Butterfly || Jin

By RosellyJin

86.3K 5.1K 1K

[COMPLETED] In which years after debuted under that company, finally Jin got enough. He puts his resignation... More

01 - Headline
02 - Mortal
03 - Hesitation
04 - Muster
05 - Lean On
06 - Slanted
07 - Purpose
08 - Spark of Soul
09 - Colours
10 - Home To Stay
11 - Time Passed
12 - Cease to Exist
13 - Orbit
14 - Temperament (TW)
15 - Guarded
16 - Another Take
17 - Wrong
18 - Let Go
19 - Star
20 - Ameliorate
22 - Bide
23 - Dull Mind
24 - Melancholy (TW)
25 - An Ode (TW)
26 - Final : Life Goes On - Journey (TW)

21 - Rally

2.8K 188 24
By RosellyJin


"All we have is now"


"but he came to the hospital when I was admitted for the surgery" Yoongi cuts as he stands at the door.

Him and the other four just arrived. The four knew something is happening when they heard a talking voice from the outside of the room.

It is confirmed once they opened the door. Something is happening while they are away.

"And I yelled at him, I pushed him away. I was cursing out loud at him" he adds.

Jungkook looks down on the floor, he yelled at him too. He blamed his Jin hyung for what had happened to them.

"About a month ago, that was when I yelled at him. I yelled at him saying that I didn't want to see him anymore. I said I want him to disappear from my eyes. I-"

"I was wrong. I was so wrong and I know that"

All the wonders finally answered. Now Yulhee know why Jin did what he did a month ago. Because they wanted him to disappear. Her heart broke a little. All she could think is, both Jin and the boys are hurting.

She didn't want to take sides but she needed too. She is not going to not stand up for her younger brother.

Years knowing Jin, she knows he is the brother she needed to protect not because she wanted to treat him like a kid but Jin is a real treasure that should never be hurt.

She knew him since before she got married to his brother. Jin is a kind hearted man. Everyone who happens to meet him knows he, for real is a nice man.

Her blood was boiling a few months after Jin left the band when the public started to write dumb things on the internet in which she knew will only hurt the boys and Jin.

Of course she was mad, there were comments that stated Jin was slacking off, that he didn't want to attend any schedule with the boys and such when in fact Jin was already left the band.

That management company didn't want to confirm the news that Jin already left the band until a few years later when it was no way to cover that.

There was an unreleased mixtape of Bangtan that leaked to the media about a dissing track. It was a dissing track to a backstabber.

Though it was never mentioned the name of the 'backstabber', people was quick in their own mind. Yulhee too, she was angry at first. Both her and her husband were angry at first when they know about the leaked song.

Ironically the situation that happened suited the lyrics of the song.

The song Bangtan wrote to Jin in a dissing manner.

Both of them couldn't understand of why the boys resent Jin so much but it only stopped right there because they know. Because Yulhee and Seokjung know that both their brother and the boys were hurting.

After all it was only a few months since Jin left the group that the song were written, it was understandable because their hurt feeling was still much.

It was understandable because Jin told them that he never explained anything to Bangtan and he was scared of them.

The anger the boys were feeling was more like an unexplained hurt feeling. The boys never understand why Jin did what he did, he never explained to them. It is understandable of why they hated him so much.

But at the same time, their heart broke in pieces because they saw how Jin was collecting himself on his own. Not that they were not there for Jin but there was a gap even if it is a little. There was a gap between them and Jin.

In situation like that, only Seungyeon could step in. He was that important to Jin but unfortunately things happened the way it happened. When they couldn't find where Jin was, there's always a place to go.

It was the cemetery. It was either at his grandmother's grave or Seungyeon's.

"He took that measurement because I said I didn't want to see him anymore" Yoongi says.

No, it was not only Yoongi. Jungkook said that too. He said that to Jin too but that's only for him and Jin to know.

They could only hear a soft sigh from Yulhee.

"You are no stranger to us. All of you are no stranger to our family I hope you know that. I don't know how hurt you were when Jin left without explaining his reasons but I'm sure you know that he was hurting too"

"I don't know, in situation like this my stand goes to Jin rather than all of you and it is not because I'm his sister in law and that I hate you but you know-"

"You have each other. You are six together but Jin is alone on his own. The way he tries so hard to not fall down shows how much of a person he could be. He is not weak yet he is still weak. You know what I mean right?"

Yulhee replies as she carefully looking at the six pairs of eyes in the room. Silence followed before a heavy sigh was heard.

"Go back home and rest, you have your schedule for tomorrow right? You can be here again after that. Please be here, I'm begging you"

"Please be here for Jin" she says in her sincere voice.

Yes, they do have a schedule for tomorrow and Jimin is not going to take damn year-end award show. He didn't know about the others but he for sure is not going to leave Jin.

When Yulhee leaves the room, she kinds of expecting the some of the boys to be back at the dorm but surprisingly the nurse that passed by the room says all of them are still there.

She could only shakes her head a little as she heard that from the nurse. They must be feeling guilty. They should and Yulhee is glad that they stay instead of leaving.

For Jin.

While Yulhee is doing her work, the boys didn't move from their spot even after Yulhee left the room.

There's no words exchange but their eyes look at each other. It went back and forth from eyeing the six of them to eyeing Jin who looks so peaceful in his sleep.

"You know he cut himself and why didn't you tell me?" Jimin asks as he looks at the members especially at Yoongi, Taehyung and Hoseok.

Not meaning to be harsh but Namjoon looks like a lost kid in that situation. He is the leader but he didn't know a damn thing.

He didn't know what Jimin is talking about and he is not sure of what to think.

Being quick on his brain, he unexpectedly grabs the situation faster than he thought he'd be.

Straightaway Namjoon walks across the room to the sickbed that Jin is sleeping on. All eyes are on him. He didn't do anything though, he hesitates a little but his eyes looks at where his mind tells him to.

The wrist.

He didn't touch the eldest, he just eyes the hand before turning his head to the boys behind him.

The fresh scars.

"Why didn't you three tell us?" he demands for an answer.

"We just know too, days ago. I was going to tell you but we're stuck with the schedule" Hoseok replies.

"This is not something you should be hiding from us. How the fuck do you have the idea to hide this from us?" Namjoon says, though his tone isn't that loud be surely the intimidating vibes is there.

"I told you, I was going to tell-" Hoseok tries.

"You were hiding it from us. You three were hiding it from us that's the fact-" Namjoon replies.

"What done is done. It is not like we could rewind the time" Yoongi steps in.

"How bad is it? How bad did he tried to hurt himself?" Namjoon asks, everyone was alert to the question.

"To the point that you don't want to imagine. The one word that no one wants to hear" Yoongi replies.


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