you're the best around - (dan...

By finish__him

31.4K 567 215

[I do not own The Karate Kid/Cobra Kai trilogy] [This is only a fan-made story/fan fiction]... More

ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇsᴛ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ
ᴄʜ.1 (in the beginning)
ch.2 (young times at the beach)


636 14 19
By finish__him

--playing Killer Queen by Queen--

[Daniel Larusso showers in the locker rooms while his sensei stands in the hallway beside the room] "Hey Mr. Miyagi, I was thinking-" [Daniel says, voice loudly projecting over the sound of the showers]

"About what, Daniel-San?" [Mr. Miyagi asks as he leans his back against the hallway wall with his eyes straight ahead]

"That maybe we could have a strategy now, y'know?" [Daniel says, squinting so he wouldn't get soap or water in his eyes]

"For what?" [Mr. Miyagi asks with a small smile and a chuckle]

"My future, my whole tournament career."

"Miyagi already have one."

"Really?" [Daniel said as he walked over to the exit of the locker room, he leaned his arm on the doorframe besides his karate teacher as he still dropped of water] "What is it?"

"Early retirement." [Mr. Miyagi answers as he hands his student a towel and began to walk away. Daniel laughs to himself as dries his hair a bit then puts the towel over his waist. He steps out of the shower room for a moment to continue talking to Mr. Miyagi and stop him from walking away yet]

"Where's Scarlette?" [Daniel asks, stopping the old man from walking off completely. Mr. Miyagi turns around]

"Definitely not in boy shower room, that for sure." [The old man replies with a somewhat stern look. Daniel laughs and shrugs as he walks back into the shower room to get dressed]

"Makes sense." [Daniel said with a nod to himself. Meanwhile, Scarlette had already been showered and dressed. She waited for her sensei and Daniel in the hallway. She stands holding the All Valley Tournament trophy as she wore a long jacket over her patterned shirt. She wore a colorful headband under her voluminous reddish brown hair along with colorful jewelry. Tournament officials make their way over to her, shaking her hand]

"Congratulations, young lady! That was a very impressive win." [One of the three men said- he was the referee. He shook her hand with a firm and friendly grip first]

"Thanks-" [She replies, onto the announcer's hand shake]

"And you're our very first female All Valley champ, Sevem." [The announcer says. Scarlette smiles bigger- she was not aware of this before]

"Really? Thank you so much, yes thank you very much." [Scarlette thanks as she was more proud of herself and content after hearing this news]

"Hopefully we'll be seeing you next year, Scarlette." [The announcer says pointing at Scarlette as he stepped away. She nods]

"Yeah, t-that be great." [She smiles again as the two men walk off. She looks at the trophy once more] "1984 All Valley champions..we did it, Daniel." [She thought as she smiles to herself, nodding and clutched the trophy tightly] "Maybe Daniel is out of the shower by now, or Mr. Miyagi at least?" [She thought as she searched the perimeter for her boyfriend and sensei, yet they were nowhere in the lobby of the All Valley Sports Arena. She does spot the angry John Kreese, though. John Kreese gives an intimidating and angry glare at his past student, then walks past her to the parking lot. Scarlette shakes her head and squints] "He's so strange." [She thought as she watched the 'crazy' and angry veteran walk out of the All Valley Sports Arena] "Somethings off again.." [She thought once more about her past sensei,] "But what other damage could he do? The tournament's over." [She continued her thoughts once more then she saw the familiar short old man from okinawa] "Konichiwa, Sensei." [Scarlette bows and Mr. Miyagi bows back] "Where's the karate kid?"

