Quiet Storm

By SexyLC001

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WARNING: Rated Mature for Sexual content, Language, Violence and Drug use. **Long Chapters** Two weeks. Two... More

Chapter 1: AnAngelina
Chapter 2: Elijah
Chapter 3: Angelina
Chapter 4: The Wedding
Chapter 5: The Wedding
Chapter 6: The Game
Chapter 7: Aruba
Chapter 9: Round Two
Chapter 10: Round Three
Chapter 11: Decision/Draw
Chapter 12: TKO

Chapter 8: Round One

166 3 5
By SexyLC001

"Fucking asshole," I hung up on Carlisle and placed my phone into my pocket.

It was freezing out here. The temperature must have dropped at least twenty degrees since this afternoon. Of course I am outside only wearing my undershirt and a pair of sweats. But, all of that doesn't matter. I am so pissed at him and need a few minutes before I go back in to Angelina. The last thing I wanted to do was take my anger out on her.

Leave the trash at the dump and go home.

My fist landed on Angelina's mailbox, denting the small black box. He's so fucking wrong. Carlisle wouldn't know class or beauty if it landed in his soup during Sunday brunch. He's just hating because last week Angelina chose me.

"Elijah?" Angelina poked her head out again. "Everything okay?"

Instead of frowning, I found myself smiling at her. She looked adorable, wearing her pajamas, and a smile-something that has been waning all day. I nodded.

"Are you going to come back in?" Now she was frowning.

I nodded my head yes, quickly-for some reason, still wanting to keep her happy.

"Okay," she smiled again and let the screen door slam closed, after she went back in.


We met almost two weeks ago.

And it feels like an eternity has gone by.


No, it's just because of today. Today has been fucked and I can't wait for us to just go to bed.

I palmed my face, thinking about all the shit I said to Carlisle, all the shit he said to me, and thinking about what the fuck I was going to do now.

Well, I'd love to enlighten Angelina about the new cure for her stomach cramps. I don't know what that has to do with her pussy, but yeah. I think I need to forget about today. However, if Angelina hates me now, and that's why she's acting up, I wish she'd just say so.

Huh? I didn't even want to think about that, at all. I rubbed my chest at the thought, feeling a tightness, a small ache.

I was exhausted, and I didn't do a goddamn thing today, besides come up here, and hang out with Angelina. Why was it so exhausting? Because Angelina has gone from being the sweetheart that she is, to the raging heinous bitch that I can't stand. All day long, back and forth, back and forth. There was some whining in between there too.

All of this was so damn confusing and I was ready to pull my hair out. She gets nasty, and then I get nasty. She cries and I roll my eyes.

Because I'm an insensitive prick.

And now she's awake again.


This is our fourth day, physically together, and she's already treating me like shit?

I scratched at my bicep and turned to go back in, only to turn back around. I heard the leaves rustling and saw someone coming up the porch steps.

I took a few steps forward, and my eyes landed on some dude. He was fucking huge, some juice-head gorilla like motherfucker.

"Sup?" I jerked my chin to him.

We made eye contact and then he looked around himself. "Who are you?"

I chuckled. "Nah, motherfucker. Who are you?" I asked.

He laughed again, while he scratched at his chin. "Who am I? Well, you're standing in front of my sister's house-" He took another step, as I too stepped forward. "So, if there's a hair out of place on her head, I'm the motherfucker that's going to kill you."

I quirked an eyebrow, and snorted a "Huh," then I stepped back, nodding my head in acceptance.

I respected that.

"Elijah?" We both turned when Angelina poked her head out. "Evan?" I watched her smile widely. "What are you doing here so late?"

I looked back to him and he had his eyes trained on me. I put out my hand. "I'm Elijah."

He looked to my hand and back to his sister. "Evan." He gave me a head nod and walked past me.

I nodded, watching him go.

"B, where the fuck have you been?" He engulfed her in a hug that made her feet rise from the floor.

She laughed. "Nowhere-"

He put her back down. "Nowhere? You weren't at work the other night. You disappear for the whole weekend with some guy," he briefly looked back to me. "-and you haven't been picking up your phone?I thought you just wanted your space and then I ran into Sam last night and he says that you missed school Monday. Are you sick?" He rambled. "Did you go to school yesterday at least?"

"No, I'm not sick." Angelina whispered, eying me. "-and I did go to school yesterday."

"If you guys want to go in and talk-I'll be out here." I said.

Angelina shook her head no, while Evan nodded his head yes.

"You can say whatever...in front of him." Angelina waved her hand. "Let's go in." She opened the screen door.

Evan went in first, I took the door from Angelina, while she went in and I paused, wondering if I should just go. Before Angelina got too far, I took her by the hand.

"Did you want me to take off?"

"No," she blurted quickly, briefly turning to her brother. "He won't stay long." She whispered.

I nodded. "I'll wait in your bedroom." I looked to Evan.

He was shaking his head in disapproval about something, and I wasn't sure anymore if I wanted to leave Angelina alone with him.

"Damn B, can't you clean this place up?" He moved some crap off the couch.

"Shut-up. Like your place is any cleaner." Angelina rolled her eyes, and I felt extremely uncomfortable.

This day can't get any crazier.

"It's cleaner than this-" he plopped himself down. "Now tell me what's going on with you? And who the fuck he is? I'm guessing he's the guy you took off with this weekend?"

I raised an eyebrow, grinning at him, and sitting on the arm of the loveseat.

"This is Elijah." Angelina leaned into me; I wrapped my arm around her waist. "We went to his brother's wedding. It was in the city, so I stayed." She shrugged. "Then Monday...um...I over slept."

"You over slept?" He asked her, keeping his eyes on me.

"I never miss school. It's not a big deal." She said.

I chuckled. "Why so concerned now?" I asked. "It's Wednesday."

"Who the fuck asked you?"

"Whoa!" I shouted through a chuckle. "If I was worried about my sister, I would have stopped by on Sunday...just saying."

Evan grit his teeth together and stood up.

I did too.

"Evan." Angelina hissed, pulling me back down.

He smiled and took a seat again. "Like I said before, I thought you wanted your space. Then when Sam said you missed school Monday, I...You got a dog?" He pointed to Brutus.

"He's Elijah's." Angelina said. "-and he's such a good boy!" She slapped her thigh. He ran right to her, standing up on his hind legs. They're so cute together, practically the same height, and they hit it off right away this afternoon. He does that and then Angelina dances with him.

"Shake-Shake-Shake...Shake-Shake-Shake." She takes his front paws, shaking him from side-to-side, as his tail wags a million times a minute.

"Shake yo' booty." Angelina wiggled her own hips in time with his tail. "Shake yo' booty."

So fucking adorable.

I smiled watching their exchange. Then I saw that evil little fuck sneak up behind him. I snapped my fingers and stared down at Mr. Sprinkles. He cringed back and then ran away. He stays trying to slap my dog around and then Brutus has to chase him. Then more shit falls to the floor.

"He moving in?" Evan asked.

"What are you? A cop?" I snorted.

Sam tried those same interrogation techniques on Sunday night and then earlier today. I found it highly annoying. I didn't even feel the need to tell Sam my last name and then Leah informed him of it. Then Leah also went on to say that I was the cousin of Dylan Whitlock, which isn't even Dylan's real last name. He changed it a few years ago when his father died and my father told him he was a disgrace. It was a big mess, Dylan disappeared to upstate New York, and I have no idea how he went from Masen, to Whitlock or where he heard of such a name. He always stayed in touch with Carlisle and I, and simply hiding out turned into something big for Dylan. He found Alicia and quickly made a life for himself. Then Dylan Whitlock got arrested and locked up. I wonder if he'll ever go back to being a Masen?

Sam then looked to me curiously, and I waited for him to say something, anything.

He never did.

So, he might know who I am, or what I do.

But soon, I'll definitely know who he is.

He's a bitch too. He didn't say anything to my face.

Sunday night, after that whole ordeal went down, Angelina and I entered her bedroom, for a while. There's no need for me to go into what we did. It was fantastic, amazing, out of this fucking world-

And then Leah came knocking on the door, right as I had nodded out. She and Angelina were whispering by the door, and I heard every word. Sam didn't want me here. He asked Leah to ask Angelina to ask me to leave.

Angelina told Leah to go to bed and to get away from her fucking door.

That's my girl...

No. I totally just didn't think that.

After that I was wide awake, felt highly uncomfortable, and wanted to leave anyway. Then Angelina practically fucked me into a coma, and I woke up on the floor wearing a smile the next day.

