
By harrystacos2

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she was a smart girl with the what seemed to be perfect life, and he was a boy with a complicated past. Could... More

52 outfits <3
goodbye <3 (not a chapter)
book recs :)


150 5 3
By harrystacos2

Stella Flores

"Why were you at the park last night? Or better yet, who were you with at the park last night?" She gives me a bright, suggesting smile.

I knew she was talking about Harry. I didn't tell her I went to the park with him last night, because of this reason exactly. "Isla, how many times do I have to tell you, I do not like Harry."

She furrows at her brows at me. "So how did you know I was suggesting that you were with him and not someone else?"

It honestly was not worth arguing. I roll my eyes, letting her win. My mom calls us down for dinner. Thank god because I am starving.

We sit at the table, and my parents have an awkward expression on their faces. I finally decide to break the awkward silence, "What's wrong?"

My mom's eyes get watery and she sniffles. I look at Isla who looks just as confused and worried as I am. "Mom, Dad, Is everything okay?"

My mom nods her head and excuses herself from the table, walking towards the washroom. My dad sighs deeply and shakes his head. "Brandon's father was murdered last night."

My whole body was now covered in goosebumps. I couldn't bring myself to speak.I opened my mouth but all that came out was, "W-W-W"

Isla covers her mouth with her hand, in shock. I feel my eyes get watery. Brandon must be so hurt. Him and his father were so close. "Brandon. I need to see him."

I go to stand up, when my dad mutters softly, "I'm afraid you can't honey." I furrow my brows in confusion. Was he really not going to let me go see Brandon in a time like this?

"Brandon committed suicide after watching his father get stabbed."

 I felt my whole body go weak, and it started to feel very hot. I tried to hold back my tears but I couldn't.

My knees finally let out and I dropped to the floor, crying. Isla quickly got up from the table and dropped to my side. She was rubbing my back to help me relax, and I'm pretty sure she was talking to me but I couldn't hear what she ways saying.

I was too hurt. Brandon and I may have been broken up, and maybe we never even had a true relationship but we were friends and I've known him forever. I felt my chest literally ache in sadness.

I couldn't believe he's actually gone. It didn't make sense. I literally spoke to him on Tuesday, when everything happened with Harry, and now he's gone. Just like that, he's dead.

"Stella? Are you okay?" Isla's soothing voice, interrupting my thoughts. I nod my head. I wipe my tears and catch my breath. My mom brings me a glass of water, and I sip it slowly. The cold water runs through my through my throat, helping me calm down.

Once, I felt somewhat okay, I stood up. I wasn't so much mourning him, as I was in shock of the situation. The mourning part would come later, when I processed that I will never see or speak to him again.

"Mr. Flores do you mind if I take Stella on a drive? Just so she can clear her head." Isla whispers to my dad.

"As long as she wants to go, yes that is fine with me." They all turn to me, waiting for a response. I nod and Isla runs upstairs.

She comes back down with her keys and her wallet. "We won't be back too late." I see her mouth "Thank you" to them as well, while we are walking out.

After about 10 minutes of driving around in utter silence, I see that we are pulling into the driveway of Isla's house. "What are we doing here?"

She smiles at me. "C'mon." She takes the keys out of the ignition, and gets out of the car. Not wanting to suffocate, I open my car door and follow her.

We walked into the house and went to Isla's room. She dropped her keys on her desk, then walks to her closet. I sit on her bed and watch her. "What are you doing?"

She walks out of her closet with a tiny little black dress. It looked like it was made for a slutty nine year old.

"This will work. Get dressed." She tosses the dress next to me, going back into her closet. Now, I can proudly say that she is definitely insane. 

"And for what occasion will I be wearing this clothing?" I raise a row in confusion.

She comes back out of her closet with a small white tennis skirt and a really short t-shirt.

"Some senior that Caden is friends with is throwing a party tonight. I was gonna have us jump out of your window but this worked better. Now put that dress on and you can borrow some of my mascara." Caden is her boyfriend, who I absolutely despise. He's a douche. He doesn't deserve her.

"I am not going to a party tonight. Especially in this." I stand up, grabbing the black dress she handed me, and take it to her closet.

She stands in front of her closet, blocking me from entering and shakes her head. "Not tonight babe. Tonight, you are going to get drunk, have fun, and hopefully sleep with some hot jock."

I widen my eyes and burst out in sarcastic laughter. "Now you are definitely out of your mind."

She gives me her serious eyes and mutters, "Don't make me say it."

I scrunch my face in confusion, "Say what?"

She smiles "If you love me, you'll come and let yourself have some fun."

She loved to use this against me every time I did not want to participate in one of her insane ideas. She knows that I would feel guilty if i didn't what she asked after she pulled the 'if you love me' card.

I pout and stomp my foot. "Isla!!"

She forms her lips into a line and looks up. "I guess you don't love me then."

I roll my eyes in defeat, again. I never usually win arguments with Isla. "Fine. I'll go."

She smiles. "And?" She says, making the word sound longer than it is.

"And.... I will try my best to have fun." She hugs me and then jerks her head towards the dress. "Now c'mon let's look like sluts."

I take off my clothes and slide the black dress on. It was kind of short but whatever we couldn't even be there long. My dad is expecting us to be home.

"Yeah we are just going to stay at my house tonight Mr. Flores...... Yes, of course.... Thank you for understanding."

She hangs up the phone and throws it on the bed. She turns to me, in her undergarments and smiles, "We are clear."

Oh god. Now, who knows how long Isla will drag on this charade. I'm just going to go to please her. I won't actually get drunk, or sleep with some random kid.

I put my hair down and run my fingers through it, to tame it. Then I grab Isla's lipgloss and slap it on along with some mascara and eyeliner. I didn't care too much on how i looked. Like i had previously made clear, I will not be sleeping with someone tonight so my appearance didn't matter.

She walks into her room, returning from her bathroom, already dressed. She grabs her keys from her desk. "Ready babe?"

The picture at the beginning is the dress i imagined her wearing while writing. Also, I just wanted to clear some things up. Isla is pronounced ( i - la). The 's' is silent just like in the word 'island'. Anise is pronounced (Uh- niece). 

Obviously I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Much love:) -L

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