nice but most of my attention went to the free display of abs. I almost choked on my bacon as he turned around.

"Uhm.. good morning." I cleared my throat, trying to sound as calm as ever. Instead of answering, he takes a bottle of water and goes through the glass doors. Rude.. Deciding I've had enough of this, I close my laptop and storm outside. "Did you not hear me speak to you?" His back was turned to me and he said nothing. I walked up to him, tapping him harshly.

"Did you not hear me speak to you?" I asked further.

"Obviously not." He sassed, pulling out his earphones, that I totally disregarded earlier.

"Okay, but what about the rest of this week, you ignored me, blatantly if I might add."

"I don't have to speak to you and why are you talking to me, aren't you supposed to be doing schoolwork or something?" He asked, completely uninterested in giving me an answer.

"What the hell is wrong with you? What did I do?"

"Nothing, just go back inside Kitten." He tried to brush me off.

"That's not my name." I snarled.

"Isn't it?" I huffed before storming back into the house. Who in the hell was that because it certainly isn't the George I remember. Then again, a lot of things are a little fuzzy to me, and people aren't who they appear to be first hand.

"Thinking about taking a swim?" Lola asked me with a smirk on her face, as soon as I made it to the computer. Did she just see that? Of course she did because she has nothing better to do than be Aurelio's cum bag. I just took my laptop upstairs with me because I was honestly over this day.


The day was passing me by, literally. I successfully finished my homework but so many things were going through my mind, like George's behavior earlier. I really need to know who Aurelio really is.. I need to know what I'm actually dealing with here. My feet move on their own, walking to the window, which has a clear view of the backyard, the pool specifically.

George swam laps and laps, not faltering for a second. I leaned my head against the window, playing with my locket, whilst staring, hopelessly.

"Good evening." I gasped, turning around fast, and praying he wasn't there long. "I was calling you." His hands were placed in his pockets, as he walked towards me, slowly. His navy blue, expensive, tailored suit fits him well.. especially around his thighs.

Did I seriously just think that?

Yes, but it's okay. We embrace it.

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't hear you." I apologized, fumbling with my fingers.

"I bet." He half smiled, stopping inches away from me. Aurelio looked over my shoulder and here I am, standing still in place like an idiot... No doubt, he could see George outside and no doubt, he saw me staring.. "Enjoying the show?"

"I wasn't- He held his finger up to silence me, which did.

"Choose your words carefully Kitten, I know when you're lying." I held my head down, unable to look him in the face. Silence surrounds us and it's suffocating. I feel like I should say something but what..

"How was the trip?"

"It was fine. I missed you."

"You did?" I asked quietly, furrowing my eyebrows. Why would he miss me? He kept me in a cage for weeks, then went out of town the first week I got out. I swear this man is so confusing, he probably confuses himself. I didn't realize I was looking down until he held my chin between his index finger and thumb.

"Mhmm." He hums, pecking my lips. My eyes were wide as saucers. That was so unexpected and sudden. Why did he kiss me? What made him kiss me? Is it about to happen now, or do he want to fuck my mind worse than he already has? I had no answers to my questions, nor did I want to ask. Aurelio leaned back into me, pressing his lips against mine once more.

It felt different, weird even, but nice if that makes sense. He steps closer, pushing me against the window. He pinned my wrist above my head tightly, making me gasp. That allowed him to slip his tongue into my mouth. It was really unexpected, all of this is fucking unexpected. But I couldn't deny the way my body felt.

I was tingling, all over and I even shut my eyes. My body that was once rigid is now pliant in his hands. After getting over the initial shock, I finally moved my lips, to match the rhythm of his. Once we started, I felt something swirling within me that I couldn't quite describe, but it felt good. 

His hands trailed down my arms, stopping at my hips before pulling away. I wasn't ready for it to be over and now I'm panting heavily wishing it would continue.

"Even better than I imagined." He whispers, kissing my jaw. I, on the other hand, could not stop staring at his swollen lips. The lips that just ravaged mine. "See you tonight." Just when I thought I was home free, allowed to sleep in my own bed. I watched him walk out of the room and finally I could breathe regularly. Out my peripheral, I could see George staring, but when I turned fully to check, his head turned just as fast. 

Did he know that George was watching?

That bastard.. he kissed me knowing George was watching .. and I allowed him.

Oh God, what's happening to me...

Is this Stockholm or something?

There's only one person that can help me in the situation, Maria.


"You kissed him!?" Maria exclaims.

"He kissed me-

"But you kissed back?" I bit my bottom lip.


"And how do you feel about it? About him?"

"That's the thing Maria, I don't how to feel.." I've been in Maria's room all morning since Aurelio left. "Nothing has changed.. I don't think anyways." I mumbled the last past to myself.

"Just don't get sucked in, okay?"

"I promise." I half-smiled, picking with my fingers.

"So how are classes?"

"We just talked about that yesterday." I chuckled, with a questioning look.

"I know, just trying to change the subject and make a better conversation." She laughs. It's a good attempt but it doesn't take my mind off him. Although the conversation change was nice, we both decided it was time to eat. Maria suggested making stew that she called Mole de Olla. I've never tried it, but it smelt amazing. 