"Nope. I'm not a cop, but my father is..."

"Here we go-" Angelina groaned.

I chuckled and pulled Angelina closer to me. "I'm going to take off. I'll call you tomorrow." I whispered, pushing her hair back.

"You said you were staying." Angelina said.

I nodded. "I know, but..."

She shook her head, looking away from me. "But, you said you were staying."

I grit my teeth together. "-and now I'm saying that I'll call you tomorrow" I looked to her confused. My word is my word, and is subject to change. Why is she questioning me?

Angelina scoffed at nothing, shaking her head.

"Dude." Evan laughed.

I widened my arms, letting go of Angelina. "You have company. Hang out with your brother and I'll call you tomorrow."

"Unbelievable." She scoffed. "Just go." She pushed me.

I took hold on her hand. I didn't like that at all. "Don't do that." I whispered.

"Sorry." She whispered back.

"What was that?" Evan asked.

Angelina turned to him. "Mind your own fucking business."

He laughed at her.

I looked around myself, wondering where the sweet girl who was just dancing with my dog went. I shrugged, shaking my head, and standing from the couch. "Come on Brute," I called him to come with me. He followed as I walked towards Angelina's bedroom.

"You're really leaving?" Angelina shouted after me.

I turned back to her, widening my arms, and looking at her in disbelief.

"Just go." She said, waving her hand at me, and looking incredibly sad.

I didn't like it, but I also didn't know what to do.

I shrugged, entering her bedroom, and closing the door, all while I wondered what the fuck her problem was. All day she did this shit. She's fucking up my ass all afternoon because she missed me, which was welcomed. Mind you, I had just seen her days before. Okay, so I missed her too-like crazy. It was like I wanted to come up here, kidnap her, or crawl up her own ass and set-up camp.

Then she whined saying she doesn't want me to touch her because her stomach hurts. So, I leave her alone, and then I'm accused of not caring.

Well, she raised her voice to me and I didn't like it. I shouted back and apologized, telling her that I don't have a pussy, so I can't sympathize.

Then we didn't talk for like an hour, which was torture. I sat in the living room with Sam, while Angelina did her homework. He kept talking about all the arrests he's made, what a great man Angelina's father is, and how he can't wait until Leah moves in with him.

Funny. I felt the same way about Leah's living arrangement. She keeps checking me out and I heard her whisper to Angelina that she wants to lick me. Angelina laughed in response. That was when she decided to stop giving me the silent treatment. She came over to ever-so-sweetly sit in my lap with her essay, and lick my cheek.

For Leah.

But don't tell Sam...

Wish she'd lick my cock for Leah, or me.

We got the fuck out of here really quick after that. Only problem was, Angelina didn't want to do anything. After our failed attempt at dinner, we spent forty-five minutes at Blockbuster, and then we came back here to watch movies. We watched Angelina's first. She cried, I fell asleep, and then we fought again. We watched my movie.

Angelina hated it.

I didn't say a word.

Neither did she.

And after she fell asleep, I silently gathered her into my arms, just laying there, until I couldn't take it anymore. I either had to hit something or bitch to someone.

So I called Carlisle.

And here I am, putting my jeans and sweater back on, to leave.

Only I wasn't really that happy about it. Huh?

"Are you really leaving?" Angelina asked.

I turned around to look at her. My shoulders were slumped and I didn't have the strength to even give her a smart ass remark. I stared at her beautiful sad face, just wondering. Wondering again what her problem was, why she was so sad, and why she treated me horribly all day.

"Tell me what to do." I said.

"Stay." She whispered.

"Okay," and I wanted to kick myself.

She smiled. "My brother is still here." She whispered, before she turned from me.

"Angelina," I called after her.


"What the fuck is your problem?" I asked.

She groaned. "I just-my stomach really hurts. I have a headache, and I'm bloated. I just-Elijah, it's not you, it's me."

"What the fuck does that even mean?" I asked. "I drove all the way up here to take you out, and I romance the hell out of you, and you-you..." I narrowed my eyes at her. "You treated me like shit. So, what's your deal? If this shit isn't working out for you just let me know-"

She laughed an evil little laugh. "Romanced the hell out of me? You barely spoke to me at the restaurant and then you threatened that poor kid-and now I'm not allowed in Charlie Brown's anymore. What the hell?"

"He was looking at your tits!" I shouted. "That is romantic...I was defending your honor." I shook my head. I didn't even know it was a romantic gesture until homeboy did it in the movie earlier.

She put her head down. "I'm sorry," and then the tears started.

I widened my arms. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Fuck you!" She sniffled, and she looked so adorable when she did it, I couldn't help but laugh. "Can you hug me?" She asked in a small voice.

I nodded, taking the two steps to wrap my arms around her. I smiled into her hair, holding her tightly by her ass.

"I really am sorry. I didn't even want to hang out today, but I missed you so much." She hugged me tighter. "When am I going to see you again?"

I shrugged, leaning away from her. "I don't really feel too comfortable here." I admitted.

She nodded, looking down, and I knew what she might be thinking. "It's not the bed." I said. "It's Sam and this small town. I hope you understand that."

"I do." She whispered. "Are you-"

I palmed her cheek. "Am I what?"

She shook her head no, staring at the floor. "Are you still sleeping around?"

"What?" I asked.

"Well, you said that you sleep around, and I would just like to know where we stood on that. Are you only going to be sleeping with me? Can I sleep with someone else-"

I chuckled. "Hell no."

"Hell no what?" She asked.

"I said, hell no, you can't sleep with someone else...while you're sleeping with me anyway." I shrugged. "You want to sleep with someone else, you let me know, and I'll-I'll step off." I trailed my hand through my hair. I didn't like where this discussion was going at all. If Angelina slept with someone else, I think I'd probably lose my grip on that last strand of sanity that I have been trying to hold onto all day.

"Have you?" She mumbled.


"Have you slept with someone else?" She asked. "Cause I can't really hold that against you. I mean, we never discussed that. We're friends who fuck, but do we have other friends we fuck? These are just things I think we should clarify. Leah told me-"

"I don't give a fuck what Leah told you." I laughed.

"She was just saying-"

I groaned. "Angelina-stop, okay?"


"Cause you're getting on my fucking nerves!" I snapped. "Aww fuck!" I groaned again. "Look, you want to sleep with someone else, let me know and I'll stop coming around, and you just extend that same respect to me. I think-I think that's a compromise."

"You don't care if I sleep with someone else?" She asked.

I just stared at her, and I became ashamed of myself because I wanted to put her through the fucking wall or fuck her against it. Huh?

I shook my head of the thought. "You're scaring me. I do care, probably more than I should considering we've only spent a few days together, and in light of that-I think I should go." I looked down to the floor and placed my feet into my boots.

"You're serious?"

"Angelina, I swear-" I grumbled. "What do you want from me woman? Jesus!" I grabbed my coat and Brute's leash. "I didn't sign on for this. I didn't sign on for anything. I told you how I felt, you told me how you felt, and I thought we were done with all that bullshit."

"We never really discussed anything."

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I want you to want me, and I want you to not want me to sleep with other people." She grinned.

I rolled my eyes. "I threatened some fucker for staring at your tits. What do you think I'd do if I found out you slept with someone else? Think about it?" I pointed to my temple.

"So, you didn't mean all that step off shit." She smirked.

I just stared at her again.

"-and I'd cut a bitch if she touched you. Just so you know." She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't care how many days it's been. That dick has my name on it." She pointed.

"Whoa!" I grinned, in surprise. "Okay, but I'm still leaving. Call me when you feel better-and you're not like this." I pointed to her.


"Whatever." I said.

"Can you answer another question?"

I silently nodded.

"Since we've been sleeping together, have you slept with someone else?-wait, I don't think I want to know-No, I do." She looked up to me.

"No," I said.


I chuckled. "You heard me."

"But you're you?" She blushed, folding her arms behind her back.

"We were only apart for a few days," I shook my head, palming her cheek, and bending down to kiss her forehead. "I'm not a magician and I'm not that easy either, relax...please."

"Do you plan to?" She placed her hands on my chest.

I gently tugged her hair back. "Stop." I said.

"I'm sorry-" I don't know what she was going to say after that, but I kissed her so she'd shut her mouth. I groaned, biting down on that lower lip of hers, and just as we were getting somewhere, there was a knock on her bedroom door. "Ignore him." She whispered into my mouth.

I opened my eyes and leaned away from her. "Yeah?" I called out.

