Fireman Sam: Ellie's sick day

By TigerLeprechaun42

4.4K 88 81

Ellie has come down with a bad cold and she tried to hold on for long. She found out that she started to feel... More

Ellie is ill
Sam finds out
Penny comes to help
Sam, Ellie, Penny, and Helen
Sarah, Penny, and Sam
James, Norman, and Mandy look for Sarah
Ellie tells a secret
Sam tells Charlie, Bronwyn, and Dilys
Day 2 (still sick, but a little bit less pain)
This can't be good
Time for a Plan
More Trouble and PAYBACK
Ellie's in Hospital
Caught Red-handed
Vehicle Trouble
The Grand Finale

Coming home

170 4 2
By TigerLeprechaun42

Elvis was at the Fire Station clearing up for the night when his phone rang. Sam was calling him and he had no idea why. Ellie was still in the hospital with Penny, he answered it and looked around. "Hi, Sam. Need anything from me?" he asked.

"Yes, Elvis. I was wondering where the batteries were for Jupiter and Hydrus."

"They're still here. Why?"

"Both their engines won't start and we're still in Newtown. Hydrus won't start either. Can you bring the batteries to our location and Penny can re-fit them?"

"No problem, Sam. Where you at?"

"We're at Newtown hospital with Ellie, Arnold, Bronwyn, and Sarah."

"Ok, I'll tell Station Officer Steele."

"Thanks, Elvis."

Elvis and Sam ended their call and Elvis went to find Station Officer Steele. He could see that Elvis was looking for the keys to Phoenix. So, he went over and passed him the keys. "Thank you, sir." Elvis replied.

"Where you off to, Cridlington?"

"I'm off to Newtown hospital, sir."

"Oh, and why is that?"

"Sam told me that they need new batteries for Jupiter and Hydrus. Penny will need to re-fit them while we wait for Ellie."

"Right, I'll see to it that you get there and drop them off."

"Yes, sir."

Elvis went down to find Phoenix beside Mercury and started the engine, but realized he needed to store the batteries safely. He stored them in the storage bins where the equipment was and brought the toolbox with him. After he stored them safely, he was on his way to Newtown hospital to meet Sam and the others there.

At Newtown Hospital,

Sam was with Arnold, Bronwyn, and Sarah. They had just been waiting to go home, but had to wait for Elvis after the engines won't start on both Jupiter and Hydrus. Just as Ellie was still sleeping, Bronwyn walked over to Penny. "Can you watch Sarah while I get us something to drink?" She asked.

"Sure, A cup of tea would be nice."

"Sam, want something to drink?"

"Yeah, just a cup of tea, please." Sam replied.

"Arnold, want a cup of tea?" Sam asked

"Sure, Sam. Maybe a cup of tea with a bottle of water." Arnold replied.

"OK, I'll be right back." Bronwyn said heading out to find the cafeteria.

Bronwyn went to find the cafe in the hospital when Elvis pulled up with Phoenix. He was surprised to see everyone here except for Station Officer Steele and Tom. He saw Sam at the front desk with Arnold and Penny with Ellie and Sarah who were both asleep. Sam went up to Elvis and asked him about the batteries. "You got the batteries, Elvis?"

"Yes, Sam. I did."

"Excellent, we'll need Penny to re-fit them."

"I'm right here, Sam." Penny called quietly.

"Thank goodness. Penny, can you re-fit the battery for Jupiter while Elvis and I fix Hydrus?"

"No problem, Sam."

Penny went out to fix Jupiter and Sam went with Elvis to fix Hydrus. Arnold was with Sarah and she relaxed in his arms after Penny was called by Sam. He felt Sarah grab the collar of his shirt and she fell asleep. Ellie was still asleep when she felt something in her line. Dr. Anderson was giving her some meds for the rash from the Chili Powder Norman had left at the house. Ellie woke up tired and she saw the curtain, Arnold, Sarah, and Dr. Anderson. "Hi, Ellie. How are you feeling right now?" Dr. Anderson asked.

"I'm feeling a little tired, but better."

"I know. I'm just giving your IV something to deal with that rash on your stomach."

"Thanks, but what time can I go home?"

"Right now, you're tired. So, you can go home in the morning. In the meantime, I'll move you to an open room after your friends have left except for Penny who has agreed to stay with you."

"Ok. Thank you."

"No problem."

