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01: The Beginning
02: Manifesation
03: Changes
04: Koshikawa Usagi
05: White Tiger
06: Destruction
07: New Place?
08: Aizawa's place
09: Names
10: Back to school
11: the Mall
13: In UA
14: Officially Aizawa
14.5: Encounter with the Rain
15: School Life
16: Tr-ust
17: Visitors
18: Meet the class
19: Comfort
20: Cherished Moments
21: Smile
22: Good-Bye
23: Rosemary
23.5: Painful laughs
24: a choice
25: breaking the news
26: Miss you
27: Visit from the Tiger
28: Alone
29: Disaster at the Hospital
30: Like shattered glass
30.5: the guilt
31: Back to square one
32: Loud Cloud
33: Toshinori Yagi
34: Big Bad Man
35: AllMight
36: Trigger
Hero costume thoughts
37: Tension
38: Training
39: Nighteye Agency
39.5: Pictures
40: To the Camp!
41: Settling into camp
42: The power
43: Your control
44: Scars
45: Nightmares

12: Kid!

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With all the lights out, thanks to the quirk you had such a hard time learning, you had to rely on you other sense.

You kicked him off of you, your heart pounding like crazy. Your ears flicked up, trying to hear any of your companions', but the people around were making so much noise it hurt your ears.

Maybe because you knew the meaning of what a hero was, that you trusted they could fight, but either way, you had to fight the threat right in front of you.

With your senses, you directed your concentration on Tora, and actually getting a good mental image of where he was and what he was doing.

With that, you fought, dodging his hits and making sure to hit him back.

You now had a reason to fight back, a reason to defend yourself and hurt him.

He was going to hurt your family and you wanted to defend them no matter what. Defending your brother and Aizawa.

You slashed when you sensed he was close, you heard a grunt and footsteps stumbling back.

You weren't going to go down without a fight now. You had a reason.

You dodged the spiked rocks Tora would create as he decided to make distant attacks, using his elemental quirk. You guessed that he had a second quirk too; element control. So you tried it out as well, controlling whatever thing you could feel was close to him.

His heartbeat was fast and you could feel it through the grounds. You could feel everyone's heartbeats and with all the noise, echolocation wasn't difficult. You could make out the objects near Tora and using that to hit him.

"Kid?!" Your ears flicked to where Aizawa was, turning to him and nearly getting hit by Tora's flame attack.

That caused light, and you could clearly see Aizawa's worried face. In the split second, you could see his dark eyes that held so much emotion, so much worry, so much love...

"I'll kill them."

No. You weren't going to let that happen. No. Never! With so much emotions, the ground shook and your eyes glowed red, a faint (y/f/c) glow surrounded you as (y/f/c) markings formed in your arms and legs, but it was covered by the pants and sweater you wore.

"Kid!" The ground shook violently, you heart pounding like it was about to burst. The lights started to flicker on, like those in a horror movie, slightly making everything a little easier to handle.

It was just at that time you noticed there were more of the villains. More masked people and it took you to the edge.

You didn't know what was happening anymore; the world around you was becoming a blur as all you could feel was the shaking and the cries of many horrified people.

The lights flickered on and you turned to see Aizawa dashing to you, hugging you into a tight embrace as Kayama let out some sort of gas that you could see with your own eyes.

Yamada was shielding Hoshiko and Shohei as some teens went in to fight the villains you only recently learned about.

"Aizawa Sensei!" A boy called as Aizawa hugged you tightly. "Is-is the girl-"

"I've got her." Aizawa grunted, glancing at you then back at the green haired boy who knocked out two more villains.

Him, a brown haired girl and a male with glasses started to fight off the villains as other teens helped the civillians leave.

Aizawa was pretty glad to see some of his students there, fighting and acting like real heroes. He'd probably be thanking them a lot once this was over.

He decided not to fight and rather have you safe in his arms. He helped by erasing the villain's quirks, and that was about it.

Aizawa grunted as he dodged Tora's earth attack. With all the people, he couldn't really pin point where he was so he couldn't erase his quirks.

"Can't really understand why you decide to hold onto a girl that isn't even yours." A voice said from behind him. If Aizawa hadn't moved a second quicker, you both would have been seriously burned. "She's not yours... so why defend her? Just give her to us and your problems will be gone!" Dabi smirked at the sight of the burns he made on Aizawa's arm.