The door opened and Evan poked his head in. For some reason he was smiling.

"I'm going to take off."

I nodded.

He looked to Angelina. "Rosie is making dinner Friday night. Mom and dad will be there. Just try to come-" he looked to me. "Bring your boyfriend too."

Angelina's eyes widened. "He's not my boyfriend and you couldn't pay me to go."

He ignored that. "Can you make it Friday?"

I shook my head no, which made Angelina whip around to look at me. "No? What are you doing Friday?"

I shrugged. "I'm working."

"What is it you do anyway?" Evan asked.

"I own a bar." I said.

"He's a lawyer." Angelina said over me.

He looked to her confused and then back to me. "Oh really? Where?" He asked.

"Manhattan," I said. "Come on Brute." I called him over and attached the leash to his collar.

"What's the name? Maybe I've been there." He sounded genuinely interested, but I had yet to tell Angelina that the bar I owned is actually a strip joint. A bar just sounds better.

"O'Rielly's." I said.

"Never heard of it." He knit his brows together. "Are you a lawyer too?" He looked back to Angelina.

I nodded. "It's not mainstream." I sighed and looked back to Angelina as well. "I'll call you tomorrow." I said.

"Oh, don't leave for me. I'm taking off too." Evan said. He walked over to Angelina and I took a step back. He gave her a hug again and whispered something into her ear. She giggled and then turned back to me.

"Don't leave yet. Me and you...we have to talk." She smiled sweetly.

Not wanting to glare at her, I smiled.

She knew. She cringed away from me, into her brother's side.

"Take it easy, man." Evan winced.

I waved and looked down to Brutus. He was looking back at me, sitting on his hind legs, and waiting for direction.

And the funny thing?

I was standing, waiting for Angelina to come back, and give me direction too.

When I realized that I grabbed the small bag I brought with me, made sure I had all my shit, and my dog and walked out of Angelina's bedroom. I make my own way. I never need direction. Elijah Masen does what he wants, when he wants to do it. What the fuck was this? I was honest with her earlier. I didn't sign up for this. I enjoy spending time with Angelina. So I decided to spend more time with her. She digs me too, so she agreed. Shouldn't that shit be simple?

Plus, she's acting like we're married or some shit. I don't know.

I yearned for some semblance of normalcy.

All of this, today, and especially Sunday-it wasn't normal.

Angelina was by the door. I saw her bubble ass peeking behind it, which made me smile. I really didn't want to leave. I wanted to rock that ass.

"Are you really leaving?" I heard her whisper, just as a car door slammed in the distance; she was talking to me.

Letting go of the leash, I tossed my bag and coat onto the couch. Slowly, I approached her from behind to gather her into my arms. I pulled her against me, and kicked the door closed. Having her in my arms, for the first time in less than minutes, which really felt like days, caused me to let out a satisfied grunt-feeling so...so fulfilled?

My hands roamed along her curves as I hugged her tightly. I never wanted to let go.

"Can't you feel it?" She whispered.

I buried my nose into her hair to inhale her floral, Angelina scent. "That's my cock," I informed her.

She giggled and turned to face me. "No, this-us. Can't you feel it?" She stared into my eyes, as I stared into hers. "I know you don't want to hear it, but I was confused and needed to talk to a friend." She looked away from me and I didn't like it.

I grasped her chin, turning her to face me, as my head dipped low again-needing to kiss those lips. "Leah said that where we are now, is when people usually sleep together. So since we did that and did that again, and again, and again-" She nodded along, looking adorable. "We have a connection that places us even closer during these early steps of our-uh-this." She winced and pushed against my chest.

I smiled. "Where do you think you're going? I tightened my hold.

"We should talk-" She said.

I pecked her lips. "Let our bodies do the talking," I pulled her hips against my erection.

"That was corny." She laughed.

I let go of her, shaking my head, and grabbing for my shit again. "I don't understand why we need to talk more. We spoke enough on Sunday."

"We didn't." She said. "I want you."

I nodded. "-and you know I feel the same."

"Right, but I don't-I want-I think I want a label." She stammered out.

I nodded, sitting back on the arm of the sofa. "A label?"

She shrugged. "I don't want to be that girl-no, I want to be that girl."

"Angelina," I chuckled. "We haven't been with each other that long. Don't you think it's a bit premature?" I asked.

"We've had sex like five times already." She shook her head.

I didn't comment because I had nothing to say about that. But damn, five times. Seriously? That must be some Elijah Masen record. We were pretty busy Sunday night.

"What I'm getting at is..."

"You want me to be your boyfriend?" I cut her off.

"Well, I want you to be my man." She started walking towards me, swaying those hips of hers. My eyes were glued to them, wanting to hold them, squeeze them again-hold them as I bounce them off my fucking dick again. "I want you to want me, and only me."

She was in front of me now, within arms' reach. I scooted further away from her. When she gets too close and looks as fucking hot as she does now, it clouds my mind. Even if this day has been confusing-Even though the day Angelina Collins walked into my life, she became my main thought. I wasn't going to let her fuck with me now. It's her game. She knows how irresistible she is-knows how to play me. Just with one touch-God damn, I'm fucked. Earlier, her brother was here, and easily distracted me. I watched his moves, the way he spoke, and the way he stared back.

Earlier than that we were just chilling out, not talking and shit. And even earlier than that, we sort of hated each other. I think.

"Look-" I started and stopped when she placed her arms around my neck.

"I want-"

"I own a strip club." I blurted to ruin this moment.

She was taken back. Shit. She even took her arms back. "You lied to me?"

"Not really." I grinned. "I'm partial owner of a bar named O'Reilly's. But, I'm full owner of a strip joint called Scarlet." I shrugged.

"A strip joint?" She nodded.

I nodded too.

"So, you don't own a bar?" She wrapped her arms around her chest, making her tits come together and pop out. "Elijah?"

"Hmm?...Oh right." I shook my head. "They're both bars. One just has naked women and the other-well, that mick owes me big time. So yeah-two, I guess."

She took a step back. "A strip club?"

"It's classy, high end-whatever-the-fuck." I widened my arms.

She turned to the side and started to pace, but she wasn't swaying her hips anymore. It looked as though she was circling her prey.


"What else have you lied about?" She asked.

"Nothing." I lied, grabbing for her hand, which she snatched away from me quickly.

"I don't believe you." She turned her chin up at me, while I stared.

I shrugged, standing from the sofa. "I'll call you tomorrow." I kissed her hair. She in turn placed her hands on my chest and pushed me back to the couch. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked.

Her jaw was set, clenched tight, as she stared down at me. "I want the truth. What else have you lied about?"

I stood back up again to tower over her. "Who the fuck are you to question me? My business is my business."

She bit her lip, looking away from me. I hung my head, partly in shame, and agony because like always I wanted to tell her everything. "Damn you!" I slumped back on the arm of the sofa.

"Alicia knows everything that Dylan does and Leah says that the only way to have a good relationship is if you're truthful..."

"Is that what this is?" I snorted. "We've known each other I think-" I thought back. "Like twelve days. Yeah, it's been twelve days since you brought me back here."

"I don't give a fuck. You wanna fuck me again?" She pointed to herself. "You tell me everything-go!" She poked my chest.

I laughed. "You must be out of your God damn mind." I stood up again. "Number one, keep those pointy little things to yourself. Number two, there are many aspects of my business that I can't and won't share with you, unless you'd like to be an accessory. So, I'm warning you now Collins, if you want anything and I mean anything with me, you'll stop asking questions." and at that moment, I felt like I was punched in the gut.

She sniffled and turned away from me.

"Angelina," I reached for her hand.

"Just go." She whispered.

I took my hand back to palm my face, wondering what the fuck I got myself into. Now, I have gotten out of many a shady incident, talked my way out of so many things, yet in this moment I was stuck. Huh?

"I don't watch the food channel." I whispered.

"But," she turned back around. "-why would you lie about that?"

I grabbed her hand, pulling her to me. This time, with little protest. "Don't touch me," she said.

"Just shut up and listen to me." I waited.

When she didn't say a word or try to get away from me again, I felt victorious. Although, she still had her head down, sniffling. "Look at me," I wiped her nose with my sleeve and then under her eyes with my thumbs. "I said I liked to cook, which was also a lie. I can't cook. Then you asked if I watched the food channel-"

"Network. It's called the Food Network."

I nodded. "That's what I said."

"No, you..."

"Christ. Can you just listen a minute?" I shook my head, staring at the floor, and felt her nestle into me. I welcomed her on my lap.

