Daganronpa: Broken Universes


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Trunks Brief, a normal Super Saiyain living his life as the Ultimate Sword Fighter. Until one day, he gets kn... Еще

Prologue: Nightmare Come True
Chapter 1: First Signs of Despair (Daily Life Part 1)
Chapter 1: First Signs of Despair (Daily Life Part 2)
Chapter 1: First Signs of Despair (Daily Life Part 3)
Chapter 1: First Signs of Despair (Deadly Life)
Chapter 1: First Signs of Despair (Deadly Life Truth Bullets)
Chapter 1: First Signs of Despair (Class Trial Part 1)
Chapter 1: First Signs of Despair (Class Trial Part 2)
Chapter 2: Truthful Lies (Daily Life Part 1)
Chapter 2: Truthful Lies (Daily Life Part 2)
Chapter 2: Truthful Lies (Daily Life Part 3)
Chapter 2: Truthful Lies (Deadly Life)
Chapter 2: Truthful Lies (Deadly Life Truth Bullets)
Chapter 2: Truthful Lies (Class Trial Part 1)
Chapter 3: Hope and Despair Mixed (Daily Life Part 1)
Chapter 3: Hope and Despair Mixed (Daily Life Part 2)
Chapter 3: Hope and Despair Mixed (Daily Life Part 3)
Chapter 3: Hope and Despair Mixed (Deadly Life)
Chapter 3: Hope and Despair Mixed (Truth Bullets)
Chapter 3: Hope and Despair Mixed (Class Trial Part 1)
Chapter 3: Hope and Despair Mixed (Class Trial Part 2)
Editors Note
Chapter 4: A Shining Light of Nothing (Daily Life Part 1)
Chapter 4: A Shining Light of Nothing (Daily Life Part 2)
Chapter 4: A Shining Light of Nothing (Daily Life Part 3)
Chapter 4: A Shining Light of Nothing (Daily Life Part 4)
Chapter 4: A Shining Light of Nothing (Deadly Life)
Chapter 4: A Shining Light of Nothing (Truth Bullets)
Chapter 4: A Shining Light of Nothing (Class Trial Part 1)
Chapter 4: A Shining Light of Nothing (Class Trial Part 2)
Chapter 5: Removing the Mask (Daily Life Part 1)
Chapter 5: Removing the Mask (Daily Life Part 2)
Chapter 5: Removing the Mask (Daily Life Part 3)
Chapter 5: Removing the Mask (Deadly Life)
Chapter 5: Removing the Mask (Truth Bullets)
Chapter 5: Removing the Mask (Class Trial Part 1)
Chapter 5: Removing the Mask (Class Trial Part 2)
Chapter 6: Ending Everything (??? Part 1)
Chapter 6: Ending Everything (??? Part 2)
Chapter 6: Ending Everything (Truth Bullets)
Chapter 6: Ending Everything (??? Part 3)
Chapter 6: Ending Everything (??? Part 4)
Chapter 6: Ending Everything (??? Part 5)
Chapter 6: Loading... (Part 6)
Chapter 6: Error? (Part 7)
Epilouge: Peace Once More

Chapter 2: Truthful Lies (Class Trial Part 2)

27 4 0

"Hey, guys?"

"What is it, bad haircut?" I'll never get used to that nickname. Bakugo probably doesn't even remember my real name by now.

"What if the cause of death wasn't the wood pieces?" When I said that, everyone looked to me like I wasn't even listening to the trial.

"What do you mean?" At least Violet didn't think I was insane.

"The cause of death could be something else-"

"Let me talk!" Ryuko cut me off.

"What's the matter?"

"There couldn't be any other cause of death than the wood pieces. That was the only thing."


"No! We all saw them in her body. Or did we just imagine that?" Ryuko was dead set on this and I think I had something that could prove her wrong.

Rebuttal Showdown

"What other cause of death could there be? It was the wood pieces! You're going insane through all of this!"

"Well, there could've been a different cause, don't you think?"

"Oh yeah? Do I need to hit you on the head? The cause of death was the wood pieces! Maybe you're dreaming. I mean, what other things could've killed her?" Finally, she said the thing that got my memory working.

"I'll cut through your statement." I stopped her from talking anymore.

Truth Blade Used: Revolver

"What's the problem?" She crossed her arms to me.

"After everyone left, I fell. When I was on the ground, I noticed this revolver."

"A revolver?" Ren seemed confused and I guess he didn't notice it either.

"So can we just say it was the killers?" I nodded to Usagi.

"Yeah. It probably was." Saying this, Ryuko just turned away. Guess she was done.

Seemed like most disagreed. I can prove them wrong then...hopefully.

