"Key word: 'Useless'" Bnha Au

By BanhMiNotBanMe

42.9K 1.9K 1K

Quirkless Izuku gets his dreams crushed but he won't just stop because his Idol said so. Izuku decides to bec... More

Warnings and info
"I can start there" Part 1
"'Deku' has arrived" part 2
"Training until you collapse" Part 3
"Meeting new people" Part 5
USJ and "friends" part 6
"Uh-Oh" part 7
"Secrets slowly unravel" Part 8
The Calm Before Storm. Part 9
U.A's Sports Festival! Part 10
Familiar... part 11
He knows. Part 12
Izuku VS Todoroki (the spin off)
Thank you!

"A busy summer" Part4

3.3K 168 80
By BanhMiNotBanMe

For the next few months of school Izuku was training long and hard, passing out numerous times while still trying his best to help people with random fights. His mom was worried but she didn't stop him because he never looked so happy ever since the day he found out he was quirkless, so instead she makes sure he takes proper care of himself everyday.

Izuku had finished cleaning almost half of the beach already and right now he was just sitting on an old refrigerator, staring at his blistered hands. "I really hope I'm ready for this." He says out loud to himself.

He grabbed his backpack and jumped off the fridge and starts heading towards his home. Once he arrived he was greeted with a warm smell of many variations of food.

"Mom? Is something special happening today?" Izuku said while opening the door. There on the table was a small cake with other different types of food. "Of course there is, I wanted to congratulate you, I know I don't do this a lot since money can be a tricky thing but you were working so hard these past for months and I felt like I should at least congratulate you with some food." Inko smiled, "Do you have any friends you want to invite? If not then it's alright, I already invited three people, one of them in your self defense teacher Za! The other two were childhood friends of mine. I hope you don't mind." Inko rubbed the back of her neck. "No! It's alright mom I don't mind, after all, you did all of this for me why would I be annoyed at you for inviting your friends?" Izuku replied.

Inko went over and hugged her son, "Oh Izu, you're too kind. Now go take a quick shower, you smell like sweat and garbage." Izuku chuckled, "Alright mom, I love you" "Love you too."

Once Izuku finished taking a shower and changed his clothes he went into the kitchen and found his mom talking to two other people. "Ah, Izuku! This is Aki," His mom pointed towards a man with a funny looking hat. "and this is Frey, He's from California and recently moved here with his boyfriend because his university is here." Izuku slightly bowed and said, " Nice to meet you Mr. Aki and Mr. Frey."

Frey lightly laughed at Izuku's formality, "It's alright, you can just call me Frey you don't have to you use 'Mister'" Izuku nodded at this and he was about to say something before rapid knocking was at the door. "Oh dear," Inko giggled, "That must Za." She opened the door and there was Za, Smiling brightly. "Ooooh, Inko, You don't know how excited I am for this- There's my boy Izuku!" Za exclaimed walking over and messing up his hair. "Look at you! You have more muscles than when I first saw you, and you don't smell like sweat!" Za looked over and saw Mr. Aki and Frey. "Hello there, My name is Za, I'm Izuku's self defense teacher." Za pulled out her hand and the men shook it. While they were talking Inko smiled and walked over to Izuku. "Well come on, let's eat I'm sure you're hungry!"

"I've never seen you this interested in a student before, What'd they score?" Present Mic asked. "They scored a 92% and it only took them under 4 hours." Principal Nedzu replied. "Wow, That little listener is smart! What's their name?" Mic said looking away from the phone he was texting from.
"They put their name as 'Deku', No one has that name in any of the schools in this area that can enter Yuuei so they are either far away or they are using a nickname of some sort."
"Deku? That's a strange name to choose."
"That's exactly what I thought, but we'll find them eventually. If you hear anyone talking about someone named 'Deku' ask them about it."
"Alright, Will do. I have to get going now or else Mr. Grumpy will get mad, bye!" Present Mic yelled before leaving the school grounds.

It was around 1 am and Izuku's mother was asleep while Izuku was in his room contemplating life. Izuku grabbed a 5 foot steel pole that was decently light but also very good for whacking people on the head. Izuku laughed nervously, "As long as I don't get apart of any big villain fights I should be fine" Izuku let out a sigh, "alright, time to perform technically legal activities." He said, trying to distract himself from his nerves.

He climbed out his window and got on top of the roof. "Here's to hope that all those times I fell in parkour were worth it." Izuku got in a running stance. He ran to the edge of the roof and once he felt the edge he leaped onto the next roof, one of his legs on the side of the roof with his hands holding the railing."heheh... A-alright that wasn't too different from jumping from random objects in the beach, I got this." He said, trying to convince himself.

He was just planning to practice his roof hopping that night when he saw a girl trying to grab her bag away from a random guy. 'Uh oh, that guy most definitely has a gun.' Izuku thought seeing the object in the man's hand, 'but I can't just let her get mugged' Izuku sighed and before he could have a normal, sane thought he rushed down from the roof and sprinted towards the two.