"I'm listening." She whispered.

"You said the Food Network, well you asked, and I didn't deny it. I wanted to sound normal or whatever. To me, it didn't matter because I don't uh-what are we doing again?" I scrunched up my nose.

"Dating." She put her head on my shoulder.

"Right. I don't date people I work with." I wrapped both my arms around her, and I also sniffed her hair, letting out a content sigh. "Hey, you know what Carlisle said-"

"Douche bag. I don't care what he said." She scoffed.

I ignored that. "He says that sex can take your stomachache away." I let it hang in the air for a minute.

"But I have my period."

"I don't care, if you don't-" she slapped my thigh.

"So, if you don't watch the Food Network...um, what do you watch?" She asked, resting back into the crook of my neck again.

"Nothing." I lied again. "I don't have much time for television."

"But, if you could watch something, what would you watch? This has nothing to do with business. I just want to get to know you better."

"Porn." I sighed. "I watch a lot of porn, and all bullshit aside, if I had nothing else going for me, I'd watch the dancers at Scarlet until I went blind. There-now you go." I tightened my hold on her. She was quiet and after a few minutes, I leaned back to look at her. Her face was blank as she stared at the floor. "Nothing to share?" I kissed her hair again.

"No, I'm boring." She placed a soft kiss on my neck, causing me to shiver. "-and I've never had sex during my monthly visitor." She whispered, sticking out her little tongue to lick my earlobe. She turned in my arms kissing lightly along my neck. My arms wrapped around her even tighter, as my head tilted, to give her more access. "I want you to be my man." She breathed.

I shivered again. "Anything." I whispered back.

"I want you to fuck me, and only me." She grabbed for my hand. "This is yours." She placed it on her crotch.

I groaned, turning my head to catch her lips. My lips brushed against hers and she backed away. "You will be honest with me from now on." She said.

I drew in a shaky breath, nodding my head. I also stood her on her feet.

"What's wrong?" She reached for me again.

I held out my hand to stop her. "I need to think." Trailing my hand through my hair, I too stood up to pace a bit. "You want this-us?" I waved a hand.

She nodded.

"Okay, so we need rules." I refused to look at her, sure that she would break what resolve I had left. "You can't seem to go with the flow, and it's getting on my nerves." I groaned. "Everything about today has been getting on my nerves, and when you touch me my dick gets hard-just shut up and listen." I blew out a breath and stared at the floor.

"Look at me."

"Hell no." I said. "You want me to be your boyfriend?" I asked, eyes still on the floor.

"Well yeah, in a nutshell."

I rubbed down my face with my hand. "Fine. I'll be terrible at it, but if we can't fuck without a commitment-I guess, sure." I shrugged my shoulders. "But there are conditions, deal breakers." I looked to her then.

She looked happy, confident, and smug.

I grinned at her. "I'm not sleeping on a fucking air mattress anymore and neither will you. A bed will be delivered on Friday-"


I continued to talk over her. "You won't ask me about my business affairs. If and when I forget to call, you are not to question what I've been doing, or where I have been. What you see is what you get. That's what I told you Sunday and what I am telling you now. Your roommate and her man are nosey. If you want to see me again, they'll have to be gone or you'll have to come down to the city. So that red Subaru? It will be here sometime tomorrow. I'll make the call, and put you on Carlisle's insurance policy."


"Don't interrupt me while I am speaking." I said.

She nodded, jutting out that lower lip of hers.

"I don't do tears either, so you stop that shit right now."

She nodded again, looking to the floor.

"I don't like this-you struggling and shit. It breaks my heart, okay?"

She snorted. "Oh...you have one?"

I ignored that. "You're a good person and that shit stops now. Carlisle is going to buy Charlotte a tanning salon. What do you want?" I stopped to look at her. She had eyes as big as saucers and remained quiet.

"Angelina?" I asked.

"I just want you-I-I don't want anything else." She stuttered out.

I widened my arms. "You have me. Oh, and I'm getting you a bigger television." I said.

"But, I don't tan." She whispered. "I can sit in the sun all day and I'll just turn into a lobster-"

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked.

"Well you said tanning salon and well I-"

I groaned. "Do you want your own bar? A night club? Angelina, the both of us can make a lot of money out here. I'm always looking to branch out. You come up with an idea and turn the other cheek, and the both of us can make a lot of money."

"But school-" She started to walk closer to me.

I closed the distance, wrapping my arms around her, and getting my two handfuls of ass. "I can give you anything you want. If you stick with just me, you're going to get the short end of the stick. You want your own business? You can have that and I promise whatever happens between us, it will stay your business." I kissed her hair.

"-and what do you want? If I get all of that..." I turned her face up to look at me.

Her eyes were watery and she still looked so sad.

"I want you Angelina." I sighed. "I want these eyes." I gently kissed both of them. "That nose." I bit her nose instead which caused her to giggle. "-and those lips." I gently kissed them. "This ass too." I slapped it.

"You have them already." She whispered, keeping her eyes closed.

I nodded, even though she couldn't see. "I want you to stop asking questions, accept me for who I am, and know that sometimes I will lie to shield you from the truth."

"Can I trust you?" She asked.

Now to me that was a loaded question. Can she trust me? She can trust that I would never cross her, but the way she said it sounded like she wondered if I would cheat.

"Yes," I whispered. Then a chuckle escaped me. "I barely have time to see you and-" I never finished.

What I was going to say is that in this moment? I didn't want anything else besides her. I didn't know what I was doing, how we proceed, or what tomorrow might bring, but the thought of being with someone else kind of made me feel-I don't know. I just know that I didn't like the idea. I may have lied about the food channel and cooking, but I'd never lie to her about something like this, and since I didn't know the answer, I never said anything.

"So...me and you? We're like for real? Not just fucking?" She smiled.

I nodded, because even though it's still early in the game, I knew we were doing more than just fucking. "How about a night club?" I asked. "There aren't many around here."

She looked down. "School is very important to me."

I bent low to look her in the eyes.

"-and I don't know anything about owning my own business."

"Angelina, do you trust me?" I asked.

She bit her lip, and I smoothed it away with my thumb.

She jerked her head away quickly. "You talk a good game."

"I'm talking about making the both of us some money." I said. "We'll find a place, and I can front the money, and we'll make it back, and you can pay your student loans-want for nothing." I looked around us.

She laughed. "That's too much."

"It's my way of being here. All I ask is that you let me do it...be here for you."

She jumped forward to hug me tightly around the waist. "Thank you...but school is too important...and just you being here is enough."

That made me smile, as my stomach did a back flip. "You can still go to school. Night clubs are night clubs, and run at night." I chuckled. "You can bartend, run the place, and when you can't-we'll find someone who can. You'll draw a salary-and uh..." I thought of something else, but didn't want to say it.

"What?" She asked.

I scrunched up my nose. "Can you go on the pill? Hitting it Saturday night, just us-just me and you, it was amazing." I shrugged.

She shook her head no. "I don't have health insurance." She let go of me and backed away.

I nodded. "I'll talk to Carlisle. I think the firm has Aetna. We'll see what we can do. When was the last time you had yourself checked out?" I was curious now, since I did hit it raw.

"A few months ago. I needed stitches, so Leah brought me to Arden Hill Hospital, which is kind of far, but I pretended to be Leah. While I was there I had everything done. It worked." She laughed. "-and I'm healthy."

I nodded. "Good to know. So, I guess that's it then? No more questions and I'll see what we can do as far as business goes?" I asked.

"I don't like this." She whispered.

"-and I don't want you doing anything illegal, and I hate all of this." I looked around us. "Let me help you. Please."

"No, I need to do this on my own." She said.

I groaned, loudly, frustrated. I may not know women, but don't most jump at a chance like this?

"Don't be mad."

I didn't reply as I grabbed my shit again. "Brutus!" I shouted. He came running towards me.

I bent low to get his leash and then looked to her as I shook my head. "You have to be the most ungrateful person that I have ever come across. I'm out, okay? You want to live in shit? Struggle? I'm sorry, but I can't watch you do it. Not when I'm willing to help you. Tomorrow, Felix will be dropping off the car. You can either tell him to shove it up his ass, or take it, and you call me when you want to." I shrugged, having nothing else to say.

"Don't leave-not while you're this mad."

I refused to look at her. "I have shit to do in the morning. I'd have to leave early...you have school and work anyway-just think about what I said, alright?" I dejectedly kissed her hair. If I looked to her, I wouldn't be able to leave. If I kissed those lips, I'd never want to leave, and I had to leave. Shit was just too crazy here, and I had no idea what I was doing.