"You mean other karate kid." [Mr. Miyagi said with a point of his finger, Scarlette nods with a shrug and her small smug smile] "He showering, be out soon." [He replies, bowing back. The old man then notices his student becoming quiet, she should be ecstatic right now- she just won the All Valley and made history. She feels accomplished and proud, and that she finally fits in and is right where she belongs- yet something is missing. The tall and tan girl sighs, looking at her white sneakers as they stood on the clean and waxed floors, then back up to her sensei]

"Mr. Miyagi, when will my guardian situation be settled?" [Scarlette asks, this was something she wished that she never had to ask- she very much enjoyed staying with Mr. Miyagi. But she needed to know what was next for her]

"Have it covered." [The old man replies in the same calm and collected manner that he always does. Scarlette knew that Mr. Miyagi was a man of few explanations- so she usually didn't question things too often, but this was something she had to know]

"So am I still staying at your house?" [She asks confused]

"Ai." [The old man nods]

"For how much longer?" [Scarlette asks another question]

"Until adult and want to leave old man." [The old man replies, smiling a small smile. Scarlette's eyes widened and her jaw drops a bit with a smile- she doesn't believe it]

"W-wait you mean- Y-you adopted me?" [Her surprised face becomes an excited/happy expression- yet she doesn't want to sike herself out and become too hopeful. Her becoming Mr. Miyagi's daughter did seem a little 'too good to be true' in her mind. But the old man's expression said that she was correct..]

"Ai." [The old man looks back up at his daughter with a full smile, Scarlette smiles widely and wipes tears of joy from her face. All this time, Mr. Miyagi really was the father she 'never had' and now he really was her father. Scarlette and Mr. Miyagi hug] "Welcome to Miyagi family, Aka-San." [Mr. Miyagi says, stepping away from the excited hug and bowing to Scarlette. She bows back with a softer and less extatic- yet still genuine and content -smile]

"I'm just- I'm so happy." [She says with the biggest grin she's ever had]

"Miyagi happy too." [Mr. Miyagi replies genuinely as he then turns around to see Daniel Larusso all dressed and ready]

"Hey, guys." [Daniel greets as he limps his way over to them]

"Hello, Daniel-San." [Mr. Miyagi bows, Daniel bows back but not fully- due to his injured leg]

"Hey, karate kid." [Scarlette greets happily, still holding onto the trophy. She rushed over beside her boyfriend to help him walk]

"I got it, I got it." [Daniel says waving his hand in denial for Scarlette not to assist him in walking. She shrugs and stops him from continuing to walk, by grabbing him by his shirt like she was being intimidating]

"I know but I want to- and I do what I want to do, Danny." [She replies with a jokingly stern look on her face]

"What the hell." [Daniel smirks and shrugs as he then allows Scarlette to walk him. The couple laughs as Scarlette helps her boyfriend walk with one hand and hold the All Valley tournament trophy with the other] "Likin' the trophy, Sevem? Mind if I hold it for a little bit?" [Daniel asked with a chuckle, he could tell how badly Scarlette and wanted to win- she had gripped the trophy tightly. She looks over to Daniel, she giggled and nodded as she handed Daniel the trophy to hold]

"It's actually Miyagi now." [Scarlette corrects, looking over to her new father with a smile. The old man smiles and nods, just as he did when Daniel had won his last point with the crane kick]

"W-what do ya mean? Scarlette Miyagi?" [Daniel asks, not connecting the dots at first but he now understands- he looked surprised but his expression grew into happiness as well] "Oh wow, oh wow! That's great, that's really great!" [Daniel cheers, smiling, very happy for his girlfriend. She nods and chuckles at her boyfriend's enthusiasm that never fails to entertain and make her happy that he's in her life]

"Thanks, Daniel." [Scarlette says in a genuine manner. Daniel puts his arm around his girlfriend as they enter the parking lot and are approached by various patrons to congratulate them. The announcer and the referee approach them as well to congratulate the two Miyagi-Do champions]

"You showed a lot of poison out there, young man." [The referee said as he approached Daniel]

"Hey, thanks." [Daniel said as he shook the referee's hand]

