Love And Revolution

By BonnyWannabewriter

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Hermione's life was going perfectly well, when an anonymous letter ends up on her doorstep and her world is t... More



200 10 1
By BonnyWannabewriter

It seemed like the night couldn't come any faster and when it finally did, Hermione and Snape got ready to go out. She gulped down her mandatory vial of polyjuice potion- with a different woman's hair this time- and tried to get comfortable in the new body while gearing up to venture out into the streets. She was a little surprised when he didn't take any himself but explained that they were going to meet an old acquaintance of his and that person was not going to trust just anyone with valuable information.

She hoped "this guy" would be able to tell them where they could find Abraham Townsend and he assured her that his guy was well connected and would definitely be of some use to them. He could tell them how to get in touch with Townsend, or find someone who will.

And so they sneaked out of the inn when most of the inmates were asleep or passed out drunk and they ducked into the shadows. They could have floo-ed or apparated but they weren't traveling far and Snape said it shouldn't be a problem since not many people chose to hang around Knockturn alley at night, definitely not decent people. There were still some dodgy-looking ones loitering about, but they kept to themselves or avoided eye contact with Snape if they happened to recognize him, in which case they simply scrammed.  

Hermione mostly followed behind him, due to the fact that she didn't know where she was going and she figured she couldn't have traversed the intricate network of streets in Knockturn alley even if she tried and she was glad he was leading the way. She could read a map- if only this place came with one- but Snape seemed to know the area like the back of his hand and took her down winding roads that couldn't possibly lead them anywhere. Every bend seemed like the one she just came along and every lamp-post seemed identically placed, however, Snape actually looked assured. Still, every now and then he would pause, making her heart beat all the more faster, and pricked up his ears to listen to quiet whispers in the dark, footsteps shuffling away, mewls of a stray or a gentle rev of the engine of a faraway vehicle and put one arm up indicating her to stay close and then continue when he would decide that they were in no immediate danger.

Hermione knew that they were finally close once the walls started converging in and there was only a single door at a dead-end of the road, where they were seemingly headed. As they stealthily neared it, she quit making a fist, wondering whether she should grab her wand or let it be, and finally took it out and poised it at the ready, not sure what was at the other side. Snape glanced over his shoulder once to look at her.

"You will kindly put away your wand, you are not rushing headfirst into battle," he drawled, not breaking his step or turning his head as he spoke. "I can sense your trepidation but surely even you know that if you act like an Auror while undercover it defeats the purpose of that cover. You don't know these people but I do- they certainly won't appreciate having a wand being poked at their faces. Don't be so jittery. There are far more dangerous places in this world than Knockturn Alley after dark, and you would do well to behave accordingly. You are a famous war hero- act like it."

The alley was silent and the only noise they heard was the echo of their footsteps against the buildings. Hermione wanted to point out he sounded ironic by saying that she was supposed to be undercover by acting like herself when she wasn't being herself at the moment. 

But she mumbled, "Old habits," before replacing her wand in her sleeve. 

"And let me do the talking," he said.

"So what am I supposed to be, your bodyguard?"

"No, my mistress for the night," he replied before knocking, leaving Hermione speechless and unable to get another word out before the door was answered. And she was even more surprised when she found that it was a goblin who opened the door- certainly not what she had expected.

Snape strolled in, paying no mind to him, looking as if he knew his way around, having been there quite a few times. They crossed the threshold to enter the main hall and Hermione looked around to find the place completely stacked with magical artifacts and other collectibles, like Borgin and Burkes, only smaller and it looked like the place had seen better days but had not been maintained properly. It was dank and smelly but with a closer look, she bet there were hidden gems there that people would sell an arm or a leg for. It was a shop of some kind but she wondered why this place was not situated in a more open space with window displays in order to attract more customers. Perhaps because what these people traded or smuggled were probably not legal and those who wanted to deal with outlawed and Dark-magic items had other means of acquiring information about this place.

Like Snape. He went over straight to the reception desk at the head of the room where another goblin was. Perhaps trying to compensate for their lack of height, he was seen sitting on a high chair, like the ones at Gringotts, from where he dangled his legs ten feet above the ground and looked down his crooked pointy nose at the approaching couple.

"I wish to have an audience with the Dominus." stated Snape.