Ellie drifted off to sleep and Dr. Anderson left her to sleep. Arnold held Sarah close and they were waiting for Sam, Bronwyn, Penny, and Elvis to come back. Sarah started to move and Arnold felt her move. He began to wonder what was taking Bronwyn so long. Just as he was thinking about what would happen next, Bronwyn came back with some drinks for the firefighters and Sarah except for Ellie. She passed some tea to Penny, Sam, Elvis, and Arnold while they were waiting for the vehicles to be fixed. Sarah had a bottle of water that Bronwyn bought from the cafe. Arnold looked around and saw Bronwyn join him. "She fell asleep with you?" Bronwyn asked

"Apparently, yes."

"Oh, look at her. She's had a long day after what happened earlier. We're still waiting for Sam to finish working on Jupiter and Hydrus."

"I know. I sure hope this doesn't take long."

Arnold and Bronwyn were with Sarah when they saw Sam, Penny, and Elvis return to the building. They were finished re-fitting the batteries to Jupiter and Hydrus. Sam went over to Bronwyn and Arnold who were with a sleeping Sarah. He looked down to them. "Right, I think Jupiter and Hydrus would start now. Arnold, I'll see you at the station." He said

"See you later, Sam."

Arnold left on Hydrus and the engine works perfectly. Hydrus was fully functional and drove off back to Pontypandy Fire Station. Sam turned to Bronwyn. "How's Sarah?" Sam asked

"She fell asleep while I went to get us drinks."

"Oh, look at that."

"I think it's time we got home."

"Come on, I'll drive you home, Bronwyn."

"Thanks, Sam."

Sam, Bronwyn, and Sarah left the hospital to find Jupiter. He started the engine after they all climbed in, then they drove off back to Pontypandy. He looked worried about Ellie, but he had to get his family home. Charlie and James were still at the cafe. It was very dark in Pontypandy and Newtown. As soon as they reached Pontypandy, he got a call from the fire station. Station Officer Steele needed to tell him something. "Yes, sir?" He asked.

"Sam, I just got word that Ellie hasn't been cleared yet."

"I know, sir. It took us a whole hour to fix the batteries. Penny had to help us."

"Alright, Sam. Will you be heading to the fire station, soon?"

"Yes, sir. I'll be there to set up our plan as soon as Penny and Ellie return with Venus."

"Excellent, Sam. Elvis has been waiting to get back at him with all of us after what he did to the team and the other children."

"I understand, sir."

"Well, I'll see you later then."

"Ok, sir. Understood. See you later."

Sam ended his call with Station Officer Steele and approached the Wholefish Cafe. Charlie was waiting for Bronwyn and Sarah when Jupiter pulled up. Bronwyn opened the door and Sarah held on to her while Charlie got the door. "Thanks for bringing us to Newtown, Sam."

"No problem, Bronwyn. I'm just pleased that Sarah's ok."

"Well, I'll come by in the morning after Ellie returns." Charlie added.

"Ok, Charlie. I'll see you there." Sam replied

Sam left for the Fire Station as Charlie waved to him and Sarah was brought up to bed for the night. Charlie and Bronwyn were thankful it wasn't bad. They were thinking about what happened to them with Norman Price.

Meanwhile at Newtown Hospital,

Ellie was still asleep upstairs in a different room when she started to wake up several hours later and saw Penny by her side. She was relieved that her friend was still with her and reached for the blanket. Penny moved it to her and Ellie was soon starting to wake up from her long sleep. "Morning, Ellie." Penny said

"Hi, Penny."

"How was your night of sleep?"

"Not the same as back in Pontypandy, but it was fine."

"That's great to hear, Ellie. I've just been told about the test results, they showed that you just had a stomach ache with a little bit of Chili Powder from Norman's prank earlier. I guess that slice of toast was filled with Chili Powder."

"I know, Penny. I'm just glad I'm alright."

"Me too, Ellie."

Just as Ellie was reaching for her phone, she noticed something different. She can see that there wasn't any pain in her stomach. Penny noticed it and looked at Ellie, they stared at each other for a moment and Ellie checked the time on her phone. the time was 09:00 am in Wales and it was morning already. "Penny, did you see that?" Ellie asked

"Yeah, Ellie. I did."

"I think I don't have any pain."

"You're right. Let me just double-check that for you."

Penny checked her stomach and noticed the rash was gone and felt no pain. She was relieved that there wasn't any pain at all that Ellie was having when they brought her to Sam's house before arriving at the hospital. "Ellie, I can't feel any pain that you had earlier in the week." Said Penny.


"Yeah, I think you got better while you were sleeping."