"People are gonna be talking about that last kick for years." [The announcer said as he pats Daniel's back firmly. Behind them, the angry John Kreese stepped through the crowd- causing commotion among the patrons. Kreese pushes aside multiple people aggressively as he then walks in between the announcer and referee, just to glare at Daniel, Scarlette, and Mr. Miyagi. Scarlette. The two senseis glared eachother down, Mr. Miyagi was not afraid of Kreese no matter his size or his current aggressive feelings. The Cobra Kai sensei then walks off, towards his own students- mainly Johnny Lawrence. The referee, announcer, and Miyagi-Dos watched the aggressive man walk off. The two teens stood with their arms around eachother, sharing the same uneasy feeling that's something bad is going to happen because of John Kreese]

"Why does he act like that?" [Daniek asked with a serious tone. Yet, Daniel was relieved that Scarlette wouldn't have to deal with John Kreese or her similarly unstable father anymore]

"That guy just doesn't know what karate's all about." [The referee said with his hands on his hips as his colleague, the announcer, stood beside him with a shake of his head]

"Yeah well maybe he should learn." [Daniel said in the same tone, Scarlette nods as he still held onto Daniel]

"Wouldn't you like to teach him?" [The a kinder jokes as he nudged Daniel's arm. Daniel shook his head with a small laugh] "Good luck, Daniel. Good luck, Scarlette." [The announcer shook the Miyagi-Do student's hands and walked off with the referee beside him as usual]

"Thanks a lot." [Scarlette and Daniel said as they waved goodbye to the two All Valley Sports Arena workers. The three Miyagi-Dos continued their way to the truck to go back home- suddenly, two boys rushed over to Daniel and Scarlette with a notebook in their hands, stopping the teens and their sensei in their tracks]

"Can we get an autograph?" [The two boys asked at the same time with stars in their eyes, as if Scarlette and Daniel were LA celebrities. Mr. Miyagi smiled largely and nods]

"Alright, yeah!" [Daniel said with equal excitement as he placed the trophy down and took the pen out of the young boy's hand to sign the notebook]

"Where're you from?" [Scarlette asked as she waited her turn to sign the notebook. Daniel finished signing and handed the notebook over to Scarlette for her to sign, along with the pen]

"Reseda." [The boys replied. Daniel looked at the boys just as excited and surprised with a large smile still on his face]

"R-reseda? We're from Reseda! I moved there a few months ago and she's lived there her whole life." [Daniel said excitedly as his girlfriend hands the notebook and pen back to the two karate fans]

"Really?" [The two fans asked as they took back their notebook and pen. Scarlette nods with a small smile]

"Yup." [She said as she continued to nod]

"Do ya still live in Reseda?" [One of the boys asked, Scarlette leaned down to them slightly for her to get on their level]

"I just moved out." [Scarlette replied as she looked over at Mr. Miyagi and smiled- the old man smiled back, proud of his students and happy that he could be the father he always wanted to be. The fans waved goodbye to Scarlette, Daniel, and Mr. Miyagi- skipping away to their parents and shoving the autographed notebook in their faces with youthful excitement. Daniel looked behind himself and back at his fans and felt proud of himself, when he moved to California he never knew that he'd be signing autographs in just a few months' time. The two teens continued to walk to the truck alongside their sensei and with their arms around each other. Daniel leans his head on Scarlette's and she leans hers on his- the 'karate kid' kisses Scarlette's head. Although he wanted to do more than just one peck, he restrained himself as he was right beside Scarlette's legal father. Scarlett's smiles and blushes as she held onto her boyfriend's waist and closed her eyes for a moment to enjoy this. Soon enough the three had made it to the car, Daniel placed his trophy on the roof of the truck as he was about to step inside of the truck to take a seat and finally go home. Across from the Miyagi-Dos was the Cobra Kais, yet this time it was different. No harm was on the way to Daniel or Scarlette or even Mr. Miyagi from John Kreese- but the harm was on its way to Johnny Lawrence]

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