"It's nice having you back in the kitchen." I smiled while watching Maria stir the pot.

"Yeah, I bet because you can't cook for shit." She laughs, turning the fire down a bit. 

"True." I shrug. The laughing decreases a bit as George walks into the kitchen. "Good morning."

"Good morning." He replied smoothly. His eyes met mine briefly before turning away with a pain expression. I remained quiet as he exited the kitchen with his bottled water and apple from the fruit bowl. Maria raised her brows at me but I only shrugged until he was out of earshot.

"What was-

"He saw Aurelio kiss me the other night." I sigh, feeling more conflicted than ever. I really care about George but I don't want anything bad to happen to him. If I stay away from him then maybe that can prevent it. "I don't know what to do."

"Well we definitely have to get out of this house, it's suffocating to say the least."

"Yeah, right." I bitterly chuckle. "I doubt Aurelio will let me out of this house." I rolled my eyes, hoping off the stool.

"I'll talk to him and ensure that I'll be by your side at all times."

"Good luck with that." I scoff, gulping down the rest of my apple juice. "I'm going to the pool, maybe I can relax a bit." This might be one of my only chances to swim alone while George is gone. The water felt cool as it crawled up my skin, engulfing me completely. When I resurfaced, the sun kissed my skin gently. I was about to lean backwards and float, just as I was taught before, until I heard the patio doors slide open.

Just my luck, it was George with his earphones on. I forced myself to look away, and pretended that the crystal clear water had beautiful fish in it so I didn't have to think about looking up. Maybe I should just leave. I swam to the nearest wall, lifting myself out of the pool.

"You and Aurelio are getting to be pretty close." He blurts, just as I reach for my towel.

"Don't do that." I nearly sneer. "You ignore me for weeks and the one time you decide to speak, it's to bring up some meaningless moment between Aurelio and I." 

"You didn't deny it."

"Why? Are you jealous?" I spat.

"No. Just be careful." He turns, and dives into the pool. He stayed under water longer than he usually would, on purpose I bet. I rolled my eyes, storming towards the door. Of course he rose up as I went inside. I decided to go to my room to shower. I might be getting my hopes up about getting out the house but it's all I have to hold onto. I'm nearly over this day.


"Sir, Maria is on line one." I nodded while picking up the phone.

"What do you want?" I sigh.

"I want to go shopping today."

"I care because?"

"With Rose."


"Why not?"

"Because I said so."

"Ella no es tu maldita esclava que puedes mantener encerrada del mundo!" (She's not your fucking slave that you can keep locked up from the world.)

"Nuevamente incorrecto." (Wrong again.)

"Don't be a dick, she needs a day out of the house. What can I do to make you change your mind?"

"Nothing." I chuckled. As if it's anything she can do to change my mind.


"I'm done with conversation."

"Fine, I'm sure there's a lot of thing we can talk about like your past and what you do for a living and-- 

"No me hagas cortar tu maldita garganta." (Don't make me cut your fucking throat.)

"Me estarías haciendo a favor. Damn it's just one day Aurelio."(You would be doing me a favor.) My jaw ticked as I was quickly growing agitated. I swear when she wakes in the morning, she should be thanking her father instead of God.

"You have three hours. If this is a scheme to set her free, I will find you and kill you while your lover watches." I hung up the phone, leaning back in my chair. I rubbed my face harshly, before picking up my cell and calling Brian.

"Yes boss?" He answered immediately.

"Today Maria is taking Rose out into town. I want you to go and keep a close eye. Gary will drive them, but you know how I feel about him."

"Of course." I hung up, without another word. It's funny that she cares so much all of a sudden when not too long ago, I had to restrain myself from killing her regarding Rose. Oh well, I think I got the point across.


"Oh my God, we have to go here!" Maria exclaimed.

"Are you sure you're older than me? You're more excited than I am." I chuckled as she dragged me into Victoria's Secret. Typical choice. I'm still surprised Aurelio even let me out of the house. I haven't really had the chance to process what happened between us the other day, but I found myself wanting more; although I would never admit that out loud.

The way I feel about him has been so confusing, it makes my brain hurt at times. I know I hate him but I also know that a part of me desires him.

"This would be so cute!" She exclaims, holding it up to me.

"Yeah, right." I chuckled as she held up a black lingerie set. "Who would I even wear that for?"

"George maybe? I saw you guys talking today." She peered.

"It was nothing." I dismissed, walking away. 

"So you say." I heard the clothes rack clink, assuming she put the rags away. 

"He brought up the kiss between Aurelio and I." I continued once she was in earshot. "I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about the kiss, let alone explain it to him. Not that I owe him an explanation." I vented, walking out the store. There's honestly nothing I would want in there anyways.

"Don't worry. George will get over it and you guys will be back on the same page in no time."

"Yeah.. I don't think so. Besides, it's obvious Aurelio has issues when George and I even share the same breath so I'm just going to keep my distance."

"Forget him. You should do what makes you happy. Aurelio won't be a stable factor in your life and I think George will be." It's clear that Maria doesn't like Aurelio that much. The things she says about him when he isn't around proves that much but I don't say anything about it. "Besides, what he doesn't know won't hurt him right?" She chuckles, entering the food court.

"I guess." I smiled to myself.

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