Hiraeth (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc)...

By Crimson_Ros3

417K 17.2K 6K

Soulmates, she was never sure what to think of them. Everyone is born with the words that their soulmate will... More

Ch.1 - Prologue
Ch.2 - Robots
Ch.3 - A New Tune
Ch.4 - Quirk Apprehension Test
Ch.5 - Epiphany
Ch.6 - Acceptance
Ch.7 - USJ
Ch.8 - Outcome
Ch.9 - Consternation
Ch.10 - A Kickstart
Ch.11 - Let the Games Begin
Ch.12 - Headbands
Ch.13 - Zap
Ch.14 - Detonation
Ch.15 - Rabbits
Ch.16 - Encounter
Ch.17 - Conflagration
Ch.18 - Fuzzy
Ch.19 - Rescue Trial
Ch.20 - Smokescreen
Ch.21 - Rendezvous
Ch.23 - Falling In Love
Ch.24 - Veracity
Ch.25 - Pâro
Ch.26 - Monachopsis
Ch.27 - Stress
Ch.28 - Wonderwall
Ch.29 - Unfair Setups
Ch.30 - Alexithymia
Ch.31 - Glide
Ch.32 - Long Time No See
Ch.33 - Switch
Ch.34 - Eccedentesiast
Ch.35 - Petrichor
Ch.36 - Expressive
Ch.37 - Glare
Ch.38 - Diamond
Ch.39 - Altercation
Ch.40 - The End

Ch.22 - Shadows Have Shadows

9.5K 373 39
By Crimson_Ros3

Ch.22 - Shadows have Shadows

The humming of a bus engine was one of the least prominent noises, the loud chatter of class 1A being the loudest thing. Senshi, on the contrary, was sitting quietly whilst looking out the window. A few days prior the class had held a day at the school pool. Nothing much was accomplished, though anger and an unfair race outcome was definitely one of them.

Though that was what the boys did, the girls' experience was much more calmer. The seven girls played volleyball for the most part, though did end up refereeing the boy's intense swimming competition . It was a very nice day, one of the only calm days they'd seem have had recently.

Aizawa-sensei had seemingly given up on keeping his class quiet, though was it really his first time doing so? The bus was currently driving on an extremely mountainous area, the road being much too thin for comfort. Though on the other hand, the view was comforting, the blanket of abundant trees for miles over the cliff edge creating a layer of green as far as the eye can see.

The bus pulled over at a rest area, that in reality was a little overhand on the edge of a cliff. There was a blank car there too, only being noticed by the students as they exited the bus.

"Finally I needed off that bus!" Kaminari stretched, his back cracking at one point.

"This isn't much of a rest area." Kirishima annotated.

"Yeah and where's class B?" Jiro questioned.

"You don't think we stopped here just for you to stretch your legs do you?" Aizawa-sensei said. Senshi really hoped the man was kidding, she really wasn't about to go along with what ever master plan the man had in his head.

"Heya Eraser." A feminine voice said, resonating from the black car.

"Long time no see." Aizwa-sensei responded, bowing.

"Your feline fantasies are here! Say meow!" One lady began.

"Perfectly cute and cat like girls!" 

"You can call us the.... Wild Wild Pussy Cats!" They both said striking a pose. Though that wasn't what had Senshi's attention, it was the small boy who had black hair just like hers, though his hair was being covered by a red hat with golden thorns.

"These are the pros you'll be working with in the summer training camp." Aizawa-sensei revealed.

"They're a four person team who specialise in mountain rescues! The pussy cats were founded when we were kids like forever ago! This marks there twelfth year working as a- " Midoryia's rambling spree was cut off when one of the ladies put a hand over Midoriya's face, inevitably stopping the boy from talking.

"I'm pretty sure your math must be off! I' m eighteen at heart!" They lady said. Her blue cat costume was rather..... interesting to say the least. Senshi was sure that the lady's work was great, and she wasn't one to judge, not at all. But the skirt was simply not effective.

"We own this whole stretch of land over here, everything you can see! The summer camp you're staying at is there, at the base of the mountain." A lady said, everyone found out her name was Mandalay, and Mandalay was pointing into the very distance. 

