Uncommon Circumstances (Inter...

By NicoleMckoy

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Alyssa and Jake once dated when she was sixteen and he was twenty-one. She is now eighteen and he is twenty-t... More

Uncommon Circumstances (Interracial Young Adult Suspenseful Romance)
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 2

12K 246 45
By NicoleMckoy

Copyright © 2012 Nicole Mckoy 

The next day at school Chad parked in his normal spot and got out and opened my door as usual. He had gotten his tires fixed last night but said his parents were mad about the whole thing. The whole drive to school he hadn’t even said a word to me. I was starting to think he was mad at me.

“Chad are you mad at me?” I asked. 

Chad closed the car door and I stood with my back resting on his car. Chad placed his hands on my waist and rested his forehead against mine. 

“No baby I’m not mad at you. Its just my parents freaked over the slashed tires thing and told me I needed to take better care of my car,” Chad said. 

“Well when you come over you can park in the garage until you leave since my parents aren’t home when you’re over usually,” I suggested. 

“That’s a good idea I guess.” Chad seemed stressed and I knew I was the reason why. 

I didn’t want Chad upset or worried over some freak accident. I wrapped my arms around Chad’s neck and gave him a kiss. I wanted him to get his mind off of his parents and his car. 

Chad kissed me back and pressed his body closer to mine. We kissed for a moment longer than he gave me a hug. “You’re the best thing in my life,” Chad said. 

I smiled and said, “You’ve been the best thing to come into my life.” Chad gave me another hug before we went inside the school building. I took his hand and we began walking through the parking lot. As we walked away from his car I could see a guy watching us in the parking lot. It took me a moment to get a good look at the guy. It had been Jake staring at us from across the way like some kind of creep. 

My morning classes went by fast and I could tell that this year was going to be one of little work. Well for now anyway. Most teachers were still just getting us into the swing of things. 

When it came time for English I was scared of what would happen. Jake had came to my house unannounced and he had been staring at Chad and I in the parking lot. Jake had made it clear that he wanted a second chance but I wasn’t going to give him one. 

“Baby after school some of the guys from the team and I are going to the school’s gym to play a pick up game of basketball so we may have to stay a couple hours late,” Chad said. 

We walked into English class hand and hand and found seats over by our friends. “Fine I guess I can stay and watch,” I said. 

“I need you there you know your bring me good luck,” Chad said. He gave me a kiss and then sat at the desk in front of me.

“Hottie Mr. Preston is looking this way,” Bridget said taking her seat beside me.

“Bridget he is our teacher he’s not checking any of us out,” Mackenzie said. 

I could tell Bridget’s crush on Jake wasn’t going to end anytime soon. It was kind of weird hearing her talk about him like he was just another student. But I needed to get over it because I wasn’t going to tell her he was my ex. 

“Everyone take a seat,” Mr. Preston said. 

Everyone was getting seated and Chad leaned his head back on my desk like always. I ran my fingers through his hair and he took one of my hands and kissed my fingertips. 

“I love you,” Chad said.

“I love you too,” I said. I leaned down and gave Chad a Spiderman kiss. I called it a Spiderman kiss because he was upside down and I was right side up. I loved these cute moments of ours. I felt like some girl in a cheesy high school television show. But this was a good thing because I had never been in this good of a relationship before. I was glad Chad and I didn’t have that petty high school drama that most high school couples had. 

“Boy in the back could you sit up and stop making out in my classroom? What’s your name anyway,” Mr. Preston said. 

I almost forgot Jake was the teacher. Damn I needed to get my head in the game. I knew he’d meet Chad one day since he was the teacher but I didn’t want that day to be today. 

“My name’s Chad,” Chad said. 

“Do you have a last name? Or did your parents fail to give you one?” Jake asked. Jake was being rude on purpose and needed to stop. He was the teacher and needed to act like it. 

“My last name is Weston if you must know,” Chad said. I was hoping Chad and Jake would end things here. Jake didn’t know Chad and Chad didn’t know Jake. Both of them could put on a show if need be. 

“That’s not shocking,” Jake said. What was he doing? The whole class heard him and he was half way insulting Chad. 

“What’s not shocking?” Chad asked. 

This wasn’t happening this couldn’t happen, not in class in front of everyone. Jake needed to just shut up and get class started and put his past history with me in the nearest garbage can. 

“Nothing don’t worry about it. I need you and this boy in the front to switch seats,” Jake said. 

Jake was doing this on purpose. He was now making Chad sit in the front row instead of in the row right in front of me. 

“Why do I have to move? I’m not doing anything wrong. So what I was kissing my girlfriend what’s the big hang up here,” Chad said with a cocky laugh. 

“Chad stop,” I whispered siting up in my seat. 

“You can either switch seats or get detention. But you won’t be wasting anymore of my class time,” Jake said. 

“Guess I’ll move can’t go wasting Mr. Preston’s precious class time,” Chad said sarcastically. He got laughs and high fives from his friends.

Chad picked up his things and switched seats with the guy in the front row. Before facing forward Chad looked back at me and blew me a kiss. I smiled because even though this wasn’t the time for us to be sharing a cute moment we still were. I mouthed, “turn around” after blowing him a kiss back.  

I looked to the front of the room and could see that Jake was visibly irritated. Chad might have been out of line but Jake did start everything. I was on Chad’s side with this one and Jake just needed to move on. 

After the distraction of Chad and I, Jake got class started. He went on and on about what we’d be expected to do this year. He even gave us an in class assignment and today was only the second day. Everyone had to write a one-page paper on respect. I wonder what made him want us to write about respect? 

