I Do(n't) Care (BoyxBoy)

By FrozenEscence

84.5K 3.3K 89

Finding your mate is one thing, actually getting them to like you is harder for some than it is for others. P... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six

Chapter Nine

1.6K 72 1
By FrozenEscence

The song connected to this chapter is the tune Ash is singing to, so you can get some idea of how it sounds.

-Damon's POV-

"Are you sure you're ready to go back?" It is 8am and I am pouring coffee in the kitchen, as Laken ran around trying to get his stuff together.

Laken has been off school for the past few days, which he practically slept through, but I didn't mind, it was nice feeling so close to him. He says he is feeling better and honestly, he looks a lot better too, but I am still hesitant.

"If I spend any more time in bed, I'm gonna get bedsores," he sighed, grabbing the cup of coffee from my hands, and taking a huge gulp which, he instantly regretted.

"It's hot," I smirked, catching the cup that he practically threw back at me.

"Thanks, I'm so glad you told me before I burnt my tongue," he spat sarcastically, my body shook with laughter as I blew on the coffee, taking a small sip so I wouldn't end up with the same fate.

"Seriously though, I'm feeling as fresh as a daisy, and not that I want to go to school or anything, but staying cramped up in here is driving me crazy, plus I think Ash will literally blow up my phone if I'm not back soon."

Ash really has been blowing his phone up, but since Laken was asleep most of the time he didn't really get the chance to talk to him. It was always, sorry I was asleep.

"Ash knows you needed rest so I'm sure he understands, he's just worried."

"That's why I'm going to put him out of his misery, so he can stop annoying me," he smiled, taking the coffee from me once again, this time he was a lot more hesitant as he brought the cup up to his lips.

He drank half before handing the cup back to me and grabbing his bag. How sweet of him to share my coffee with me.

I quickly finished the cup off before placing it in the sink.

"You ready?" I asked, grabbing my car keys.

"Yup." Laken put his shoes on, and then was out the door as I followed behind him, us both climbing into the car.

"Come find me if you start feeling ill again," I said as we approached the school.

"I'll be fine," was his response, does my mate have to be so stubborn? I pulled up into the parking lot and just as Laken was about to reach for the handle, I grabbed his arm.

"I'm serious, Laken. Even the slightest feeling that something is off, and you find me." Laken was watching me in surprise before he slowly nodded, a light blush colouring his features.

"Okay, I'll come find you."

"Thank you," I sighed in relief, letting go of his arm and we climbed out of the car.

Laken made plans to meet up with Ash before class, and I decided I should probably check in on Nate now I was less distracted. I'm still surprised he convinced Kaygen to sit at our table yesterday, and even more surprised it seemed like he didn't completely hate it.

But at least that means things are going well with him, so I'm happy for Nate either way. I wonder if I can get Laken to join us for dinner too?

I just don't want Laken to feel like he has to because he owes me one, he really doesn't, it is my own selfishness that kept me by his side the past few days.

Then again, what kind of mate would I be if I left him alone at a time like that? A bad one, that's what.

Laken and I went our separate ways with the promise to meet up later, and I found myself smiling as I wandered off to find Nate.

-Laken's POV-

I found Ash in the performance room, I mean, where else would he be? He was once again playing the piano and he seemed pretty into it, so as an amazing best friend would do, I snuck up behind him.

"Sup, fucker!" I shouted, slapping my hand down hard on his shoulder, and the scream that left his mouth had me wishing I were recording.

"Very manly," I laughed, Ash stared at me with wide eyes and a hand over his heart.

"Hold on...hold on...yep, still works."

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Just making sure my HEART IS STILL BEATING, Asshole!" He suddenly shouted and I cringed.

"Jeez, you don't have to blow my eardrums out, and what way is that to greet me after my near-death experience?"

"You had a minor fever, L, and you slept through all of it." True, true. I sat down next to Ash on the piano, trying to keep my mind focused so it wouldn't drift off the Damon again.

"So, what have I missed?"

"Well..." Ash said, running his fingers along the piano keys. Oh no, this bitch is not about to break out into song. Why do theatre kids do this?

"I asked Lacey on a date."

"Wait what?!"

"Got to school on Tuesday Late."

"Ah hah."

"Left my homework on the floor."

"Well, that's dumb."

"Beat my latest Pacman score."

"You still play that?"

"Got an Ace on my Maths test."

"Pfft, Nerd!"

"But got hardly any rest."

"Can't relate."

"And the café food was great."

"That's hard to believe.

"I saw K having lunch with Nate."

"For real?!"

"I even saw him smile."

"Now you're lying."

"I haven't seen that in a while."


"But honestly, it was all a bore."


"Because I missed my favourite whore."

"Hey!" I smacked him and he burst out laughing, his fingers losing contact with the piano in the process.

"Who are you calling a whore?" I pouted.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist," he laughed, and this time I joined in, the only sound that filled the room was our laughter, until we finally managed to calm down.

