Supernatural: Dean one shots...

By bethyl15

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Dean Winchester one shots All mine Sometimes crossovers (depends- I dont really write them much) I dont own... More

Cuddles and kisses (DEAN AND YOU)
That thing was in our house! (DEAN)
You instead of Sam (SEASON 2- DEAN GF)
You instead of Sam p2
Dating Dean
Wendigo PART 1
Wendigo part 2
Vamps p1
Vamps p2
Vamps p3
Vamps p4
Fun day out (Jensen)
You are my sunshine (part 1)
You are my sunshine (part 2)
You are my sunshine (part 3)
You are my sunshine (part 4)
My girl
You intead of Sam p3
Wrong Dean
Hunt gone wrong p1
Fake phone call
Hunt gone wrong (2)
We got this
Sleepless nights
Fight and torture

Sunday, Monday or Always

221 4 2
By bethyl15

Request: Can you write a one shot where the reader and Jensen are close friends and the reader gets badly picked on by the cast and one day Jensen realises someone was taking it too far and the reader was really upset so Jensen was comforting them and they kiss and such or whatever. But basically, Jay stands up for her and they start a relationship.

For PieloveDean

A/n: I loved this request! Obviously the cast are all amazing people but it is nice to have a little twist on things lol. I also included a little song that i love which i thought would go good with this one shot! i hope this is what you are looking for!

Warnings: body insecurity, bullying.

(Set 2007/8)

Y/n PoV

I've been working on the set of Supernatural for the past 3 years the show has been on air. It's been one hell of a ride, happy and sad moments plaguing my memories. I hadn't really bonded so well with the cast as well as everyone else had. I mean, it's not like we hate each other it's just that we aren't that perfect family everyone imagines we are. People had taken to teasing me or just flat out ignored me. To them it was just funny jokes and not taken seriously, but to me it meant a lot. Coming to work some days was a struggle because I didn't know what was gonna happen and who would say what.

The only person who I had become close to was Jensen. I had met him before the show started filming, quickly striking up a friendship. He was such a sweet person, instantly making me feel accepted especailly once starting filiming. He knew about the teasing but always told me not to worry that the cast loved me but it was so hard to accept, especially when it got worse.

I was sitting in the lunch tent, finally having a break from all the stress of today. Some pretty ruff fight scenes were happening today and that meant total concentration and very few breaks. These days were the hardest but also the most rewarding because it meant shorter days the next 2 or 3 days with the majorty of the episodes work done in one day. I was sitting at the table with a few of the crew just chatting about the schedule for the rest of the week when two camera guys,John and Paul, came over and sat with us.

"Hey Y/n." I smiled up at them. "Hey guys, you ok?" 

They nodded. "Yeah we're good." 

After a few moments of scilence John decided to break it by bringing up one of my greatest insecurities. "Slow down with your food there Y/n! hard enough to make you look skinny on camera as it is, don't need to make it worse." He barked at me, breaking out into laughter along with many others around the table. 

I looked down at my food, tears springing into my eyes. "This cannot be happening again", I thought as the laughter continued around me. 

"What the hell did you just say to her?!" A voice yelled from behind me. I spun around in my seat coming face to face with a fuming Jensen. "Jay, it's fine. It's not a big deal." I said as I jumped off the bench and stood next to him.

"Not a big deal? He just insulted you and all these assholes didn't do anything!" He yelled. He walked over to them practically shaking in anger. "How dare you? We're supposed to be a family and this is how you treat people?" He quickly turned to Paul and John.

"I'm getting you guys out of here." Jensen snarled before turning back to me and pulling me out of the lunch tent. We began walking towards the trailers, my arm still in his grasp. The silence was deafening as we approached his trailer. I looked at him nervously, I hadn't seen Jensen this angry ever. Jared walked passed, ending a phone call when he saw the state of Jensen. "Jay! You alright? What's going on?" He called as he jogged over to us. Jensen glared at him. "Did you know what those assholes say to her? Surely someone knows!" He growled at him.

"Woah, Jay calm down ok? Who said what? You take Y/n and I'll deal with them ok?" Jared reasoned, sensing that Jensen was not going to calm down anytime soon.

"John and Pual." 

Jared nodded and began to walk towards the producers trailer as Jensen dragged me to his. Once inside he turned to face me, anger gone now replaced by saddness. "I'm so sorry that they did that to you for so long and I didn't do anything about it. I feel horrible that I told you to ignore them. I'm so so so sorry." 

I walked into his arms and rested my head against his chest, him being a good foot taller than me. "It's not your fault Jay. They'll probably be fired now, new guys will come in and things will be better. I'm fine and so are you."

"None of this is fine! They said awful things to you back there, I'm just praying they didn't do anything worse to you. I would hate myself. It's my job to protect you dammit and I couldn't even do that." 

"Ok Dean, calm down." I giggled, trying to lighten the mood. 

"Babygirl I'm not joking. I-I love you. I'm in love with you. I didn't want to say anything in case I ruined what we have but I can't hide it any longer." He whispered. I stared up at him in shock. He shook his head and pulled away from me. "I shouldn't of said anything. Now I'm gonna lose you."

"I love you too Jay." He turns back , hope shining in his eyes. "I always did but I thought you were only friends with me out of pity." He shook his head and stalked towards me, pulling me back into his arms. "Never out of pity. I love you so much and I always will."


Jensen and I were slowly dancing, staring at each other with love in our eyes. I felt him pull me closer. "What are you thinking of darling?" He whispered. "The night we got together. It's one of my favourite nights." I smiled.

He beamed down at me. "Mine too. However I think tonight takes the cake." He whispered back. I smiled wide as I looked around at the near empty wedding hall. No where felt safer that in his arms. I smiled softly as I rested my head on his chest like I did that lunch time all those years ago, with our favourite song playing around us.

No need to tell me now

what makes the world go 'round 

when at the sight of you 

my heart begins to pound, pound, pound

what am i to do 

can't i be with you 

sunday, monday or always.

A/N; Hi eveyone! I really hope you enjoy this one and thank you the amazing request! 

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