Shattered Illusions (ON HOLD)

By CodeNameFanGRL

90.2K 3.2K 1.8K

Karly was a big-time Transformers fan. Having used Transformers as a crutch to deal with the roughness of the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (Updated)
Chapter 4 (Updated)
Chapter 5 (Updated)
Chapter 6 (Updated)
Chapter 7 (Updated)
Chapter 8 (Updated)
Chapter 9 (Updated)
Chapter 10 (Updated)
Chapter 11 (Updated)
Chapter 12 (Updated)
Chapter 14 (Updated)
Chapter 15 (Updated)
Chapter 16(Updated)
Chapter 17(Updated)
Chapter 18 (Updated)
Chapter 19 (Updated)
Shattered Illusions going under some changes
Chapter 20 (Redo)
Chapter 21

Chapter 13 (Updated)

3.3K 130 85
By CodeNameFanGRL

        I had fallen asleep during the ride back. I don't know how long Sides took to drive back, but when we finally made it to the Nemesis, rather than stopping at the entrance he drove straight to his quarters. I had awoken around the time he was driving through his door. It slammed shut making me flinch then I frowned when the lock snapped into place.

"Sides?" I questioned.

He said nothing, so with a shrug I open his door and walked around the front of him to go to my section of his quarters, things didn't go as planned.

Suddenly I find myself wrenched back and pinned to the hood of Sideswipe's alt with his holoform hovering above me with glowing dark crimson eyes that sent a current of heat to my core. The drowsiness I felt was now gone.

Sideswipe ran a hand up my side softly and gently as he began to pepper kisses along my neck and collarbone, before i could help it a low groan escaped me. A growl seemed to rumble in his chest before the sound of fabric ripping could be heard. My t shirt was ripped down the middle and was now spread out over Sideswipe's hood. I gasped at the cold air and then blushed as his head dipped down to kiss above my breasts in an almost teasing manner.

"You're mine sweet-spark, all, mine~" His voice was velvety and deep, it sent a flurry of emotions through me as I stared up at him in surprise. He cupped my cheek and kissed me deeply, instantly my eyes closed as he held me close.

I squirmed slightly under him as a hand lightly grazed over my thigh sending a buzz though me, I bit back a moan and whimpered. Suddenly he took a hand to my breast and began to massage it though my bra, instantly I arch to him with a moan as I look up at him with hazy eyes.

His eyes still as beautiful as ever, and they were almost hypnotic. They regarded me with a softness I was still only getting used to but they were also dark with something I could only place as arousal.  I bit my lip a bit shyly.

His eyes darkened more as he slipped a hand under my bra and took a warm calloused hand to my breast. A treacherous moan escaped me as I arched to his touch, my common sense leaving me as I continued to stare up at him.

I shot up and wrapped my arms around him and slammed my lips to his in a heated kiss, a moan escaping me. Sideswipe, no doubt surprised was frozen for a moment before he began to kiss back with need and desperation, his touch and kissing like that of a starving animal.

"I want you Karly, I want you so bad. I want your body, I want your love, I want everything." He said in an almost beg.

"My spark yearns for you, its maddening, I can't take it anymore." He said with a slight growl making me shiver.

He pulls my shirt and bra off of me suddenly, then the rest of my clothes, I soon find myself sprawled out over his hood, naked.

His eyes were going all over my body before he leaned in and began to kiss my scars making my heart leap and my eyes water slightly.

Don't cry damn it!

I couldn't help it, I always yearned for someone to love me and want me as I am, to kiss my scars and my pain away and fill me with their love.

I began to cry heavily and Sideswipe freezes.

"I love you." I hick hugging him tightly, clinging to him desperately, afraid he'd disappear from my grasp.

"You can have me, I'm yours, just don't leave me ever." I sniffle before kissing him passionately, any hesitation I once had was melting away.

 I began to run my hands along his torso. My hands feeling every dip and ripple of muscle on his body. His skin was beautifully tan and scars littered his body, but despite the scars, he was still so perfect in my eyes. My hands ran down along his abdomen and I paused.

Jesus Christ he was ripped.