Number one rule to live by: If you don't know what to do, don't do anything. Let it sit, think about it, and make a plan-form an action. So at a loss, I left Angelina's apartment.

The two hour drive it took to get back home went by insanely fast. My place was exactly the way I had left it, empty. I called Felix and told him to drive the red Subaru to Angelina, the sooner the better. He told me that he couldn't do it until tomorrow. I didn't like it, but I accepted it.

I never got a phone call from Angelina, and at around three a.m. I had to take a few pills to get some sleep.


The next morning, I took Brutus out for a long walk. We walked along the belt parkway, by the water, and I thought about everything. I couldn't shake the feelings I had. I was home, where everything is normal, and yet I felt incomplete, like something was missing.

The only conclusion I could come up with was that I knew I wanted to see Angelina again, or more like had to see Angelina again.

And the thought of not having the opportunity again made me feel sick to my stomach. I was fighting the urge to blow off all the shit I had to do today and drive back up to Middletown.

During the walk back, I stopped at Nanny's. I needed some advice again. I wanted to know what I should give Angelina. I wanted to know what you give someone that doesn't want anything. That's what I desperately wanted to know. She says she wants me, well she has me, and I don't like her lifestyle.

Maybe I needed to come to grips with that. She doesn't have a problem with that.

I do.

If what she sees is what she gets, how come I can't accept what I see?

Nanny opened the door and was all smiles for me. "Elijah! Right on time for breakfast-" she hugged me tightly. "-and you brought a friend." She leaned away, looking down to Brutus.

I chuckled. "Don't worry. I'll put him out back." I walked into my grandmother's house and closed the door behind me.

"He can stay." Nanny gave Brute a tight lipped smile. When my eyes raked the room, I noticed that she took the plastic off the couch.

"Expecting company?" I asked.

She waved her hand. "I'm getting so old. What do I care about a couch?" She shrugged, walking into the kitchen.

Brutus and I followed after her.

"You want eggs? I know you love Nanny's boogie eggs."

I smiled, taking a seat at the kitchen table. "Scrambled sounds good." I took the leash off Brute and as soon as he was free Nanny turned to watch him.

"If that dog shits in the parlor-"

"He won't." I promised.

She nodded, continuing to make breakfast. "So...what brought this on?" She turned to look at me. "I'm glad you stopped by...since we have to talk."

I nodded. "Everything okay?"

She sighed, turning back to the stove. "I didn't want to bring it up at the wedding. I wanted to enjoy my time with everyone. It seems the only time we get together is for funerals these days-and there might not be a next time."

I rolled my eyes. "If you want people to stop by-" I shrugged. "-ask them."

"That's not what I'm talking about. The next time you all get together will probably be at my funeral."

"Nanny-you're as healthy as a horse." I said. "Plus, you're only seventy-five...people are living till one-hundred these days..."

"Not me." She turned to face me, and then turned right back to the eggs. "So what brought you here?"

I shook my head, staring down at the table. "I like Angelina a lot, and everything is just so confusing." I whispered. "I left her house last night-I don't do anything right. I offered her a business, so she wouldn't have to struggle. I have some money I can put towards something for her and she refuses me."

She laughed, taking plates from out of the cupboard. "Elijah, the girl wants you. She doesn't want what you can give her-no, she does." She scraped the pan with the spatula, placing the eggs on two plates. "She wants your heart and I can tell that she has it already. You just don't know it yet." She turned to hand me the plate.

"Thanks." I took the plate from her. "But Nanny, it's not that simple. I mean yeah, we agreed to be boyfriend and girlfriend. However, our relationship is based on a uh-um physical level?" I winced, and took in a mouthful of eggs.

"Boyfriend and girlfriend." She scoffed, placing her own plate on the table. "Elijah, I'm telling you this now and you better not tell a soul." She sat across from me. "I'm sick, and the doctors say I don't have much time."

I stopped eating, suddenly not hungry.

"-and before I die, I want you to be married, to a woman who I know will take care of you. You are so in-love with Angelina...why are you waiting?" She went for her left hand, trying ease off her rings. She handed me her rock. "You drive up there right now, and you ask that girl to marry you."

I put out my hand. "Nanny that's-"

"What crazy?" She smiled, righting her wig with her free hand.

I nodded, smiling back and reaching out to hide a lock of gray hair under the wig.

"Stop that-" she slapped my hand away. "What's crazy is waiting and knowing that in the long run you won't want anyone else. That's wasted time. She can make you happy, and what's the worst that can happen? You two get a divorce? Before I die-I want you married, and I want Angelina."

I shook my head, ignoring all of that. "What do the doctors think it is? Cancer again?" I gulped.

Ten years ago Nanny had breast cancer and they had to remove both her breasts. She had them redone. They took the fat from her stomach or something and made new boobs. It was a lengthy surgery, but Nanny still loves to wear low-cut blouses, to show them off, since they don't reach the floor anymore-so she says. My grandfather must be turning in his grave.

"Ask Angelina to marry you, so I can die a happy woman. I don't have any fight left within me. I'm not asking for grandchildren, just that you admit your love for Angelina, and make it official."

"She prefers Angelina." I snorted. "Why didn't you answer my question? What's going on with you? My shit-is shit." I shrugged.

"It's irrelevant. I'm dying and it's just that simple. Marry that girl Elijah. She'll love you forever, and even if you don't think you love her now-you will. Nanny knows." She pointed to her temple. "So eat, and then go get your girl. I've always known love was going to sneak up on you and you wouldn't know how to act." She giggled.

"I don't love her." I shook my head.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that." She stood from the table. "Coffee?"

I nodded. "Thanks."

We barely said a word after that. Before I left she tried to give me her ring again, and I refused to take it. I went back to my apartment.

I showered, changed, and waited for my boy Aro to show up. I still had to handle that shit for my father.

Yesterday, before I left for Angelina's he told me everything that I needed to know about juror number five. In regards to the Catello Somma trial, they are hoping for a mistrial by a hung jury. The trial starts this coming Monday and I had today to handle this shit.

Aro showed up at around two, and we took off in his car. We drove to Brooklyn Heights, where juror number five works. Derek Smith is a New York City bus driver. He drives the same route every day, and every day at three p.m, he takes his lunch break at a local diner along his route. He's married, has two kids, and is all around a great American citizen.

I waited in the car while Aro went inside. Again, I don't do this, and Aro knows that he is only as good as his next envelope, so he does what he is told. I looked to my cell phone, and wondered if it was broken. With curiosity getting the best of me, I called Nanny to see if my phone was working.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Hey," I looked around.

"Elijah...Wow. A visit and a phone call all in the same day?" She asked. "I feel special."

"Good." I said.

"-and?" She waited, because I had no idea what to tell her.

"I wanted to make sure my cell was working. Angelina hasn't called." I sighed, honestly not wanting to bother my grandmother again with this bullshit.

"You didn't tell me-What'd you do?"

"Nothing, I-"

"She's a good girl Elijah. I know you did something and I can't believe you didn't tell me earlier."

"I didn't-do anything, and I told you the most of it."

"Don't lie to your grandmother! You get in that car and make this better. If you don't love her already, you do have a heart made of stone. I didn't raise you to be so cold. That's all your father's doing."

"No, I don't-Nanny..."

"Go get her! She's your girl, Elijah. You were long gone the moment you laid eyes on her...I can't wait till you get married." Her voice broke. "Before I die Elijah-Before I die."

"Are you crying?" I frowned. "I'm sorry, but it's not happening. Look, I offered her anything she wanted and it became complicated...I told you already." I groaned. "Don't cry Nanny. How about this weekend the three of us go out to eat? If Angelina decides to call me..."

She was quiet on the other end for a few minutes. "Nanny?" I asked. "We'll even come to Sunday dinner." I felt like shit for making her cry. I hate seeing/hearing Nanny cry. The woman is as tough as nails. She never cries.

"She's not that type of girl. All she wants is you, your support-let her in, Elijah. The biggest problem you two have is that you're one in the same. Stubborn...and yet you fail to realize that out of everyone she can be your strongest confidant-partner in crime. You can trust her Elijah, I saw it in her eyes. You two need each other. LET. HER. IN! You can deny it, but you care about her and I bet when you two make love-"

"Nanny, I don't think that's what it is. I just miss her, so much-now what does that mean?" I slumped low in my seat. "-and stop crying."

