Little Red (Twisted Dark, #4)

By AMLKoski

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Twisted Dark, Book IV ~~~ Red had left the Covens for a reason. She hadn't liked the rules and inste... More

Warnings of the Woods
Revenge of Red
Chapter One: Chaos
Chapter Two: Ease of Magick
Chapter Three: Mama Sorceress
Chapter Three: Mama Sorceress: Part Two
Chapter Three: Mama Sorceress: Part Three
Chapter Four: Oracles
Chapter Five: Protecting Our Own
Chapter Six: Hard Truths
Chapter Seven: Confrontations
Chapter Seven: Confrontations: Part Two
Chapter Seven: Confrontations: Part Three
Chapter Eight: Little Red
Chapter Ten: Guessing Motives
Chapter Eleven: Feral Soul
Chapter Twelve: Back to Hunting
Chapter Thirteen: Calling for Help
Chapter Fourteen: Blood Magick
Chapter Fourteen: Blood Magick: Part Two
Chapter Fourteen: Blood Magick: Part Three
Chapter Fifteen: New Life
Chapter Fifteen: New Life: Part Two
Chapter Sixteen: Reverence
Chapter Seventeen: Pissed Off Witches
Chapter Eighteen: New Heights
Chapter Eighteen: Part Two: New Heights
Chapter Nineteen: Honoured
Chapter Twenty: Back to Business
Chapter Twenty-One: Attempt to Conquer
Chapter Twenty-Two: Morning After
Chapter Twenty-Three: Making Deals
Chapter Twenty-Four: Family Matters
Chapter Twenty-Five: Killing Instinct
Chapter Twenty-Six: Roads to Take
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Choice to Make
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Something Blue
Epilogue: Never Ever
~ Playlist ~

Chapter Nine: Maybe

1.8K 207 36
By AMLKoski

I stared at the werewolf with half parts amusement and irritation. He was walking on the edge of me patting him on the head or sending him through as many trees as I possibly could before he died. He shifted his weight, a slow and lazy grin crawling across his face. "And just who is it that ye are looking for?" The were slowly shifted his weight before leaning against a tree. He raked his eyes of me again and I did the same. He was broad but not as broad as some weres I had seen but he was definitely cockier than most. Not half bad to look at either. I always did approve of men who weren't afraid of a little pain, if the hoops along the shell of his ear and the tattoos crawling up his neck were anything to go by.

"I don't recall that being any of your fucking business." I drawled it out and his smirk deepened. So it seemed the werewolf liked someone being combative. I wanted to grin at that. There was something about someone who enjoyed combativeness. It just made me feel all sorts of happy inside. But if the werewolf wanted a fight I would damn well give him a fight to write home about.

"It's my territory, little red. Means it's my business." His voice was slightly accented, it was slightly noticeable and I wondered where the fuck he had come from where he had it. It wasn't like accents were normal in our world.

However I shifted my weight back onto my left hip, staring at him intently. "I'm standing on it, were, that makes it my territory." I gave him a grin that was more tooth than grin and his eyes seemed to light up at it and he gave me his own toothy grin. He really seemed to enjoy my combativeness and wasn't that just fun?

"Is that so?" He seemed eager and I gave him a slow blink before I nodded. I stood on it, it meant I wasn't trespassing because that meant it was my territory. "But ye are looking for someone?" He stressed the words, keeping a rather predatory look on me. He was being playful, I could tell but the damned werewolf wanted information from me and I was just ornery enough that I wasn't about to tell him what I was after or who.

"Wouldn't you like to know, fido?" I lifted my chin and his dropped his arms from his chest before placing both his palms right above his heart, giving me a rather playful but imploring look.

"I would absolutely like t' know." He said it so sweetly I wanted to gag at it.

"Shame I won't be telling you then." I buffed the nails of my right hand on my jacket and then inspected them. "Die mad about it." I threw him a look and he returned his arms back to being crossed over his chest.

He shook his head slightly, crossing his leg at the ankle as he leaned against the tree more. "Mad? Nah, little red, I am curious what had got ye running around like your lost in such a dark and dangerous Forest." He smirked at me slightly, that feral, animal wildness gleaming in his eyes as he studied me.

I gave a heavy scoff at his words, "Only thing dangerous about this forest is the fact I'm standing in it." That was the goddess honest truth. Werewolves were a minor danger if you could even call them that and if he thought they were a danger to me? Well then, he had another thing coming.

He laughed at that, "Is that so?"