I pulled his shirt off, Sideswipe stares at me before he gasps as i run my hand over the scar on his chest. I stare at him a moment before kissing it like he had kissed my scars. He groans, and pins me back down to his hood and looks me over before suddenly latching his mouth onto my breast as he begins to lick over my bud, I moan before gasping as he begins to rub my womanhood, and instantly I let out a louder moan.

He growls in delight as he continues to rub me, I squirmed and writhed under him moaning and whimpering softly and continuously. He smirks down at me as I feel a shift in the air. He leans in close to my ear.

"Wake up Karly."

I stare at him in confusion, a sense of disillusion hitting me


"Karly wake up, we're here."

I jolt awake with a gasp and look around. I find myself sitting in Sideswipe's alt at the entrance of the Nemesis. I feel disappointment seep into me as well as beginning to blush.

I can't believe I had a dirty dream about Sideswipe!!!

"Are you alright?" He questioned curiously, I got the feeling he knew but didn't say anything.

I blush deeper and scramble out of his alt and run towards his quarters, not once stopping.

My God this was so fucking embarrassing!!

Once I was inside his quarters I run to my section of the room only to freeze. My whole area was remodeled. There was a bed, a dresser, a TV and game station, as well as a number of other things. Then I immediately took note of a new human sized door, curious I walk over towards it and go inside. Instantly I grin, a bathroom, it wasn't fancy or anything, it was just a simple bathroom with a bathtub/shower, a toilet, and a sink.

I bet Sides had the Constructicons do it for me. I felt my heart squeeze and I got a little choked up at what they did for me. This, this was probably the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Having this, made it feel even more like this would forever be my home. At this I finally started to cry silently in happiness.

"What do you think?"A voice questioned, startling me.

I whirl around before relaxing seeing Sideswipe.

I smile with a pathetic sounding laugh, he seems surprised at my reaction and looked concern until he seen I wasn't actually upset.

"Words can't even describe how wonderful this is...Thank you." I move closer to him and lean into his pede, small happy laugh escaped me as I look up at him.

He suddenly picks me up and brings me to level with his face. I stare into his optics as he stared back at me, I rest both of my hands on his cheeks as I continue to stare into his optics. I smile before hugging his face making his optics widen and flash in slight surprise. I suppress a giggle at the rev he made that sounded like a purr, and pull away.

"Why are you and your brother against one another?" I questioned, and instantly his optics hardened.

Great way to ruin the mood Karly....

"He betrayed me, Optimus even said that it was him that had told him of my supposed wavering loyalty to the Autobot cause." He growled with bitterness.

"But what if Optimus lied? He's obviously a manipulative bastard! You can't believe him on that!" I protest.

He looks away.

"He was right, because I thought the same, but the next battle i fought as a Decepticon proved me wrong." He said as I frowned.

"Your twins, you two can't fight one another, if one dies so does the other. You two need each other! Please, you have to at least talk to each other." I try to reason 

He puts me down.

"Forget about it Karly." His tone suggesting the conversation was over as he left the room.

I stand there watching him before I sigh and make my way to my bed. I sit down then kick my shoes off and pull off my pants as I grabbed a pair of boxers and put them on. Laying down I sigh once more before groaning into my pillow in frustration. 

 I'm determined to bring the two back together!

Their Sideswipe and Sunstreaker for Primus sake! You can't have one without the other!

With that thought in mind I allow myself to fall into sleep.

        i found myself in my old house, the one my parents had died in. I look around in puzzlement at the empty and dark room.

"Karly?" I voice questions and I look over only to look into the faces of my parents.

My eyes widen in shock, and I freeze up, unsure how to act. Before I could make a move to embrace them or even attempt to say anything, my parents' forms grow bigger and shift till Sideswipe and Sunstreaker are standing before me.

"Heya Cookie~" Sunstreaker winked while Sideswipe stared at me silently with a look that made my heart leap.

"What are you tw....?" I try to question until I'm cut off by the sound of something cutting through metal.