The other goblin had caught up to them by now and was making a fuss about them barging in without prior announcement. "Oo do you think you are? The Dominus would not wanna see the likes o you. Be gone!"

"I am Severus Snape and I know him personally. If you would just let him know I am here, he would grant us permission-"

"And who is this woman? She your latest squeeze?"

"She's with me."

"She's guzzled polyjuice potion, that one," he pointed his gnarled fingers accusingly at her, "I can smell it on her. You're a bunch of swindlers! Cons!"

"No, please," Hermione tried to argue, "I assure you-"

"Well, if she is indeed an imposter I certainly cannot risk her meeting the Dominus." the other goblin said and turned to Snape, "But maybe only you can. Let's see- if she means nothing to you, why don't we just get rid of her? I hope you haven't grown too attached-"


The other goblin was trying to grab for Hermione who was quick to draw her wand but they all stopped as Snape's voice reverberated off of the walls. He still hadn't touched his wand because he didn't want to give the impression that they were a threat at all. He knew things could escalate quickly from that and they might never get the thing that they came here for and so he maintained his cool. He simply looked at Hermione and gave her a nod to go ahead and undo the magic of the polyjuice potion.

She was dubious but she trusted him and waved her wand over herself, revealing her true form. "Good gods! It's Granger! Hermione Granger!" the goblin went into hysterics, "If they find her here with us..."

"Please, we wouldn't have come here if we weren't absolutely helpless," she appealed, "Please, just give us what we need and we'll be on our way."

Snape addressed the goblin seated at the desk, who seemed much calmer. "We are sorry about the deceit but it was a mere precaution. I know the Dominus would never cause her harm but it's to keep her identity secret from the people outside. You know the position we are in. We just need some information."

He looked at them for a long time, judging, before he finally adjusted the glasses over his nose and remarked, "I've heard a lot about you Mr. Snape and Mrs. Weasley- pardon me, Ms. Granger," he checked whether she approved of that title before continuing, "I am sorry for your loss and believe me I would do anything to help you if I could. However, the Dominus isn't here anymore."

"Not here?" Snape said, confused, "What do you mean? Where has he gone?"

"I don't know whether you've heard but the times after the war hasn't been easy on him. He does not frequent this station often. He mostly stays at home or keeps traveling, I know not where."

"And where is his home?"

"He refused to tell me."

"He don't want us sniffing around, he said," supplied the other goblin, hobbling over to pick up a vase to polish, "He don't like to be disturbed, what's with people comin' round asking for 'im."

"Can't he make an exception for a friend?" Hermione inquired while eyeing Snape, trying to guess how close they actually were.

"Afraid not."

Snape had already turned to leave, looking dissatisfied when the goblin called out.

"However," he leaned forward on his desk, looking enticed in a mischievous way, "Perhaps something could be arranged...if you were to so desire."

Snape stared at him with his piercing eyes, realizing that the little elf was waiting for an opportunity to get something out of them on the pretext of doing them a favor. Shrewd little creatures they were.

"The service of the Dominus demands a sacrifice." he stated as if he was merely making a business proposal. Snape sighed, taking a moment to make up his mind.

"Okay, what do you want?" he took a step forward but Hermione blocked his way, saying, "No, we're not doing this. Severus, let's go. We're better off without his help."

"Ms. Granger-"

"No," she held her wand in a defensive manner, in front of herself and Snape, "I won't let you make any sacrifices for me."

"You don't understand-"

"Alright then, if you have to- take me!" she demanded to the increasingly confused goblin seated at the high chair.

Snape let an exhalation out of his mouth that was half exasperated and half amused. "It is nothing so dramatic, Granger." After which he proceeded to loosen his cravat and reach inside. He pulled out a silver chain from around his neck, with a green gemstone hanging from it, bearing an ornate serpent sigil.

The goblin nearly snatched it out of his hands and brought the candelabra closer to take a good look at it, muttering, "Now we're talking..."

Hermione could practically hear his tongue wag as he drooled over the piece of jewelry. Snape looked smug. "I hope that would be enough?"

The goblin masked his greediness for the time being and replied, "Come back tomorrow after midnight. I'll see whether I can fetch him."


On their way back, Snape filled her in on the details about the place. "It was a pawn shop but the place has gone to the dogs...but, as you saw, they are always on the lookout for rare magical items and trinkets of different kinds. The Dominus used to be our chief informer, back in my spy days...I should have known something had happened to him, otherwise, he would never have left those goblins in charge. It was a front for trading goods but the tips he gave were pretty reliable. I trust him."

