Sincerely, Yours (Dreamnap)

By RiotWritesStories

48.8K 1.7K 1.8K

Dream and Sapnap are having fun being roommates and doing roommate things until they start to notice their dy... More

"What was that?"
"Your voice sounds like honey"
"Sapnap, can I talk to you?"
The letter.
Is this betrayal?
Sapnaps letter...
A Trip, A Lock Box, And A Word.
The Day Before The Meetup
Karl's house
update :)

Dear, Nick.

4.4K 150 61
By RiotWritesStories

     "So..." Dream says after an endless silence. Yet just as dream can finish pronouncing the letter "T" Sapnap's phone goes off with a loud ring. "I'm so sorry" Sapnap says sincerely as he looks down to see that his sister is calling him. "No no go ahead I'm sure its important" Dream says slightly relieved. Minutes go by and Sapnap's expression grows grim. After he's done on the phone he looks up at Dream who had been patently waiting on his phone. "Dude, I have to go back to Texas. For a while. Not long, maybe 2 weeks at most." "Why?" "My sisters house was destroyed by a storm yesterday. She has a place she can stay until it's fixed but she can't move in for a week or two so I have to go to back to my apartment and stay with her there until she can move into her temporary place. I called my apartment building and they said the only way she can stay at my place is if the person who purchased the apartment is there with her. That person is me. Ill be back once shes all set to move to her new place." Sapnap explains to Dream. "But you live here why are you still paying for your old apartment?" Dream asks. "I'm not, I payed this months rent before I moved in here and so I technically still live there for another 3 weeks. But again, I'm so so sorry"

     "Dude it's okay, please go help her. Just promise you'll come back when she's all good to go?" "I promise Clay. I love living here with you and as long as you're okay with it I'll be back." Sapnap tells Dream in hopes Dream isn't worried about him leaving. "When do you leave?" "Tonight" Sapnap replies with a sigh. "Okay. Do you need help packing?" Dream asks with concern. "No no I just need clothes so I'll just pack a small suitcase." "Well, you better get to it then I guess" Dream says kind of dissapointed that Sapnap has to leave.

     Sapnap gets up and starts packing forgetting about his problems for a moment and starts to head back home.

                          (A day later)
//A text conversation between Sapnap and dream Sapnap is italics, Dream is nornal text //

Hey dude did you make it home safe?

Got here a few hours ago settling in now.

Oh ok everything ok? hows your sister?

Everything's good, Shes okay. A bit scared but okay.

Thats good. Any word on how long youll be gone?

Not yet. All i know is its gonna be at most 2 weeks.

Oh okay, well if you need anything i got you.

                       (A couple days after)
As the days went on as Sapnap was in Texas again Dream started to miss him a lot. He had just figured out, or at least what he hoped to be the beginnings of figuring out what his feeling truly were for his close friend. He felt empty without him. Even though Dream knew Sapnap was coming back soon he felt like what he'd longed for for so long was ripped away from him within seconds. But at least he was still able to text Sapnap... right?

    Then his phone goes off... Its a text from Sapnap.

The building just lost power. idk whats going on. Front office said its gonna be like this for a while. My phone is only at 12% so im gonna be MIA for a while.

Okay dude. That sucks. stay safe ok?

Okay, talk to you soon. Dont miss me too much ;)

     As Dream read Sapnap's last message he felt a blanket of sadness fall over him. He felt even emptier now that Sapnap was gone and not only was it just from the house but from speaking to Dream in general.  Dream felt incomplete and felt restless. He hadn't felt that way in... ages. But the last time he did his therapist had told him what to do. Wow, he hadnt thought about katie in a while. Katie was his therapist by the way. He'd been seeing her since he was young. She always knew how to so called "Fix" him. Now wether or not she just knew because it was her job to or because she related, Dream didn't know; nor did he care to find out. He liked to believe sometimes that she just understood his brain but he always convinced himseld otherwise. He thought back to the last time he missed someone so. Katie had told him to write. To write everything he felt, especially if he couldn't talk to someone about it. Now that never helped him but what did was when he wrote to people. So, that's what he chose to do.

      Frustration hit Dream like a bus. Suddenly he was searching all through the house for a single sheet of paper. He had used his computer for writing stuff for so long that he never needed paper so it was all just stored away in random spaces. After a bit of searching he had everything he needed. What do I even write? He asked himself. After a few moments of thinking he decides to just write what comes to heart and if it needs to be rewritten later, where his emotions are out, so be it. He didn't plan on giving Sapnap the letter ever but he figured he would, just like he had done in the past, keep the note until he was ready to let go of the feelings written on it and then he'd burn it or rip it or something distructive.

  Dream sat at his kitchen table. Tears of frustration starting to finally flow although he had felt them coming for a while. They were hot on his face. He felt each one warm his cheeks as they rolled down. His eyes stung, for he hadn't cried like this in a while. He began to write. His handwriting sloppy but still legible.

     Dear Nick....

- x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x -
Another AN :)

Hi everyone i just wanna say thank you all for 200 reads and for yall getting me to number 4 under the dreamnap tag. Youre all so amazing and i appreciate every single one of you. I plan on publishing new chapters every few days but ive been quite busy. But again thank you guys so much

Please remember not to over work yourself but to push your limits just enough to improve with things like eating or drinking water because you are so deserving. Remember that you are so loved and theres always going to be someone there for you you just need to look for them if its not already obvious who that person is.

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