We'll Get Though This Togethe...

By Capser76570

125K 2.9K 1.5K

Ahsoka and Rex have been together for almost a year now, through many hard times like Umbara for instance. No... More

Rex's Fear
Under the Covers
In the Bacta
Med Bay
Getting to the Palace
Ahsoka vs Maul
Calm Before the Storm
Order 66
Trying to Escape
Making Up
The Plan
Chancellor Palpatine
The Missile
The Child
Sparring Match
Formation of a Plan
Kamino Pt1
Kamino Pt2
Kamino Pt3
Leaving Kamino
Leaving the Med Center
The Picture
Whatever it Takes
The Separatist Senator
The Party
Truth Serum
Plan for Escape
Home Sweet Home
Feeling Better
Sneaking Around
The Dare
The Briefing
Better Days
The News
Mess Hall
Taking a Plunge
The Woods
The Cabin
The Gurlanin
Going Back
Back on the Cruiser
Growing Pains
Back to Coruscant
Hello There
General Grievous
Just Breathe
A Little Bit of Love
Here and Now
Battle of Coruscant
Nearing the End
New Book

Highs and Lows

910 25 53
By Capser76570

Ahsoka sighed heavily and trudged into Rex's quarters. She had just gotten back from the grueling space battle and just needed a small break before going to the 'fresher to clean up. She open the door and Rex was already sprawled out on his bed, armor on and everything. She closed the door. "Hey."

Rex instantly perked up and he groaned slightly as he sat up and got out of bed. He walked over to her and Ahsoka smiled. "You're a hot mess, sweetheart." She said as she ruffled his dusty hair.

"Heh. 'Hot.'"

"You're delusional."

"Ugh, sorry. I'm exhausted, yet I can't fall asleep. And I was going to wash up as soon as I got here... but I was really tired."

"I don't..." she shook her head. "You can tell me all the details later."

Ahsoka put her hands on either side of his face and pulled him into a deep kiss. Rex put his arms tightly around her like a comforting fortress, but she pushed him away. "Wow, you stink. And you taste like dirt and blood."

Rex licked his lips. "I don't taste anything."

"That's 'cause you've burnt off all your tastebuds from the boiling hot caf you drink on a regular basis."

He snickered. "'Hot.'"

"What's is wrong with you?"

Rex let out a small laugh. "I'm a little sleep deprived."

"...clearly. You should sleep."

He nodded and unwrapped his arms around her. He walked over his bed and was about to get on it when Ahsoka cleared her throat. "You might wanna take off your armor." She pointed out.

"Ain't nobody got time for that." He said like she had accused him.

Ahsoka rose an eyebrow. "'Ain't nobody'— whatever. Fine. Sleep in your armor and get the fresh, clean bedsheets dirty. And don't forget that the commanders, captains, and a few generals are meeting up in the training hall for a discussion about the recent battle."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Rex started to take off his armor, specifically his shoulders pads, when he sighed and mumbled whatever and plopped onto his bed.

After his quick nap, shower, shave, and a little hair cut, Rex walked into the training hall about thirty minutes earlier than he needed to be and saw Wolffe was holding two cans of... spray paint? He didn't know what it was, so he carefully strode over to Wolffe to ask, but Wolffe walked over to Commander Bly, shaking the cans before spraying them all over Bly. Bly spluttered and waved his hands to clear the mist out of his face. "Kriff off!" He coughed.

A smell formed in the air and Rex realized that the cans were aerosol. Wolffe stopped spraying the cans and said, "Explain this: You have a blue girlfriend and now Fox does, so you're—,"

"I'm not contagious! And what about Rex? He has an orange girlfriend."

"I'm right here." Rex said. "And Ahsoka's not my girlfriend."

"He never mentioned Ahsoka." Wolffe commented. "And no one else has an orange girlfriend. Plus, Rex is right saying Ahsoka's not his girlfriend... she's his wife."

"Ay. No. She's not my wife, we're not t-together or anything. Why would you think that?" Rex's voice was slightly higher than normal.

"You have got to get better at lying, because holy osik you suck at it. The more you lie, the better you'll get at it. Believe me, I've lied more than once in front of Buir and have gotten away with it." Wolffe explained.

Bly and Rex looked at each other and smirked. "'Buir.'" They both said.