He tried to act faster than the mugger and swiped his pole in an upwards motion, disarming the guy from his weapon. "What's this? A child trying to play hero? Beat it kid." The man said, pulling out another gun from his pocket. Izuku stayed silent and focused on the girl instead.

"Call the cops and try to stay safe." He whispered in her ear. She nodded and backed off, pulling her phone out. The guy was about to shoot the poor girl and Izuku was panicking so he started to spin his pole in a circular motion, attempting to block off the bullet and it worked. "Wow, I thought that only worked in the movies." He whispered. The bullet ricocheted off and skimmed the guy's leg. Izuku flinched slightly at the sight of blood but took this chance to tie the guy up. He took off one of his beaded bracelets that were made of really secure rope and tied him up next to a pole. Sure, the bracelets were pretty obnoxious and colorful but that was the fun in it, besides no one can see it under his dark green hoodie anyway.

When he heard sirens far off in the distance he went over to the girl and handed her her bag and said, "stay safe." He then ran off onto the rooftops and once he got to a seemingly safe spot he took off his mask and was panting from the adrenaline rush he just got from that fight.

"That was pretty decent fight over there for a new time vigilante." Izuku instantly got up and turned to the voice who said that. It was Eraserhead. Izuku's eyes widened and he tried to run away.

The Vigilante started to run away but before he could Aizawa caught by the arm with his capture weapon when he was mid air. He heard a slight pop followed by a high pitched yelp. Shouta's eyes widened his realization that vigilante could possibly be as young as 16 and he instantly tried to be more gentle. He loosened his capture weapon and asked, "Are you alright?" The vigilante took this as a chance to run and started jumping to the next roof.

'Is this kid insane? He could possibly have a dislocated shoulder yet he still runs. Tch, Problem child' Shouta thought as he ran after the Vigilante.

'OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!!!' Was all Izuku could think about as he was basically racing the pro hero he helped with missions online. Izuku, with his new found adrenaline, has never ran faster in his life, actually, he didn't know he could run that fast before.

He tried to think of a good way out. So what did his totally sane brain come up with? 'Jump off a roof and pray you live' and so he complied. He jumped off the roof, not missing the shocked face of the hero as he he went air born. While in the few seconds of falling he saw a ledge near the ground and grabbed onto it and swung himself so it made his fall less painful.

Once his feet touched the ground a surge of pain went through his ankle but he didn't stop running until he made sure the hero wasn't following him around anymore. Once he climbed through his window and into his bedroom the adrenaline was finally no longer there and the pain in his foot grew stronger. "Fuuuuuuccckkk," He whispered, Changing into his pajamas. "After all that falling I still can't land correctly." He scolded himself. He then realized the pain in his shoulder but he was too tired to care so he just went to bed and decided to ignore it and deal with it in the morning.

And now it was the morning and he had to deal with it. He told his mom that it was from when he fell off the bed at night which was very believable because his mom said she did half wake up to a thud. She just told him not to do too many things today that involved his arm and left for work.

His summer consisted of a lot of outdoor vigilance and indoor vigilance, playing as Deku and Akan. Normally he would say Deku was just an informative except for the fact that Deku has actually called a couple of heroes mid battle and gave them information of what to do, so the media decided to call him a vigilante instead. Because of the calls this led him to buying a voice changer.

He studied a lot in his breaks and spare time but even he was running out of things to learn so his mother suggested opening up a coffee shop since she now has less days of work because of the summer. So thats what they did, Izuku would usually help at front, getting people's orders, the cafe was cat friendly so although the cafe was called "Viridian Coffee shop" People would usually just call it "That one green cat cafe". He only worked less than 1 hour and 30 minutes a day because he was still just a kid in his mother's eyes but he was thankful for this since he does need a lot of time as "Deku" since being Deku was like a full time job.

Over time Eraserhead had calmed down enough so that he wouldn't attack Akan right away. He actually found Akan helpful but he would never admit it. "BOO!" A loud voice said, making Aizawa almost drop his coffee and a bag he was holding. The green vigilante clutched his stomach and started laughing, "Oh man, you should've seen the look on your face." Akan said, his voice distorted from the voice changer he had on but Eraserhead can't help but remember the vigilante's real voice and how young he sounded.

"Oh ha ha, If you wanted me to throw the stuff I got you off the roof you could've just said so." This got the vigilante to tilt his head in confusion, "You got me something?" He asked. Eraserhead nodded and handed him the bag.

"You got me boba?" Akan asked. "Well I remember you saying you didn't like coffee because it made you more tired and it was bitter so I thought boba would be the next option." The hero said, taking a sip of his coffee. "Hm, well you have good taste for boba- Gasp! Is this crystal boba? I love crystal boba!" Akan exclaimed. "...Did you just say gasp, like the word?" Akan smiled under his mask stifling a laugh.