"Oh, I see."

"and it was because we brought you here after you experienced a lot of pain at Sam's house."

"I know, I'm sorry, Penny. I should've been home when I had that cold earlier before I left to Rescue Lion."

"Ellie, I know. I told Station Officer Steele and he said that though he admires your sense of duty, you risked putting yourself and others in danger."

"I know, I won't do it again. I should tell Sam I'm sorry for bringing him in on his day off."

"Ellie, he had the day off taking care of you. There's nothing to worry about."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Thanks, Penny. What would I do without you?"

Penny and Ellie hugged it out before Dr. Anderson came back to tell Ellie the good news. They were all lucky it wasn't too bad, but after Norman caused trouble, it got really bad and they brought Ellie to the hospital. "Hey there, Ellie. I can see you're already feeling a lot better."

"I know, I am very lucky."

"Me too, anyway I came here to tell you that everything is all set and your discharge papers are right here. I would recommend you stay with someone until you are ready to return to work. Just take it easy when coming home, alright?"

"No problem. Thanks, Doctor."

"You're welcome."

Ellie signed her discharge papers and they removed the IV before they brought a wheelchair for her and Penny pushed the chair Ellie was in all the way to Venus. It was a long walk to the car park, but by the time they reached the entrance, they can see Venus in the same parking space and Penny helped Ellie into Venus before pushing the chair back to the building, she got in Venus and they drove back to Pontypandy.

At the Fire Station,

Sam and Elvis were setting up Jupiter for their prank to get Norman back for his pranks on Ellie and the rest of Pontypandy. Sam put the fake spider in Jupiter, and Elvis stored the items he used for the bag of tricks around the station and waited until Venus came back to put the empty bag in. "Sam, do you think Ellie would be impressed with our setup for what Norman Price is about to get?" asked Elvis.

"I'm sure she'll be impressed, Elvis."

"Right, Sam."

"Erm, how long until they come back, sir?" Sam asked the station officer.

"They should be back at the Fire Station in about 15 minutes."

"Thank you, sir."

"Right at you, Sam."

"Ok, I think that should be good enough."

"Ooh, wait until Norman gets the pranks back at him." Elvis chimed cheerfully.

"I know, Elvis. Why don't we put on the kettle while we wait."

Sam and Elvis left the kitchen to make some tea while Arnold was in the lounge waiting for Ellie and Penny with Venus. just then, the Station alarm went off without them noticing. Station Officer Steele came on the PA System. "Derek Price is stuck in a fox hole."

"I'll go deal with this one, I'll take Mercury." Sam called as he left.

Elvis and Arnold watched as Mercury left. they were thinking how Derek got there in the first place.

Out on the road in Pontypandy,

Penny and Ellie were passing by the flood's house when Ellie saw Mandy outside with Helen. Helen and Mandy waved to them and they waved back. It wasn't long until they turned on the road towards the station, Penny passed Mercury with Sam driving by. "Wonder where Sam's off too?" Ellie asked.

"Probably Norman or Derek. One of them ended up stuck again."

"Oh, I hope Sam tells them it better not happen again."

"I don't think he heard something like that before."

"Well, it's not his first time doing this."

They were just seeing the Fire Station and Penny drove ahead and the bay door opened. She reversed Venus and parked their fire tender. Ellie got out carefully and Penny was on the other side. They both walked up to find Elvis, Arnold, and Station Officer Steele in the kitchen. "Welcome home, Firefighter Phillips." Station Officer Steele said cheerfully.

"Thanks, guys, but I think we would wait for Sam until we can start."

Just as they were enjoying some tea, they noticed Sam come back with Mercury. He must've been finished in record time with Derek, it's not the first time one of the Prices would be stuck again. Sam got off Mercury and stored his helmet. He went upstairs and saw everyone in the kitchen. "Welcome home, Ellie." Sam called as he picked up the remote.

"Thanks for looking after me, Sam."

"It's not a problem, Ellie. That's part of what we do."

"I know, Sam. Arnold did the same to me when I was at the Newtown academy."

"That I heard."

"Oh, I already told him, Ellie." Arnold chimed.

"Guys, I think Norman's here." Elvis called peeking at the window.

"You're right." Station Officer Steele added.

"Right, it's go time." Sam replied.

All of the firefighters hid in separate corners of the station and waited for the big moment to arrive. They were so excited to get him back for the pranks he has done to them. Ellie was very happy that she was home and hid with Penny to avoid getting caught by the troublemaker.

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