By JimmyNelson7

273K 4.6K 2.4K

At a young age the man I respected most in this world was taken from me and my mom. At that Moment I made a s... More

Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12
Ch 13
Ch 14
Ch 15
Ch 16
Ch 17
Ch 18
Ch 19
Ch 20
Ch 21
Ch 22
Ch 23
Ch 24
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Ch 25
Ch 26
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Ch 30
Ch 31
Ch 32
Ch 33
Ch 34
Ch 35
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Ch 38
Ch 39
Ch 40
Ch 41
Ch 42
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Ch 45
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Ch 68
Not a chapter but please read

Ch 37

2.3K 45 20
By JimmyNelson7

All around Izuku was dark and damp. The floors, walls, and ceiling were all made of rock. Confused as to way he was standing in the middle of an open area of a cave really close to a drop that went to far down to see the bottom, Izuku looked around hoping to find a clue as to why he was here. As he looked around Izuku began to notice that the sound of dripping water was slowly being replaced with another sound. At first he didn't know what the new sound was but as it got louder Izuku could tell. All around him Izuku could her the sounds of gun shots and his father's voice. Izuku frantically looked around in the hopes of founding the source of the noise but he never could find where it was coming from. Then as quickly as the repeating sounds of his father being murdered came they immediately stopped. That's when a new sound could be heard. Izuku could tell that this sound was coming from directly behind him. When he turned to see what it was he was met with the darkness of the cave. The noise never stopped though as with each passing second it only got louder. That's when he could finally see it, in this distance Izuku could see to glowing red dots. Then Izuku could make out that the noise was that of wings flapping. As it got closer Izuku could start to see what it was that was flying at him. Coming at him at an insane speed was a bat but not just an bat, this bat had to be twice the size of an bat that Izuku has ever seen before. Trying to get out of the way so that bat didn't run into him Izuku tried to move but quickly discovered that his own body wasn't listening to him. The bat continued to get closer and closer until it got so close that when it opened its mouth and Izuku could see the white of its fangs. Then right before the bat slammed right into Izuku's face he jolted awake. Looking around Izuku saw that he was no longer in the cave with the bat and was now back in Ochako's dorm room.

Izuku: it was only a dream.

Izuku then looked at his phone that was laying on the night stand next the the bed and saw that it was four in the morning.

Izuku: might as well get up and train now so that I can finish quicker and have time to go see Mei.

Izuku got up and started to get dressed in order to head to his room to get his workout clothes. As he was putting on his shoes a sleepy Ochako stirred and woke up.

Ochako: Izuku where are you going?

Izuku: I'm going to go train then I need to see Mei about some new gear for me.

Ochako: you need to sleep more.

Izuku: I'll be fine so just go back to sleep and get some more rest.

Leaning over Izuku kissed Ochako on the forehead and then made his way out of the room. The next few hours then consisted of warming up then weight training for the soul purpose of gaining raw strength. Izuku then focused on continuing to master his martial arts skills through constantly repeating the movements so that when the time comes he won't have to think about using his techniques his body will just automatically do it. After all of that Izuku ended his training session with long distance jogging in order to build and maintain his endurance do that he can fight longer. Izuku was able to end his training and hit the showers all before the sun began to rise and after getting ready for school Izuku began to make his way towards the support department in order to meet up with Mei.

Izuku mind: I know it's early but knowing Mei she is probably already there so that she can work on things while she waits on me.

It didn't take long for Izuku to walk from the class 1A dorm to the support departments workshop. Once Izuku was in front of the familiar big metal doors he didn't even bother to knock seeing that the teacher wouldn't even be there and made his way into the room. Izuku looked around the room once he was inside and saw Mei setting on one of the work benches looking at her phone. Mei didn't even notice that Izuku came in and upon closer inspection Izuku could tell that she wasn't scared but just a little unnerved, most likely by what she was looking at on her phone. Seeing this Izuku began to make his way to her but no matter how close he got she still didn't notice that he was even there.