Non-Stop Debate

"So let's say it was the cause of death. Where was she shot at?" Killua put his hands in his pockets.

"You think they shot her through the chest?" Usagi threw that up.

"Maybe they didn't shoot her at all?" Feels like Kou wasn't following us through the trial.

"Idiot. You haven't been following through at all." Ryuko input.

"You think they just shot her in the head?" At least Leaf was following through.

"I agree with that." I stopped everyone once again.

Truth Bullet Used: Hole through Head

"Leaf, you smart female."


"Leaf is right. They must've shot Midari through the head. There was a hole her head that went straight through. She was definitely shot and that had to be the cause of death."

"So what about all the wood pieces that were inside her?" Tamaki asked and I had an answer.

"It must've been used to throw us all off and give us a different cause of death."

"That bastard! I'll kill them myself!" Bakugo yelled.

"I don't wanna do another trial after this!" Usagi whined.

"Doesn't that bring us back to what Violet said?  Everyone has an alibi." Ren spoke up.

Ren was right. No matter what, it always brought us back to alibis. Although, I had a few ideas on who it might be. Two people actually...

"Hey, I think I might know who the killer is. I have two suspects." I spoke up as everyone turned to me.

"And who might those be?" Once Killua spoke, I turned to him.

"The first one is you." I heard a few gasps as I said this but not one from Killua.

"Why do you think it's me?"

"You basically asked us to commit suicide when you told us we should vote randomly." I saw a few nods of agreement to my statement.

"Yeah unless you guys wanna stay here forever."

"But what if we did listen? What if we voted wrong?" Leaf said with a worried look.

"Then I guess we wouldn't be lucky then." Killua shrugged like it was nothing.

"Then it's obviously Killua since he just wants us all to die!" Usagi yelled.

"I do still have another suspect..." I mumbled, wanting to make sure I heard what I said.

"Then let's take this attention off me and bring it to the other person you suspect."

"Bakugo." It wasn't long before I heard a few sparks coming from him after I said his name.

"WHAT?! HOW THE HELL IS IT ME?!" I heard Bakugo yell as his hand was sparking.

"Wasn't Bakugo with us in the gym?" Kanao was right but I had a different thought.

"Yeah but I'm talking about before that. Can any of us confirm that he went straight to the gym?"

"I'm confused." Leaf, you're smart but you're not helping.

"What I'm trying to say is Bakugo could've gone anywhere before he went to the gym and nobody would be able to confirm it."


"Yeah but you could've gone to Midari's room and killed her, then leave and go to the gym."

Bakugo looked pretty mad at this point and it felt like I would be the next victim. But it's a possibility. Either it's Killua or Bakugo but I'm leaning towards Bakugo.

"So who are we voting for then?" Tamaki broke the silence.

"I'm voting Killua since he just wants us to gamble it." Kou said and I saw that Usagi, Shantae, and Ren nod in agreement.

"I think it's Bakugo. Trunks did make a good point." Leaf said and as she did, Tamaki, Inuyasha, Ryuko and Violet nodded. The only ones who haven't agreed with either are Kanao, Killua, Bakugo and I.

"Can I speak?" I heard Kanao and nodded to her.

"I don't think it's Bakugo or Killua. I have a different idea." We all looked to Kanao.

"What is it?" I asked and she looked to everyone with a straight face.

"It could've been a suicide."
"Trunks Brief, the Ultimate Sword Fighter....no...Killua Zoldyck, the Ultimate Assassin...not him...Usagi Tsukino...nope." He read the files out loud before the door opened and Kyoko walked in, holding another.

"Makoto, you alright?"

"I can't find a certain file. If I'm right, they're the mastermind of this whole thing."

Kyoko walked over to his desk and set down the file she had. Makoto took the file and opened it, looking to Kyoko.

"Didn't know you had this."

"Sorry. Took it when you weren't looking." Kyoko chuckled as Makoto started reading the file out loud.

"$&8*%%]*{~=, the Ultimate $&*^[%\\=}." Makoto read so that Kyoko could hear.

"You think they're the mastermind behind this all?"

Makoto nodded. "My question is how did they get everyone to our universe."

Kyoko was about to speak but was cut off by the door opening and Byakuya walked in with another behind him.

"Hey, Togami. Who's that behind you?" Makoto asked. The guy had an odd look. Purple scarf, black coat and pants and a scar around his eye. He had some kind of earring, too. His hairstyle was strange and he had bandages around one of his arms.

"This guy should know a thing or two about universes. Or from what I've been told." Togami answered, moving out of the way so that the guy was in full view.

"I am-"

"Just say your name and don't do that ridiculously long introduction." Togami was quick to cut him off.