"Elijah, sweetheart, are you really that blind? You care about her, and I know for a fact that one day-" She paused. "Angelina will be your wife." She started breathing heavily again. "I just hope she becomes your wife before I die, so I can go peacefully." She sobbed. "-and bring wine on Sunday."

I gulped, shaking my head no. "I can't even do girlfriends and you think I'll be married one day?" I laughed. "Not happening Nanny."

"My dying wish-before I die...You Elijah Anthony will marry another...Angelina. I want her Elijah." I was able to hear that she was openly sobbing now.

"Nanny," I groaned.

"Before I die-you have two months-I think. I get weaker every day."

I looked around and saw Aro running out of the diner. "I gotta go." I hung up on her quickly, taking another curious glance around. That's all I need is for Aro to tell the guys I was getting dating advice from my grandmother.

I actually jumped when Aro opened the passenger side door. "It's all taken care of."

I blew out a breath, starting the car, and looking into the rear-view. "How'd it go?" I asked.

He laughed. "I paid for his lunch and told him that I know he'll do the right thing."

"-and?" I asked, as I pulled off.

"He'll do the right thing by Catello-I also told him that he's a good person. That his wife Katrina is very beautiful, as are his children-"

I turned right. "You mentioned the names of his children?"

"Trust me, he got the idea-"

"-and you're sure about that?" I asked.

"Of course, skip. I also told him that after all is said and done that he'll be well compensated." He shook his head. "Those bus drivers make shit."

I nodded. "Because this is the big one. If Catello gets convicted-" I shrugged. "I'm sure a lot of things will change." I gave him a fleeting look.

"Hey, I would never-"

"Because he's a top earner, and if something were to happen to him, you move up in rank, don't you?" I asked.

He was quiet for a minute.

"I asked you a question." I turned left onto third Avenue.

"I do-But I would never want that for Cat, we go back a long ways..." He stammered. "Skip, what are you trying to say?"

I chuckled. "Not a damn thing. I'm just stating fact and while I'm at it, I'll say this-Marcus doesn't want Catello to be put away. So, I'll ask again. Was that taken care of, or should I turn back around?" I looked to him again.

"It's taken care of." He said.

"Good." I pulled onto the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway to head back to my neighborhood. We drove in silence, literal silence.

I refused to turn the stereo on, afraid that I might miss Angelina's call. I also tried to think of ways to make it up to Angelina, get her to forgive me, for whatever it is I did. I thought about Nanny too, which I didn't really want to think about. All my life I have done many things to make that woman happy, but this was just too much. Then again, I became a lawyer for my mother-No, Nanny is buggin. I can't ask Angelina to marry me for Nanny's sake. I'd be a terrible husband, and Angelina deserves better. Then I thought that I am probably wasting Angelina's time. If I never plan to move forward, what's the point?

When we were a few blocks away from my house, I broke the silence. "Hey, you still own that housekeeping company?"

He chuckled. "It's a janitorial service. We clean offices-"

I knew that. That's just the way I start conversations, by playing stupid. When I gave Angelina the phone Sunday the only number it contained was Aro's. He's our cleaner. He cleans everything, takes care of everything, and he's good at it. Last I heard, he made a business out of it, and I'll leave it at that.

"I need you to send someone, preferably a woman to this address-" I looked to him. "Grab a pen."

He opened the glove compartment to take out a napkin and a pen. "Shoot," he said.

"Forty-two Laurel Street, Middletown, NY-"

"Middletown?" He shouted.

"Is that a problem?" We were at a red light, so I was able to look at him.

"Not at all. What kind of clean job-we lookin' at?" He asked.

I grinned. "It's not that kind of job." I drove off when the light turned green. "It's an actual dirty-I mean, messy house." I shrugged. "-and I want a woman to go." I looked back to him quickly.

He nodded. "I'll make a few calls. When did you want this done?"

I thought about that for a minute. Angelina should be out of school by now and she's probably on her way to work already. Leah will probably be sleeping, since she works nights.

"Get someone over there as soon as possible." I grabbed my cell to call Leah. While Angelina was sleeping, I may have looked through her contacts and thought having her roommate's phone number might come in handy. Who knew it would? I also grabbed Evan's, before I had even met him, and remembered to store them with the signature *67, to block my own number.

I laughed to myself, noticing Aro on his own cell. "Just wait a second," I told him, hearing my own phone ring.

"Hello?" Leah said sleepily.

"Hello." I said.

"Who-" I heard her yawn.

"It's Elijah." I said. "Masen."

"Um...Why are you-"

"I have a surprise for Angelina." I waited for her to process that as I pulled up in front of my apartment.

Leah scoffed. "Last I heard, she didn't want anything from you."

"It's for you too. In a little while someone will be at your door. You are to answer your door for a woman." I looked back to Aro. "If it's a guy you are not to let him in." Aro nodded.

"What do you mean?" Leah sounded panicked.

I chuckled. "Nothing. I'm having a housekeeper stop by."

She gasped. "Seriously? Cause you know, I thought about cleaning this place, but I'm just so busy, and Angelina doesn't care-"

"Whatever." I cut her off. "Angelina will have a bed delivered tomorrow, and I'd love it if the place was cleaned before it got there."

"Oh Elijah that would be-"

I sighed. "Just answer the door, and one more thing-don't mention this to Angelina or Sam."

She squealed and I hung up the phone to look at Aro. "You might want to send two broads over and if I find out anything is missing-"

"Relax, I'm on it." He raised his phone to his ear. I waited, listening to what he had to say. I just wanted to make sure a female would be going there. He turned to face me. "Someone should be there in a half hour."

"Good to know."

"I just want you to know-that shit with Catello..."

I put my hand up. "Don't." I said.

He nodded, looking down to his lap.

"Thanks for making that call." I pat his back, before I opened the door.

"Angelina...that's the one with the hips you brought to C's wedding?" He asked.

I smiled, thinking about those hips, and then frowned, wishing I could touch those hips-have them within arms' reach.

"Yeah, and keep her name out of your mouth." I jumped out of the car. He never greeted me with a response and I walked the two block radius to the bowling alley, Brook Lanes. I usually let Patrick send someone over with my money, but without anything better to do, and to keep my mind occupied, I walked.

Patrick was in the bar when I found him. He was wiping it down and laughing with a customer.

"Hey." I gave him a chin jerk.

He smiled back, excusing himself from the customer.

I followed him back to his office. He didn't waste any time before he threw an envelope my way. "Thanks," I said.

He nodded.

Patrick is a great guy. We grew up in the neighborhood together and his family has owned this place for years. He inherited it when his father passed away and when Patrick wasn't exactly ready to take on the family business. He had a little habit and squandered most, if not all the profits.

He was nearly bankrupt when I stepped in. As a friend, I sent his ass to rehab. As a business man, I paid the difference, got him out of debt, and he'll be indebted to me until I see fit, or he drops dead. There's always a price, but in all fairness, he is paying off a debt. This place is now in my name, after he just gave it up. He runs it and runs it well, keeps his nose out of the yak, and is never late with my money.

Soon, I hope to see a profit. Now, I'm just getting back what he owes me.

On my way out, I saw Candace run in, and take her post behind the snack bar. She waved to me, and I nodded back.

Before I went back to my apartment, I bought a sandwich. For some reason, I wasn't very hungry, and Brutus enjoyed half of it.

After I took him for another walk with still no word from Angelina, I took another long shower.

When I left the shower, I called Felix. He was to drop the car off before she went to work and he was also instructed not to speak to her. He was told only to hand over the keys and be on his way. That should have happened already. Felix answered on the second ring to inform me that Angelina took the keys from him, only to chuck them at his head when he turned his back.

I was very proud of Felix when he picked the keys back up and placed them in her hand again.

She didn't throw them again, yet Felix didn't wait to see what she did with them.

I dressed myself in my casual business attire and made my way to Scarlet for the evening. The ride there was quick. The girls were dancing. I had a few drinks, spoke to Heidi regarding new dancers, and some new themed night activities she wants to try out, and relaxed back. I waited.

The first to come was Laurent-funny how back in the day he used to supply me with weed. That was before he decided to broaden his horizons. He's more of an arms dealer now. As much as I dislike it, he pays and I supply him. He handed me an envelope, had a few drinks and a lap dance, courtesy of me, and went on his way.

Then Sarah Martinez showed up to give me my cut. She didn't stay, only said that Dylan's boys were selling in her territory. My response was that she should talk to Dylan. I don't deal with that shit, nor do I care. She showed up with her guys, who like to haggle the dancers and get a little rowdy.