I gave him an unimpressed look. "Try me, mutt." I so wanted him to try it, just once so I could send his ass through a fucking tree just like I had said earlier.

"So who you wantin' t' murder?" The change of subject was rather abrupt and I raised an eyebrow

"Who says I want to murder anyone?" I snarked it out, unable to help myself and he shook his head, some of his longer hair falling into his face.

"I heard ye muttering about it." He jerked his chin towards the path I had been taking before flipping his hair from his face.

"Okay, stalker." I rolled my eyes at him. He had been following me for awhile then. "If you must know, it was my mother." And I wanted to kill her. Two whole days of wandering around the ass crack of winter in the Northern Forest to try and locate a needle in a haystack.

"Ye want t' kill the poor defenceless witchling who birthed ye?" He tsked slightly, shaking his head as his mouth tugged upwards.

"You clearly don't know my mother, were." I said it deadpan. He clearly didn't understand who I was referring too. I wanted to kill my mother but I wasn't stupid enough to even attempt it. No one was. As placating and soft as she was, there was a reason a good chunk of her daughters had a wild and chaotic nature. We inherited it from her. She just hid it far better than we did but that didn't mean she wouldn't kill a bitch if pushed. Knowing her, she probably was the one who killed father and to that I said good for her.

"A wee witchling? Naaaah." At the patronizing voice I simply stared at him hard. He laughed again, "What, little red?" I didn't like the name he had chosen for me. I wasn't little anything.

"That tree is looking like it wants an imprint of your face." I gestured to the large redwood that I was referring to with my chin. "And it's just Red." I didn't particularly like telling him my name but if I had to hear the little in front of it again I knew I might just snap and rearrange his face.

"Pardon?" He actually looked shocked by the words and it seemed to be the first genuine expression he had since he snuck up on me.

"My name. It's Red. Not little red. Don't be patronizing. It's not a good look and you were just starting to look attractive." I tsked slightly as I said it, looking him up and down. Being a patronizing ass really wasn't a good look. Especially when the female you were doing it against beat the shit out of werewolves fairly regularly.

"You thought I was attractive? Now isn't that something t' look forward too." He winked at me and gave me a rather brazen once over.

"And what is that?" I didn't want to boost his ego any but he was attractive. Definitely a type of male I wouldn't mind taking to bed. Although that made me question what the fuck was up with our family if I did so.

He gestured with his hand rather lazily, "We banter, ye tell me you're lookin for a female named Violet, we fight a little, then we have rather rough but completely addicting sex." He drawled it out but the name of the witch I was sent out to search for caught my immediate attention and I stiffened. I was getting close and it looked like the only thing standing in my way was a six foot five werewolf.

I let my arms drop to my sides and slowly adjusted my footing, "Well then, we can skip right to step three and skip step four entirely." He gave me a rather feral grin as he nodded, pushing off from the tree smoothly.

"Let's dance, Red." At the words I shifted my feet and then struck out. Magick sparked down my arms and to my hands as I swung a haymaker at him. He blocked it but was jostled sideways as my magick surged out. "Cheatin'." He laughed with a grin before throwing a rather heavy punch at me that I ducked. I followed the action with a punch that hit him in the stomach. He exhaled hard and staggered back slightly and I managed to connect a punch to his jaw, snapping his head to the side.

He recovered quickly and threw several wild punches at me that I was barely able to block and if I hadn't had my magick I knew they would have broke my arms. I laughed, unable to help it. I loved the chaotic, heart pounding, visceral feeling of being alive that a brawl gave me. I would have bruises but I didn't care. I managed to catch him under the chin, snapping his head upwards. He moved with the momentum and kicked at me. It sent me flying, even with my magick to help block it. I rolled as I hit the ground, coming back up to my feet rather quickly.

I grinned at him, unable to stop it even if I tried as my pulse pounded in my ears. "Nice one." He gave a mocking bow and then moved far quicker than he aught to have been able too. He swung out several hard punches that I managed to dodge before I aimed a punch for his face again. He blocked it but I used it as a distraction to knee him hard in the solar plexus. He gasped for air and I brought his head down, cracking his face against my knee. He hit the ground and I bounced on the balls of my feet. "Come on, fido. I'm just warming up!" I punched the air rapidly and he gave a strained laugh.