You could see it as well and you could see the pain Aizawa held in his face. His eyes were crimson and his hair was up, he was doing everything to protect you, but you could see it wasn't enough as he constantly dodged their attacks.

He winced in pain when Tora came out to play. He made a deep slice right on the burn Dabi had made.

"Aizawa!" Shohei yelled. He kicked the smaller male and stood in front of Aizawa, shielding him from Dabi.

"Sho-" Aizawa called but the boy let the villain run towards him.

As Dabi came close, he activated his flames, coming in and trying to burn Aizawa rather than Shohei.

But before he could do that, Shohei had activated his quirk, immediately nullifying Dabi's flames and allowing him to fight without the risk of getting burned.

Aizawa was shocked at the sight of Shohei's very very similar quirk trait to him. The floating hair, the glowing bright blue eyes and the way he moved in battle reminded him of himself.

"Aren't you a mini-eraser." Dabi chuckled throwing a kick but Shohei was quick to dodge.

"Yeah but I've got more up my sleeve than just erasing." He grunted extending his hands as two glowing blades started to form. They were energy based.

Aizawa was quite impressed at it, as well as terrified at how similar it was to his mother's.

You were in Aizawa's arms when you saw from the corner of your eye Tora getting up.

It was just a quick move, but you saw Tora's blue eyes. The bloodlust in them and you couldn't take it. Not that you didn't trust him, but you knew Tora was already a hand full havjng Aizawa already injured gave you the instinct to protect.

You got out of his grasp, landing on your own two feet.


The ground around you and Aizawa shattered and all the smaller rocks started to float, you eyes were glowing red and markings as well. You glared as Tora, who was still smirking after seeing your create such.

You flicked you hand forward and he was pushed back to the wall, creating cracks. You turned to Dabi, who fought Shohei, and did the same, his body crashing into Toga's.

"Y.N.14- I mean-" You ignored Shohei's call.

You glared at the other villains that seemed to be targeting you, and they were all lifted in the air and then harshly brought back down.

Shigaraki grunted, shaking his head and calling Kurogiri. He disappeared alongside Akane as Tora, Dabi and Toga were engulfed in black mist.

You grunted and tried to fight the feeling. They were gone so you had to stop. You had to control your quirk because you knew that the others had the remaining villains under control.

"Kid- kid!" Aizawa called for you but you were too busy trying to suppress your power.

You shut your eyes as the store in front of you was sliced in half, the cement breaking and revealing the wires and frame of the building. You couldn't stop. You couldn't control it anymore.

You felt a hands on your shoulders and you turned to see Shohei on one side and Aizawa on the other, both having their quirk activated and nullifying yours.

Your eyes quickly returned to its (y/e/c) color and the marking you had were gone, the shaking stopped and the lights were back to normal.

The villains were knocked out and you were weakly standing in front of two you trusted.

"S-sorry." Your eyes welled up in tears and you did the one thing he never expected you to do.

You hugged him. You hugged him tightly and he could feel you shaking. Your timy arms around his neck as you buried your face on his shoulder. He hugged you back tightly, sighing in relief as he could hear the sirens from outside as well as the voices of some of the heroes.

"Mr- Mr Aiza-wa." Shohei fell to his knees beside the two of you. He looked scared and tired and worried. He had taken damage as he fought side by side Hoshiko, who handled Toga. He looked at Aizawa with a small, relived smile. "We-we're... ok"

He was brought into a tight hug by Aizawa. Shohei started to tear up and silently cry on his shoulder as well, hugging him back tightly. The older man chuckled a bit before sighing in relief. You two were both ok. You were both safe.

He hugged both of you tightly with shaking hands and hid his face from the peering eyes of everyone around. He wasn't about to let anyone see the fear and worry he had for you both. He wasn't going to let them see the cold EraserHead cry while hugging two kids.

You two cried on either of his shoulders as he hugged the two of you tightly, shushing you and comforting you. His soft voice was all you could hear before you passed out.

"You're safe."


The other heroes took control of everything, they started the investigation right after evacuating the civillians, leaving the students who fought, Aizawa, You and the four with you.