I put a stop to that shit this evening. She is to either come alone, trust me, or we stop doing business. This place has enough security, but that ghetto bullshit belongs in the ghetto, not in my fucking club.

The short brunette, who no doubt should have her own security, agreed, and we shook on it.

Two more of my associates showed up and for the first time in almost a week, I missed Carlisle. He counts my money, we have a few drinks, and just chill out on Thursday nights. It's his late night at the office, and he stops by before he goes home.

All this-being here, easily kept my mind off of Angelina until now. Until I had nothing else to do. I still expect Dylan to show up. He usually comes by Saturday nights, but Evan has him working Saturday, and I honestly have no idea if I'll even be going back up there.

Still waiting for him, I locked my office door to count out my money. I did very well this week. I counted out Marcus' take and put the rest into the safe. I'll see him this weekend. We usually meet up for lunch.

My phone rang and being the desperate fool that I am, I grabbed for it quickly. Disappointment set in when I saw that it was Aro. The job I had him set up had been done. Angelina's apartment was cleaned hours ago, and I cracked a smile.

While I was on the phone, a loud knock sounded on my door. I ended the call and saw that it was Dylan. I opened the door wide for him.

"What's up?" He smiled, giving me a one armed hug.

"Nothing much." I sighed, leaning away.

"Here," he handed me an envelope.

I nodded in thanks and tossed it on to my desk. "You want to grab a drink? Chill out a little? Watch the girls?" I asked, seemingly starved for company, and I didn't know where this was coming from. For like the third time-No, I'm lying. For the countless time today, I regretted leaving Angelina's crazy ass last night.

He frowned, staring back at me. "Sure-let me just call Ali."

I shook my head. "You know what-go home." I shrugged.

"Ed, it's not that I don't want to...it's just Evan has me clocking in at seven tomorrow." He looked down.

I smiled, patting his back. "It's cool, man. Don't worry about it. How's that going anyway?" I sat back down behind my desk.

"Well," he cleared his throat, taking a seat across from me. "I hate dealing with actual shit, if that's what you mean." He chuckled. "But Evan's cool. He inquired a lot about you today, talking about that dive you own on 12th Ave?" He grinned.

I nodded.

"You claimed O'Reilly's? Why not Scarlet? That man is obsessed with tits. You would have made a better impression."

I laughed. "I don't give a fuck what Evan thinks."

"Yes, you do." He called me on it. "I was nervous when I first met Evan-Dude is fucking huge, and the closest thing Ali has to a brother. Do you know how hard it was to keep my mouth shut? I felt bad man...he worries about Angelina." He shrugged.

"Kept asking me if I heard anything, or saw her, and I didn't know-"

"You could have called me." I whispered.

"Can I smoke in here?" Dylan asked.

I nodded. "Let me get one of those." He tossed me a cigarette. "Thanks." I reached into my drawer for a book of matches to light it.

"Angelina called Ali earlier-"

I nodded, continuing to smoke my cigarette.

"Says you gave her a car."

I nodded again.

"So, it's serious?" He grinned.

I widened my arms. "It's a fucking Subaru."

"Still," he chuckled. "You don't just give cars to girls you fuck. That's all I'm saying."

I sat there silently, staring at my desk, my nearly empty desk. Marcus has a desk just like this one at his store, filled with pictures of him and his wife, Carlisle and Charlotte, a group photo of our combined families, and for the first time, in this moment, I realized that I essentially have nothing.

And soon, I won't even have Nanny. Carlisle will soon have his own family, and once Alicia gives birth, I bet Dylan won't have the time to chill anymore. My life is empty and in this moment, I realized just how pathetic that is.

Marry her Elijah...

Thinking about what Nanny said made my stomach flip in the worst way. "Maybe I like her. I don't fucking know." I laughed at myself. "Yesterday? She treated me like shit, and only when I was about to leave did she act all sweet and nice. I don't get it."

Dylan laughed too. "Evan said she can be a bitch when she's uh-pms-ing...Ali can too, she's even worse now that she is pregnant, bitching about all the shit she can't do." He shook his head.

I looked to him confused. "So..."

He shrugged. "It's normal. Maybe not for all women, but the both of them, yeah."

"She kept asking questions." I whispered. "She wants to know everything and I thought she was different. The night I met her she didn't ask me anything."

"Ed," Dylan leaned towards me. "The night you two met? She was drunk. Besides, Ali knows everything I do, and you know why? Because regardless of all our bullshit, at the end of the day, I can trust her. Women ask questions...the smart ones anyway. Your brother got lucky with Charlotte. The woman is brilliant, but it's the way she was raised...you know."

I nodded.

"You know what's the best part about fighting?" he asked.

I stared at him.

"The make-up sex. When you're both still pissed, and are fucking each other in hopes to hurt one another." He laughed, looking away from me.

I didn't reply.

Dylan and I chilled some more, until about midnight. The same time Angelina should be home from work. He left after getting a phone call from Alicia, and I waited, and waited, and at around two a.m., I left my office.

Standing by the bar, I watched the dancers-just for the hell of it. Heidi saw me and curiously raised an eyebrow, pointing to one of the new girls. She was decently cute, nice rack and ass, and she danced very well.

"Want me to talk to her?" Heidi asked.

I stared down at Heidi, thinking. She knows me well. Well enough to know that I just briefly thought about hooking up with one of the girls. What Heidi doesn't know is that I am just lonely and this hook-up would have nothing to do with sex.

But even in the past, whatever the case was, sex has always been sex-satisfactory-the satisfaction of an orgasm. There's never been that rush. That primal need. The gut wrenching-excited feeling I get when I am with Angelina.

I smirked and bent my head low to place a kiss on her forehead. "Pimping isn't in your job description."

She laughed, stepping back. "I know, but why do you look like that?"

I shrugged. "I'm going to take off." I glanced at the dancers again.

"How's Angelina-right? That's her name? Are you still seeing her?" Heidi asked. "The one you took to C's wedding."

I winced, sucking a breath through my teeth. "I'm beat-call me if you need me." I pat her shoulder and walked away.

She quickly caught up to me and wrapped her arms around my torso. I leaned back. "H?" I placed my hands on her shoulders.

"Feel better. I don't like seeing you like this." She stepped back.

"Like what?" I asked, honestly curious.

She looked down. "A momma knows-" She pointed to her temple like Nanny did earlier. "I'm guessing things didn't go so well with Angelina yesterday? That's her name, right?"

I nodded. "Things were...decent."

"Well, that face-" She pointed at me. "This face-that's what happens when you let feelings get involved. You get your heart broken. It's good for you-you needed that-her...um..." She stammered. "-but if you care about her and want to make it better-Oh! We can do something special for her on a theme night?" She said the last part excitedly. "What did you do anyway? You've just been so happy-so theme night?" Her smile was fading.

I didn't reply to that and shook my head. I doubt Angelina will get a kick out of a lap dance, even if it was Hawaiian night and everyone wore leis. Although, it's a very intriguing thought.

"So...how are the kids? Did Sal make honor roll this semester?" I changed the subject. Heidi has two kids. She started young and loves to talk about them. Sal is her oldest at sixteen, and Heidi had him at sixteen. Little Julie came three years after and is just so tiny everyone calls her little Julie.

Everyone here at Scarlet has a backstory. How they came to work here, and personal lives. Most of the dancers have kids. We just never mix business with personal shit. Never. I flipped the script, even if I know Heidi jumps at the chance to gush about her family. No one ever asks her cause they all assume we're fucking.

Heidi's eyes became bright. "He did. And Frank is fixing up his old Honda for him. He's getting his permit this year."

"Frank is a good guy." I said, in regards to her husband. They met a few years back. He was a steady customer when this place was owned by a dearly departed friend of mine, and Heidi was still a dancer. "Goodnight."

"Night, Elijah. You know...you can always stop by for dinner, right?"

I rolled my eyes. "Goodnight Heidi." I waved.

I got home at around three, and saw the note the kid downstairs had left. It said that he walked Brutus at around ten and fed him at nine.

While I was walking Brutus in these late night hours, and enjoying the chilly night air, I realized once again just how lonely and sad my life is.

Soon, all I'll have is Brutus.

Since when did it become sad? That's what I didn't get. Two weeks ago, I loved my life, laughed at those pussy whipped bitches I call friends and associates because they had to be home at a certain hour. Meanwhile, I could stay out as late as I wanted, and do whatever it is I want.

Maybe that's what was missing: guidance?

I'm not sure what it is, but being that I'm a pretty smart guy, I'm sure I'll figure it out.

