I Do(n't) Care (BoyxBoy)

By FrozenEscence

84.5K 3.3K 89

Finding your mate is one thing, actually getting them to like you is harder for some than it is for others. P... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six

Chapter Ten

1.5K 54 0
By FrozenEscence

-Laken's POV-

School is finally over and even though it was my first day back and the weekend would soon be upon us, I am still eager to go home.

Ash has rehearsal again, but Damon has already done so much for me that I don't want to ask him for a lift again, I don't need to feel any worse than I already do.

I can't even think of a way to repay him for everything, I doubt he'd let me, but that's not up to him.

Sighing, I made my way out of the school, and mentally prepped myself for the walk home. At least it is a little warmer today, so I won't complete freeze my ass off trying to get home.

I reached the corner of the parking lot before a car was pulling up beside me, they beeped their horn and I jumped, quickly turning to see who it was.

Damon was sitting in the car with an eyebrow raised, and the window rolled all the way down.

"Get in," he demanded. Jeez, someone's pushy.

"I don't mind walking," I said, as cars slowly started to line up behind Damon, who refused to move.

"Get in," he said again, the dominance in his voice was doing absolutely nothing for my innocence.

"Seriously, Damon, you've already done so much for me, I can walk home this one time." The queue of cars was piling up and soon people started honking their horns, but Damon paid no attention as he stared me down.

Fuck me.

I ran around to the other side of the car and pulled the door open, putting my hand up to the cars behind us to apologise, before jumping inside and closing the door.

"Go!" I shouted, and Damon finally put his foot on the gas as I quickly fastened my seatbelt.

When we were finally away from the school, and the line of people we had pissed off, I sighed in relief.

"And you say I'm stubborn," I said, as my heartbeat mostly returned to normal, it can never fully return to normal with Damon being so close.

Curse my heart for beating harder for him. Damon laughed, a proud smirk sitting on his face. Stubborn ass. Stubborn sexy ass. Stubborn sexy ass that makes me want to follow his every command.

What the hell was that anyway? Why did he sound so...domineering?

Our car rides always turned out to be silent, but it was a comfortable silence that I could easily fall into.

Being around other people was always draining for me, even Ash who had been my best friend for five years. Yet that never seemed to happen around Damon, I felt at peace in his presence.

It's hard to find the right words, I guess you could say it just felt right.

Which is why it is so fucking hard to crush the feelings I have for him. Argh, he is torturing me, and he has no idea.

Or maybe he does know and he's just really sadistic, who knows. All I know is that we're gonna pull up at my house, I'm going to get all nervous and fidgety, and probably end up inviting him in again, and hopefully not end up jumping him.

Now that I think about it, I wonder if I said anything weird while I was sick, I was delusional, so it wouldn't be surprising to learn that I did. Oh god, that would be so embarrassing, but he didn't say anything.

Although he would probably just ignore it since I was sick anyway, right? Maybe. Yeah.


"Huh?" I asked, snapping my head to the side, his voice snapping me out of my thoughts.

"We're here," he said, fuck, I was proper out of it.

"Sorry, spaced out," I chuckled, grabbing the door handle, and stepping out into the fresh air, just as Damon did the same.


"So, how was your day?" He asked, as I fished out my keys and opened the door.

What is he my husband? Stupid, sexy bastard.

Tell him to go home!!!

Why the fuck would I do that? Shut the fuck up subconscious, you know nothing.

"Boring." There really wasn't more to say than that, it was school, what did he want, a four-page essay?

"Hey..." I started again before I hesitated, then sighed. "Is it true Kaygen sat at your table yesterday?" Fuck it, I want to know.

Damon looked at me as he grabbed a soda from the fridge. Sure, just help yourself, wait, he bought that stuff, never mind.

"Yeah, I don't know how Nate managed to convince him, he didn't say much though," Damon answered, passing a can to me, which I thanked him for.

I went into the living room and took a seat on the couch, the coke was nice and cold, so I pressed it against my forehead, so nice.

"Not getting hot again, are you?" Damon asked, taking a seat next to me on the sofa.

"No, just relishing in the cold." I pulled the can away from my head before Damon could start pampering me again, and make me fall for him even more, so instead I opened the can, taking a long sip.

"I know it's none of my business, but I can't help but be curious," Damon dragged out, staring at the can in his hands.

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued, but he didn't look my way.

"Go on..." I encouraged.

Damon finally broke his gaze with the coke and looked at me, his eyes held curiosity but weariness. Is he scared? How bad can it be?

"We've been together pretty much none stop for the past three days, I think you've gained an important spot in my life, so just ask, I'm not gonna snap your head off and if I don't want to answer, I won't." Simples!

Damon sighed, leaning back on the sofa, and finally opening the can that was probably warm by how hard he was holding it, he took a drink before swallowing hard.

"What happened with you and your brother?" He finally asked. Oh. What happened indeed? That was something I still asked myself to this day.

"You really want to know?" I'd tell him what I know, but first I want to know how much he knows.

Damon nodded, turning in his seat to face me properly.

"What do you know?"