"Seemed pretty precarious to me..." she mumbled.

"You don't know how things are done there. That's why I asked you to leave the talking to me. I appreciated the Dominus for his principles. The minute you crossed his threshold you are required to drop all pretense- he could see through you right away. His shop is consecrated grounds- no one is allowed to raise their wands or their voices in there."

"But what kind of a friend demands a waiver in exchange for wisdom? That is one expensive friendly visit..."

"Do you think such services can be enjoyed for free?"

"Still," she said disconcerted, "You shouldn't have wagered your chain-necklace for it. It was a family heirloom, I presume?"

He pursed his lips, "A mere price to pay for the sort of things he can tell us. And besides, I was never really attached to it...unlike with you."

She snapped her head up at him but he continued to walk ahead, keeping a lookout as they traced their steps back to the inn. Realizing he was jokingly referring back to the time the goblins were trying to throw her out, she tucked her hair behind her ears, embarrassed, wondering how she could think that he was implying something else.

"You certainly overreacted when he said he wanted something in return," he teased after a while, "Just out of curiosity, what is it that you thought he was asking for?"

After deliberating, she finally admitted, "I thought he demanded a blood sacrifice. Selling your soul to the devil...that sort of thing."

She let out a suppressed giggle in which Snape joined in and they were afraid they were going to wake up Madam Hestia, as they snuck back into the premises. But she was right where they had left her, snoring away behind her desk.

"That explains your sudden outburst," he said, once they were back in their rooms, "You were ready to throw hands, woman!"

She scoffed, sauntering to the bedroom, "I wasn't gonna let you do something like that after I dragged you into this."

"Ah, but you forget, I'm the one who got you involved in this in the first place." he remarked from outside, "But, your penchant for adventure and catastrophe...You might have an endorphin addiction, left over from what was supposed to be your childhood."

She had left a sliver of the partition open as she changed into her nightclothes and continued conversing with him. Hearing that, she snorted, "Hardly."

Pulling on her pajamas, she opened the partition back up to discover Snape over by the table. He had gotten rid of his coat and was simply in his shirt and trousers as he poured himself a drink. She decided not to point it out, lest he got too self-conscious about it, as she tucked her legs under her and sat on the bed, facing him. He must be excited about tomorrow too; it seemed, that none of them were going to get any sleep that night.

"Perhaps it's psychological," he noted with a sneer, as he took his glass and plonked down on the sofa, "You crave being important after ending up an insignificant functionary in an office that has nearly no relevance for anyone anymore."

"Oh, do fuck off," she rebuked, "If I wanted to be important I would hardly have risked getting fired from my job...Or gotten my husband killed..."

Snape grew quiet, avoiding her gaze, and was stuck between wanting to apologize and changing the subject. She didn't actually want to make him uncomfortable and neither did she want anybody's apology; she wanted to be able to speak about it as an injustice that had been done to her and which had to be avenged, without having that fact overcome by someone's pity for her.

"Why is it that you are an employee at the Ministry?" he asked finally.

"Do you remember me fighting for the improvement of the condition of house-elves? Well, I always wanted to work for a transformation of the rights of fantastic creatures and this position was available." she shrugged. "It was supposed to be a first job, not the last. A foot in the door, if you will."

"I cannot imagine that you, of all people, need a foot in the door at the Ministry of fucking Magic, what with your fame and your record and you being on good terms with Shacklebolt." he remarked.

"Bureaucracy works in mysterious ways," Hermione said with a false smile.

"You're wasting your talents there."

"Don't say that. I believed that once I got to a high enough position I would be able to work on real policy matters, like changing the pro-pureblood laws that exist even after the war. From there I could change attitudes and prevent another conflict from ever happening again. After Grindelwald fell, everyone sighed with relief, and then we got Voldemort..."

Snape clenched his knuckles. He almost blurted out, "Don't say his name!", but sufficed with an unconscious scratch on his faded dark mark.

"And who knows who will come after him? Or has already arrived, currently hiding behind the shadows," she continued, "That's why I need to do this. If I can change attitudes...Even from outside the Ministry, if I can stop this...I have to."