Senshi began to shuffle nervously in her spot, there was no way that they would make them run there, right? Right?


Because that led to everyone being throw off of the clay cliff, and landing rather inelegantly on the hard rock floor. "Good news, since this is private land, you can use your quirks as much as you want to! You've got three full hours to get to the facility that is, if you can make it through the beasts forest." Mandalay announced, shouting from where the students once were.

Though a deep thud emitting from deep within the forest was enough to let the students know that this, was really just the start.


Senshi was being literally dragged by Bakugo, him having a vice grip on one of her arms as her body lay limp. She was conscious, but she barely felt like blinking. Everyone was tired, in pain, and they realised that sleep will never be enough if it is their minds that are tired. And by the end of the training camp, it would be more than their minds that were tired.

"You said it was only gonna be three hours!" Sero complained, many others nodding along with him.

"I guess we timed it on how long it'd take us, sorry." Mandalay apologised rather back-handily.

"You guys were especially great especially the four of you!" Pixie-Bob said pointing to Iida, Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugo. "It seems like you've had quite the bit of experience! I call dibs on these kittens I'll groom them myself!" Pixie-Bob said poncing at Iida, Midoriya, Todoroki and, Bakugo . The four boys waved their arms around wildly as the blue cat began to pounce on them. Though during all of this, Bakugo did end up dropped Senshi. The girl herself was fine, yet she decided that moving was a very old fashion way of living.

Everyone was just watching the interaction of a fully grown adult fawn over some 15/16 year old boys. Midoriya began to speak, though Pixie-Bob placed her hand over the poor boy's mouth, and she began to speak instead. "Choose your words wisely boy"

"I've just been wondering since we got here earlier, who's that kid what's he doing here." Midoriya asked all be it muffled, while pointing at the small boy.

"Oh this little guy, he just my cousins' son he just lives with us now don't be shy Kota, say hi to everyone, you're going to be around them for the next week." Mandalay answered.

Midoriya went up to the boy and introduced himself, though it seemed that the younger boy wasn't very interested, and ultimately ended up punching Midoriya where the sun doesn't shine.

"Last I want is to hang with some wannabe heroes!" Kota huffed, reminding Senshi of someone she was seemingly getting ever closer with.

"Wannabe? How old are you kid?!" Iida inquired, a slight disbelief lacing his tone.

"That brat's got spunk." Bakugo said smiling, a rarity it seemed.

"He's like a mini version of you." Todoroki said in his usual monotone voice 

"What are you talking about!? You need to shut your mouth before I blast you all the way to hell!" Bakguo retorted, his once slightly happy mood now turned sour.

"Yeah sure." Todoroki said, unfazed.


The next to days seem to pass as one, Senshi constantly feeling like she was floating. It was most likely because of her constant exhaustion, but there was an anomaly in the atmosphere. Where it was once light hearted and happy, it was now torturous and focused. It was...... it was something Senshi didn't like.

Though one event did brighten Senshi's mood somewhat, that being Mineta attempting to climb up the wall. Though his plan being foiled by a five year old. Though that memory quickly turned to one she'd become flustered at, seeing as the topic of soulmates came up. And with Senshi's being all but a wall away, the questioning wasn't helping her rosy-red cheeks.

Cooking dinner on the third evening was rather pleasant. Bakugo had proved to be the master of cutting any vegetable, and Senshi was actually doing her own thing; along with preventing Bakugo from adding too much spice to everything. Senshi actually knew how to cook to a decent amount, her Nana being the reason she could do such thing. Now that Senshi thinks back, her Nana is the main reason for most of her talents.

"Woah Bakugo you're really good with that knife, it's weird." Uraraka examined.

"What do you mean it's weird how can you damn people be so damn bad at everything!" Bakugo retorted, continuing to chop anything he could get his hands on; it was miracle he hadn't but one of his fingers off yet.

Senshi was on the duty of actually watching the food cooking, and what came with that was adding herbs and spices. Now Senshi didn't know anyone that well enough to know what kind of food they liked, so she had to make the curry not too spicy, but not bland.

When everyone sat down to eat, most people seemed to rather enjoy it, though on boy was loudly complaining about how it was too bland. Senshi then silently poured some hot sauce in, seeing as said boy was sat right next to her. People simply chuckled at her act, even more so after the boy muttered "Better..."