Izuku mind: what is on her phone to make a girl like Mei act this way.

Now standing just a few feet away from her Izuku let his presence in the room known to Mei.

Izuku: Mei.

When hearing her name Mei jumped a little not realizing that someone else was there but when she turned and saw that it was Izuku she immediately calmed down.

Mei: Izuku it's you, I didn't even see you come in.

Izuku: I noticed that, is everything ok?

Mei: of course it, why do you ask?

Izuku: because Mei I saw how you were looking at your phone when I came in and could tell that you were unnerved.

Mei then tried her best to put up a fake smile to show Izuku that she was ok but it didn't fool him at all as his saw right through it.

Mei: it's ok I'm fine.

Izuku then gave her a look that said I'm here for you but to Mei's surprise also said I know that you are completely lying to me. After a few minutes Mei finally gave up knowing that trying to hide something from Izuku was a useless endeavor and he would eventually figure it out even if she didn't say anything to him. Mei knee that Izuku was smart that way and she really liked that about him but sometimes it was plane annoying. With a defeated sigh Mei pulled her phone back out after trying to hid it from him and showed Izuku what she had been looking at. Izuku took the phone and saw that it was text messages from an unknown number. When Izuku began to read the message he started to really get pissed off and it only got worse as he continued to read. Mei has been getting messages from this random person and the more she told him to stop the more weird the messages got. Izuku eventually got to a message where the person on the other end started to call Mei Alice and immediately remembered when Mei told him about the guy from her internship. Izuku looked down at Mei who now had that same unnerved face again that she had when he first came in. In a calm but firm tone Izuku started to ask questions.

Izuku: Mei how long has this been going on?

Mei looked down at her lap.

Mei: I have been getting messages from him ever since I got back from the internship.

Izuku: Mei why didn't you say something?

Mei: I thought that if I told him to stop texting me and the ignored his messages he would eventually stop.

Izuku: but he didn't.

Mei: no he didn't, if anything the messages came more frequently and after a while I started to get multiple messages from him daily.

Izuku: if that was the case then you should have told someone, you could have told me.

Mei: I didn't want to bother you with something like this.

Izuku: it wouldn't have bothered me, in fact I would have been relieved to know that you are willing to come to me with this stuff.

It was quite between the two of them after Izuku said that. They continued to sit in silence for awhile until Izuku wrapped his are around Mei's shoulder and pulled her into a comforting hug.

Izuku: let me help you with this.

Mei: how are you going to help?

Izuku: first I am going to need his number.

Mei: ok but then what, what are you going to do?

Izuku: you don't need to know that.

Mei: you're not going to do anything to extreme are you?

Izuku: second I want you to go and change your number.

Mei: ok I will, but you still didn't answer my question.

Izuku: trust me, I know what I'm doing.

Mei:(sigh) I trust you.

Izuku: good.

Mei: well might as well get to why you are here.

Both Mei and Izuku got up off of the table. Mei then lead Izuku over to a big metal cabinet that looked just like the one Mei kept his first batsuit was in.

Mei: I finally finished it!

Mei said with a real smile as she flapping her hand on the cabinet.

Izuku: it?

Mei: your new and improved suit!

Izuku: you already got it done?

Mei: yup, and might I say it is my best batsuit yet!

Mei then got in front of the cabinet and swung open the door to reveal to Izuku his new suit.

Izuku: it looks amazing but it also looks like it will slow me down.

Mei: I took that into consideration and made everything with light weight materials.

Izuku: I see.

Mei: yup you should be well protected while still keeping your speed.

Izuku listened to what she said and then looked back at the suit taking in all of the details of it.

Izuku: well at least it isn't tights.

Mei: do you have a problem with my older suit!

Izuku: no ma'am.

Mei: good!

Izuku then continued to give the suit a look over.

Izuku mind: if my suit didn't scare people before it definitely will now.

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