"If you think you will be able to change anything via the Ministry, then I have sorely misjudged your intelligence in all these years." He sat up and leaned toward her for emphasis, his eyes meeting hers. "You were not born to be a bureaucrat, Granger. I have had many disappointments about our so-called Brave New World, but among the greatest of them would be watching you while away your time behind a desk at the Ministry of Magic. You spending your career there is a waste of your talent and your brains."

She couldn't help but laugh- it was ironic because, for one, Severus Snape was actually complimenting her- which was a first- and they were talking about a job that she guessed she didn't even have anymore.

"And what would you have me do with my blessed intellect instead?" she finally asked.

"Anything but work for that corrupt body," he said instantly, gulping down a large part of his drink. The firewhiskey was firmly in his system now, and the native Northern accent he spent his life suppressing was beginning to peek through. "As much as I hate to admit it, you are one of the most talented pupils to ever grace the halls of Hogwarts. To see you as a low-level paper-pushing bureaucrat is possibly one of the greatest tragedies to which I awoke."

She couldn't help but be in awe of him; she wondered how much of it was the alcohol talking.

"I dunno...You could do well in teaching- you can command the attention and focus of a group of magical beings, so a typical Hogwarts classroom full of dunderhead specimens should be no problem for you. You would also do adequately in research and development. Your essays for my class may have been pedantic and overly-reliant on the words of a textbook and completely lacking any original thought, but there are many industries in which a 'skill' like that would be an asset."

Only Severus Snape could compliment you and put you down in a single breath, all in one sentence. She put her elbow on her knee and supported her chin over it as her mouth curved into a teasing smile. "It seems like you miss your old profession. And if I didn't know any better, I would suspect you're trying to recruit me to join the Hogwarts staff? If you actually choose to go back there, are you sure you could handle me being there all the time?"

Snape's eyes carried a wicked glint as he considered it. "First, let's see how we fare at the end of this, shall we?"

She smirked at him and then looked away, shaking her head while he hid his expression behind the rim of his glass. Strangely he realized, the thought of having her become a colleague didn't seem to bother him and he wondered  if  that was the case for her too.

"Really, though, Granger," he said, turning to her again. "I honestly would be satisfied if you chose any path as long as it required you to use that troublesome, overly-active, know-it-all brain of yours."

However backhanded it may be, he had never spoken so honestly, so complimentary, neither to her nor to anyone, at least not in recent memory, without throwing in some sort of sarcastic remark or insult to punctuate the comments. 

Hermione sat there, still, processing what he had said to her. "It was easy," she eventually said. "It was a job in which I could do well and rise up. A job where I could count on easy praise for my work. I guess you were right ...I needed praise. It was the only thing that made me still feel relevant. After all the challenges I had faced, I didn't believe I could face another in my life. I believed I had exhausted my quota for excitement and I just wanted a simple life from then on." She met his eyes and gave him a bit of a wry smile. "I suppose I had never really thought of it like that before."

They fell into a silence but she continued to watch him; his assessment of her character, his frankness in the way he had talked to her just then, his regard for her and the open honesty in his eyes. The black orbs trained on her seemed not so cold anymore.

"You know you look different when you tell the truth," she observed, "Your eyes change."

He stared at her and snorted, "Thank god, you are the only one to have noticed."


"It could've gotten me killed."

His matter-of-fact tone left her unable to say anything more. He got up to keep the glass back where it belonged and stuffed his bottles of liquor back in his satchel bag. She wondered whether he felt that the conversation was getting too intimate for him to handle or whether he was thinking about the next day now. She suddenly had a thought regarding that.

"Did you notice that a man has been following us from the beginning?"

He turned to her sharply but he didn't look surprised. So she too had caught that lone motorbike tailing them everywhere; that's what it was- the single vehicle stationed outside their inn, the silent purr of the engine which accompanied them everywhere, one headlight beam cutting through the London fog. 

"Yes," he drawled, "You're not the only one who can be observant." 

"Should we be concerned about him?" she asked.

"We should be wary of everyone. But I don't think he's a threat to us." he said, "If he wanted to attack he would've done so by now."

She crossed her arms over her chest. "Then what do you think he wants?"

Snape sported a smirk and took his time to study her closely before saying, "I'd say that you're an attractive woman, should do the math. You know, if I were to follow you, I mean, properly- you'd never fucking know."

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