"Excuse me?"

"You just called Plo 'buir.'" Rex evilly grinned.

"Hey! This isn't about me! It's about Bly and Fox and their blue significant others!" Wolffe said and he sprayed the aerosol cans again.

"Gah! Stop!" Bly grabbed them out of the commander's hands and chucked them behind Wolffe, but that resorted in a crack and someone yelping. Bly's face dropped. "...kriffing hells." He muttered.

Wolffe turned around. "Who'd you hit?" But judging by the fact that Cody was looking their direction rubbing the back of his head, Wolffe made a pretty good inference and snorted. "Nice aim, vod."

Cody turned his back towards them for a minute and when he turned around, he tossed one of his hands over at the other two commanders. Wolffe and Bly scattered in an instant and Rex caught the hand. Wolffe and Bly looked absolutely mortified, so Rex figured they didn't know about Cody's little accident since it wasn't something Cody liked to share.

"Thanks for the hand, Codes," Rex called.

"Any time, vod'ika."

As soon as vod'ika came out of Cody's lips, Rex threw the hand back at his brother. The hand hit Cody square in the face and he made an ack sound. By now, a lot of the clones has their attention on Cody, Rex, Wolffe, and Bly, but when Ahsoka and Aayla ambled into the room, the soft hum of chatter refilled the room once again.

"What. The. Hell." Wolffe said as he and Bly walked back over. "Why—"

"Grenade explosion." Was all Rex said.

Bly nodded solemnly, but when he looked up, he inhaled sharply just as his cheeks turned a rosy pink. Wolffe glanced around to see what made Bly blush, but when he saw who he was making eye contact with, he rolled his eyes. "Blech, love. It's totally vomit-inducing."

"Oh, thanks. Harsh." Bly said.

"Well it is. True love my shebs. You two can keep it."

"You're such a cynic," said Rex.

"Like I wouldn't be."

Once Cody reattached part of his arm and armor, he walked over to them nodded. "Other than the fact that aerosol cans are raining from the sky," he said, "howl's it going?"

Wolffe shot him a look of pure venom and Rex grimaced. "Cody... don't." He softly said.

"Fur real? It's fine, Rex. After all, he's all bark and no bite, although he does bite people. But I'm not a coward, I won't flea from a fight."

And just as Rex predicted, the inevitable happened. Wolffe punched Cody in the face. The room fell silent again and Cody staggered back, clutching nose. "Woah," he said, "you sure pack a punch." He wiped the blood and ended up smearing it across his face.

"Cody, I kriffing swear to— oh, no..." Wolffe's cold expression dropped slightly as he crossed his arms.

Rex followed Wolffe's gaze which led to Plo Koon standing across the room looking straight at them. Rex didn't know whether to laugh or be scared. Plo made a subtly gesture with his hand towards Wolffe, come here. Of course, the commander obeyed and walked over to Plo. The two walked to a secluded corner and away from prying eyes to talk.

"Are you okay?" Bly asked Cody.

"Eh. I'm fine. I deserved it anyway, plus, it's not the first time I've been attacked by him." Cody said.

Rex rolled his eyes. "You provoke him, so obviously he's gonna attack. And if it's not the first time you've been punched and got a bloody nose, why haven't you learned to keep your head forward."

"Sheesh, sorry." One drop of Cody's blood dripped onto the floor and he sniffed hard.

Rex cringed at the horrendous sound. "Don't do that!"

"You got a tissue?"

"No. Why would I carry tissues? Just go to the Med Bay and get fixed up. We still have—" he glanced at the chrono on his wrist. "—about five or ten minutes before this whole meeting thing starts, so go."

Cody groaned. "Fine. But I swear, if I meet Kix in there, he better not do extensive treatment."

Once Cody left the training hall, Rex sighed and shook his head. "What a di'kut..." he said quietly.

"Who's a di'kut? And what happened?" Ahsoka asked.

Rex didn't realize she was next to him. She had a habit of showing up and disappearing randomly, it was sometimes unnerving. "It's a long story. I'll tell you later."


A few minutes later, some of the Jedi generals came into the room, but Anakin was the one to stack a bunch of crates and stand on them. The clones snapped to attention and the room went instantly silent. "At ease, gents." Anakin said and the clones relaxed. "I know you all are wondering why you're here, so I'll cut straight to the chase. A few senators have been putting together a bill. It's to grant citizenship to any clone who wants to leave the Grand Army once this war is over. Now, I don't want to get your hopes up, so this is why it's only the commanders and captains."