"Good one, witchling. That was a good one." He got to his feet, cracking his neck as he gave me a slightly bloody grin from where my punch to his jaw probably cut his cheek against his teeth. He came back into the fight and I took several hits to the ribs that had me grunting, knowing bruises were going to form. He managed to clip my face, my lip immediately split and I could taste the copper against my tongue. "Step four still off the table?" He gave a small but breathless chuckle as I managed to hit him hard enough in the side with my magick enhanced punch that I was pretty sure I fractured one or two of his ribs.

I grinned, spitting out some blood and prodding the split with my tongue. That had been a great hit, lucky but great. "Hit me like that again and it will turn into a maybe." Fighting always got my blood heated and I was definitely feeling it now.

"Say no more." He threw several more punches that I blocked before I managed to hit him in the face. It wasn't quite a punch to his eye like I was aiming for but it would bruise. "Magick is cheatin'." He managed to get his arms around me and my magick surged through me, making me weigh far more than I should. He grunted and when my feet hit the ground I shifted my feet and flipped him over my shoulder.

He hit the ground hard and I grinned at him, blood dripping down my chin and onto his forehead. "Only losers say that shit." He grabbed my ankle, trying to bring me to the ground and I booted his ribs in retaliation. He rolled away and got to his feet. He advanced and I tried to move out of his reach but he managed to slam a fist into my head. I saw stars and laughed as I staggered. He hit me twice more and I shook my head to clear it before throwing a heavy elbow that connected with him. I didn't know where it landed but it was enough to get him off of me. I managed to shake the stars from my vision and I kicked him hard enough he hit the ground.

"Where we standing now?" He said it with a laugh as he jumped to his feet. we circled each other and I quirked an eyebrow. He was nothing but persistant but he was still in my way.

"Thinking about that maybe." I wasn't going to lie, I was. He liked chaos as much as I did and he seemed to be enjoying himself as much as I was, if not more. A good brawl was always enough to get me thinking about sex and he was attractive enough. However I had a job to do and mother was expecting me to get it done.

"Let me try an' work on that." He chuckled, wiping at his own blood that was leaking from the cut on his eyebrow that was probably from my elbow. He burst into action, throwing more punches at me and I returned the favour. I wanted to laugh at how alive I felt, I hadn't had a good brawl in months and my blood ran hot and my pulse pounded hard inside me. That was looking like one helluva maybe in my opinion but I wasn't gunna tell him that.

We brawled, each taking heavy hits but not giving in before I managed to kick his legs out and he hit the ground again. "Now?" He grinned at me from his place on the ground, looking bloody and bruised and I bounced on my feet, feeling nearly winded.

"Not quite." I returned his grin before spitting out another mouthful of blood. Some of my teeth felt loose and I felt like one giant bruise. He nodded before getting to his feet and launching at me. He slammed into me with a tackle and I hit the ground hard, the snow coming down the back of my jacket, my breath left me as he landed on top of me. Everything beat at me and I felt bruised and I was pretty sure a few of my ribs were broken but I felt alive. Magick coursed through me and desire best at me just as hard as my pulse did.

"Now?" It rasped out of him as he looked over me and I quirked an eyebrow and shook my head but said nothing, just breathing hard, feeling him pressed up against me. "Let me work on that." He rasped it out in such a way that I shivered hard. He bent his head down and kissed me hard. It hurt slightly, my split lip screaming at me but I didn't care as I kissed him back. It was addicting and the very world felt like it was pounding against my skin, like I was some sort of feral creature and it was pounding against me skin to get out.

It was damn near addicting and so when he licked at my bottom lip I opened my mouth for him, tangling my tongue with his as I got my arms free and dug my hands into his long hair, tugging in it harshly. He grunted and bit my lip in retaliation, a move that had me gasping. I felt needy and sore and I wanted to roll him over to keep this going but I had a job to do and as much as I hated pulling away, I knew I had to. I slid my hands from his hair and to his chest, feeling him as best as I could through his jacket. He was muscular and firm and he ground into the cradle of my pelvis as if in approval.

I gasped, into his mouth before he pulled back from the kiss. "Maybe?" He looked so cocky I wanted to beat his ass a second time but I simply pulled him into another kiss. His hands slid underneath my jackets and I hissed at how cold they were before I pulled back.

"Maybe, dog." I smirked at him before I sent a surge of magick into him, throwing him off of me and straight into the tree I had gestured to previously. He groaned, struggling to get up as he breathed hard. I used my magick to get to my feet, my legs shaking. "At least I know I'm on the right track." It came out gasped and he looked at me with those baby blues and then gave me a wicked grin.

"I can't wait t' stop ye a second time, little red." At the words I flipped him off and then teleported away.

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