"The day after you cooked me dinner, I looked for you in the morning. From a distance he looked like you, he was also facing away from me, so I grabbed his arm and called your name. At this point I didn't know you had a twin. Kaygen pushed my hand off him and said don't associate me with that...," he hesitated, but I knew what he was going to say.

"I see..."

"Other than that, I just know from Nate that he doesn't like to talk about you," he finished.

Great! So, he does know I'm gay, but he said that Nate has a crush on Kaygen and he's his best friend, which mean he doesn't mind, right?

"I don't care, you know?"

"Huh?" I quickly looked towards Damon, in and out of my thoughts.

"I don't care that you're gay," he clarified.

"Oh...cool." I didn't really know what to say to that, but that's a good thing, everyone seemed to care too much these days.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," he said, his voice was calm as he watched me, and I tried to collect my thoughts.

"No, I'll tell you. It's just all kind of confusing to me too, to be honest with you." Damon remained quiet, letting me get my thoughts together and I thought back to that day, running everything through my head again.

"It started about a year ago, Kaygen and I were hanging out in my room watching some stupid show, I don't even remember what it was called, but I made a comment about one of the guys muscles. Kaygen laughed and asked if I was gay or something, and I didn't immediately answer.

What if I am? I asked, and he looked at me in shock, asking if I was serious, so I told him I don't know, I was questioning my sexuality at the time, so my head was all messed up and I was confused. It was just kind of brushed off after that and it wasn't mentioned again.

Skip to a few months later and I had a crush on this guy that worked at the mall, I started making excuses to go there, and I guess one day Kaygen got curious and followed me.

I was queueing up in the line to see him, hyping myself up for the conversation, I had decided earlier that day that I was going to ask him out, I guess I was feeling brave but just as I reached the counter, Kaygen showed and grabbed my wrist, pulling me away.

I was screaming at him all the time he was pulling me to the car, but he didn't answer me, he opened the passenger side door and pushed me inside, closing the door behind me, then he drove me home, ignoring my protests the whole way.

Once we were finally in the house, he turned to me with a frown, but I was so angry, I didn't care and just kept screaming at him.

What the hell are you doing? I shouted, but he hit me back with the same question. Stay away from him he told me, and I couldn't believe what I was hearing, it was my life, I could do whatever I wanted with it.

Kaygen eventually started to get pissed off and started screaming back. I told him he couldn't control me, and I could go out with whoever I wanted, I wasn't really listening to what he was saying at this point, I was just so angry.

You don't understand, I heard him say but I cut him off, no you don't understand, I'm gay Kaygen and there's fuck all you can do about it.

I didn't stick around to hear anything he had to say after that, and instead just stormed up to my room, locked the door and blasted my music. I wanted to disappear; I think I ended up falling asleep after that.

I just remember waking up to a banging on my door, I jumped and quickly turned off the music. I opened the door to my mum who had tears in her eyes and wouldn't even look at me.

She didn't give me time to ask if she was okay before she was ordering me to come downstairs, I gulped thinking back to my earlier conversation with Kaygen. Oh god, he wouldn't, would he?

Slow as a snail I walked down the stairs, practically fearing for my life, everyone was gathered in the living room, my mother and father, and Kaygen who looked absolutely terrified.

My dad was angry, really angry, anyone who saw him could immediately pick up on that, he stood when I entered the room, he didn't even tell me to sit down as his voice boomed out, is it true?

I flinched, hard, but he didn't care, I couldn't stop my voice from shaking, the only word I managed to choke out was, what? Is it true? He said again, louder this time and I felt like crying.

My eyes found Kaygen, who wouldn't even look at me, a part of me still refused to believe he told them, but how else would they have found out? Is what true? I asked but refused to look at my father.

Are you a sinner? I could have laughed at his question, but I didn't want to die. Well? He asked, clearly disliking my hesitation. Are you a dirty queer or not? He yelled, and this time I actually felt like I was going to be sick.

I mean, what do you do in that situation? Deny everything and hope you make it out alive, well that's what I did anyway.

No, sir, I said. I may as well have just said yes because he didn't believe me. Don't lie to me, boy. I hated being called boy, but why ask if you already know the answer?

I couldn't get any words out anyway; I just wanted the ground to swallow me up and his next words broke my heart. Get out, he said, and that was the first time since I entered the room that Kaygen's head shot up to look at me, he was shocked.

Hell, I was shocked. Was my own dad really about to kick me out for something I can't control? Turns out yeah, he was, he made me pack my bags then and there and then kicked me out to defend for myself," I sighed; I probably should be taking this more seriously, but making a joke out of everything was my coping mechanism, so sue me.

Damon placed his hand on top of my mine and the tingles made me shiver. "I'm sorry," he said, it felt nice to actually sit down and talk to somebody about this.

"Oh, it's about to get juicier," I said, thinking back to the locker room incident. Damn it, why was my life so messed up?


Okay, I'm back to writing now, we'll see how long it lasts for this time. I have so much to do but I have just enough faith in myself to keep going.

I'm really contemplating writing a briefing for this new story idea, even if I haven't got the time to write it yet, it would be a pity to let it go to waste.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the new chapter! Another one coming tomorrow.

Leave a like for love and light <3

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