"Come on Brute," I gently tugged on his leash and started to walk back home. When we were about two blocks away from the apartment, I saw a red Subaru, and my breath caught.

And at that moment, I felt like a pansy ass.

I stared, hoping Angelina would jump out. It was the same car and even though it was dark, I had this gut instinct that it was her.

The red Subaru tried a few times to parallel park and failed miserably. I continued to watch, and on the fifth try, a gorgeous brunette jumped out, and slammed the door closed. "Are you just going to stand there? Or help me park this fucking thing?" She screamed at me. "Yeah, I see you!"

I chuckled, wanting so much to run to her, but settled on walking instead. Brutus was just as excited as me, and pulled me to her.

As I got closer, my heart started to pound rapidly in my chest and my mouth suddenly became very dry. I was nervous as fuck and tried my best to ignore it. "Having trouble?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow.

She huffed a breath. "I hate parallel parking, and the bridges and tunnels it takes to get here." She kicked the tire. "Oww-"

"Bad ride?" I asked, and now I didn't even try to hide my smile.

"Just park the car!" She leaned against a neighboring car and hugged her foot to her chest.

I wanted to kiss those pouty lips of hers, but handed her Brute's leash instead. She stopped pouting, grabbed the leash, and walked over to the sidewalk. I entered the car and of course had trouble. She's so short and I have to put the seat back-not like I mind. I parked the car rapidly, and saw that she had a small nap-sack with her on the passenger side seat. I didn't know what was in it, but it better be clothes since she's staying.

I was going to make sure of it.

"Did he make?" Angelina asked, pointing her eyes down to Brutus.

I nodded. "Over there on third, since you're so interested." I had her bag on my shoulder as I leaned against the car. "How'd you know where I live?"

She looked down. "I may have asked Alicia."

I nodded.

"-and now I have to babysit next Saturday. She and Dylan are going to go out." She shrugged, looking at her shoes.

I nodded again. "So, are you staying over?"

"Well," She sighed, handing me the leash. "I should, since I nearly had to beg Alicia to ask Dylan what your address was, which took almost an hour. Then, I took the long drive down."

"You stopped at your house first?" I was curious.

She laughed. "I think Leah-I don't know. She must have cleaned up. The place is spotless."

I frowned, wanting to take credit for it, but also not wanting her to know. I think if she knew it did it, she'd get angry. "That's good."

She looked around us. "So, fourth avenue is this way?" She pointed to the right.

I shook my head no. "It's that way." I jerked my head to the left, pushing myself off the car. "Come on," I held out my hand.

She stared at it.

"Isn't this one of those things that boyfriends do?" I smirked.

She giggled, placing her tiny hand into mine. I pulled her to me, and planted my lips to hers quickly. I didn't deepen it, or get carried away. It was a small open mouthed kiss, a promising kiss-of good things to come.

A kiss I so desperately needed-Her, I desperately needed her. I realized, during that short kiss.

"I missed you." She whispered.

I nodded, still staring at those lips. "I missed you too." Then I stepped back, still staring-only now I was able to see the whole picture. I had no idea how much I truly missed her until this moment-that kiss.

The past day, which was just a regular day for me was agonizing, and I wished I had never left her last night-wished I could go back in time, and be with her, so that she could bitch me out, whine, and drive me crazy. All of that would have been better than today-all that loneliness. My life is empty-empty without her.

Fuck me. I drew in a shaky breath and my stomach felt queasy-wanting very much to say something in this moment.

She was just too beautiful, standing under the street lamp, staring back up at me with that dumbfounded 'What the hell are you looking at?' expression, as she shivered from the cold. Meanwhile, I can swear that I had never seen anything as gorgeous as she is in this moment. I pulled her tighter into me, hoping to warm her. "Angelina, I-I-" I started.

She hopped up to peck my lips once more. "Let's go-I can't wait to see your place." She let out a shiver, and tugged on my hand.

I laughed, trailing behind her. "It's nothing special-Oh, but I have pads if you need them." I furrowed my brows, feeling like an ass.


"They were the maid's." I said.

"I wear tampons." She giggled.

"What's the difference?" I looked to her, and her smiling face. She looked incredibly happy, but tired.

"Pads are like a pad-to me they feel like diapers, and they stick to your panties. Tampons are these little things, like small sponges that go inside, and stay inside to absorb the blood." She shrugged.

I groaned, suddenly jealous of a tampon. "Live with me." I blurted.

She pulled me back, stopping me from walking. "What did you say?" She asked.

I paused, staring at the ground. "Stay with me, stay the night." I looked back up to her.

Now she looked down to the ground. "Um...I thought that was a given." She looked incredibly disappointed, just like last Sunday when I asked her to kiss me, wanting her lips on mine so badly that I actually asked her. Then I made up some excuse, telling her that she kicked me. Hell, in this moment, I wanted to kick me.

I chuckled nervously. "No, I didn't say that."

Angelina hopped up and down. "Well, what did you say? Elijah, it's freezing."

I gulped, hopping up and down myself-like the nervous pussy that I am. Angelina turns me into a nervous, whining pussy. I deal with gangsters, thugs, and drug dealers, and a five foot two brunette has me by the balls. But, if I didn't say something-do something, I don't know. I just don't fucking know anymore. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs and run away from it all, everything, even Angelina.

The only problem is, I can't-it would hurt that bad.

"Elijah-" She drew out my name, hugging herself.

I nodded, taking in a deep breath. "I asked you-well, I wanted to know if you would like to live with me." I trailed my hand through my hair. "I know it's far away from your family, it's really soon, and you'd have to leave school, but there are schools here. Hell, we can get married and then you don't even have to work." I jumped back, away from her quickly to cover my mouth with my hand.

She stood there and laughed at me. "Be serious. Have you been drinking?" She walked ahead of me.

I pulled her back again. "I think I am...serious-fuck it." I shrugged.

"Elijah-" She frowned up to me.

Let her in...

Nanny's words haunted me again. I swallowed, pulling her close to me. "Nanny is very sick. She's dying." I frowned too, only in this moment with Angelina did I actually feel the hurt. The weight of the thought of my grandmother dying. Maybe it was admitting it to another?

"What?" Angelina's face crumbled and she began to cry, which in turn made me feel choked up as well. "But I just met her-she can't die Elijah." She sniffled. "She's-she's like the grandma I never had. I'm sorry-this is so not about me. Are you okay?" She squeezed my hand.

I nodded. "She said somethings today-told me her dying wish..." I cleared my throat, blinking my lids rapidly, and turning away from her.

"What is it? Disney World, world peace, a boy for Carlisle and Charlotte?" Angelina rambled, and it made me crack a smile.

I shook my head no. "She wants us to get married." I whispered, refusing to look at her. I was about to put it all out there, and I didn't know how I felt about that anymore. "We can get married and then when Nanny dies-we can get a divorce. We can still be friends and all-or..." I trailed off, staring at my shoes.

I couldn't believe what I just said, and thought that maybe a part of me was just that starved for company-that lonely, and willing to marry Angelina in hopes to solve that, even though I have no idea what I am doing. Another part of me wants to make Nanny happy, and then the other part thought this was genius. Angelina is just as lonely as I am, and like Nanny said, we can be there for each other. But, what about the rest of it?

I had a million thoughts running through my head, and I had no idea what to think of it.

Then I had a sudden epiphany. If I ever married somebody, it would have to be her. So why not do it and make Nanny happy? Surely Angelina can learn to roll with the punches. She knows enough-knows a little about how I do business.

I sighed, about to vomit. "I know you don't love me-but it would make my grandmother happy...this is crazy-forget I said anything." I shook those thoughts away and started to walk again. What the hell was I thinking?

I was a few paces away when I realized Angelina wasn't following me. I turned back to her.

She stared at me, with her tear stained cheeks. "I have no one Elijah-this is crazy, but I'll do it-for Nanny." She swallowed. "I don't care about leaving my family. Em

My heart felt like it skipped a beat. I ran to her with Brutus, only to gather her in my arms. "For Nanny." I agreed. "We'll fly out to vegas in the morning." I couldn't believe how happy I was.

She stiffened in my arms. "What?"

"Vegas." I said, squeezing her so tight. She can't get away now. I grinned, feeling like I might scream again, but not in frustration-victory.

She nodded, placing a peck on my lips. "Vegas." She rasped out. "Can't breathe."

"Too bad." I chuckled, swaying us from side-to-side, but I did ease up on my hold a bit. 

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