The first activity of the training camp was a test of courage. To summarise it, the two classes would split up, in this instance class B would be the ones attempting to scare class A. Though unfortunately for those who failed the practical exam (those being Monoma, Sato, Sero, Ashido, Kirishima and Kaminari) would have to attend extra remedial lessons back inside of the main building.

The thirty-four other students who were able to participate, were then assigned their specific roles and given rules. Class 1B went and got into their hiding positions as class A were assigned their partners, some of which, didn't leave some people happy. Senshi was happy with her pairing, her being paired with someone she actually knew rather well; that being Jiro.

The two girls were the third pair to enter the forest, them being placed after Bakugo and Todoroki. As the two walked in, Jiro began to talk. "So uh, I'm not really a big fan of jump scares."

"Me neither." Senshi said softly, slightly distracted as she was looking for any people. On this evening, Senshi was wearing a plain light blue shirt with black jean shorts; the perfect outfit for an evening so humid.

Within twelve minutes the girls had properly screamed their throats dry as they constantly latched onto each other. Though it was also in that minute, that the calm before the storm ended, and the storm began to take place. The fear the girls felt from being jump scared was nothing compared to what they would actually feel no more than a minute later.

A foul smell overtook their senses, as a purple like mist began to fill their vision. Though it wasn't only that, a deep black smoke arose from some trees, spreading like a wildfire. "Tāte, do you smell that?" Jiro's voice was wavering with fear, and Senshi could tell that her consciousness was begging at her mind to not think about what could be happening.

"Yes, that's gas. And by the looks of it, it's poisonous." The two looked each other in the eyes with panic, and took off running. They didn't know where they were going, or where they needed to be, but getting out of the gas was their number one priority. 

"Everyone! Two villains attacked us, it's possible that there's more coming. Everyone return to camp immediately, we're re-grouping. Do not engage any enemies."

Great. Fantastic. The two stopped running, all while keeping their hands over their mouths. Because they realised that if they wanted to come out of this alive, they would have to go all the way back from where they came. And that, was the only decision that changed everything.

"Come on!" It was the first time Senshi had raised her voice to someone in her class, and Jiro caught onto this rather quickly. Senshi grabbed the other girl's wrist and began to pull her along. They ran through the gas, it getting ever thicker as they ran to a point of not being able to breath. Blue flames licked the surrounding trees with a hunger, these flames hotter than Senshi could ever comprehend.

A thud took her from her panicked daze, her arm being dragged down with the force "Jiro?!" Senshi released her grasp from the girl, seeing Jiro unconscious on the floor. Senshi went to pick her female counterpart up, though the feeling of her brain pounding out of her skull, and her lungs burning with the desire to breathe, Senshi felt herself fade from consciousness.

For the first time in fifteen years, the time where mental scars and physical scars had been painted on her body from different experiences, where her breath was saved for this night where she had to fight, Senshi wanted to live.

Though she needed to get out of this gas, and as much as her heart broke at the though, she'd need to leave Jiro alone. Senshi broke out into a sprint, her eyes watering substantially due to the gas and smoke licking at her entire body. As she ran, she could see the black dots spangling in her vision, though one thing seemed to keep her awake. 

"Listen we've discovered two of the villains targets, two students named Kacchan and Tāte. Kacchan and Tāte, please stick to a group and don't engage in combat. I hope you can hear me!"

Bakugo? They wanted her and Bakugo? The villains did all this for her and Bakugo?

"Ah so you're Tāte-chan? You're so pretty! I wonder what your blood tastes like...." A feminine voice echoed, it wasn't one she'd heard before, which didn't account for much. But the final part of the sentence was what alarmed Senshi, this girl.... she was definitely the villain in Senshi's story.

Senshi once again took off in a sprint as foot steps followed behind her, Senshi had no idea where she was going, but running away from the gas was her best bet. "Don't run away now! I though we could be friends!"

"I don't want to be your friend." Senshi said haphazardly, taking in a fresh breath of air for the first time in what seemed forever and a day.

"Awww, that's so mean Tāte-chan!" The girl revealed herself to be blond, her hair in two space buns. Senshi' hair on the other hand was in a high pony tail, though Senshi was sure it was falling down the back of her head by now.

