Stolen Heart ♥

By ritu_mariam

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A Pure Love story! peep in to know more...!!!! More

3Years of being a RIKARIAN
Happiness 🌸❤
Part -8
Part -9
Part 10
Character Sketch
Part -11
Part -12
Part - 17
Part -18

Part -16

433 56 49
By ritu_mariam

How much she tried,Gauri couldn't just concentrate on anything at office. All her thoughts ended at "If not her,Who?"

A: Doll, what is it? Why are you disturbed.

G:It's nothing bhaiyya (she can't tell her bhaiyya that she was worried on Omkara)

A: Is he still alive?

He asked with a chuckle making gauri turn to him in shock.

G: You did it bhaiyya? (She couldn't held back the tears forming in her eyes)

A: Yes ,and what's there to get this much shock in it. I am seeing how you are slowly backing out from the mission. And when I saw you are no longer adding the poison into his dishes,do you expect me to sit calm? (He asked with a glare)

She lowered her head closing her eyes making the tears fall down.

G: Bhaiyya, I really think there is an another side of story which we don't know. Can't we wait atleast till then before doing anything against on him...pls (she asked her head still down)

A: Wahh gauri...he just trapped you in his sugar coated words and you took him over your sister who loved you more than anything.

G: Bhaiyya it's not like last time let's just search for the truth,what if things are not like what we think. What he really is innocent?

A: I just can't believe you are taking the side of that bloody murder..the very same person who is the reason for pooja is not with us..


A: Gauri enough is enough, can u tell me one reason to prove he is not. I will back off. If you fail he will be dead the next moment. No more hide and seek.

Gauri didn't had an answer, though she knew he was innocent,she didn't had a solid proof to show before her bhaiyya.

G: I know it bhaiyya, I have been with him all these days. I can feel him, He is..

A: Shut up Gauri! Are you freaking mad? Haven't you seen it too,that last call to Pooja's phone was from that monster?

Her eyes filled up, unfortunately it was true.

A: Why are you silent gauri? You don't have any words to justify him now? Or is it that you fell in love with his looks and masks,that now you are forgetting your sister and the Revenge. Is he that important for you than pooja?

G: Bhaiyyaaa....

A:: Whatt?? See Gauri, I'm not gonna play this for much long.. seriously I'm fed up. The chapter of OMKARA SINGH OBEROI should be closed very soon.... I'm reminding you "VERY SOON". If today then today itself..if tommorow then tommorow.You understood me right?

Gauri nodded emotionless with her tear filled eyes.

A: I will be having my eyes on you gauri,dare you try to twist the plan,things will be worser than today. Maybe I won't wait for you to finsih,I willl just do it myself.

With that as a warning Anand Sharma left the cabin leaving a teary gauri behind.

G: I have to end this sooon.( She said wiping the tears)

Later in the evening, at OM

B: Bhabhi,wow you are early today?

G: Haa bhavu,had less work tdy.

B: Thank god you came early, Ishana was about to leave .

And that's when she noticed Ishana,who passes a smile to her,which she returned unintresringly.

G: Omkaraji isnt here?

B: He told he have some case to wrk upon,so went to office.

I: Guys you carry on, I'm leaving.

G: to office?

I: man, I'm going to home.

G: Okk,Bye see you later.

After Ishana left,gauri went to frsh up. She came down to see Bhavya busy in her phone. With that pinkish hue adoring her face it was obvious she was chatting with rudy.

G: Seems like someone's blushing .

B: bhabhi..(she makes a puppy face hiding her shyness)

G:: Mmm bhavu... actually I wanted to ask you something.

B: Haa bhabhi what is it.

G:: Omkaraji...I mean you have once said that he has gone through a lot..and all.

B: Bhabhi I will say you but Promise me you will not ask Bhaiyya about it.

G: Noo noo never..I promise.

B: Okk, so first you have to know about Priyanka Singh Oberoi , the soul of the family.She was the pet of the Oberoi brothers, especially om bhaiyya's.

The name felt so familiar for Gauri , Priyanka! But couldn't exactly portrait where and how.

B: She was a journalist ,indeed she was a brilliant and smart girl. It was almost 1 and half year ago her life chnaged in a most tragic way. As I said she was a journalist and the only friend she had was Pooja Sha..


Both Bhavya and gauri jerked at the sound and turned to the owner of voice.

GB - Omkaraji! , Bhaiyya!

O: Bhavya haven't I told you million times not to talk about this?? (He was shouting with blood shot eyes)

Bhavya was almost at the verge of crying

B:: Bhaiyya...I.. I'm sorry.....

Om closed his eyes to hold himself from crying.'s me who ask...

O: Can't you pls stay away from my personal matters? If I ever wanted to say about this I would have told you before right? Now why are you after Bhavya??? (He was shouting)

B: Bhaiyya pls calm down.. I'm sorry..I won't repeat it (she said in between sobbing)

He went and hugged Bhavya.

O: Bhavu..meri bacha I'm sorry I had to shout at you,I just lost my temper on hearing it all ..I... I'm sorry Bhavu.

B:It's kk bhaiyya..I can understand.

She wiped her tears.

B: You go fresh up ,I will take the dinner. Gauri you also go with him...(she eyes gauri to go with him,for she felt they too had a fight,since he was behaving oddly with gauri)


As soon they entered room, om locked it shocking gauri.

O: Why are you after my past? Is it that you can't love me the way I'm now?

G: Omkaraji its not what you think, I'm sorry I won't go after it again ( she hugged him saying it)

O: It's ok gauri,and I'm sorry for shouting at you.

Saying it, he came out if the hug and moved to washroom,when she stopped him by holding his hand.

G: Omkaraji.... Plss pls stop behaving like this...what is it disturbing you? (She was crying)

G : Plss Omkaraji,you were not like before, you are no longer calling me Jaan , you are no longer hugging me, pls it's killing me.

Omkara left out a chuckle at that.

O: Acha ,soo Jaaaann...can you pls stop crying now? (He asked witha smile and hugged her warmly )

He slowly stoked her hairstrands and wiped away her tears.

G:: Tell me Omkaraji.. what's it?

O: You really want to know?

She nodded and snuggled more into his hug.

O: It's you!

G: what?? (She pulled away from the hug looking into his eyes with shock.)

O: Haa gauri,,I thought you were uncomfortable with me,when you never responded to me. But today I realised I was wrong,when I saw someone almost crying for not calling them "Jaan" and for not hugging them.

G : Omkaraji..( she blushed ,and hid her face into his chest.)

O: Don't love me this much,I will end up dying soon.

She suddenly closed his mouth with her hand and nodded a no.

G: Pls Omkaraji don't say like that.

O: Areyy I was kidding jaan.

G: you go freshen up and come for dinner.( Saying this she turns to leave.)

O : Gauri...I want the special dish for dinner. Infact frm tmmrw I want it all the 3 times a day!

With that he left to washroom,whole gauri was standing there unable to react.


Okiee,so here's another update .

I was all in a mood to write 🙈

And now what do you guys think about the track? 🤭

Okiee keep commenting ur views,I just love reading them.

Until next update,


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