"Just call me Gundham Tanaka." He blatantly said.
"A...suicide?" I hesitantly said in disbelief.

"Think about it. Everyone has an alibi that everyone could more or less back up. Don't you think Midari just committed suicide?" Kanao did have a point.

But...Midari killed herself? It's hard to believe it but she's never spoken so we wouldn't know how she's feeling.

"Does that mean...we vote for Midari?" Inuyasha was just as shocked as the rest of us.

"Do we all agree?" I looked around as everyone nodded.

"So let's close this."

Closing Argument

"It was probably earlier so I guess we can say around 5:00 to 6:00am. Midari was probably in her room, already planning her murder. It's unclear how she did get a revolver but it was probably her own that she brought here without Monokuma noticing. She most likely got wood pieces from somewhere and sharped them enough to be used as a weapon. She probably stabbed them into herself and she probably wanted us all killed since it would've thrown us all off and give us a different cause of death. The rooms are soundproof so nobody would be able to hear her scream. She must've taken the revolver and shot herself in the head, causing the hole and making the bullet go straight through her head. The second she shot herself was the second I woke up. And everything from there played out until Ren found the body. Although, it's unclear who dragged the body out from under the bed.

"And this was the end of the killer, Midari Ikishima."


"Midari...killed herself..." Usagi looked to the ground.

"She really did it...and she tried to throw us all under the bus with her..." Inuyasha had some sort of pity but was still probably just mad.

"So...we just vote Midari, right? Even if she is dead?" Tamaki looked to Monokuma who was laughing.

"Yep! Suicide or not, you still have to vote the killer! You guys wanna vote now?" We all looked to Monokuma as we nodded.

"We're ready to vote, Monokuma." I said, trying not to show pain in my voice.

"Then let's get voting! Will you vote the correct person? Or the dreadfully wrong one? Phuhuhuhu!" Monokuma laughed as we all voted.
"All the votes have gone to Midari and....you're all correct!" It felt like my heart skipped a beat when Monokuma said we were correct.

"Midari's killer...was herself." Monokuma had a grin on his face.

"She really killed herself..." Ryuko was in as much disbelief as everyone else.

"But why....what reason did she have to?" Inuyasha got on his knees and punched the ground.

"The bitch was trying to throw us all under the bus...." Bakugo mumbled.

"And she wanted to get us all killed.." Leaf looked down.

"But hey...there's nobody to execute right? Since...the killer is already dead..." Kou was right. There was nobody to execute if the killer was dead already.

"Phuhuhuhu! I have someone to take her place!" Monokuma laughed. Who was it? Midari was the killer and she's already dead.

"A little against my rules but this person deserves it after taking what I took from them..."

"Someone took something from you?" Tamaki said as we were all confused.

But then I realized...they took something from him...no, no, no, NO!

"I have a very special punishment for the Ultimate Trainer!"

"What?" Leaf looked towards Monokuma with confusion.

"MONOKUMA, WAIT!" I yelled out.


"MONOKUMA, NO!" It was all too late.

Leaf has been found guilty. Time for the punishment!

Leaf had dropped through the floor as the falling girl was shown on the screen. She had dropped and fell  into what looked like a forest scene. Looking around, there seemed to be some friendly animals but their eyes turned red as they all started growling. Tigers, Cheetahs, Monkeys, Bears, Birds and so much more. There were Pokéballs by her and she knew what her objective was.

Gotta Catch 'em All!
The Ultimate Trainers Execution

Leaf grabbed the Pokéballs and stood up, running away from the animals that chased after her. She threw one at a bear and the bear had disappeared into it. She had a smile on her face as she continued running. What she didn't know is that it had broke out of the Pokéball. She continued to throw all of them at the animals before they all looked like they were caught. I smiled, knowing that Leaf could survive this. That's when Leaf heard growling and turned around only to see a tiger leap right at her, tackling her and pinning her. The other animals broke out of the Pokéballs and tackled her, too. I don't know what happened but once the animals stepped away, it was just bones and a hat that belonged to Leaf.
"L-Leaf..." I stuttered out.

"What...the fuck...?" Bakugo mumbled.

"WHY DID YOU KILL LEAF, MONOKUMA?! SHE WASN'T THE KILLER!" Inuyasha yelled out but all Monokuma did was laugh.

"Phuhuhuhuhu! Leaf took Midari's place in execution because she stole something back that I took from her. And those things did a number on me."

"What are you talkin' about?" Ryuko looked like she was holding back tears.

"She had this team of 6 called...what was it? Pokémon? Yeah, that's it. I took them because they kept attacking me and they could be used to escape." Monokuma got a memory rolling in my brain and everyone else got the hint.

I was the cause of Leaf's death.

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