"Did you really ask Lacey on a date?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess your speech gave me some much-needed courage," he sighed, a small smile on his lips.

"So, what did she say?" Come on, man, don't leave me hanging.

"She said yes, I'm taking her out on Saturday," he grinned, and I couldn't help but scream in excitement.

"I'm so happy for you, man!" Hell yeah, my boy got a date.

"Now it's your turn," he smirked evilly.

"What?" My turn for what?

"To ask Damon on a date," Ash spoke like it was obvious.

"W-What?!" I stuttered, my skin betraying me as I flushed bright red.

"Oh, please, you can't even deny it, you got it bad, L." Damn it, I hate how right he is. But Damon has been looking after me for the past few days, how could I not?

"What the hell am I gonna do, Ash? He's probably straight, no he's definitely straight. And even if he weren't, he could get anyone, why would he go for me? I mean, I know I'm sexy and hilarious, but I still feel like he could do better, you know?"


"It's his fault anyway, how could he not pick up on the fact that I like him? And to go out of his way to look after me while I'm sick for THREE whole days, how could I not fall for him?"


"And it's not like I asked for this, hell, I didn't want to like him, he's the one that decided to enter my life, I think he should take responsibility for what he's done."

"LAKEN!" I jumped as he called my real name, that sounded weird, I don't even remember the last time he didn't call me L.

"Ew, don't call me that," I frowned, causing him to sigh loudly.

"You're rambling, and why not? Damon calls you that all the time," he threw back.

"That's different..."

"Why, cause it's Damon?" Ash teased, rubbing at his forehead. "Look, you don't need to freak out, but maybe you should take a risk once in a way, ask him how he feels, hell, ask him on a date." I think me being away for too long has finally turned him crazy.

Because only a crazy person would have that idea, I can't ask Damon on a date, it would ruin everything. We've already become close over the past few weeks, and I had a friend, who is really nice, I can't lose that, I just can't.

"I can't, don't say anything." I'd never forgive Ash if he ruined this for me. That was a lie, I'd be pissed and probably ignore him for a while, but he is still the only one that stuck by my side through everything.

"I wouldn't dare, you know that. I'm just saying you'll never know if you don't try," he hummed, looking through his music sheets.

"Ignorance is bliss," I grinned, just as the bell rang for first class.

-Nate's POV-

"Laken's back at school today," I told Kaygen, once his annoying friends had finally left, they were pissed at my mate for not eating dinner with them yesterday, and I had to hold myself back from headbutting the dicks.

Kaygen just brushed it off, saying that he's not their dog and he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. I couldn't hold back my grin at his words, which only seemed to piss them off more.

My little cutie didn't care, he just walked away, already done with their shit, so like a good boyfriend, I followed. It's okay to say these things in my head, but god forbid one day I slip up and say them out loud. Kaygen would probably dig my own grave.

Hopefully, the boyfriend thing would become true sooner rather than later, it was slowly becoming harder to control my wolf, and I am starting to think it is a good thing we are never truly alone.

Even if I mustered the strength not to jump him, I doubted my abilities to hold my eyes back, and that he can't find out, not yet.

All in good time, I wonder how he'd react, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he just laughed at me and walked away, in fact I'm pretty certain that is exactly what he would do.

Now I kind of want to tell him, just for fun.

"So?" Right, still pretending you don't care, got it.

"I thought you would like to know," I smiled, innocently.

"You thought wrong." Did I? Somehow, I doubt that.

"We should hang out after school." I don't know why I said that, I knew he would never agree but what can I say? I just love teasing him.

"No." And of course, he shut me down immediately. Probably for the best.

"Aww, why not?" I pouted.

"Just dealing with you at school is hard enough." Fucking burn, my love is extra feisty today, talk about hard to get.

"I thought you liked having me around." He shot me with a dead stare, sighing when he saw my permanent grin.

"When did I ever say that?" He hasn't said that yet, but he hasn't exactly said he hates it either, nor did I want to give him the opportunity to.

He has to let me come over at some point, right? I damn hope so anyway, I need to progress our relationship somehow, and while this is going well, I still want more.

Can you blame me? He is so cute with his little scowl that scared everyone off, I was starting to love that honestly, people just left us alone, it was great.

"I like spending time with you," I admitted, there wasn't much time left before we would have to go to our next classes, but I treasured every moment I could get.

"And for the life of me, I still can't figure out why," he sighed, I could tell him why, I could spend the rest of our lives telling him why, but at this point in time, I don't think he'd want to know.

"What's not to love?" I grinned, watching as he avoided my eyes, shuffling along the corridor with his head facing the floor.

Wait, is he blushing?


I'm so tired...I also got an idea for a new book last night but it will have to hold off for now. Really sticking with this werewolf theme, huh?

Leave a like for love and light <3

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