My eyes widen in horror as I watch both of the twins fall to their knees, a large blade poking through each of their chests. Energon spatters to the ground, and they collapse with a crash as Optimus and several of the Autobots stood behind them, towering over the twins and I with smirks on their faces as their laughter I noticed they were letting out turned deeper and more demonic.

I let out a scream as I run to the twin closest to me, Sunsteaker. I clamber to the top of his chassis and look down at him sobbing hysterically.

"SUNSTREAKER!!!" I scream as his optics flicker then become black.

I then run to Sides, desperation in me as I try to get to him, but he seems to get further and further away from me. I have my hand outstretched towards him as I run as fast as I can, trying to reach him.

"Save me." He choked as he keep getting further.

I scream for him to come back as I push myself harder till I trip and fall. As I try to get up I spot Optimus standing over Sideswipe with the barrel of his cannon pointed at Sides's helm.

I scream in anguish and desperation.


I fly up into a sitting position with a loud cry as I hold my head, my body trembling as I begin to sob heavily. My heart hammered in my chest and my breathing was erratic. Just when I was about to look around for Sideswipe out of fear the dream was true, I feel a pair of strong arms lift me up and wrap me in a warm embrace. I look up into Sideswipe's holoformic eyes and I wrap my arms around him as I sob heavily while hugging him tightly. He rubs my back soothingly as he kissed my shoulders gently and soothingly.

"Its okay, I'm here." He crooned kissing up my neck with an emotion I was foreign to having directed at me.

"Your okay, your safe my femme, no one will harm you as long as my spark burns within its casing." He said hugging me tighter.

I begin to relax, the embrace he had on me bringing me sense of security. I nuzzle into his chest, my body tingling and buzzing with his touch. Sideswipe rubs my arm soothingly then kisses my forehead as he lays down on my bed with me still in his arms.

"Rest my femme, I will watch over you." He whispered.

"No, I want the real you." I mumble and he nods before his holoform fizzles away, a moment later a warm servo gathers me up. I stare up a Sideswipe as he carries me to his berth. He carefully lays down and then sets me down on his chassis. I found a spot that was just above his spark and laid down and got comfortable. With the sound of his spark thrumming I was quickly lulled into sleep.

The next morning I awoke to find myself laying in my bed. I felt a bit disappointed at that, but didn't linger on it too much, I knew Sideswipe had things to do.

I guess that will give me time to explore the Nemesis and find the perfect spot to start training for the fighting rings. I need to build up on muscle and agility, other wise I'd have no chance of winning. Sure I knew how to fight, but I needed to have more than just knowledge.

So with that in mind I begin my little mission.

After about an hour of exploring I find a vacant room, and once making sure no one was using it for anything I begin to write a list of things I needed.

        By the end of the day I had the room filled up with cheap self-made stuff along with a few things I had the constructicons make for me.  Once i was finished, I immediately I began to work out and train myself. For the next several days I pushed myself to my limits, doing different workout routines and learning different self-defense moves through youtube to sharpen my knowledge. I worked and worked and worked until I felt confident enough in my abilities to take on my first fight.

I managed to have Bomb take me out to the city and drop me off. Assuming that I would walk to the mall, she drove away. Once I was sure she was out of the area I began to walk towards the fights, a bag in my hands of the clothes I would wear alongside a mask. They were not they best costume by any means, but for the night they would do.

Finding a place to get changed, I get dressed in the black sports bra and black shorts I picked out and held a plain leather mask that only covered my mouth and nose tightly in my hand. I throw my bag over my shoulder and finish my walk towards the building the fights were held it.

Finally inside the building, I go to the office and sign in.

"So you did show up." The man grunted watching me.

I nod.

"I said I would." I shrug with a dark tone as I choose to fight in only one fight, just to see if I was able to handle it.

I leave before the man could say anything else, and silently began to make my way down stairs and below ground. Underground was where the fights were held, above was a simple 'office' and in a 'closet' was the stairway downstairs. Once I made it down there, I notice a few people eyeing me with curiousity, but I pay no attention as I sit down and wait for my fight.

If I won I'd have 1000 dollars for sure plus the bet money which could add up to an extra 3000 dollars if i was lucky.

Let's hope everything doesn't go to complete shit.

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