"The war, as you all know, is slowly drawing to a close. However, thatvdoes not mean there won't be any crime, terrorists, and whatnot, so many will have to stay behind. But Senators Amidala, Chuchi, Organa, and many others are working hard to present it in front of the entire senate committee to get it approved."

"I'm telling you this because if—and only if—the bill becomes official, it will most likely be chaos with the other clones. We need you to be in control of your men in case things do get a little hectic. We would very much appreciate it if you kept this under your hats. I know everyone will ask questions when you go back, so make stuff up. If you have any questions feel free to ask."

The hall was so quiet you could've heard a pin drop. No one was moving or speaking. Anakin hopped off the crates silently and looked around. "Questions?" He asked. But everyone stayed still and there was an occasional creak of armor. Anakin turned to face Obi-Wan. "Okay, you know how I can never get the five-oh-first to stop talking?"

"Just like I can never get you to stop talking?" Obi-Wan asked.

Anakin shrugged. "Touché. But I can't get these guys to talk." He faced the crowd of clones. "Come on, anyone have questions? You gotta have some things that need answered. Right?" Finally, a commander in the front slowly raised his hand. "Hah! At last. How can I help, Bly?"

"Sir, I probably speak for most everyone in this room when I say this, but how exactly do we start a new life? It's not like we have credits or any knowledge as to how to survive outside the GAR." Bly said.

"Excellent question. I guess I failed to mention that the senators are also working with the Banking Clan to get that sorted out, too. If things go to plan, the clones that leave will get a sum of credits enough to sustain them a while as a civilian. But the credits won't lost long and you'll need a job and all that. If you want, I can gather a few people to put together a little book on life outside the Army. Okay, anything else?"


"All right," Anakin clapped his hands together, "Then that's it I guess— oh! I have to go, I just remembered that I left the caf maker on in my quarters. Don't want it to burn down the place. I'll see you all later." Anakin waved and headed out of the hall.

Rex subtly leaned over to Bly and whispered under his breath, "That's basically a code for saying he's going to speak with Senator Amidala. If you know what I mean."

"Ah, I gotcha. Stealthy, huh?"

"Mmm, very."

The Jedi all started to take a walk around and talk with the clones, so that got the chatter back up. Aayla came over to Bly and they excused themselves to "talk in private." Ahsoka pressed her finger onto Rex's forearm. "So," she said, "What do you think about this?"

"Honestly? I'm trying not to get my hopes up. Not many people see us clones as individuals or people in general, so I'm not sure the bill will go through." Rex explained.

"Don't be so pessimistic," Ahsoka said, "if you don't think the other senators will agree, then send someone to convince them."

Rex scoffed. "Yeah. Like that'll work. They're so stuck-up and they wouldn't even give a damn if they knew what happens on Kamino or the Med Centers. They see us as droids, and only droids. So how can I have hope this thing will go through?"

"I understand where you're coming from, I do. Just... give it a chance, okay?"

He looked down and sighed, fully knowing Ahsoka wouldn't rest until he agreed. "Okay."

"Thank you. Now, how 'bout we sleep on this and decided how we feel when we wake up? Coming at this with a fresh mindset should clear things up." She motioned with her head and then said, "Let's go,"


I got tagged for the first time by MasterValerie, so I guess I'm doing this.

1. Sexuality - Straight
2. Gender - Female
3. Happy? - Sure, although I'm still not over a book series I finished over a month ago....
4. Last song you listened to - "Take on the World" by You Me At Six
5. Hair color - Light brown
6. Zodiac - Aires
7. Last person you kissed - Haven't even had my first kiss yet, but does my rabbit count?
8. Fav color - Blue or yellow
9. Fav food - Crab legs
10. Battery% - 72%
11. Celeb crush - Tom Hiddleston
12. Fav veggie - Broccoli (yes, I like broccoli)
13. Eye color - Blue
14. Shoe size - I'm too lazy to look at my shoes, sry
15. Dream job - Veterinarian
16. Tag 20 people (how about 5. I don't even know 20 people who write books I read on here.)-


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