Chapter 3: Hope and Despair Mixed (Daily Life Part 1)

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"Good morning students! It's 7am meaning it's morning! So wake up and get the day started!"

Monokuma's voice already ruined my day. It has been a day since Midari and Leaf died. Midari had committed suicide but Leaf...she was wrongly executed. I had taken something from Monokuma by accident and...I was the cause of Leaf's death.

I remembered that Leaf never took Pichu to the trial with her. And I knew that I couldn't keep Pichu alone forever. Just in a tank top and shorts, I dragged myself out of bed and cracked open my door.

Nobody was out so I quickly opened it fully and closed it, quietly going through the halls until I reached Leaf's room door. Hesitantly, I tried opening the door and it surprisingly worked. I walked inside her room and looked around.

Her room was simple and it was nice. I went by her bed and kneeled down, pulling over the covers to look under the bed. Luckily, the Pokéball was there. I grabbed it and quickly went out, closing the door behind me.

I flew over to the bathhouse and quickly went in. I didn't want to be seen like this. I got on my feet and pressed the button on the Pokéball, throwing it as Pichu appeared and looked at me confusingly.

"If you can understand me...well, Leaf is..well, dead."

I knew that Pichu understood me since I noticed it had a sad expression on its face. I was just as sad as it but I could never tell it that I was the cause of her death.

"Stay here for a bit, ok?" I flew out so I could get dressed and get something to eat for me and the Pichu.

I was quick to go to my room and come out with better clothing on. Soon, I was walking to the cafeteria and I walked in.

All eyes turned to me and they weren't friendly, either. They were all cold towards me and it felt like they were all trying to scare my soul out of me. I just saw at one of the seats and the eyes didn't turn away. Everyone understood that I was the one who killed Leaf.

"Uhm..." I wanted to start up a conversation.

"Don't talk to me, you killer." Inuyasha crossed his arms and looked away.

"You killed Leaf." Tamaki just said. He didn't even show emotion in saying it.

"But guys..." I tried standing up for myself but I just kept quiet.

"You were the cause of her death." I was surprised when Shantae was against me.

"I just don't wanna talk to you..." Usagi mumbled, still eating.

"Come on..." I looked to Violet and Ren but even they wouldn't talk or glance to me.

Maybe everyone was right. Maybe I was Leaf's cause of death. I guess I did kill Leaf. It's all my fault. I should just do what Midari did. I should've just gave the Pokéball to Monokuma and I could've avoided everything.

This was all so dumb. Everything is my fault.
"So...Monokuma took people from other universes for a killing game?" Gundham sounded surprised after Makoto explained everything.

"Yeah. We're all shocked. This goes beyond everything we've heard of. Glad we found a way to revive you." Makoto put his hand on his forehead.

"We're trying to figure out how he did it." Kyoko was going through more papers.

The people in the room were Byakuya, Kyoko, Makoto, and Gundham. They were all trying to figure out how Monokuma got everyone from different universes.

"Hm....this is something beyond my power and understanding..." Gundham mumbled to himself.

"The mastermind, $&^[%]^[*~•, probably has something to do with this. This is their fault." Makoto picked up a paper which had information of the mastermind.

"I'm figuring this out somewhere else. Three more people will come in soon." Byakuya walked out, closing the door.

"Three more?" Makoto said confused.

"They were in another killing game from what I've been told." Kyoko informed him as she picked up three papers, sliding them to Makoto.

"Gundham, you're dismissed." Makoto said, reading the papers.

Gundham nodded as he just walked out of the room.

"Hey, we were called here?" A boy said as he walked in with two others behind him.
I blinked my eyes opened. Turns out, I had fallen asleep in the cafeteria. Everyone was gone and I was alone. Nobody had even tried waking me up. I guess I was hated here. Right...I killed Leaf.

I stood up and walked out, going into the halls. Soon, I heard some noise and looked to my left. Inuyasha was running pretty quickly from something. At first, I assumed it was Monokuma but then I saw him jump.

Kanao swung her katana thing at Inuyasha and he had just missed it. Then I had to take the time to remember both of their ultimates.

"Come on! Quit it already!" Inuyasha yelled, constantly jumping from Kanao's swings.

"Hey....guys..?" I tried talking but all Inuyasha did was scowl at me and slowed down, coming to stop with Kanao stopping behind him.

"What do you want, you killer?"

"I just wanna say..." I looked to Kanao who just looked away.

"You don't get to have a say in this!" Inuyasha grabbed the collar of my shirt and slammed me against the wall.

"Gah! Just-"

"No! Shut up! You got Leaf killed, you killer!"

"I didn't...mean to.." I mumbled.

"Shut up! Why not you go join Leaf?! You got her killed! You deserve this!" He lifted me up and threw me roughly next to Kanao. She just looked at me.

"Ow..." I grunted, sitting up.

"Face it, Trunks. You're gonna be alone for the rest of the time here." He looked at me once more before walking away.

"Kanao...come on..." I don't know why but I expected her to hold out a hand for me. Nope. She glanced to me before she walked away.

I punched the ground. Everything up to this point....was for nothing at all. This was all just dumb. Leaf, I'm so sorry I got you killed. This was my fault. I'm so dumb. At this point, I couldn't think.

"Leaf..." I mumbled before standing up and going back to my room. I'll just lock myself in there until I starve.

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