We had the whole class period to write about that respect topic and I was able to finish my paper in thirty minutes. When the bell rang and everyone went up to Mr. Preston’s desk to hand in our assignments Jake asked me to stay in the classroom. Twice in only a matter of two days was I held back in class before lunch? Yesterday was one thing today was another. People would start talking if he kept this up. 

“Chad I’ll meet you in the cafeteria,” I said.

“No I can wait for you outside the classroom, its fine,” Chad said. He gave me a peck and walked out of the classroom. 

Jake closed the door then took a seat at his desk. I decided to sit at a desk in the front row that way I had my distance. 

“So that’s the boyfriend. Some stuck up prick who thinks he’s some gift to this earth,” Jake said. 

“Jake you started that whole thing with Chad. Leave me and my boyfriend alone and there’ll be no problems,” I said. 

“Did Chad have fun getting home last night?” 

“What do you mean? He’s tires-“ Damn it Jake did that stuff to Chad’s tires. How did I not catch that before? “Did you slash Chad’s tires?” 

“No why would I? But if I did you couldn’t blame me for sending a message.” 

“What message Jake? We’re over and I’m happy stop screwing with my life.” 

“I want to screw but not with your life.” Jake gave me the sickest smirk. I was so glad I never slept with him. I had come close to losing my virginity to him many times but I didn’t. 

“Never going to happen Jake. Have you seriously forgotten our past,” I said. I wasn’t scared of Jake anymore I had moved past my pervious relationship with Jake thanks to Chad. 

“No. I just think you’ve forgotten your part in everything that happened with us.” 

“I didn’t change until you changed.” 

“Lyssa don’t tell me you still haven’t forgiven me for one mistake I made. I apologized many times. Stop punishing me and come back to me already.” 

Jake got up from his seat and walked over to me. I got up from the desk I had been siting in so we’d have some space between us. 

“I forgave you I just haven’t forgotten. Jake it took me a long time to get over what you did.” 

“Lyssa I never meant to hurt you and you know that. I loved you and only wanted to show you how much I cared about you.” 

“Jake you tried to rape me! Or have you forgotten that detail?” 

“I didn’t try to rape you I was a little drunk and got grabby. I was just trying to push you into the right direction. Lyssa we had a life together and we loved each other. We talked about moving in together and starting a life away from our families.” 

Jake took a step closer to me and I didn’t move back. My head was spinning and all the bad feelings I had toward Jake came rushing back. I really thought I was over him and all the pain he’d caused me. I thought I could be his student and act normal but if he was going to start digging up our past I was going to regress back to a time that was. 

“I need to go,” I said.

Jake grabbed me before I could move. He hugged me and this felt all too weird. “Lyssa baby don’t run away from me like before. We can be together again. I still love you and I know deep down you still love me too.” 

I pulled away from Jake and he leaned down as if to kiss me. What was wrong with him, was he really this sick. I pushed Jake away from me and got my things. “Stay away from me Jake before I tell the school board or the cops. I might have let you talk me out of calling the cops before but I won’t make that mistake again.” 

Jake grabbed me again and made me face him. “Alyssa you know I’m not one to take threats. Don’t test me Lyssa. I will make you mine again so don’t fight the inevitable.” 

“If you don’t leave me alone I’ll have you locked up. Don’t test me Jake.” I got out of Jake’s grasp and walked out of the classroom. I had tears in my eyes now knowing my happiness was coming to an end. Why did Jake have to come back? Why couldn’t he be a changed man instead of the same possessive guy I once had feelings for? I thought I could handle this but I didn’t know if I could anymore.  

“Baby finally what did that teacher have to say,” Chad said. I ran into his arms and hugged him. I needed him right now more than anyone or anything. 

“Alyssa what’s wrong?” Chad asked me worried.

“Jake. He’s… He’s back,” I said. 

“Jake? Baby whose… Alyssa are you talking about that crazy ex boyfriend of yours?” Chad asked. 

“Yes,” I said nodding my head as I rested against his chest. 

For the rest of the day I was in a daze. I thought Jake may have changed and would possibly leave me alone. I knew now after only being around him for a second day after being away from him for a year that nothing had changed. 

After school and Chad’s basketball game we walked out to his car. Chad held my hand and kissed my forehead. He knew I wasn’t all cheerful as usual for obvious reasons.”

“What the hell!” Chad shouted as we got to his car. 

I looked at Chad’s car to see on the driver’s side some keyed the words “back off”. Chad and I walked over to the passenger’s side and someone had keyed “she’s mine”. I knew Jake had to have done this. He had practically admitted to slashing Chad’s tires in not so many words earlier. So it only made sense to assume he did this too. 

“Shit! My parents are going to flip the fuck out over this,” Chad said. He put his things in the backseat of his car and slammed the car door.

“I’m sorry,” I said weakly.

“Baby it’s not your fault. Its obvious that psycho ex of yours did this. I can’t wait to find that asshole and teach him a lesson,” Chad said. 

“Chad just let this go. Jake’s not going to stop. Things are only going to get worse,” I said. 

Chad drove me home and parked in my garage when we got to my house. When we got inside my house he went to take a shower. He had been all sweaty from playing basketball after school. He didn’t take a shower at school only because he knew I wanted to get back home. 

I was lying in my bed wondering what would happen next. If Jake was serious about wanting me back he wasn’t just going to go away or act normal. When Jake first showed up I should’ve know this would happen.

I was in deep thought when Chad came back into my room with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He got his cloths out of his gym bag he brought in the house and got dressed. I didn’t have time to drool over my boyfriend’s hot bod like I would normally because I was way too distracted. 

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