Aizawa rolled his eyes, "I will never understand kids these days." "How are you sure that I'm a kid?" Akan questioned. "Well considering your height you seem like you're still growing but obviously I can't judge you only off of that so I'm just going to go with your extremely high pitched scream the first time I met you" Akan started stuttering, "I- Well- It is NOT high pitched." He said pouting and turning away. "Oh, and that fact that you act like a 5 year old." Akan started muttering angrily about how he was going to steal all of Eraserhead's coffee the next time he comes.

Eraser looked at his watch and said, "Alright kid, I need to get going now before my husba- before my roommate gets angry for me going out past my patrol time." Akan gasped dramatically, "The emo Eraserhead has a husband?!" "Yeah no, not dealing with this see ya later kid." and with that Eraserhead ran home while Akan was plotting something.

"Alright Izuku, you have everything right?" Inko asked again for the fifth time. "Yes mom, you already asked this a thousand times." Midoriya whined. "I know i know I just want you to do your best on the exam okay?" Inko said, ruffling her son's hair. "Alright mom, Bye! Love you!" Midoriya said as he ran out the door. Inko couldn't help but smile.

Midoriya was now walking towards the entrance exam when he saw a boy looking kind of nervous. He didn't know if he should talk to him or not but before he could decide the boy had saw him first and asked, "Hey, are you taking the hero course." "Uh, n-no." Izuku said surprised. "Oh darn, I don't know what to expect or what to do, I'm so screwed." The boy said frantically. "Well I think you should do what you think is right as a future hero no matter the situation since this IS a hero exam, sorry if that's not much help." Midoriya said. The boy thought about it for a while before smiling. He sighed, "Thanks that helped me feel a bit better, My name is Kirishima Eijiro!" "M-my name is M-Midoriya Izuku. Nice to meet you." Izuku said. "I hope you do well on your exam!" Kirishima exclaimed, walking away to his exam. "Oh uh, you too!" Izuku responded.

Izuku continued his way to the classroom where they'll be taking the test. Izuku didn't fully know what to expect but he was thinking it would be somewhat like the tests the principal had up online but actually it was quite easy. With how fast he was answering the questions he started to doubt himself because he was going a bit too fast. He made sure to skim through and double and triple check all of them but he didn't end up changing much besides 10 questions.

'Sheesh, I'm either some sort of genius or I totally just flunked this test' Izuku thought, 'knowing my luck I probably flunked it but I might as well turn it in now or never.' and with that Izuku got out of his chair and handed in the test. He was the first one out so he just kind of awkwardly sat there in silence surrounded by his own self-deprecating thoughts and doubts.

"Hey!" Izuku flinched at the sudden noise. "Aren't you supposed to be taking the exam?" One of the teachers at Yuuei asked. "O-oh. Uh, I already f-finished the exam." Izuku said. The teacher looked at him surprised then smiled. "Ah, I see, my bad, have a good day! I hope to see you in the student list." The teacher walked away.

After a while of sitting there another student finally finished their exam from a different classroom. He had purple hair and looked like he hadn't slept in years. He looked at Midoriya and said, "So... do you know what we're supposed to do?" "W-we're just supposed to wait here u-until the rest of the students are finished." Izuku replied.

"Oh, Well my name is Shinso Hitoshi." Hitoshi said, sitting next to Izuku. "My name is M-Midoriya Izuku." Izuku said, holding out his hand. Hitoshi accepted and shook it.

After a couple minutes of sitting in silence Midoriya finally broke it. "S-so, what's your quirk?" He asked. Hitoshi dreaded the moment because he knew it was coming. "Oh, it's uh... a brainwashing quirk." There was the silence he expected next he was sure that Midoriya woul-

"Wow! That's so cool! how does it work? Do you simply look at them? or do you need to touch them? How far can you go when controlling them? Like can you make them do things they didn't know how to do? Can you control their quirks-" Midoriya kept asking more and more questions leaving Shinso wide eyed. He did not expect this reaction. Midoriya thought his quirk was... cool? And not villainous?

"A-ah! Sorry! I was rambling again wasn't I? I just get excited when quirks are mentioned." Izuku said, rubbing his neck. "Oh- No, it's okay I just wasn't expecting that is all. I was expecting you to say something about it being villainous." Izuku's eyes narrowed. "Do you want to be a villain?" He asked. Shinso shook his head no. Izuku relaxed, smiling again, "Then no, it isn't a villain's quirk, because you aren't a villain." Shinso slightly smiled at this. "So what's your quirk?" He asked. "Ah- uh- well-" Izuku started before he was cut off by a bell. "Well alright students of Gen-ed!" The voice from the speaker said. "Your time is officially up and you may leave the School. We will be sending you guys letters about whether or not you got accepted. See you later! Hopefully."

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