Though it was a knife thrown at her that made her realise a key point, this wasn't a game of tag, Senshi wouldn't be able to take a time out if she needs, because if Senshi got tagged, it would be game over. The blade merely skimmed Senshi's cheek as the girl used her quirk to trap the blond villain in a dome for the time being.

"Hey! That's cheating Tāte-chan!" The blond girl whined as Senshi ran off once again. Senshi only planned to keep the girl in there for a few minutes, giving Senshi enough time to get out of sight.

Seeing a steep pillar of ice, Senshi ran towards it; albeit light headed. It seemed like there was villain with the ability to lengthen and sharpen his teeth into long blades. Senshi saw it happening, the blades coming down onto the two boys near, another boy unconscious. The two could barely look up before hearing a twanging noise that made a shiver travel up their spines.

The field that protected them was in a bus-stop like shape, all while a blue glow was emitting from it. 



The two boys said at the same time, as their heads whipped backwards to see the girl in question running towards them. Senshi slowed to a jog as she neared them, her breathing irregular and laboured.

"We need to get away from the gas." Senshi breathed out, taking down her force field as  the villain began to momentarily retreat.

"No shit sherlock."

"No! It's a villain haven!" Senshi shouted back, she had tears going down her face and she didn't even know it. Bakugo could feel her extreme panic, yet all he felt since the start of the test of courage was alarm.

"Look, the gas is disappearing." Todoroki pointed out, and true to his word, it was. The three began to calm down, a kid from class B still unconscious on Todoroki's back. "Tāte, where's Jiro?"

"I had to-" Her explanation was cut short due to a rumble coming through the forest, headed their way.


The boy in question ran over to the two, Midoriya extremely injured on Shoji's back. Though it's what followed that caused the rumble throughout the forest. Tokoyami was there too, his entire body restrained within Dark Shadow, who was now, causing a rampage.

As Senshi raised her arm up to stop Dark Shadow, Bakugo pulled it down again, shouting "Wait!"

It was a good thing that he did, as what seemed to be the greatest problem at the moment, was actually the students' saviour. Dark Shadow instantaneously knocked out the villain in front of Senshi, it was after that that Bakugo, Todoroki and Senshi supplied light for their fellow classmate.

"And once again I'm a terrible match up for you, bird boy." Bakugo said, everyone turning off their quirks in the moment.

"Thanks, you saved me." Tokoyami thanked. Senshi subconsciously stood closer to Bakugo, the two feeling somewhat of a comfort.

"We could barely defend against that guy, but you beat him instantly." Todoroki said to no one in particular.

Everyone began to check up on another, and Senshi couldn't help but feel slightly safer with more people around; even if two of those said people were inactive. The people around Bakugo and Senshi began to plan their route back, though the two targets were simple watching whilst standing together.

"I'd be fine by myself!" Bakugo blurted out.

"We'll surround you and Tāte as we walk." Todoroki continued.

"I don't need any of your protection damn it!" Bakugo huffed, Senshi turning to look at him with a concerned gaze.

"I think we should listen to them you know." Senshi softly said to Bakugo, the boy himself just huffing in what seemed to be disapproval.

"Lets go." Shoji said, beginning to walk off with the rest in tow.

"Don't ignore me!" Bakugo shouted as Senshi walked closely next to him.

"Just make sure you keep up." Todoroki added calmly.

"Don't tell me what to do! Agh!" Bakugo clamoured.

Though those were the last thing Senshi heard before her vision was that of a pool of black. 


The rest that led to the current was nothing but a blur of haste, shouting and fighting. Senshi somehow re-appeared in a clearing in the forest, where she saw some of her classmates fighting villains and one greenette in particular lunging towards her.

In her peripheral vision, she saw blond hair to her right. It was then she realised, the villains had won. Life wasn't like the media showed, it wasn't always that heroes win. Heroes can fail too, and this failure, may just have been one of the worst.

That was the moment, the moment that changed her life, the moment that she realised that even the darkness carried a shadow. And to be honest, there was nothing left to save, nothing left to apologise or fix, just two kids with their hearts and dreams torn apart.

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