They questioned Aizawa and he answered truthfully, saying that you were just suddenly attacked and then more villains showed up. He wasn't sure if you really were the one who split the wall in front of where he was now, but he just tried to answer as much.

He kept you in his arms tightly as he walked over to a bench where Yamada had helped Shohei rest. He seemed to have taken a few deep cuts.

He was fast asleep on the bench and when Aizawa sat there, the boy instantly rested his head on the man's shoulder for comfort and a better position to sleep in.

"Aizawa sensei!" The boy with green curly hair walked up to them with worried green eyes. "Aizawa sensei! Are you alright? Is the girl alri-"

"Yes she is Midoriya." He cut him off. "She is now." He glanced at you then back at his student, "Thanks."

"Sensei!" Ochako waved and walked over as well, seeing Deku standing in front of him.

Iida was still being questioned by the police. Kirishima, who happened to be there to buy groceries, walked over and greeted his teacher.

"She alright, Sensei?" He asked, making Aizawa sigh and nod, already fed up with the 'is she alright' question.

Kirishima looked at you closer. You had an injured arm, like Aizawa and an extra scratched on your shoulder. He then noticed the scar on your face and his eyes brightened up, "She's the girl from the earthquake!"


Kirishima smiled, remembering how much of a little fighter you were, after finding you under all those rubble. It was a miracle to see you breathing after being under so much piles of rocks for days. "She-she's alright!" He laughed breathily, a hand on his head, astounded to see you.

"S-she stays with you, sensei?" Deku asked, a confused smile on his face.

"Y-yes." Aizawa looked at you. He was probably going to answer a lot of questions when he gets back to class by Monday. "She and her brother, stays with me." He motions to Shohei, who has fallen asleep on his shoulder.

His three students weren't going to say it, but he looked like a father. It was adorable, if you didn't think of the injuries they had.

Medics came in to help out, offering to bring you to the hospital, but Aizawa declined, remembering how you didn't like it.

He only asked to get the wounds treated in the ambulance then leaving the scene to go home with Yamada, Kayama and Hoshiko.


Kirishima wayched as Aizawa walked away with you in his arms. Your but chubby cheek resting on his shoulder while Shohei tried to be friendly and waved goodbye to them.

Kirishima brought his phone out to text Bakugou about his little encounter.

Little shit better thank me for saving her life once we meet. Was the last text sent by Bakugou before Kirishima hid his phone and turned to the trio of friends who had been there to watch a movie.

"I'm sure the littke girl isn't sensei's kid." Iida said, remembering how you had been pulled out of the rubble and seeing Aizawa's expression that day. "If she was, then he'd be more worried the day of the earthquake." They all nodded in agreement.

"But what about the other boy? I think his name is 'Shohei'," Ochako said, a finger on her chin. "He was sleeping on his shoulder... and he really looks like Aizawa-sensei."

They were all left to wonder if their very mysterious and secretive sensei had a son or maybe even an entire family that they knew nothing about.


Aizawa settle you down on his bed, right beside Shohei who had fallen asleep right after laying down. He sat beside you, on the floor and watching you peacefully sleep.

He felt extremely guilty for what had happened. He felt pretty useless for the first few moments when everything happened. He looked at you with so much care; so much love.

Only knowing you for only a few days, yet he'd already attached to you. He was pretty sure he'd give his life to protect you two.

"Sho, want pizza? I'll order?" Yamada walked in with Kayama, who held an extra cup of coffee for him. He watched as Aizawa caressed your forehead lovingly.

His soft gaze on your sleeping form. He was tired too, but he couldn't close his eyes in fear you'd disappear again. He wanted to make sure nothing like that would happen. The look on terror in your face, the fear you must have felt, and the way you were shaking in his arms. He couldn't, he felt guilty. He was too busy looking at you and worrying and hating himself for letting that happen.

You shifted and you were facing him, unconsciously leaning into his warm touch. You reminded him of someone, someone special to him as well. Maybe that's why he was attached to you so quickly. You reminded him of her.

"(Y/n)." He said softly, turning to the two adults in front of him. They gave him a confused look, not getting to catch what he said. Aizawa looked at them with a small tired smile.

"Her name is (Y/n)."

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